MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 259 Keeper

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  Through the invisible connection between himself and the holy emblem, William saw from Green's first perspective the "secret-keeper" who was sealed in the book by himself.

   After seeing the look of this old acquaintance, William couldn't help laughing.

   It's not that the other party's shape is funny, the main thing that's funny is the magic general himself.

   In the forum, this magic general who holds the authority of "secret" is often dubbed by players as a "leaker" or "informer". After all, six of the twelve trial arms that the Tribunal was looking for were the positions they learned from it, so players often teased that it was a non-staff member of the Tribunal.

   There are even people who think that this product is actually sent by the forbidden sages to make trouble with other nihilistic kings. After all, the Forbidden Sage is also a nihilistic king who is not so interested in directly invading the world.

   Right now, although the eyes, nose and mouth of the Secret Keeper were tightly sewn with dense needles and threads, William still felt that he could see a smug expression on the other's face.

   is the kind of expression that can be fooled twice by the same language.

   "So mortal, where would you like to hear it first?"

   Seeing that Green didn't reply for a while, it asked again.

   It seems more urgent than the person asking the question.

  +Let it start from the beginning+

  William reminded using [Soul Voice].

   Green, who was in the vision of the holy emblem, trembled slightly, and then he repeated nervously:

   "Then... let's start from the beginning."

   "Huh? Really greedy...Let me think about it, start from scratch?"

   The chain dragging sound of "Woohoo" kept ringing, and the keeper said after pondering for a while:

"The infinite possibilities of the realm of light are filtered by the barriers of the world, and finally twisted into a single linear time. You use the repeated things to divide the scale of time, and anchor your ambiguous memory through those scales, and finally write the so-called ' historical truth' and live in this common sense.

"When the barrier of the present world is broken for some reason, and more possibilities in the realm of light flow into the present world, it will lead to the existence of contradictory 'historical truths'. And this is what you named ' time-shattering phenomenon

"Small-scale time fragmentation can be said to be countless. Maybe you have experienced it yourself, but you just can't realize it. But when it comes to time fragmentation on the scale of the entire continent, as far as I know, there have been three times... However, after I was caught by the moon There may be more than a few more times during the time that the disaster is imprisoned here."

  +Let it say the point+

   The presiding judge's voice resounded in the depths of Green's soul again. Having given up thinking, he immediately repeated these words parrot-like.

   "Speak the point."

  The secret keeper who was talking about his excitement was choked by Green's words. It stopped and looked at the mortal carefully, and then said a little unhappily:

   "Are you so eager to die? Or is your pursuit of 'truth' already so desperate?"

  Green didn't say anything, because he knew that under the mental pressure of a magic general, what he said was much more wrong, and it was safest to use himself as a microphone with peace of mind.

   I don't know what kind of guess Green's empty eyes have given up thinking, and what kind of guesses the other party has. After a short silence, it seems to continue with a sigh:

   "Well, if you insist... let's skip the basics and get right to the point. Well, first secret first, but before that..."

  When the keeper said the word "secret", a cold chain climbed up Green's arm like a snake. Before he could react, the chain instantly turned red, like a branding iron leaving a chain-shaped brand on his arm.

   Green didn't feel any pain during the whole process, but before he could take a closer look, the coiled brand disappeared on his arm. As if everything that happened before was just an illusion, the chain lost its support in an instant, and fell to the ground with a "crashing".

   "The brand of secrecy has been stamped. When our conversation is over, your soul belongs to me."

   The Secret Keeper smiled, then retracted the chain and continued:

  "Then let's begin, first secret... about Demouge's bet with the Void Kings.

"While most mortals think of him as a hero, the greatest gambler in history. In reality, every single one of his bets was won by cheating. His eyes were connected to the Realm of Light, capable of playing more A high level overlooks the whole picture of time. Every time he makes a bet, he actively invites the king of nothingness to the world, uses their power to shatter the time of the world, and then finds the possibility that he can win from countless timelines, and so on again and again. deceived the king of nothingness.

"It's a pity that the last one who bet with him was the mad fool, perhaps because of the mentality of a fair competition, or maybe he saw through his tricks. In short, the mad fool did not let his own body come to the world, but It is to create a clone that is no different from mortals. The mediocre clone cannot break time, which makes Demouge also unable to use his eyes to cheat, so of course he lost the final bet, and eventually his soul was torn apart ."

Although it is said that this secret is not directly helpful for the moment, for William, the amount of information in the words of the keeper is not too big - if the other party's statement is true, doesn't it mean that in the past, the king of nothingness can do whatever he wants Bring your own body to the world.

Wouldn't    be stopped by the shell of the world?

   In addition, why does Demuge's eye that can be connected to the realm of light sound so like [God's Eye]?

   Finally, and most importantly, to find the possibility of winning from countless timelines, how does this sound like...

   Before William could finish thinking, the Keeper continued:

   "Then the second about the nasty ghost moon disaster that sealed me here."

   Green from William's perspective took a deep breath unconsciously.

   The Secret Keeper pulled the corners of his mouth, and the tight sutures were also pulled apart a few times.

"Like Demuge, he has overcome countless failures and reached the other side of his own success. But during this period, there has never been the premise that the king of nothingness will come to the world and shatter time. You understand what this means. ?"

  Green didn't dare to speak.

   The Keeper did not sell too long, it directly said:

   "That's because of his existence, which means the destruction of time in this world...I remember that there is always a gap in your creation model?

   "He is the last Holy Spirit that is missing. He exists as a human being only because he is not complete."