MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 601 I, Rimuru, am finally a man!

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  Chapter 601 I, Limuru, am finally a man!

  However, it is a pity that even Ramiris, who is the "Fairy Queen", and Veldora, who is a brother of Star King Dragon Veldonaparte, don't know Yuto's so-called "simulated star creation map".

  At this moment, they looked at the huge star map that appeared in the sky, and their expressions were full of curiosity.

   "I understand, the source of this power is his body!"

  Looking at the starry sky emerging from behind Yuuto, so as to have the pose he is posing now (Veludra thinks).

  Seeing Veludra's suddenly enlightened expression, the other demon kings present and Rimuru also cooperated to set their eyes on each other, waiting for his next words.

  Although they don't know the power Yuuto is using now, Veldora might really know something.

  After all, he is also the younger brother of the Star Dragon King, one of the only four pure-blooded dragon species left in the world, and his personality is simply not too high.

   I saw Veludra next, looking at Yuto in the air with excitement and excitement, then pointed to the star map behind Yuto and said: "This is the power of the small universe!

  Yuto ignited his own small universe, and now there are only two saints left before he can use Athena's wonder! "

  Rimru: He was an idiot who believed in Veldora for a moment just now, and he must reduce Veldora's contact with manga and other things in the future.

   This storm dragon seems to have been raised and disabled, and it is comparable to the pink-eyed family in a certain studio next door.

   What made Limuru even more speechless was that, regarding Veludra's words, the other demon kings present all showed an unaware expression.

  That's right, although they don't know what a "small universe explosion" is, Yuto's current state is indeed quite strong.

  And the star map behind it, at the moment, does look like a small universe.

   But this is not surprising, after all, what the "Simulated Star Creation Map" itself represents is a cosmology.

   "As expected of Master, you know everything. Can we also learn this powerful power?"

  The salty fish and idiot Ramiris circled around Veludra with admiration on her face. She had already imagined the picture of herself learning "Small Cosmic Explosion", fully recovering her power, and beating Milim and Guy.

   "I didn't expect Yuto to be able to learn the moves in the manga.

   But with my relationship with Rimuru, if I ask for advice later, he should be willing to teach me.

  At that time, with the addition of Limuru and the other three, we will be able to use Athena's surprise. Even if the eldest brother is alive, he is not our opponent, hahahahahaha. "

  Veludra put his hands on his hips, and he seemed to have made up a picture in his mind, and he was even thinking about what posture he should take at that time.

   After all, when a saint fighter uses a move, he will perform a signature move.

   "How cunning, take me too, I want to use Athena to marvel!"

  Looking at the happily interacting Veludra and Ramiris, Rimuru couldn't bear to look directly at these two idiots.

  He discovered a characteristic, the demon kings in this world are not normal people, and the longer the monsters live, the more IQ they owe.

  Milim is like this, Verudra is like this, and Ramiris is also like this, as if they are trading IQ for lifespan...

  In the air, with the star map behind You Dou fully unfolded, the power of simulating the star map also started to activate.

   The one who bears the brunt is Milim who is the closest to Yuto.

   Milim, who was stagnant in the air, was only curious about the power of Yuto, but when the light of the simulated star creation map shrouded her, she realized that something was wrong.

  Milim can feel that the power in her body is draining! Whether it's the amount of magic essence he has, or his super strong physical fitness before.

   And soon, the other demon kings who were originally staying below to watch the show as the melon-eaters, after Milim, soon felt what happened to themselves.

   Except for Leon, who became a demon king as a human being, the other demon kings could feel that their magic energy and physique had been weakened at an epic level.

   Even some of the innate abilities that were originally very good at have all disappeared at this moment!

  Like Fleur as the queen of the sky, at this moment, even the wings on her back are gradually disappearing.

  Like Luminas, as the top vampire, now she finds that she doesn't even have the ability to "embrace blood"!

   Undoubtedly, the sudden change directly made everyone present feel uneasy.

  Of course, not everyone is unhappy, at least for a certain group of jelly, his current expression can be described as a pleasant surprise!

  No mistake, as one of the people present, Limulu was naturally affected to some extent.

  But because a monster like slime is not a powerful monster, the amount of magic essence he reduced was not much.

  Compared to losing the amount of magic essence, what is uncomfortable is some resistances such as "sharp immunity".

   But compared to these resistances, Limulu feels that she has gained more!

   As we all know, slimes have no gender, and Yuto's "Simulated Star Creation Map·Hyakki Night Walk" can forcibly transform the races in the area into humans.

   That is to say, Limuru's race has now changed from slime to human.

   Most importantly, genderless slimes now finally have gender!

  Just like this moment, Limuru has felt the existence of her little brother for a long time.

  When other people come to another world, they hug each other from left to right, surrounded by beauties. When it comes to me, although the situation is similar, no matter how many beauties there are, slimes always have this fatal flaw.

but! Now this fatal shortcoming has been made up for, and now he is no longer the decadent uncle before, but a handsome young man with both strength and good looks. Limulu's mood at this moment is a hundred times happier than when he woke up before!

  Compared with the fact that his little brother came back, he lost some strength. Even if he lost half of his strength, Limulu felt that this wave was not a loss at all.

   "This should be Yuto's so-called 'last resort', which can make the races in the surrounding area lose the bonus of their own racial abilities.

   And it's not a designated skill, but an area-based halo skill. Judging from Leon's ability to not be affected, we should all become human races now. "

  This analysis result is the result of the "King of Wisdom" analyzing the status quo, and Limulu looked at the panicked crowd, and quickly stood up and explained.

   "Forcibly depriving other races of their natural abilities and bonuses, such a perverted ability!

   Is this ability temporary or permanent? We are all demon kings, now that we have become humans, can we still be considered demon kings? "

  The strength has been greatly weakened, and naturally no one will not care, so everyone looked at Limulu and asked.

  (end of this chapter)