MTL - Flower Master in the City-Chapter 2895 Ask the Heavenly Daoist

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"what happened?"

Qiao Xiaoqiao turned to look at Xia Xia.

Xia Tian took out the silver needle that fell to the ground, and said lightly: "Someone has set a spiritual bomb in his mind, and it will explode automatically as long as the key is mentioned."

"This is a hassle." Qiao Xiaoqiao groaned and murmured, "What if someone else uses this method on us in the future?"

Xia Xia thought about it for a while and replied: "Little Qiao wife, don't worry about this, you are all from the tribulation period. Unless a true immortal comes into the world, you will not be able to make a fuss about your sea of ​​knowledge."

"Then is there a way to solve this spiritual bomb?" Qiao Xiaoqiao asked with some doubts.

"Yes." Xia Xia nodded and said casually: "Because this kind of consciousness bomb is made with robbery power, if the key information is not triggered, it will not show up. It will take some time to find him."

Qiao Xiaoqiao nodded slightly, and then murmured, "This Taoist Wentian always feels that he has something to do with Wentianjun."

"What's the matter?" Xia Xia did not take this seriously, and said with contempt: "An idiot who was killed twelve years ago, even if he has any chance and makes a comeback, what kind of splash can he make?"

"That's true." Qiao Xiaoqiao agrees with Xia Xia's point of view. Even if Wen Tianjun comes back to life, it's not worth mentioning. Ji Qingying in those days could crush him with one punch, but now there are so many sisters in the tribulation period, each of them will spit. can drown him.

However, if the Taoist Wentian was not Wentianjun, but a quasi-immortal sent by the Immortal Cultivation Alliance, then it should not be ignored.


At this time, the entire Holy Shadow Hall suddenly began to collapse, and countless pillars collapsed into black smoke.

Those little monsters also collapsed, including the white masked man who brought Xia Xia here.

"It seems that this hall is condensed by this Holy Shadow Demon King with spiritual power."

Qiao Xiaoqiao didn't panic at all, just a little curious, what was hidden under this hall.

In a short while, the entire hall completely collapsed, revealing a huge pothole in which countless people were trapped, struggling and squirming in the black mud.

Soon, the black mud was gradually receding, and the people trapped in it slowly regained their freedom.

"I'm going down the mountain Zong Yuqingfeng, thank you two for your life-saving grace." One of the men in white robes, after getting out of trouble, knelt down directly to Xia Xia:

"Pin Dao is a Taoist Daoist of the Supreme Qing Dynasty in Wuji Realm, thank you two for saving your life!" Another Taoist in blue robes, Chong Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao handed over.

"Nangong Fang, the head of the Diyong Hall in Beihanjie, thank you for your great kindness."

"Nanlijie laughs at Tai Chi, thank you..."


Hearing the nonsense of these people, Xia Xian became impatient: "No thanks, I didn't plan to save you at all. That idiot just exploded his own brain."

"Without the two of them, he wouldn't be able to trigger the thunder of divine consciousness." Daoist Duo Ling said very solemnly: "We have been trapped in his abyss, and I don't know how many years have passed. I am afraid that there will be no chance to escape in eternity. How can I not thank you for such a great kindness. Two fellow Daoists

Please also inform the name, there will be a thick report in the future. "

"Not interested, you love to report or not." Xia Tian pouted.

Qiao Xiaoqiao chuckled and said indifferently, "It's really just a coincidence. If you feel sorry, you can just say thank you. You really don't need anything in return."

"You two are high-minded." Yu Qingfeng gave a solemn gift: "You may not expect anything in return, but I have been practicing Taoism for half my life. If I don't remember the great kindness, I am afraid that my future practice will be hindered, and maybe I will become a Heart demon."

It's also what people say.

"It's really troublesome, then you all go back and stay in this abyss." Xia Xia yawned lazily, and found that there was not a single beautiful woman in the group.

Yu Qingfeng was instantly embarrassed.

Others were also at a loss.

At this time, Qiao Xiaoqiao suddenly asked, "Is there a person named Nie Zixiong among you?"

"Nie Zixiong?" Yu Qingfeng glanced at Daoist Duoling, and then replied at the same time, "Yes, it's at the bottom of the narrow gap in Miyuan."

Daoist Duo Ling was about to go down into the pit after he lifted his robe: "Pin Dao will go down and save him!"

"No need, I'm already out!"

A figure followed and landed in front of Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao.

"Mr. Xia, Miss Qiao, we meet again."

This man was dressed casually, with a white shirt on the top and jeans on the bottom, long hair fluttering, and a rather wild and casual look.

Xia Xia glanced at the man, his appearance was not much changed from twelve years ago.

"Thank you both." Nie Zixiong didn't know how to thank you, but said sincerely, "I didn't expect you to be so loyal. I thought I would be trapped here for the rest of my life."

Qiao Xiaoqiao said lightly: "We save you, first, we did have some friendship in the past, and second, we want to know what you have investigated."

"This is not the place to talk." Nie Zixiong glanced around and found that the people around him were listening to their conversation.

Xia Xia glared at those people unhappily: "After getting out of trouble, let's go back to each house and find each other's mother, what are you doing here, do you need a beating?"

"Then leave!" Yu Qingfeng was also arrogant. Hearing Xia Xia's words, his face couldn't hold back, and he immediately surrendered.

Qiao Xiaoqiao was a little curious: "This is the Miyuan leading to Xianyun Continent. How do you plan to go back?" Nie Zixiong replied, "Miss Qiao, you don't need to worry about them. They are all in different worlds. The Mystery Box was attracted here, and then it was controlled by the demon fog of the Holy Shadow Demon King. Now the Holy Shadow Demon King is dead

, they will soon be automatically relegated to the original world. "

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Xiao suddenly appeared in the air with countless large and small white swirls.

"Hey!" Yu Qingfeng didn't say anything more, and his body flew up immediately, submerging into one of the qi whirlpools, and then the qi whirlpools disappeared.

So are others.

In the end, there was only a tiny vortex left, still hanging in the air.

"Because I was sucked over from the earth, I have to go back to the earth first."

Nie Zixiong said to Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao: "This is due to the law, and it is irreversible. After I return to Earth, I will go directly to Jianghai. I will wait for you at the Divine Doctor Building."

After speaking, the person also flew up and fell into the vortex of Qi.

When everyone left, the passage also began to shrink.

In the distance, a golden light flew towards the two of them quickly.

In the blink of an eye, they passed in front of them.

"That's right this time."

Qiao Xiaoqiao took a look, and a familiar feeling came to her mind immediately, "This is Yunzhou in Xianyun Continent. Let's go straight back to the Immortal Island in Lanjing. Just a surprise for Sister Yue and the others."

"That's great." Xia Tian smiled and said, "I haven't seen Sister Shenxian and Bingbing's wife for a long time. I miss them so much."

The two suddenly turned into a long rainbow and swept away in the direction of Lanjing.

"What a beautiful movement." A handsome young man dressed as a Taoist in a monastery in Yunzhou looked up to see the shocking rainbow brought by Xia Xia and Qiao Xiaoqiao, and said with a smile, "It seems that Xianyun Continent has developed over the years. It's not bad, but why is the spiritual energy not as abundant as it used to be?

Woolen cloth? "

After visiting the whole monastery, he shook his head again: "The ancient temple that has been in existence for thousands of years has been abandoned to this point, and there is no successor. Like the ghost king, the inheritance is cut off."

"It's the Misty Immortal Gate, which seems to be growing in prestige. If it's what the alliance says, it's not worth the painstaking efforts of my disciple in the past, so let's go and see."

Daoist Junlang stepped down with one step, and turned into a stream of light, swept away in the direction of Lanjing.


Immortal Cloud Continent, Immortal Island.

Ji Qingying rode a flying boat, carrying Princess Sama, Ankeke, and Yunqing, floated up from a distance, and landed on a small building in the center of the lake on the island.

Yue Qingya is bringing Liu Yunman, Gu Hanshuang and others to prepare the antidote for the "immortal poison". There are also many female palace doctors transferred from the palace in the distance. They are also helping to classify medicines and analyze their properties.

"How's it going?" Ji Qingying got off the flying boat and immediately entered the small building, Chongyue Qingya asked.

The other girls came in with some books in their hands.

Yue Qingya summoned an emerald green pill and said lightly, "This is the first product. It can suppress the immortal poison for about a month, but it can't completely suppress the spread of the poison, so after the effect of the drug, the symptoms will only get worse."

"Although it is to drink doves to quench thirst, but I have to do it." Ji Qingying did not hesitate, and asked again: "How much is refined?"

"Less than a hundred." Yue Qingya's face was a little dignified, "The main reason is that the key medicinal material, Holy Shadow Stone, is missing, but I have already asked my sisters to go out to collect this medicinal material." Ji Qingying nodded, and then said to Yue Qingya: "In the past few days, I took Sama, Coco, and Yunqing along with me, and searched through the imperial books, and finally found some records about the "immortal poison". Guess the earliest "immortal poison"

"Where did it come from? Where did it happen?"

Yue Qingya didn't guess, but smiled: "Just say it directly."

Ji Qingying raised her hand and called out a jade slip and handed it to Yue Qingya: "This immortal poison was actually created by the founder of our Misty Immortal Sect, Fairy Misty."

"You mean Patriarch Meng Guanghan?" Yue Qingya was indeed a little surprised, and her voice pointed a trace of consciousness into the jade slip: "Why did she develop this poison?"

"The specifics are not clear."

Ji Qingying pointed to the jade slip: "This book is a travelogue written by a loose cultivator named Taoist Pengci more than 10,000 years ago, and it is called "Simanzhai Suiji". The Millennium Ceremony of Xianmen's founding faction. As a result, during this celebration, there were sudden deaths of countless immortal cultivators. The symptoms were almost exactly the same as the current [Immortal Poison], but at that time it was only said that these people were invaded by demonic energy. Afterwards, the Misty Immortal Gate banned the attached

Nearly eight states, it took three months to dispel the so-called demonic energy. In fact, all the poisoned immortal cultivators were directly burned with robbery. "

"The symptoms are indeed very similar." Yue Qingya quickly finished reading the contents of the notes, but she was a little puzzled: "But this style of behavior is completely inconsistent with the behavior of the founder of the school." Ji Qingying didn't think so, nodded and said: "I used to think that the founder of the sect was a little too weak, but now it seems to be ruthless and decisive. If it is not like this, how could it be possible to survive and flourish among the various sects?

big. "

Yue Qingya still did not agree with Ji Qingying's speculation, but did not refute it.

"By the way, one of the notes also mentioned a person." Ji Qingying immediately mentioned another matter, "It's about the origin of the founder of the sect and her inheritance. She said that she actually came from the Immortal Cultivation Alliance. The master is a quasi-immortal in the so-called Supreme Society of the Immortal Cultivation Alliance.

Do ask the gods. "

Ji Qingying said with a half-smiling smile, "It's incredible that this Taoist asks the heavens, to be able to cover the sky with only one hand is simply incredible."

"I see." Yue Qingya said lightly: "It's just that chapter, it's just a few hundred words, the language is vague, and it's not enough to be believed." Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice suddenly sounded: "Why is it not enough to be believed?"