MTL - Forced Marriage VIP Front-Seat: My Superstar Ex-wife is very Popular-Chapter 445 If you are in the throat

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got engaged?

An Yue eyelid jumped and looked at Jiang Xinjie's happy look, she could only make a happy look.

"Congratulations, heart Jiejie."

"What kind of polite, you are very tired, let's change clothes first." Jiang Xinjie smiled, stunned the attitude of a hostess.

An Yue slightly decapitated, going to the stairs, Ansu followed, helping her to carry the box.

On the second floor, An Yue just saw An Shizhen coming out of the study.

She pretended not to see her and went to her room.

Ansu did not know her thoughts and shouted to An Shizhen: "Young Master."

An Shiyi looked up at the little girl who was facing her back, her eyebrows were tight, "An Yue!"

An Yue stopped and knew that she couldn’t hide. She looked back and said, "Brother."

An Shizhen approached and looked at her reddish eyes and asked; "Who bullied you?"

"No." An Yue looked at him inexplicably.

An Shiyi glanced at her and nodded. "Go to pack up and then go down to eat."

"Yeah." An Yue nodded and turned around, she thought of Jiang Xinjie's words.

She asked: "Brother, are you engaged with your heart Jiejie?"

An Shizhen whispered: "Yeah."

"Congratulations to you." An Yue smiled and turned and walked forward, no longer staying.

An Shizhen looked at her back, and the light was deep.

After returning to the room, An Yue was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, feeling a haze.

She doesn't know what happened to her. She is not happy when she hears that her brother wants to get engaged with someone else.

No, she must be a smile, or her brother will be unhappy.

Packed up the mood, An Yue put things together, changed clothes and went downstairs.

The people who settled in the house were there, and An Yue looked at Jiang Xinjie, who was constantly giving An Shizhen a dish. The heart was not a taste.

And An Shizhen has never eaten the dishes of others, but today she ate the dishes she clipped, which shows that their feelings are very unusual.

She buried her head and ate, suddenly, a prawns in the bowl.

She turned her head and looked at An Shizhen, who continued to pick up the dishes in her bowl.

She whispered: "Thank you brother."

Jiang Xinjie looked at the two people, and there was a smile on the face, and he couldn’t tell the gentleness.

An old man looked at Jiang Xinjie and said: "Heart clean, change the sky, you go with the world to take a wedding photo, September engagement, and the wedding will be held in the coming year."

Jiang Xinjie looked ashamedly at the side of An Shizhen, did not speak.

"There is no time recently." An Shih whispered.

"What do you say, what is more important than your marriage?" An old man said with dissatisfaction.

Jiang Xinjie quickly came out to play the round field. "If you are busy, you can be late."

"What is this?" Father is still dissatisfied, said to An Shizhen, "Shi Yan, you see the heart is more intimate."

An Shizhen did not say anything, slow and reasonable eating.

Jiang Xinjie glanced at him and gave him a dish.

An Yue looked at this scene and only felt as if he was in the throat.

She bowed her head and continued to eat.

Shortly after dinner, An Shizhen sent Jiang Xinjie to leave.

They also returned to their homes, and they left An Yue and An Shikai to sit in the living room.

An Shikai was playing the game. An Yue had no interest in playing two, and got up and prepared to go back to the room.

"Big brother can't get married with the surname Jiang." An Shikai's voice suddenly came from behind.