MTL - Film and Television Time Travel From the Courtyard-Chapter 12 Gift giving and learning to drive

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On Sunday morning, the sun was bright and there was only a little breeze. Zhang Xiaoshan rode his bicycle to the Pigeon Market to buy some tickets, then went to the Supply and Marketing Cooperative to do some shopping, and arrived at Yu Li's house with big and small bags.

After entering Yu Li's house, Yu Li's parents were very enthusiastic, but Yu Haitang's attitude was a bit weird.

This is not the first time Zhang Xiaoshan has met Haitang. When Zhang Xiaoshan was pursuing He Yushui, he had met Yu Haitang before. She and He Yushui were high school classmates and had a good relationship.

Now that Zhang Xiaoshan is dating Yu Li, she feels a little uncomfortable. He Yushui said at the time that Zhang Xiaoshan was like a brown candy, sticking to her all day long, not good looking, and not good at work, anyway, there is nothing good to say.

Now he is about to become her brother-in-law. This is a piece of junk that others don't want, and it was picked up by my sister.

"Zhang Xiaoshan, are you still the same now?"

"He's amazing. He just got promoted to a level 4 electrician this week. It's 47 yuan a month, and the salary can be 50 with the length of service." Yu Li rushed to show off.

Yu Haitang had nothing to say, this salary was more than his father's, and he also had a bicycle.

After seeing the gift from Zhang Xiaoshan, Yu Li's family was also surprised.

Five catties of pork, two catties of sausage, ham, several cans, cooking oil, rice noodles, etc.

As for the gift from Zhang Xiaoshan, the value is more than 30 yuan, and there is still a ticket. If you don’t have a ticket, you can’t buy it without more than 40 yuan.

"Zhang Xiaoshan is too generous, where are you now?" Yu Haitang whispered to Li.

Yu Li blushed. Although she and Zhang Xiaoshan were dating, they were not married after all. Yu Haitang asked this question, which made her shy: "Hand in hand".

"You can be on guard against him, he chased my classmate He Yushui before." Yu Haitang still didn't say anything good.

Yu Li glared at her younger sister and ignored her. Zhang Xiaoshan mentioned this when he took Yu Li to visit Xidan last time, saying that he was young and ignorant to fall in love with a bamboo pole with a flat plate on the front and back. It's good that Yu Li is so old, Yu Li blushed for a long time.

Yu Li and her mother started packing the things Zhang Xiaoshan gave them.

Although she felt that Zhang Xiaoshan gave too much, Yu Li was still very happy. And Yu Li's parents are very satisfied with Zhang Xiaoshan. Only Yu Haitang felt that her sister was at a disadvantage and found some junk that no one else wanted.

Zhang Xiaoshan is young and energetic, has a good job and good character, although the house is a bit small, but it is not a big problem. As long as Zhang Xiaoshan gets better at work, he can apply for a bigger house in the future.

After Zhang Xiaoshan gets married, he can also go to the street office to apply for a bigger house. Although it is very difficult, there is still hope if there is a way to be willing to give gifts. Don't even think about spending money to buy it, no one will go through the formalities, and the country doesn't allow it.

Then, Yu Li poured a cup of tea for Zhang Xiaoshan, while Yu's mother went to prepare meals. Zhang Xiaoshan came to the door today, and Yu Li's family also prepared good wine and good food. After all, there are only two daughters, and they are ruthless to entertain their daughters.

Father Yu took out chess and asked Zhang Xiaoshan to play chess with him. While playing chess, he chatted and asked about Zhang Xiaoshan's family situation. Although Yu Li came back and said it, Father Yu still wanted to ask more.

As for the bride price, dowry, when to get the certificate, and the banquet, etc., it is too early to talk about it. We have to wait until New Year's Day for the parents of both parties to talk about it.

"Xiao Zhang, the wives of your two older brothers live with your parents?" Father Yu wanted to know Zhang Xiaoshan's status in their family. As for Li and Yu Haitang, they are a little partial to Haitang, probably because Yu Haitang can speak and sing, is pretty, and is still a high school student.

"No, the two sister-in-laws accompanied their children with the army. One was a doctor and the other was a nurse. They only met when they got married, and they never came back after giving birth." Zhang Xiaoshan replied casually.

Father Yu asked again: "How old are they? Why aren't they professional yet?"

"My two elder brothers are both petty officials. One is eleven years older than me, and the other is nine years older. They are more promising than me. They say they can come back professionally in recent years. They are too far away in the south. Don't let them pass by casually." Zhang Xiaoshan was also quite curious about what unit the two brothers were in, and kept it a secret.

"Don't leave, come and eat." Yu's mother urged the two of them when the meal was ready.

He ate the meal happily, although it wasn't particularly rich, but Zhang Xiaoshan felt very warm, but Yu Haitang had always been eccentric and a little unhappy.

Zhang Xiaoshan really didn't find that she was beautiful in the future of the rolling mill. He could only say that she was better than ordinary people. welcome?

After dinner, Zhang Xiaoshan proposed to teach Yu Li how to bike. Yu Li was very happy, and the two started learning in the nearby streets. UU Reading

Zhang Xiaoshan's bicycle is not for women, but Yu Li can also ride it. The first time she rode a bicycle, Yu Li was also nervous. If Zhang Xiaoshan hadn't supported her from behind, she would have fallen down.

"Don't be nervous, take your time." Zhang Xiaoshan said.

Yu Li rode her bicycle nervously, and Zhang Xiaoshan followed behind to support her. After half an hour, Zhang Xiaoshan was also sweating all over, but Yu Li's soft body and his slight touch made Zhang Xiaoshan, an LSP, look up a little excitedly.

At this time, Yu Li was barely able to ride a bicycle alone, but it was not stable. In the past half an hour, besides being nervous, Yu Li was also excited.

It's normal to get excited about riding a bike these days. After all, bicycles in this era are like sports cars decades later. Can ordinary people drive sports cars?

When getting married, having a bicycle is a plus. If it weren't for the bicycle ticket given by his parents, Zhang Xiaoshan would not have a bicycle yet.

When he first traveled to this world, Zhang Xiaoshan didn't like bicycles, but as time passed, he wished to have a bicycle more and more.

It's like eating coarse grains of this era at the beginning, and it hurts my throat, but I can only eat it when I'm hungry. It took less than a month for Zhang Xiaoshan to fully adapt to this era.

Zhang Xiaoshan also thought about it, his wife is Yu Li. Yu Li is a nice woman, and the two have similar personalities, Zhang Xiaoshan is a little stern, Yu Li is a little domineering, their personalities complement each other, jackals and tigers and leopards are a natural match.

After learning almost, Yu Li rode a bicycle, and Zhang Xiaoshan ran beside him, and went for a walk in the park together. Although it was a bit cold, who is afraid of the cold when they are in a relationship?

After playing sweetly for an afternoon, the two made an agreement to go shopping and watch movies next weekend, and they parted reluctantly.