MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 234 trustworthy

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   "What do you mean... it is to repeat the history of the birth of our forest elves."

   Ebony replied:

"The elven pioneers who came across the sea encountered undead creatures in this land, and the world tree that was eroded beyond recognition by undead creatures. The strongest samurai of my clan and his priestly wife joined forces to drive out the pollution and finally save this land. The land. Therefore, we need to allow Lord Nehe to fully utilize his talents in necromancy, slaying a large number of undead, and corrupting the world tree. Finally, let us re-select the father of the wild and the listener like the fairy tale Kill him like that, repeat that history, and make a new covenant."

   So what does renewing the covenant mean?

  The other party's answer made William stunned for a while, and recreated the past to affect the present. Doesn't this sound similar to ritual magic?


  Ritual magic reproduces myths, and those myths themselves are aspects of creation, so reproducing those deeds can also trigger corresponding phenomena.

  The birth of the Dansen elves is a real, written historical event. And no matter what the nature of the Holy Mother Tree is, she is also a **** who can take the initiative to manifest the Holy Mother. Their approach is not so much akin to ritual magic, but rather a…

   "Isn't doing this threatening the Holy Tree Mother you believe in?"

  William asked in surprise.

   But in response, the other party shook his head and said:

   "Not threatening, but reshaping. It can also be said that we intend to reshape our mother."

   "Reshape a God?"

   William continued to ask.

   Probably saw the surprised expression on William's face, but the other party asked strangely:

"What's wrong with that? The gods themselves are shaped by the beliefs of mortals, we create them, and we believe in them. The gods are not isolated things—the gods themselves contain the concept of believers, as if The mother contains the concept of the child in general."

  William looked at the person in front of him, feeling a little confused whether he was pious or heretical.

   There is no doubt that his devotion to the Holy Tree Mother is definitely not disguised, but on the other hand, the other party has a very rational understanding of the nature of faith and gods. And after understanding the nature of the gods, he still devoutly believes in the gods.

   He is not the only one. According to the history he described, it seems that the entire priest class of the forest elves has this attitude. There seems to be a big deviation in my previous understanding of the high-level forest elves.

   After a long time, William continued:

   "And then? Did Neh agree to your request?"

   The other party shook his head as he expected, and then said:

"No, after learning the details of the ceremony, Neh angrily rejected our request. Afterwards, he clashed with the entire Oak Council. After killing several high-level members, he left the Holy Tree City. , and before he left, he froze the entire Fairy Lake to vent his anger."

   Sounds like something Neh would do...

   thought William.

  Let Neh take the initiative to spread the pollution of undead spells in Ravenwood, and use the method of killing those innocent people in exchange for his own redemption. Even if this plan was proposed to him by William, Neh would definitely face his sword.

   As a Lich, his order value is in the highest echelon even within the Tribunal.

   "How was it resolved in the end? I noticed earlier that you seem to still have customs like the 'Sacrament'."

   he continued to ask.

"Shortly after Neh left, a woman took the initiative to find the Oak Council. She claimed that she had been inspired by the big mother and was the new wilderness bride. After that, everyone held the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor and re-organized. Played a blood moon game, elected a new father of the wilderness and held a divine wedding ceremony with him, and it turned out to be a success in the end. In hindsight, the whole thing seemed like a farce.”

   Ebony replied.

Is    really a farce? William didn't think so.

There are too many doubts about the whole thing, from the inexplicable death of the two leaders at the beginning, to the invitation of Nehru to Ravenwood as a consultant, the theft of the core of the World Tree, the ritual of reshaping the gods, and finally. A joke-like solution.

   Every detail in everything is a seedbed for conspiracy. Even because there are too many doubts, he feels a little helpless to continue the investigation.

  Even the authenticity of the historical data provided by Ebony is a big question mark.

   Therefore, William did not intend to simply listen to Ebony's words. And, help him to directly **** the throne back.

   Moreover, this is not actually a breach of contract, after all, the trial weapon that the other party promised as a reward is a fake.

   After William determined that the woman named Flaro in front of him was most likely to have acquired the legacy of his old friend, he said the previous sentence.

  What price is needed to buy the loyalty of the other party.

  If there really was a conspiracy plan in those events back then, then the changes brought about by that conspiracy have lasted for more than a thousand years to this day.

   And the person in front of him, although the way of doing things, and the personality and attitude are not very pleasant. But at least one thing William can be sure of - the other party is a breaker of the existing order in Jade Province.

   In other words, in a sense, the other party is a person who can be trusted.

   I'm afraid the other party sees him the same way - as an outsider, he should be regarded as a trustworthy person compared to the components of the local order that have been passed down for more than a thousand years.

   Therefore, regarding the question of William's offer, the woman, after thinking about it for a moment, replied as usual:

   "I should ask this question, right? If I want to hire you, what price do I need to charge?"

  William smiled and shook his head:

"Trust me, you can't afford it. So let me quote your price. As long as theoretically human beings can do it, I can do it. In other words, even most of the things that only God can satisfy, I can do it. It can also be done.”

   Maybe William's tone was too confident, she said suspiciously:

   "I can't believe that there are people in the Empire who can offer better conditions than Irene."

   She said, tapped the armrest of the throne with her fingers and continued:

   "Even if there is, that person should have his own throne, not a place like you."

   That's right, the other party may be very powerful in magic, but that doesn't mean the other party is suitable to be an ally... Since the other party's sphere of influence is only the Blackwater Province, which is poor, resource-poor, and sparsely populated. It is really not a wise choice to be dragged into the quagmire of war by such a person.

   No matter what price the other party can offer.

   It was just that her voice had just fallen, and an imitation of the Kurong Throne behind her appeared in front of her with the flash of a space door.

  No, not a knockoff. The throne formed by the intertwined roots of the World Tree, exudes a majestic breath of life from its body, which cannot be faked at all. It's just... This used to be the pedestal used to place the core of the World Tree, and was later renamed the Throne of Dry Rong. As a symbol of the supreme power of the ruler of the entire Ravenwood, it should be the only one in the world.

   The other party did not explain, but sat down unceremoniously, and floated the spell agent in his hand to one side. Elbow resting on the armrest, fingers crossed in front of the chest.

   "So, your first requirement is that the partner must have a throne? A throne that can be on an equal footing with you?"

   Flaro's shocked expression was reflected in his eyes, and the other party said with a smile.

   took a deep breath, Flaro thought for a long time and finally asked:

   "So, which Moon Realm monarch do you represent?"