MTL - For Thousands of Years, My Weakest Brother Has Become a Demon King (1000 Years Later, Even My Weakest Follower Has Become A Demon King)-Chapter 232 Anti-entropy legacy

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   The moment she heard the name "Neh", Flaro's expression froze, and at the same time, her fingers clasped the armrest of the Kurong Throne.

   In a trance, she may have been instructed by the human beings who called her "foster parents", like a curse that haunts her, resounding in her ears.

   "You must remember, absolutely... Never let others discover the source of your power, otherwise..."

  The two chattering old guys had too many troublesome rules for her before her death, most of which she never thought to follow.

   But only this one, from the moment she sat on the throne of withering glory and held the authority to prosper and destroy life in the entire Jade Province, she was determined to carry it out to the end.

   Anyone who tries to peep at the truth of this power will grant him eternal sleep.

   Therefore, no matter who this guy of unknown origin is in front of her, she absolutely cannot allow him to walk out of this hall alive.

  Restrictions lifted…

  Cross-Quality Conversion Full Power Start…

  Critical Works… Routes 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, open…

  Puppet spell activated…

   Pseudo-God's Eye Construction Begins...

   Now that the nature of this battle has been determined, it is no longer a test, it is no longer just a joke as usual, and even the curiosity to know the true identity of the opponent has been suppressed.

   At this moment, her only goal is to kill the opponent.

  The entire bone White House was completely transformed into her body, and the magic power roared and rushed through the entire palace, activating countless deadly magic weapons.

  As her thoughts turned, the door and window closed automatically and neatly, and several seals were applied for reinforcement, blocking any possible escape route for the other party. The statues in the hall and the characters in the murals seemed to have come to life, turning their eyes to the man who was still walking toward the throne in the leisurely courtyard.

In the    field, dozens of spells used to weaken the opponent were activated at the same time.

  stress, mana depletion, curse of aging, sluggishness, fragility, space blockade…

   At the same time, the high-energy spells of the three divine domains and the four legendary levels also began to accumulate energy, waiting for the opportunity to wipe out the opponent from here at one time.

   "Hey, is this the real thing?"

   In the face of such luxurious preparations, the man in front of him just commented in a slightly dull manner.

  Although Flaro was a little uneasy about the other party's too calm attitude, but she had enough confidence in the temple she built, so she activated the spells she had already prepared according to the original plan.

   The pseudo-[God's Eye], which was researched through the data collected from the Blind Sisterhood, completely locked the opponent's position, after confirming that the opponent had no room to dodge. Seven single-target damage spells with different colors and different attributes, but with equally astonishing destructive power, hit the man precisely at the same time.

   As the deafening explosion sounded, a turbulent flow of magical energy instantly swept across the man. The splendid colors instantly illuminate the entire hall, and the light that escapes through the windows can even make people from a few kilometers away feel dazzling.

   A glass ball shattered from nowhere, and Flaro, who was sitting on the throne, raised a hand and wiped his right eye.

   At this moment, the magic light in her right eye has dimmed.

   This is a blow that is enough to directly banish the demon general back to the moon realm in the present world—the magic turbulence intertwined by the three divine domains and four legendary spells at the same time makes the quasi-god-like eye technique she launches directly overload and shatter.

  Although it is a valuable prototype, it is something that cannot be helped. After all, this is the strongest blow that can be launched with the strength of his etheric domain under the buff of the Throne of Dry Rong.

   Although he didn't know what the opponent's state of mind was, he didn't take any defensive measures, but even if he did, he would inevitably end up in the same situation as it is now - being directly bombed.

   As long as you make up your mind to kill the opponent, you will have to take your strongest blow from the very beginning.

   There is no temptation, never underestimate the enemy, and never give any chance to counter-attack. This is Flaro's fighting style in the death battle.

   When she was far from being as powerful as she is now, she used this tactic to defeat many people who were stronger than herself.

   Looking at the residual magic power overflowing in the center of the hall, Flaro breathed a sigh of relief.

   But then, she immediately realized a strange thing - without the support of the spell, the residual magic power did not dissipate as quickly as usual, but continued to surround the explosion point.

   Something is wrong...

   Before she could reload the spell, the man's voice came from the center of the magic surge:

   "It's really surprising, are you the type that throws bombs when you're fighting landlords?"

   Hearing the voice that should not have existed, even the always calm Flaro couldn't help but asked with a little trembling:

   "How could you possibly be alive..."

   In the field of vision that he had previously observed with his pseudo-god-like eyes, the man did not weave any magic spells around him for defense. Even if the opponent is wearing extremely high-grade protective gear and accessories, it is absolutely impossible to survive without any defense.

   What are you kidding? Even if the demon general of the Moon Realm took that blow head on, he would be obediently banished back to the Moon Realm.

   But now is not the time to panic, Flaro immediately took himself as the core of control and started a new round of spell loading.

   And what happened after that made her stop her work.

   In other words, the meaning of the work in her hands was erased.

   The residual magic power that lingered around the opponent began to condense again, forming the appearance of the spell that he had released earlier.

   Is this opponent planning to use those residual magic powers to repay him in his own way?

   Using the surrounding magic power to reconstruct the previously released spells, this kind of control over magic power can only be described as appalling.

   In a metaphor, it is like catching an arrow shot by the opponent with his bare hands on the battlefield, and then throwing it back and inserting it into the opponent.


   However, after she really saw what the other party was doing, even she was dumbfounded.

   What the other party is doing is not doing something as simple and simple as repaying the other person in the same way.

  As the magic power began to restore to the appearance of the spell, the light that escaped outside retracted from the window, the airflow generated by the explosion also blew back, and the previously blasted floor also automatically began to repair...

   Not only the opponent's place, the spells that he had previously reloaded began to fade, the magic power he used began to flow backwards, and even his raised hand was put back uncontrollably.

  Simply put, time starts to run backwards.

   The broken quasi-god-like eye technique has been repaired again, and the previously released magic power has also returned to the etheric domain.

   In an instant, the entire hall returned to what it was five seconds ago, and even the other party returned to the position five seconds ago.

   Apart from the memories of the two and the magic power consumed by the other, there will be no evidence to prove that the five seconds before existed.

   His previous seven spells were ready to be launched again, and the quasi-god-like eye floating in front of his right eye was still locked on the opponent's weakness.

   As if everything that just happened was just an illusion.

   The other party was still looking at him, and he was still strolling over.

   The look on his face seemed to say - you're welcome, you can try again.


   Flaro looked at each other and spat out these two words with extreme difficulty.

  Peak Magic - The ultimate spell that transcends the realm of the gods and points directly to the mystery of creation. No, it can't even be described as a spell.

  In today's era, peak magic is like those ancient myths and legends, no one knows whether they really exist, or if they are lies made up by people with ulterior motives to thicken the past and the present.

   But she knew that peak spells really existed.

   Or, once existed.

   At the same time, she also doubted whether peak spells could exist in the future.

   Because even though her achievement in frost spells has reached the highest level theoretically possible, she has never touched a little bit of peak fur.

The essence of   Frost spells is "solidification", which is to solidify the invisible texture of the realm of light into tangible matter itself, and all matter in this world originates from this.

  On the ancient platinum plain, the Kos people who first invented the calendar and mathematics believed that the whole world was born in the hands of the **** "Meng" with "perfect geometric structure". This **** lost his purpose because he was too perfect, so he created a flawed world of ideas using numbers and lines by calculating and imitating his own structure. And asked his lover "Nu" to kill himself in order to complete that ideal world.

"Nu" lamented, cried, and finally reluctantly killed "Meng" who had lost all possibilities, dismembered his corpse, filled in the design drawings of "Meng", and finally created the now no longer perfect world.

   Later imperial scholars believed that although this myth of the Kos people was mainly a metaphor for the historical changes in which the priestly class in charge of the calendar and mathematics was replaced by the military aristocracy. But those complex symbolic images also provide another possibility for the creation of the world: at the beginning of the creation of the world, there was a perfect and complete material world - this image and the "other side" in many regional myths and legends interact with each other. confirmed.

  The Creation that overflowed from the Realm of Light first formed a perfect and stagnant material world, and after it was broken again, it formed the present world.

   In other words, all matter in the world, as small as a speck of dust and as big as an ocean, has a desire to return to perfect order. But that perfect and orderly material world, after all, only existed in the distant past. With every passing second of time, the world will take a step forward in a more chaotic direction.

Therefore, in the past, some magic singers put forward a fantasy: if a huge amount of magic power can be provided through the outside world, and by reversing the myth of the broken "Mong" in the Kos people mythology, can it be enough to arouse the desire for the source of matter, allowing us to reach What about the world in perfect order?

But the reality is cruel. According to the results of rough calculation, even if all the astral magic passages are cut off, all the souls in the world are burned, and the entire Vic continent is restored to the quality, the energy obtained is not enough to send a person to that A world of perfect order.

   But the by-product of this hypothesis has also driven the crucial development of frost spells forward.

  Although you cannot reach the world of perfect order, you can get closer to that world in a short time in a small area.

  Time moves forward forever, and this second is always closer to perfect order than the next. Using this principle, the genius magic casters of the year created the divine domain spell [Zero Entropy] that can stagnate time, and the peak spell [Anti-Entropy] of the frost system.

   And now, the forbidden spell that can even reverse time is displayed in front of her eyes.

  's rich combat experience for a long time told Flaro that he could attack again at this moment.

   In any case, as a peak spell [Anti-Entropy], the magic power required to reverse time is absolutely terrifying astronomical figures. Since the other party released it once, it is absolutely impossible to release it a second time in a short period of time.

  If she wants to defeat the opponent, now is her only chance.


  Frallo watched helplessly as he walked up the steps and walked in front of him.

   The other party's previous use of [Anti-Entropy] was actually giving himself a warning.

   Even time can be reversed, so can't the opponent use other methods to resist his previous blow?

   If he made another move, he would never be greeted with such a gentle response.

   Looking at the man who walked in front of him and looked down at him, Flaro lowered his head slightly and said:

   "As you said earlier, I have now recognized my position."

   Immediately without waiting for the other party to speak, Flaro asked first:

   "But I want to know one thing, are you also the inheritor of Frost Witch Neh's legacy?"