MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 654 The information that the devil is about to attack the royal capital

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  Chapter 654 Information about the Devil’s upcoming attack on the capital

  Hearing Demiurge's explanation, whether it was Cocytus or Sebastian, they all looked at Yuto with admiration at this moment.

  As for Momonga's mouth, it had been slightly open since just now, and it didn't return to its usual majesty until the forced calm buff came up.

   "That's right, I really want to include the Re-Estage Kingdom as a subsidiary force of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, and I have already started planning.

  Since the Great Tomb of Nazarick has come to another world, it is impossible to keep it isolated from the world.

  The world's largest group, and the dominant ones, are always humans.

  If you want to complete the rule and kill all the humans and other creatures in this world, this is the worst method, and it is easy to make too many enemies.

  The Kingdom of Ri Yestiger is the first subject of the experiment. If the plan can be successfully implemented, it will naturally be possible to follow suit for other countries in the future. "

   "And there is actually another advantage to doing this, that is, we who control the Kingdom of Re-Estij can always hide in the dark.

  Even if we are facing the Theocracy of Slane, we can also use the Kingdom of Li Yestige to collide with it, and then provide assistance to the kingdom, maintaining a sufficient sense of mystery on the enemy side. "

   After Yuto and Demiurge's interactive explanation, everyone including Momonga and others have fully understood, and Momonga also agreed with this plan.

   As for Sebastian's loyalty, after some tests, it was confirmed that there was no problem.

   Before Momonga left, he asked Sebastian and Suo Liuxiang to cooperate with Yuto. As for now, he has to go back and design a script with Demiurge, waiting for a scene of a hero who saves the country.

  Climb is the personal bodyguard of the golden princess Lana. He was rescued by the princess since he was a child, and he has already vowed to protect Her Royal Highness with his life.

  The blond boy is not only hard-working and passionate, but also helpful. Although he is an ordinary commoner, he is extremely trusted by the princess.

   If you want to talk about encounters, but some are like Gazef Stronov, the strongest warrior commander in the kingdom. Both of them are of common origin, except that one is loyal to the king and the other is to the princess.

  However, the only difference between the two is that Gazef Stronov is the strongest warrior commander in the kingdom, and his talent for swordsmanship is even more outstanding, unmatched by anyone in the whole kingdom.

   However, although the young Climb vowed to protect the princess all his life, and he also worked extremely hard, but because he has never been talented in swordsmanship, his strength has always been mediocre.

   Climb, who finished his patrol mission today, came to a tavern, where he met Gagaran and Ibiruai from Blue Rose.

  In other words, it wasn’t a coincidence that Climb would come here, but he was called here.

  Because Lana has a good relationship with "Blue Rose", Climb, who is the princess' bodyguard, is quite familiar with everyone in "Blue Rose".

  In the past, Climb asked the people of "Blue Rose" for help in order to make himself stronger, but the result was of course nothing.

   Among them, Ibiruai even bluntly stated that Clem has no talent at all, and no matter how hard he tries, it will be in vain.

   "Geglan, you asked this kid to come here, right?"

   "What does it matter? Maybe "War Ghost" has a way to make this kid stronger?

   Didn’t you also say that? Is that adventurer called Tenshangin Yuuto a mysterious guy that even you can't see through? "

  Warrior Gagaran has a rougher appearance than anyone else, but he is gentler than anyone else in his heart, and she really appreciates Climb who has been working hard.

   "Sorry, I will definitely not cause trouble for you two."

  That's right, the reason why Gagaran and Climb appeared here was entirely because they had an appointment here to meet another adamantite-level adventurer team in the Kingdom, "War Ghosts".

   And Climb has long been fascinated by this team of adventurers who only have two people, but are the same as the highest level of "Blue Rose", and he doesn't want to miss any chance to become stronger.

Just when the few people were chatting, there was a sudden commotion in the tavern. Two handsome men and a woman entered through the door of the tavern. The "Steel Grade" brand for the most advanced adventurers.

  Clem saw two figures gradually approaching them from a distance, and his first impression when he looked at each other was that they were young and good-looking.

  But the other party's age is obviously similar to his own, but he is already the most advanced adamantite-level adventurer, and has made a series of great achievements.

In comparison, he was just an ordinary guard who couldn't be more ordinary. Although he had practiced swordsmanship for many years, he had mastered even the most basic martial arts skills. This made Climb couldn't help sighing that talent was really important. s things.

   "Yuto, and Yuri, long time no see, Lakyus and Tina were supposed to come together.

  But because he suddenly found Bazhi a den that grows banned drugs, in order to avoid the other party being transferred by rumors, he did things in the past. "

   Seeing Yuuto and Yuri who came forward, Gagaran approached and greeted enthusiastically. Because of the matter of the ruins before, the two parties are now considered to be close friends.

  Even Ibiruai, who has always been indifferent, nodded at Yuto and the others as a greeting.

   "Have you found the den of "Eight Fingers"? What a coincidence, before coming here, I also found a place that seems to be a den of Eight Fingers.

  Originally, I also planned to go to investigate after contacting you. "

  The hideout mentioned by Yuto is naturally the place where Chia Renina was caught. Originally, he planned to do it, but he suddenly received a contact from Cang Qiangwei to exchange information, so he appeared here.

   "Should I say that it is you? You have only been in the capital for a few days, and you have already investigated one of Eight Finger's dens. You are as capable as ever.

   Laqius recommended you to the princess, and she was right. With your help, the Eight Fingers should be eradicated soon. "

  Next, Yuto and Ge Gelan also exchanged information. The original purpose of exchanging information was that Cang Qiangwei planned to take care of Yuto and the others who had just arrived in the capital.

  However, who knew that after some exchanges, Ge Gelan and the others discovered that Youdou and the others, who had just arrived in the king, knew no less information than their Cang Qiangwei.

  During the period, You Dou directly broke out a fierce news, saying that he had encountered a powerful demon on the road. After all, after contacting him, he found that the other party's goal was also the capital of Li Estage!

   "How is the opponent's strength? Are you sure the opponent's goal is the royal capital?"

  Because the news was too shocking, even Ibiruai, who had been silent on the side, did not ask without opening his mouth.

   "Very strong! It's the kind that is so strong that it can instantly kill the guardian monsters in the ruins of the thirteen heroes at will.

  As for his purpose, the other party seems to be looking for something in the capital. In short, you'd better let Her Royal Highness make some preparations in advance. "

  (end of this chapter)