MTL - From Becoming the Master of Monsters-Chapter 594 You are not under control!

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  Chapter 594 You are not under control!

(Thanks to Yeyu Mei'an, and everyone's many rewards recently, but at present, the double-opening is temporarily unable to add updates, and the manuscript has been used up before saving. The update can only keep the status quo for the time being. I will definitely add more when I have time. of (▽`)

  The turbulent amount of mana was like a ferocious beast that had escaped from its cage, roaring wantonly to the surroundings, and the huge amount of mana also set off a powerful storm, which directly swept towards the surroundings.

  As a demon king who had never had anything to do with himself before watching the show, seeing Yuuto at this moment, his expression was obviously extremely surprised.

   "Not only awakened, but also has such an astonishing amount of magic essence?

   It's no wonder that he just said that at the beginning. With this amount of magic essence, even among all the demon kings present, there should not be more than three people who can suppress him. "

  Looking at Yuto who was in the center of the magic energy storm, Leon gave an extremely pertinent evaluation.

   "It's really strong. A third-rate demon king like me, if he joins in, he will be instantly killed."

  Dino looked at Milim and Yuto in battle, opened his sleepy eyes slightly, and said listlessly.

   "It's indeed quite a powerful force, but it's just that, if you want to stop Milim, it's not that simple."

  Guy's red eyes were also fixed on Yuto, whose appearance had changed greatly, and he shook the red wine glass in his hand calmly, watching the situation and said so.

  Yu Dou in the enchantment, after entering the current best state, first inserted Shenyou into the ground in front of him, and then his figure disappeared almost instantly on the spot.

   When it reappeared, the person had already come behind Limuru, clasped his hands together into a hammer, and smashed directly at the back of Milim's head.

  Probably did not expect Yuto's speed to increase so much in an instant.

So at that moment, although Milim's consciousness kept up with Yuto's sudden surge, her body couldn't keep up. After eating Yuto's violent hammer, Milim's body was like a star Like a cannonball, it fell from the sky at high speed.


Accompanied by the shaking of the ground under everyone's feet, a huge sound also echoed around, around Guy's castle strengthened by various magics, and under Yuuto's blow, a huge abyss was also formed on the ground. pits.

And Yuuto, who knocked Milim down from the air with a single blow, disappeared again in a flash in the air, and appeared on the ground at the beginning. hand forward.

   "The Sixty-Three of Binding Dao: Chain Binding!"

  The luminous chains burst out from Yuto's hand, and shot at the same time in an instant. At this moment, they were still in the deep pit filled with sand and dust, completely restraining Milim's body.

  Then Yuto, who was responsible for all of this, raised Shenyou in his right hand again, and in the state of "Sword Spirit Liberation", the flames began to wrap around the blade of Shenyou.

   "Fenglin Volcanic Flow—Aggression Like Fire Greedy Wolf!"

  The moment the blade cut through the air, the air in the entire enchantment seemed to become extremely hot in an instant. The flames at the beginning seemed to have obtained some kind of fuel, and in an instant it became a raging fire.

  The moment the blade was swung, accompanied by a high-pitched wolf howl, a mighty and extraordinary flame giant wolf also stepped on the ground with sparks, and rushed directly towards the bound Milim!

   It was clearly a slash, and the giant flame wolf was also an elemental creature, but everyone had the illusion that the lifelike flame giant wolf in front of them was an extremely powerful monster.

   "Yuto, you are serious, Milim is just being controlled, you are going to kill her!"

  Looking at Yuuto, who was clearly on fire, Rimuru was fighting Kleiman while not forgetting to pay attention to Yuuto's state, telling him to calm down a bit.

   "Nonsense, if I don't take it seriously, I will be beaten to death. As for the Milim you said will be killed?

   This is completely impossible. Against Milim, it is only my responsibility to risk her life. It is impossible for her to be in danger. "

  As if to verify what Yuto said was correct, Milim, who was originally bound by chains, suddenly burst out with extremely powerful magic energy.

  Those chains that had been sent after that were all violently broken by Milim in an instant.

   Then looking at the roaring flaming giant wolf that was rushing towards her, Milim's expressionless face suddenly raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

  The giant flame wolf, nearly ten meters tall and roaring with a heat wave, didn't make Milim retreat or dodge.

  After the pink-haired Lolita Demon King broke the chain, his body smashed the ground under his feet in an instant, and he took the initiative to meet the oncoming flame giant wolf.

  Before the greedy wolf opened its **** mouth towards Milim, Milim had already strangled the flame giant wolf's neck.

   Then, torn apart by a burst of violence, the mighty flame giant wolf, which hadn't made any achievements yet, exploded directly on the spot with a miserable howl.

   Raging flames swept all around, and Milly Moo was obviously in the center of the flame explosion, but her extremely high resistance caused her to suffer quite a small amount of damage.

   "Milim, you are not controlled by Kleiman at all!"

  Even after tearing Greedy Wolf apart, Milim quickly assumed the previous expressionless state.

  But now Yuuto is in the state of "Sword Spirit Liberation", and his five senses are far beyond ordinary people. The corner of Milim's mouth just now was still caught by him.

  And the current Milim is different from the beginning, Yuto can clearly feel that although this guy is expressionless now, his emotions and fighting spirit are obviously very high.

   This is simply not the emotion that a person whose mind is under control should have.

   "Is it still discovered? It's all because Yuto's strength is too strong, which makes me inevitably excited.

  Although he fought before, but before Yuto used his current state, he was blocked by Rimuru and ended hastily.

   Sure enough, Yuto is really strong! Not only is the amount of magic essence strong, but even the power of the moves is stronger than the limit of one's own strength. "

   Seeing Yuto's serious and affirmative expression, Milim also knew that she couldn't pretend anymore, so she could only admit it with her tongue out.

   On the other side, Limuru and Kleiman, who heard Milim admit that they were not controlled by Kleiman, were obviously also in a state of being surrounded.

  Kleiman said it was impossible as if he was autistic, while Rimuru kept apologizing to the "King of Wisdom" in his body, saying that he just said that it was a "knockoff" because he was misled by Yuto.

   "Although it has been exposed, the battle between us will continue, Yuuto.

   Limuru's side is more than enough to deal with Kleiman, so let's quickly decide the winner. "

   Meeting a strong opponent after a long absence, Milim was obviously extremely excited, and even now she was somewhat grateful to Kleiman. Otherwise, You Dou might not have fought with her for so long.

   "I refuse! You are obviously stronger than me, and you just want to abuse food!"

   "There is no way to solve it, because I have just accepted Kleiman's 'order' and used the power of the "King of Wrath"."

  (end of this chapter)