MTL - Forced To Survive-Chapter 65 born evil

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Yun Ranran fainted as usual.

Why is this guy always talking about...

She is very principled, she only intends to tease three...

White snowflakes were still falling profusely on the top of her head, Luo Yu had died countless times, how could she have so many substitute paper figurines.

Yun Ranran thought that no matter how many things there are, there will always be a moment when they are used up. At that time, she should die, right?

After a while, Luo Yu, who was constantly reshaping and dying, finally stopped. After the last blast, she never reshaped again.

The place where Luo Yu was standing was empty, only the dirt on the ground and the heavy snow all over the sky.

Is she dead?

Yun Ranran was not sure, this guy was too strange, she thought about it, and took out the jade pendant.

"Is my catastrophe still there?"

Yupei felt slightly hot.

【One and a half months later, you will be stabbed to death by Luo Yu on the Taihua Zong Zhuxian Terrace. 】

This catastrophe is still there, it seems that Luo Yu has not completely died, she must have some concealment method, or there is something behind her.

Suddenly someone pinched her cheek lightly, pulling her back who turned her head away, the man said dissatisfiedly: "Missed."

Yun Ranran let out an "oh" and was taken aback for a moment, only then did she realize that there were only the two of them in the entire barrier.

Just the two of them...

This realization made her tense immediately, even her body became tense unconsciously.

The man held her sweaty little hand and led her away from this **** place.

The whole village was shrouded in a faint mist of blood, only the moonlight was clear.

He led her all the way, not knowing where to go.

The moonlight stretched the figures of the two people very long.

The man looked sideways at the girl and asked, "Why didn't you leave just now?"

Just now, did you mean the moment when he was controlled?

Yun Ranran looked up at him: "Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

The man said: "The truth."

Yun Ranran said seriously: "At that time you were holding my hand, I couldn't run away, I couldn't beat you, I can only try to influence you."

The man was slightly disappointed. He turned his face away and looked into the distance. He didn't speak for a long time. After being bored for a while, he still couldn't help turning his face and asked, "What about the lies?"

Yun Ranran was originally looking at him, but she looked away when she heard his question. She looked ahead and said quickly, "I don't want to leave you behind."

The man was slightly taken aback, stopped, pulled back the little girl who was walking forward, pressed her into his arms and asked, "Which sentence is the truth?"

Yun Ranran whispered: "Whichever sentence is more reasonable is the truth."

The man flicked her head lightly, narrowed his eyes and said, "Tell me the truth."

This was a threat, Yun Ranran had no choice but to say: "I don't want to abandon you, I don't want you to become Luo Yu's puppet."

The man pursed his lips and smiled, and asked, "Why didn't you say that just now?"

Yun Ranran said helplessly: "How long have we known each other? Even if I tell you, you can't believe it. You must think that I am a liar full of lies."

In the past it was indeed unbelief.

How could there be such a person in this world.


He pinched her face and said softly, "Now I believe it."

Yun Ranran was stunned, and then looked at him worriedly: "Hey, you look very smart, but you are unexpectedly innocent, no matter what you do, you will believe it."


He bent down and picked her up horizontally, as if to throw her away.

Yun Ranran thought, with his supernatural powers, she might not know where to throw them, it was dark everywhere, and it was not safe anywhere, so she hugged his neck tightly and said with a pale face: "Wrong, I am not sensible."

He chuckled, hugged her and walked forward again.

The road in the village was not long, and soon came to the end. At the end, there was a gray tile-roofed house with a yard. He pushed the door and walked in. Walking through the gravel road overgrown with weeds, he pushed open the wooden door of the room.

The room was very clean, and fluorescent stones were thrown around to illuminate the room. There was a bamboo bed covered with white cotton mattress, which looked thick and fluffy.

The man put her on the quilt, Yun Ranran was somewhat uneasy, sitting like a quail, and asked tentatively: "Is there any other room?"

The man squatted in front of her, looked up at her, with a half-smile: "It's gone."

Yun Ranran froze, and said in a low voice: "For us cultivators, whether we sleep or not is actually not very important."

The man touched her collarbone with his fingertips, his eyes darkened: "Naturally, you have to sleep."

Yun Ranran's fingers twisted together unconsciously.

The man pointed to the **** clothes on her body, implying: "Wash it first."

Before Yun Ranran could say anything else, he got up and went out. After a while, he came in with a large wooden bucket, which contained clear water, and the water was still steaming.

Yun Ranran really couldn't figure out where he got the water.

The man put the bucket on the ground, and came to the bedside to hug her. Yun Ranran couldn't agree, and resisted: "I'll do it myself, you go out."

The man looked at her with raised eyebrows, and she also stared at him stubbornly.

After a while, the man was still defeated. He turned and walked out the door, closing the wooden door with a "bang".

Yun Ranran actually wanted to take a bath, but the **** clothes were torn and sticky, she had had enough, so she walked lightly to the side of the barrel, and was about to take off her clothes, but she was still a little worried, so she couldn't help but move to the door Outside, I want to see where he is through the crack of the door.

Just as he was about to watch, a man's playful voice sounded.

"If you don't wash, I'll come in."

Yun Ranran blushed, didn't look at it, ran back to the barrel, took off the **** clothes, and tiptoed into the barrel.

The heat was just right, and she sighed comfortably.

But after only soaking for a while, there was blood and dust on her body, and the first bucket of water was soon stained blood red, and seeing that it was useless, she was naturally embarrassed to ask him to change the water again, and when she was about to wash it out casually, the door The person outside said: "There are clothes in the closet, put them on, I'll come in."

She panicked and immediately jumped out of the bucket. Regardless of her wetness, she hurriedly opened the wooden cabinet next to the bed, took out a piece of clothing, and put it on. The soft cloth was against her skin, and it was cold, so she didn't care about it. Pull the belt and fasten it directly. As soon as it is fastened, the wooden door is pushed open.

She was startled, and instinctively stepped back, bumping into the wooden cabinet behind her, making a "bang".

The man smiled, and walked in with another wooden bucket, which was placed on the ground. The water in the wooden bucket was rippling and spilled a lot on the ground.

He turned to look at the little girl by the cabinet, she was petite and petite, wearing his oversized clothes, the belt was tied in a hurry, a little messy, her arms were trying to stick out from the overlong sleeves, and the excess was piled up between her wrists , two white and slender legs were exposed in the air, stained with water drops, before they had time to put on boots, they stepped on the floor with bare feet.

His jet-black hair was dripping wet, and his pretty face and neck were also covered with water drops. His big eyes looked at him vigilantly and terrified, as if he was some kind of man-eating beast.

He looked at her small face, and suddenly remembered that she should not be wearing anything under this messy clothes...

His sight suddenly deepened.

Yun Ranran tugged on her collar, and said with flushed cheeks, "Get out!"

She thought about it, and felt that if she got angry, she would not be able to beat her, so she added weakly: "Or, I'll go out."

The man felt that he should hide in the cupboard if he was forced again, and walked out of the room with a smile and holding the dirty bucket of water.

Yun Ranran breathed a sigh of relief when he brought him to the door. She didn't wipe her body just now, but now his clothes were already wet, and it was really uncomfortable to stick to her body. She didn't care so much, so she simply took off and put on Dip yourself in a bucket of water.

This time it was much more comfortable. She only showed her head, and she drilled back and forth in the wooden barrel, making a cheerful splashing sound.

The full moon was bright and clear, casting light frost on the overgrown weeds in the yard.

Dead vines are entwined on the damaged brick walls, withered petals have dried up and turned into muddy colors, and the dead branches and fallen leaves all over the garden are entangled with wildly growing weeds, which is extraordinarily desolate and lonely.

The man in red was sitting at the broken stone table, like a lonely ghost.

He had lost count of the number of such nights.

He sat here alone, watching the moon wax and wane, and listening to the wind blowing the weeds, he cried.

It seems to be used to it, but it seems not.

Suddenly there was the sound of splashing water in the room.

He turned his gaze and saw a warm orange light lit up in his dark and cold room.

There are cheerful sounds of water and the little girl's comfortable sighs.

That light was incompatible with this lonely deserted village.

It is the warmth that has never been felt in these years.

Sitting in the dark and cold courtyard, he felt that what was in front of him was a dream.

Is it because I have been here for a long time that I have hallucinations?

How could anyone in this world follow him so unsuspectingly after hearing those rumors? Say something that you don't want to give up, is it a lie?

It's fake...

It's impossible for someone to...

The orange light came out warmly, like the light of salvation, but also like a trap falling into the abyss.

Sitting on the stone chair, he felt that everything was ridiculous.

There was a clear difference between the coldness here and the warmth there, and he suddenly lost the courage to walk over there.

Lonely ghosts should be in the...

The wooden door suddenly opened with a "bang chi", and the light inside the door suddenly shone, dispelling the darkness in the courtyard.

The little girl only opened the door a small crack because of her shyness, revealing her head and half of her body. She blushed and looked at him shyly.

"I'm done washing, do you want to... come in?"

He was slightly taken aback.

She was wearing clean clothes dug out from his closet, which were baggy and fit her petite and exquisite appearance.

The jet-black hair was hanging down wetly, making the little face appear white and translucent, and the pair of black eyes were even more aura and moving.

The dress is complements her fair complexion.

He felt like she was his little bride.

Seeing that he didn't respond for a long time, the little girl was secretly delighted, but she didn't dare to show it too obviously, and asked tentatively, "Are you going to sleep outside tonight?"

He was amused by the joy she didn't hide very well, and immediately took a long leg, walked to the door in a few steps, hugged the startled little girl, slammed the door behind his back, and said in her ear: "It's quite a thought." beautiful."

Woo... dreams broken...

The man hugged her, and soon approached the bed, sat on the bed by himself, and hugged her across his lap.

He reached out to take the veil, placed it gently on top of her head, and began to wipe her hair.

Yun Ranran wanted to say, in fact, it can be dried with spiritual power, and it is fast.

But as soon as she raised her head, she saw his eyes through the messy hair and veil, and suddenly she couldn't bear it.

He seems to be... a little happy...

So she lowered her head and obediently let him wipe it off.

The head shook slightly under his fingertips, which was very comfortable, and she gradually became a little confused, and as soon as her body softened, she fell on his chest.

I heard him ask in a trance.

"Will you still stay by my side at dawn tomorrow?"

She wanted to tell him yes, but she was so drowsy that she couldn't speak. She barely opened her eyes and saw his sad eyes.

Why does this man look so sad.

She couldn't bear it, and wanted to reach out to cover his eyes, but the tiredness hit her heavily, and she gradually lost consciousness.


Noisy footsteps sounded in her ears, and she felt cramped and uncomfortable, unable to stretch her arms and limbs, as if someone had been stuffed into a certain water tank...

She worked hard for a long time, and finally opened her eyes. It was pitch black in front of her eyes. She was indeed curled up inside something cramped. She stretched out her hand and knocked, making a dull "hum" sound.

Really a tank.

Isn't she being wiped by a man's hair? How could it be stuffed into such a thing? what on earth is it?

She suppressed the panic in her heart and tried to sort out her thoughts.

It was noisy outside, running everywhere, with exclamations, cries, and slamming doors.

She tried to raise her head, and found that there was a hard and heavy thing above her head. Is it the cylinder head?

She straightened her arms with difficulty, intending to lift the cylinder head and leave this place first, but just when her fingers were about to touch the cylinder head, the cylinder head was lifted up suddenly.

The light penetrated into the cylinder for an instant.

The light made her feel a little uncomfortable, she slowed down a little, and met the weeping and haggard face of a middle-aged woman, the woman said to her in panic: "Ping'er, don't come out if you hide here, don't let that found."

Apple? Who is Apple? This woman calls herself Ping'er?

The woman looked outside, shedding tears with a pale face: "I knew I shouldn't save him, how could the devil soften his heart."

"You wait here, I'll go to rescue the soldiers, remember, no matter what you hear, don't come out."

After the woman finished speaking, she lowered the cylinder head, and the light was covered for a moment, and she was immersed in the darkness again.

This woman is very close to this Ping'er, probably Ping'er's mother.

Soon, she heard the sound of the door closing, she couldn't sit here and wait for death, she had to find out what happened.

She stretched out her hand and pushed open the tank cover, climbed out of the water tank with difficulty, and then saw the room clearly.

Some familiar...

Isn't this a deserted village in the enchantment? Although the current room is clean and bright, with complete cabinets and tables, judging from the structure and layout, it is the deserted village she entered.

Was there someone in the village?

She looked at the wall, it was clean without blood stains.

If this is the case, is it now a deserted village more than ten years ago?

Could it be that she accidentally entered the memory fragments of this villager named Ping'er?

Thinking about it this way, it was possible. She thought it was strange to have a deserted village in the barrier.

Now that I have come in, I am more sure that something must have happened in the past.

But now Ping'er's consciousness has been compressed so much that she can't read any useful information, so she can only temporarily rely on her own deduction and move forward step by step.

She thought about it carefully, and vaguely remembered what the woman said about the devil. There was a commotion outside just now, but now it is eerily quiet.

She walked to the door and was about to reach out to open it, when a small bell rang in her ears.

Bells, bells, echoed in the wind.

The outstretched hand froze on the door, and she was overwhelmed by great fear in an instant. She didn't dare to move, and the blood all over her body froze.

Survival instinct made her dare not make the slightest sound.

Immediately afterwards, she heard the ringing of the bell gradually approaching, and finally stopped outside the door.

The man was standing outside the door.

Her pupils constricted suddenly, her teeth trembled uncontrollably, and her body was pinned in place, unable to move.


She heard the sound of cloth rubbing, it seemed that he raised his hand, he was going to push the door open, she couldn't suppress the scream in her throat, and desperately covered her mouth.

At this moment, the sound of the vase shattering came from not far away. Someone must have been too nervous and knocked it down.

The bell rang again outside the door, and the man left.

Not long after, she heard a scream and a "bang".

someone died...

Her throat tightened, the ringtone, and that familiar killing technique...

Could it be that the devil that woman was talking about just now was the Demon Lord in Red? The one who wiped her hair?

It's not impossible to imagine, after all, she has seen it with her own eyes...

She managed to slow down, and when her body functions recovered, she planned to go out and have a look.

The sound of the bell had disappeared for a long time, she quietly opened the door panel and slid out through the gap.

As soon as he went out, the whole person was stunned.

I saw bloodstains and broken corpses everywhere in the village, all of them were grisly and hideous. Judging from their clothes, they should be villagers of the village.

And just in front of her own house, lay a **** woman. Judging from her clothes, she was the middle-aged woman who had just talked to her.

My heart is inevitably shocked.

The way of death is so similar, could it be that person did it? But why did he kill the whole village?

While she was thinking wildly, someone grabbed her arm in a hurry, she turned her head suddenly, and found that it was a young man, Ping'er's vague memory told her that this young man was called Hu Zi, and he had a good relationship with her.

Hu Zi was covered in blood, grabbed her arm, and said while running: "Go quickly, hide in the protective barrier, the rest of the people are there, we can only escape this catastrophe if we get together, everyone The people at the door have already prepared a sealing barrier outside, as long as we can last until the sealing barrier is completed and completely seal this evil spirit, we can escape from this place."

Huzi pulled her all the way out of the village, and quickly fled into the forest of the back mountain. A thick protective barrier was erected in the forest. Huzi raised his hand and broke through it, leading her into the forest.

There were many people staying in the barrier, men and women, old and young, all of them looked terrified and emaciated.

The village chief was a dark-skinned middle-aged man named Zhu Qi. He sat in the center with a heavy face. The villagers crowded around him and asked, "How? Can we get out alive? That evil spirit has already been slaughtered." Half-village."

The village chief said solemnly: "The news has already been passed on, we just wait for the major sects to come to rescue us, there is nothing else we can do."

"What if it doesn't come in time? Do we all have to die here?"

The village chief didn't speak, and the atmosphere in the barrier suddenly became gloomy because of these words.

Some people hid in the corner and cried softly, while others covered their faces in despair.

Huzi said with red eyes: "I knew it would be better if I killed him earlier. Why did I have to save him? How could he be influenced by a natural evil like him? He paid so much and ended up like this."

Someone followed and said, "That's right, when Canglong sent him as a hostage, he shouldn't have stayed."

Everyone was chattering, and I started talking as soon as you said something.

Yun Ranran sat in the corner, listened very carefully, and then roughly understood what happened.

A few years ago, a great war broke out in the Demon Realm and the Spirit Realm, and ended with the Demon Realm retreating steadily. In order to save his life, the Demon Lord Canglong sent one of his sons as a proton.

It was the eldest son Cang Jue, who was about eight years old when he was sent here.

Cang Jue, a demon, is different from other demon cultivators. His cultivation has grown extremely fast at a young age, and the general elders in the sect are no match for him.

When he first came, all the major sects were discussing about killing him directly, fearing that Canglong would take the opportunity to cause trouble. If he didn't kill him, it would be a disaster if he kept it. If this child has revenge, the spirit world may suffer catastrophe.

Moreover, the one sent by Canglong, with the viciousness of that old thing, this Cang Jue is by no means a kind person.

Later, it was Taihua Immortal and Jikong Immortal Li Bao from Penglai Island, saying that they are so young and good-natured, so there will be no major problems. If everyone is worried, they can live together and observe for a while.

Therefore, after discussions among the various sects in the spiritual realm, Cang Jue was placed in Baicao Village not far from Xiaoyaozong.

Cang Jue was put on a collar that restricted his cultivation, and began to live with the villagers.

The villagers were afraid of him at first, but later they found that the boy was quiet and mild-tempered, so they gradually got to know him and took good care of him.

Ten years have passed without incident like this, and just after everyone thought that there would be no problems, today he tore off his disguise, exposed his true nature, and started killing, almost killing all the people in the village.

Whether it's the playmates he grew up with, the aunt who often brought him meals, or the husband who taught him how to write, there is no exception.

With unresolved hatred and wanton growth of evil thoughts, he turned Baicao Village into a purgatory on earth.

Only then did everyone realize that his purpose in coming here was to take revenge on the spirit world.

He endured for ten years, pretending to be well-behaved, and was constantly accumulating strength, waiting for the day when he could break through the shackles. Suddenly, the guarding elders combined were no match for him, and they were easily killed by him.

His white clothes were stained with blood, like a Shura ghost.

Wherever it went, it was wiped out, and no one survived.

Ten years of warmth can't warm a cold heart, he doesn't have the slightest ability to empathize, he is an out-and-out evil spirit.

Just when everyone denounced it one after another.

A bell rang in my ear.

Everyone's faces turned pale at that moment, and the village chief stood up nervously.

Everyone stared at the direction where Lingyin appeared in fear, trembling and speechless.

Yun Ranran was also stiff all over, and just when the strings in her head were so tense that it was about to break, someone slowly appeared in front of her eyes.

Step by step, the bell rang.

His white clothes were completely stained red with blood, and blood was still dripping from his soaked coat.

He wore a broken ghost face and hummed a light tune.

Slowly and tortured, he walked in front of everyone.

He tilted his head, grinned, then stretched out his palm, and with a weak grip, the barrier was easily torn apart like paper.

Everyone screamed again and again, not daring to stay for a moment, they set up the escape lights one after another, and fled in all directions.

He didn't chase after him either, and stood where he was, with a smile on his lips.

There were constant sounds of "bang" and "bang" in the sky, like blossoming fireworks.

No one can escape.

Yun Ranran stood there, trembling, and did not have time to run.

She was already the last living person in the village.

The man looked sideways, and the corner of his lips curled up.

The severe pain came suddenly, and she was completely turned into a blood mist.

The man's cold and cruel smile became her last memory.


Yun Ranran woke up suddenly, and found that she was lying on the familiar bed, which was the place where the man brought her back last night.

She sat up and found that it was foggy outside the window, and she didn't know whether it was dawn or not.

The memory fragments she entered must have been transformed by the obsession in the enchantment, and the recorded scenes are all real things that happened in the past.

All the people in the village were indeed killed by him.

Thinking of this, she looked around and found that the man was not around, where did he go?

Without hesitation, she jumped out of bed, opened the door and ran out. He was not in the yard, so she went out of the yard and looked for him in the deserted village. She didn't see a red figure until she ran to the end.

The man is sitting under the dead tree in the suburbs, looking at the deep forest in the distance.

Yun Ranran ran over and knelt down in front of him.

The man was a little surprised: "I thought you wouldn't come."

Yun Ranran simply sat down cross-legged facing him, and asked, "Why didn't you come?"

The man was a little lazy: "Didn't you see everything, those things..."

Yun Ranran nodded: "I see."

"Aren't you afraid of me?"

Yun Ranran said: "I'm afraid, at the end of the memory fragment, you still killed me."

The man's eyes dimmed, and he asked, "Then what are you doing here?"

Yun Ranran said as it should: "I'll listen to you say it yourself."

The breeze brushed the little girl's clear eyes, she seriously rolled up her sleeves that were too long, and said to him.

"Aren't you here? Why should I listen to others?"

"You must...have any difficulties?"

The man was speechless for a while, his fingertips clenched slightly.

"What if there is no? What if I am such a heartless person?"

The little girl said distressedly: "Then I will pay the price for my blind faith."

I didn't really believe him at all...

He laughed mockingly: "Then you shouldn't be rash..."

The little girl leaned forward suddenly, almost crashing into his arms, her eyes were clear, and she spoke word by word.

"But if it's you, I'm willing to pay such a price."

His eyes widened slightly, what on earth was she talking about...

The little girl's eyes curved.

"I'm take risks for you."