MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 623 The Bone King, who is fighting wits with the air

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  Chapter 623 The Bone King Who Fights Wisdom with the Air

  Yuto's intention to leave the Great Tomb of Nazarick for a while was finally known to the other guardians.

   The guardians had no way to refute Yuuto's decision, but they disagreed that Yuuto acted alone, because it was too dangerous.

As Youto said before, the different world they came to is unknown to all the situation here, as one of the only two remaining Supreme Tombs of Nazarick, they are still in danger. what to do?

  Even if you want to go out, you need to bring at least one guardian with you, and keep in touch with the Great Tomb of Nazarick at all times, so that everyone can feel at ease.

  After hearing what Albedo and the others said, Yuto was speechless. He thought that if Momonga stayed in the Nazarick Great Tomb, he should be able to act alone easily.

  But what I didn't expect was that after learning about their purpose, the guardians were still so excited.

   "Guardians or something, as guards or something, it's a bit too overkill, and you also have your own responsibilities.

  If you insist on finding someone to be in charge of contacting, then choose one in the Pleiades star cluster. After all, I am sneaking into the battle, and it is really not suitable for me to go to war. "

  You Dou wants to choose a battle maid from the Pleiades star cluster to accompany her. Originally, as Aurel among the Seven Sisters, she should have the greatest hope.

   After all, it was originally created by You Dou, and she is also the only full-level battle maid in the Pleiades star cluster.

  But because it guards a special area, Yudou can only be chosen among the other six sisters of the Pleiades star cluster.

  For the battle maids of the Pleiades star cluster, they naturally hope that they will be chosen, because for them, being able to act with the Supreme Being is an honor in itself.

   "Then I'll let Yuri Alpha accompany me, and I will keep in touch with the Great Tomb of Nazarick at any time."

  Hearing Yuto's final decision, Yuri Alpha also knelt down on one knee, and then began to order some things to the other sisters beside her.

  Those who have watched the episode of Bone King may have had a profound influence on Narberal, an "entomologist".

  However, as a member of the Pleiades star cluster, the seven sisters are all quite high in appearance.

  Yuri Alpha is not as high as Nalabelle in terms of level, but she is the eldest sister of the Pleiades star cluster and the integrator of the battle maid group.

  Usually, his personality is as strict as his predecessors and has relatively normal values, and he always has a headache because of the problems of other battle maids.

  And there is actually another reason why Yuto chose Yuri, and that is the justice value of this girl. In the Great Tomb of Nazarick, there are very few justice values ​​of 150!

   That's right, it's not negative, it's positive, and there's a value of 150.

   Now I want to be an adventurer, and contact with humans is essential, but if the justice value is too low, I will kill people at every turn, and Yuto is also quite troublesome.

   "Monghama-sama, Yuto-sama, I'm back from investigating around the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

  As the two adults said, the Great Tomb of Nazarick has indeed come to a strange place, and the surrounding area is no longer the previous cemetery and swamp, but a large forest and wasteland.

   "Furthermore, according to Yuto-sama's order, I also investigated whether there are other habitats in the surrounding area.

   As a result, a human village called Karn Village was discovered, which seemed to be being invaded by the army at this moment.

  So I will come back immediately and report to the two supreme beings, asking what should I do next? "

   Just as Yuuto and Yuri were about to leave the Nazarick Tomb, Sebastian also came back to investigate.

  The Great Tomb of Nazarick is surrounded by only Karn Village, which is a small remote village in the kingdom.

  At this time, they are being invaded by the knights of the Bajas Empire, and the real purpose of these imperial knights is to prepare to attract the kingdom's strongest warrior commander, Gazef Stronov.

  As Sebastian, who has the highest justice value in the Great Tomb of Nazarick, he wanted to take action when he saw the villagers being slaughtered.

  Because his setting is like this, just like his creator Taki Mi, he cannot let people in need of help and remain indifferent.

  But after having a strong desire to make a move, Sebastian still tried his best to restrain himself.

  If the opponent is a gangster like a bandit, then Sebas will not hesitate to choose to save him.

  But judging from the opponent's equipment and organization, the people who invaded Ka'en Village were obviously well-trained troops.

And as long as it is an army, it means that the other party must belong to that side. Now that the Great Tomb of Nazarick has just arrived in another world, the situation here is unknown, and Sebas does not want to give Nazarick any trouble because of his personal behavior. The Great Tomb of Salik got into trouble with enemies.

  But because of its setting and super high justice value, Sebas couldn't see nothing, so he rushed back to the Nazarick Tomb as quickly as possible, and reported the situation to the two supreme beings.

  And out of his own selfishness, he said that Kahn Village is the only human habitat near them. If you want to obtain useful information, these people are very important.

   "Indeed, if they are saved, the people of Karn Village should also be grateful to Dade, and they shouldn't hide the information.

   Besides, Momonga, we have just traveled to this world, so we do have some trial products to see if YGGDRASIL's magic and props can be used normally, right? "

  Hearing Yuto's words, Momonga's hollow skull eyes suddenly flashed red.

  That's right, Yuto's words hit the point directly, even though they are all full-level bosses now.

  But if the props and skills in YGGDRASIL cannot be used in this world, then they still play with a hammer.

  The fighter-type job is okay, at least the physique is there, and he can play hand-to-hand combat, but Momonga is a magic caster. If he can't use magic, what is the difference with a salted fish.

   "Albedo, immediately come with me fully armed.

  Sebas, show us the way to the village called Karn Village, just to test YGGDRASIL's skills with those empire knights. "

   "Then I'm taking my leave too. Keep that Karn village as long as you can. Even if it's used as a cover-up to cover the Great Tomb of Nazarick, it's actually not bad."

   Under Sebas' grateful eyes, Yuuto took Yuri and shook his hand and left.

  Afraid of the unexpected Momonga, Albedo, the chief guardian of the Nazarick Great Tomb with the strongest defense, and Sebas the housekeeper followed.

  Even looking at his serious face, he can tell that this guy is serious, but the old bone will soon know that the level of strength in this world is not as high as he imagined.

  Their operation is completely a battle of wits and courage against the air...

  (end of this chapter)