MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 609 His Majesty's special hobby...

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  Chapter 609 His Majesty's special hobby...

   "Did the uncle who acted as your substitute at the Demon King's banquet get killed?

  Although he is still far behind the "Awakened Demon Lord", but he should not be weaker than ordinary demon king monsters, so he was killed like this?

   And even if he is killed, does it have anything to do with what we are going to talk about this time? "

  Yuto had seen Luminas’ double named Valentine before at the Demon King’s Banquet.

  Compared to Luminas herself, there is no comparison, but as Luminas' cadre-level subordinate and the pope of the "Holy French Empire Luberios", he still has strength.

  Estimated conversion, at least it is the level of those ghost subordinates under Limulu.

  "Kleiman also said at the "Devil King's Banquet" before, the demon king Kazalim has already begun to resurrect.

  I didn't pay much attention to that kind of clown at first, but since the other party attacked my subordinates, even the clown naturally couldn't tolerate his provocative behavior towards me. "

  "The Pope finally left a message, and it has been basically determined that the person who attempted to infiltrate the church and intends to know something is a member of the "Mediocre Clown Company".

   Both Kleiman and Kazaream are members of the "Company of Moderate Clowns".

   More importantly, I have obtained accurate information. Although I don't know what the purpose of the "Mediocre Clown Company" is, they are employed by someone. "

   Speaking of this, Luminas deliberately stopped to look at Yuto's expression, but after seeing Yuto's unsurprised expression, she said with a bored expression.

  "That is to say, whether it is Kleiman or Kazalim, they are only employed by others, and there is a more dangerous existence behind them.

   And now not only has it shot the church, but also killed the pope of our church. "

   "So you want to cooperate with us to solve this unknown hidden danger, so you came here specially?"

  Before Luminas finished speaking, Yuto already knew what the other party was thinking, and took the initiative to intervene.

  "That's right, Kleiman is just the outermost puppet, whether it's the pig-headed devil before or controlling Milim.

   It is not necessarily entirely his own idea that he will do these things, and you and the leader of the Jura Great Forest have sabotaged each other's plans in a row, aren't they also being targeted by the other party now?

  Cooperation is beneficial to both of us. Limuru has agreed to reconcile with me, and signed a friendly treaty to deal with "The Moderate Clown Company" and its backside. Now it depends on your attitude. "

  Ruminas didn't pay much attention to Kleiman and the like.

  But it has to be said that Kazaream, as the "Awakened Demon King", if fully revived, is capable of competing with her.

   But this Kazaream, as the "Awakened Demon King", played a role in the whole incident, but only as a subordinate, which made Luminas a little uneasy.

  In recent years, although she has concealed the identity of the Demon King, she managed the "Holy French Empire Luberios" successfully, and even put on the vest of a goddess.

  But only she knows that she doesn't care about everything in the church she controls.

  Just like the previous incident where the church assisted the nations in attacking the "Federation of Demon Kingdom", Luminas just didn't know about it, or after she knew it, it had already happened.

  There is a high-level person named [Elder Qiyao] in the church, and the power in the church is quite high, and it is also the highest combat power of the Western church.

  In the past, Luminas always believed that among all the demon kings, she managed her forces perfectly and had the most powerful subordinates.

   It wasn't until the last "Devil King Banquet", through Kleiman's projection magic and seeing it with her own eyes, that Luminas realized that she was a little too arrogant before.

  Hinata Sakaguchi, who is known as the strongest human being, should be the most powerful Western Church under his command.

  As for the powerhouses at Hinata's level, after Yuuto and Rimuru became the awakened demon kings, there are at least two or three subordinates!

  As for the power of management, whether it is the Kingdom of Farmus or the Federation of Demon Kingdoms, they may not be as powerful as the "Holy Kingdom of France Luberios" and the Western Church.

   But also think about it, how long has Luminas run the church before she pulled up such a camp, and Yuto and Rimuru, as the new demon kings, have only debuted for a long time, and the power of the management is about to overtake her.

  They have a common enemy, and after seeing the terrifying combat power of Yuto and Rimuru, Luminas has no intention of becoming an enemy of the two, so cooperation is the best.

  The countries in the west were all excited when they heard that the sacred "God Luminas" had come to the Kingdom of Farmus.

  They all believed that the Kingdom of Farmus had completely angered the Western Church, so the "God Luminas" would come down in person and prepare to impose divine sanctions on the Demon King of Farmus.

Therefore, the countries around the Kingdom of Farmus have actually secretly assembled their troops, preparing to launch a "jihad" against Farmus after King Farmus, who is the demon king, is sanctioned by the **** Luminas !

   It is said to be in response to the jihad of the Western Church, but in fact it is just the idea of ​​beating the dog in the water.

   Today’s Farmus Kingdom is extremely rich. If the Western Church really gets involved and the Holy French Empire eats meat, it’s okay for them to drink some soup.

  However, contrary to expectations, when the western countries were sharpening their knives and preparing to attack Farmus, the spies from various countries found that the Kingdom of Farmus was calm.

   It is said that after "God Luminas" entered the Farmus Kingdom, he had a happy conversation with the King of the Farmus Kingdom in the room.

  In the end, for the first time, he stayed in the Farmus Kingdom for a few days, and left blessings to many civilians in the Farmus Kingdom, and finally left with satisfaction.

   There was even gossip that God Luminas had been close friends with Yuto from the Farmus Kingdom before, so he knew that the king was a lo*ic*n. This time he came here and left a few expired loli nuns...

  The western countries that were gearing up to take action against the Farmus Kingdom were all dumbfounded after seeing the actions of "God Luminas".

  Because the attitude of "God Luminas" represents the attitude of the entire western church, and the other side has shown a good impression of the Farmus Kingdom, which naturally proves that it has recognized the status of the Farmus Kingdom.

   Like grass on the wall, after the boss took the lead in expressing his favor, other western countries also changed their attitudes towards the Farmus Kingdom in an instant.

  The previous scolding was gone, and instead, they sent envoys to express their friendship to the Kingdom of Farmus graciously.

   And the Kingdom of Farmus has completely become the most powerful kingdom in the West at this moment!

  (end of this chapter)