MTL - For My Sister, I Became the World Boss-Chapter 354

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"The power of faith is 70%."

[Tower of God] Twenty-ninth floor, tribe.

Seeing that Bai Yu successfully broke through 70% of the power of faith, he felt a little excited.

Now every day passes, it is nearly a day before his final bloodline promotion, and it has almost entered the final countdown.

Thinking of being promoted to a mythical creature soon, even Bai Yu's calm nature couldn't contain the excitement and joy in his heart.

"Calm down, don't get too carried away."

Bai Yu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, calming down his inner emotions, and when he opened his eyes again, his eyes became very calm.

Promotion to the sixth-level bloodline is not the end.

A bigger crisis awaits him ahead.

Thinking of the "god" on the 50th floor...

There was a serious look in Bai Yu's eyes.

Before killing it, Bai Yu couldn't be completely at ease no matter what.

"Lord Snake God, what are you thinking about?"

A girl's voice came from beside her.

Rin tilted her head, her clear eyes looking at Bai Yu without blinking.

Bai Yu came back to his senses, waved his hand, and said, "I heard that another group of outsiders sneaked into the tribe to make trouble last night. Thank you for your hard work."

After the group of outsiders who showed up in the street yesterday, there was another Tie Tie who wanted to infiltrate the Tribal Palace that night.

Unfortunately, it failed in the end, and was caught on the spot by Rin and his party, and the end was even more miserable.

"It's Rin's job."

The girl lowered her head slightly.

Bai Yu heard the words and narrowed his eyes slightly.

He was thinking that those who were trying to dig out some clues from the tribe might not stop there.

Showing in the street this way is not enough to completely deter those people.

In the next period of time, I am afraid that more people with ulterior motives will sneak in.

Moreover, because of these two failures, the strength of the infiltrating person will only be stronger, otherwise it will be no use.


"Would you like to call one or two of the other members of the organization back to sit in town??"

Bai Yu's eyes flickered slightly, although Rin's current strength is already very strong, and his level has also been raised to lv72, so he can be on his own.

You must know that there are very few landers at level lv70 now.

However, it is not impossible to have an extra layer of insurance.

Just imagine,

When those outsiders were thinking about how to deal with the girl, another powerful being suddenly appeared, what would be the expression?

You must be desperate, right? ?

Tsk tsk, think about it, there is still a little expectation.

Seeing the wicked expression on Bai Yu's face suddenly, there was a hint of curiosity in the girl's eyes, but she pursed her lips lightly and resisted not asking.

But soon, Bai Yu put away that smile.

If it weren't for the fact that the girl's eyes were almost always on him, I'm afraid he still wouldn't know, Lord Snake God, actually...

And such a cute side.


After leaving the tribe,

Bai Yu went to the 40th floor of the Dier Empire, asked about the screening of new members, and then told the other members of his thoughts on the tribe.

In fact, Bai Yu prefers the red dragon. After all, its size alone is enough to frighten most of the landers.

Don't look at Bai Yu's eyes, the red dragon looks cute and cute, in the eyes of humans, it is definitely the evil dragon that has not escaped.


In recent times, the idiot often sees the dragon but does not see the end. In order to find a way to change shape, he has become a bit of a demon, and he is unhappy all day long.

Bai Yu sighed in his heart, ready to find an opportunity to take the red dragon to the 50th floor and ask the female dragon how to transform.

Who made him the boss?

The younger brother has difficulties, so naturally he has to come forward to help.

In the end, the task of sitting on the tribe fell to the Lord of Darkness.

But don't underestimate this guy, now that he is level 78, his strength is included in the organization...

Well, still not in the top three.

Mainly because the strength of all members of the organization is increasing, so the top three positions have been firmly occupied by Xiyue, Albert, and Honglong.

However, this does not mean that the King of Darkness is weak.

Coupled with the divine artifact wing that Bai Yu gave it, the aura on his body became more bloody, and to the outside world, it was definitely a terrifying monster boss.

"Follow the boss and promise to complete the task!"

The King of Darkness stood up straight and saluted Bai Yu, looking a little funny.


Bai Yu waved his hands in disgust: "Get out, get out."

The King of Darkness smiled, a flashy man.

Of course, in addition to the Lord of Darkness who mainly took over the task of sitting in the tribe, other members also took this matter to heart.

After all, they all know the importance of the tribe to Bai Yu.

If you have time, you can go to the tribe to see.

And their decision is doomed to the tragic end of those outsiders who want to start from the tribe.

"It seems that the tribe's teleportation array needs to add another transmission point."

The organization's chief steward, Xiyue, held her chin in her right hand and said thoughtfully.


[Tower of God] Fifty-ninth floor.

As a beam of light passed by, Bai Yu's figure appeared here.

Not far ahead is where the entrance to the Tower of God is located.

The tower guard boss is sitting there with his eyes closed.

Bai Yu did not transform into a snake of the world, but took the appearance of a human and walked towards the direction of the black tower ahead.

461 Do You Know God?

The tower guard boss suddenly opened his eyes, and the human figure reflected in his huge pupils walked slowly towards this side.


The tower guard boss opened his mouth and let out a roar, the sound turned into a shock wave and spread around, and the wind rolled back.

Bai Yu was walking in the wind, and the huge trees around him were all shattered and flying, but he remained motionless.

Looking at the tower guard boss who stood up slowly, Bai Yu stretched out his hand to press the fluttering hair on his forehead, and pointed the other hand at the tower guard boss in front.

Breath of energy.

The surging red energy quickly condensed into a red projectile, suspended at the fingertips.

"Boom" sound.

It turned into a terrifying red shock cannon and roared out, piercing most of the tower guard boss's body in an instant.


The tower guard boss didn't even have time to dodge, his pupils moved down, and then suddenly shrank together,

Looking at most of the body that almost disappeared out of thin air, the last trace of consciousness gradually dissipated.


With a loud bang, the tower guard boss's mutilated body fell heavily to the ground, causing a puff of dust.

In the smog, Bai Yu's figure gradually appeared. He glanced at the tower guard boss who turned into a black breath and gradually disappeared, and turned his eyes to the activated portal in front of him.

Indulge for a moment.

Bai Yu stepped towards the portal, and in the next second, the whole person disappeared in place.


[Tower of God] Sixty floors.

The sky was dim, and the sun was setting.

Looking around, it is an endless plain and hills, and a small river flows slowly.

With a beam of light passing by,

Bai Yu's figure appeared here, and he moved his eyes and looked around, and his mental sensation spread out, and he soon had a panoramic view of the surrounding environment.

"There is no danger for now."

In Bai Yu's induction, the monster found a little bit.

However, what could make him dangerous, obviously couldn't be a monster.

It's something related to "God".

Bai Yu still remembered the situation on the 50th floor. Now that he was on the 60th floor, he had to be careful.

With a thought, Bai Yu slowly floated up and flew forward in the direction of the current.

Time passed little by little.

About an hour later, Bai Yu finally saw a human gathering place similar to a tribe.

There is a nomadic vibe to those aboriginals.

When Bai Yu looked at the tribe below, some aborigines in the tribe also noticed him and looked up at the sky with a hint of curiosity in their eyes.


When Bai Yu landed from the sky, all the natives scattered with a little fright and looked at him from a distance. Whisper.

It looked as if he had never seen a stranger.

In the end, an elder came forward, and after the exchange, Bai Yu learned that this world is actually dominated by tribes.

There are only three empires that exist in the middle domain of the distant continent.

In addition, the indigenous people in all places are all formed into tribes to survive.

Just when Bai Yu was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something, stopped, looked at the old man and asked:

"Old man, do you know the gods?"

As soon as these words came out, the old man's face changed suddenly.

The aborigines who heard the content of the conversation between the two also changed their expressions. The pretty faces of those young girls instantly turned pale, and they were quite frightened.

Bai Yu put this scene in his eyes, and if he felt something in his heart, he saw the old man's expression changed from the previous calm, and said in a serious tone:

"God? Adventurer, I am here to advise you that it is best not to touch anything related to gods. Otherwise, it will only bring misfortune."

After all, the old man waved his hands again and again, obviously not wanting to say more on this topic.