MTL - Feng Xing-Chapter 65

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Very familiar voice.

It was probably because the other party's voice was a little hoarse, but she didn't remember it for a while.

"Aren't you Gouqing?"

The other party laughed next to her ear, blowing his alcoholic breath on her face.

"You're not stupid."

"Then who are you?"

The opponent's rough fingers moved around her waist, Feng Sheng stretched out his hand to block it, but someone grabbed it and pressed it behind her.

"Is it too late to think about this issue now? Someone outside is listening, I just said, if you want to die, you can call."

Feng Sheng finally recognized who the voice was, it was King Wei.

"You are His Royal Highness King Wei?" She froze, and asked eagerly, "Why are you here, and why are you pretending to be Gouqing? Could it be that you..."

The rest of the words were blocked in her mouth.

Feng Sheng felt the smell of wine rushing into his nose, and his breath was full of wine. She couldn't resist at all, so she was kissed.

After realizing what happened, she struggled desperately, but her strength was too weak to match her opponent at all. For the first time in his life, Feng Sheng faced the difference between men and women, and the fact that men are naturally aggressive.

Her fine hair stood on end all of a sudden, which was a warning of encountering an enemy, or it might be a subconscious reaction to the stimulation. She felt like she was drowning, no matter how hard she struggled, she could only breathe hard.

Feng Sheng heard her panting, and also heard a male voice.

"It's kind of interesting."

She woke up all of a sudden, a large amount of air hit her nasal cavity and lung cavity, so that there were hazy yellow spots in front of her eyes, and it took another two breaths before she could see each other clearly.


If he had a knife in his hand now, Feng Sheng would definitely have chopped it over.

But then she was not given time to react, and she was pressed on the bed.


He rubbed the soft flesh around her waist, it was obviously Gou Qing's face, but his demeanor was his usual lazy and condescending.

Feng Sheng didn't speak, and pushed him with a dull head, until he was annoyed by pushing him, and then used the same trick again to clamp her hands and press them under her body.

"As I said before, Bao Da and Jin Er doubt your identity, so there are people outside listening."

"Listen to what?"

His eyes changed, as if she had asked some stupid question.

"Gouqing has been away for so long, and finally came back, lonely man and widow, dry firewood, what do you think others will listen to?"

Feng Sheng's face turned red all of a sudden, never before.

"Then Jin Er has always coveted you. If you don't want me to die and you fall into his hands, you should understand what to do."

How to do it?

Feng Sheng thought of what he said twice just now, call him if you don't want to die.

what is it call?

She has never been so embarrassing in her life, she feels like she is going to explode, and she can't wait to smash the jar and die.

But she really didn't want to die, she hadn't overturned her father's case yet, Fan nerd is so stupid, he might not be able to deal with those monsters. Moreover, Lianghuai is Lianghuai, and reversing the case is reversing the case. Although she deliberately planted a seed in his heart before leaving, it is unknown whether the seed will germinate and whether it will break through the friendship between teachers and students.

Ever since her father died, Feng Sheng understood a truth.

Whatever you want to do, do it yourself, don't rely on others.

She recalled the looks of those flower girls in her mind. It's not that she hasn't been to the fireworks land, and she even spent the night there. That's why she pretends to be Yuehong in order to look so similar.

It’s still pretending to be the moon red, but it’s different after all, it was just a layer of skin before, and now—

"You don't know, I can teach you." He said suddenly.

When Feng Sheng went to see him, he felt that his expression was weird, something strange that couldn't be described, as if he obviously shouldn't have this expression, but he was forced to have it.

This reminded her of him pretending to be Gouqing. There should be something glued on his face to make him look like this. At the same time, I also saw his eyes, the pupils were extremely black, with a fire shining in the center.

She subconsciously wanted to refuse, when the window suddenly rang, and her body froze immediately.

Naturally, King Wei didn't miss it, he bent down immediately, but was pushed away by Feng Sheng. She took advantage of the situation and exerted her strength, so that he was at the bottom and she was at the top.

"Master Gou, don't be so hasty."

She lightly raised her plain hand and placed it slowly on top of his chest, as if moving back and forth. At the same time, she looked at the bed curtain, and after seeing that it was a gauze curtain, her face darkened.

"You've been away for so long, and you're in a hurry to do that when you come back. What do you think of me?" She spoke slowly, and at the same time looked at King Wei provocatively.

Wei Wang froze, knowing what she meant.

Naturally, she couldn't act alone in this scene, and he had to do it.

He sat up, put his arms around her waist, and clamped her tightly in his arms, while gently caressing her face with the other hand.

"Master naturally treats you like a sweetheart." At the same time, her voice changed.

Feng Sheng was amazed at this voice-changing method, but she didn't forget that some short-lived person outside had changed from eavesdropping to peeking. play.

"My sweetheart? That's how the master treats my sweetheart. He's been away for so long, leaving me alone in this ghostly place, and he won't let anyone out."

"I did this for your own good. This place has more wolves and less flesh. I, Yue Hong, look so fresh. What if someone steals me?"

Feng Sheng couldn't continue, because she thought this kind of conversation was too boring and disgusting.

At this time, a pair of big palms covered her waist and kneaded it. She stared at him excitedly, and met the other person's eyes, wanting to be annoyed or not, so she could only smile coquettishly and reached out to pull the bed curtain.

"Grandpa, wait a minute, don't worry, I'll close the curtain, it's so embarrassing to be seen."

"Go away, let me see!" Jin Er yelled under his breath, tearing the man squatting under the window.

After the man got up, he still wanted to squeeze forward.

Jin Er turned his head and glared at him: "Does it look good?"

The man scrunched his face, and smiled ambiguously and ingratiatingly: "It's pretty, it smells so good, this woman has a really flirty name, no wonder the second leader can't forget it."

With a slap, he almost broke his neck. He rubbed his neck and wanted to move up, but he couldn't grab the best position, so he could only drill a hole under Jin Er and continue to look inside.

In fact, I couldn't see anything because the bed curtain was drawn, but because the curtain was very thin, against the light inside, I could vaguely see the figure inside.

Just relying on this figure and that ecstatic voice, it is enough for the two of them to make up a lot of things.

The more Jin Er watched, the more irritable he became.

The ignorant minion was still smacking his lips while watching, with a wretched face, and muttered in his mouth: "You can't judge by appearance, and the body of the third master is not too strong, but how long has it been..."

A slap fell on his head again, and this time he grabbed him by the collar and carried him away.

"What are you looking at, I was found to have peeled your skin."

I feel wronged: "Didn't the second master let me see it."

Jin Er glared at him, he looked at her face, leaned closer and said: "It seems that this woman is really Yuehong, and the one next to that old **** is a fake, the third master didn't lie to you and the first master. Second master, how about Forget it, the head of the family has said that she is just a woman, and now the gang is pointing at the head of the third, it is really inappropriate to fall out. Although women are like clothes, the clothes are obviously right, I am afraid that the second head will let the , and the second leader is unwilling, let's wait and see a good opportunity to talk."

"I don't want to bear it for a day!"

With another slap on the back of the head, Jin Er strode away.

This minion sighed and followed.

For a whole day, Feng Sheng didn't even dare to meet King Wei's eyes.

During this period, he went out and came back, came back and went out again, she would lie on the bed and pretend to be dead, telling her not to eat, and it lasted until night.

"You really don't want to eat?"

Before she could answer, he wrapped her up in his clothes, carried her off the bed, and placed her in front of the table.

Looking at this face, Feng Sheng wondered in a daze that he really wasn't Gou Qing, if it was Gou Qing, the two of them might be playing tricks right now.

It's really not good-looking, especially at this moment there are servants in the room who are putting food on the table. Feng Sheng dawdled to put on the cotton padded clothes, her feet were still bare, but she didn't dare to order him, and putting on shoes by herself was really not in line with the character of 'Yue Hong', so she was so naked until everyone went down , and then tentatively put his bare feet on the ground.

Really ice.

Before she could stand up, she was held down by him.

He went to fetch the pair of thin-soled embroidered shoes and threw them at her feet. Regardless of her, she sat back on her seat and picked up chopsticks to eat.

Feng Sheng didn't expect him to behave like this, feeling a little embarrassed, she lowered her head and put on her shoes silently.

"You know you are like this, what will outsiders say about you?"

She just straightened up, her chin was on the edge of the table, and when she heard this sentence, she forgot to pick it up.

She blinked, looking completely different from her usual self.


Seeing her like this, he became interested and said with a smile, "Guess."

Just looking at his strange eyes, a scene flashed in Feng Sheng's mind like a spark of calcium carbide.

That was a long time ago. At that time, she and Fan Jinchuan had just arrived at the Taizhou county government. In order to get along with those government servants, she often drank with them.

When a man drank, he would inevitably tell some nasty jokes, and then she listened to a lot of nonsense.

such as—

"That **** couldn't get out of bed for two days."

Feng Sheng's face turned completely red, and his mind went blank.

It wasn't until she saw King Wei's stinky face and the embroidered shoes in his hand that she realized what she had done.

"You, you, shameless!"

King Wei laughed angrily.

He didn't eat the meal, dropped the chopsticks and shoes, came over and carried her back to the bed.

"What are you doing?" Feng Sheng called out in a low voice, but struggled a lot.

"Didn't you say I'm shameless?"

"You, you go away."

It was the same posture as yesterday, Feng Sheng's hands were pressed under her body.

"If you want to die, you can call."

Obviously these words are similar to yesterday's words, but the meaning has completely changed.

"Wait, wait, I'm hungry." Seeing that he finally didn't move, she moistened her lips and whispered: "Your Highness, don't forget about villains, so don't tell me that I don't know gold and jade." The little girl cares."

King Wei looked at her and saw her fair face and ruddy lips. Thinking of yesterday's scene, his eyes darkened, and seeing how careless she was, his heart softened.

He snorted coldly, let go of his hand, and stood up straight.

Feng Sheng hurriedly went down against the bedpost, honestly went to the table and sat down to eat.

The atmosphere was embarrassing for a meal.

After eating, it's freezing cold now, and I have nowhere to go, so I can only stay in the room.

King Wei half-closed his eyes, leaning on the Luohan bed, with a cup of tea in hand. The posture seems relaxed and casual, but it also implies a kind of tense readiness to go.

Feng Sheng hesitated and hesitated, and asked: "Why did His Highness come here, where is Gou Qing?"

King Wei didn't speak.

"Your Highness has a high status. How could you come here dressed like this? You caught Gouqing? So Your Highness came dressed like this... What's in this place..."

Feng Sheng couldn't continue.

She wouldn't be too surprised even if King Wei came in with troops, but it was precisely this that surprised her. He was alone, pretending to be Gouqing, and went deep into the tiger's den. It's impossible to plot big things, and it's not impossible, but as his identity, there is really no big thing worthy of him doing this.

So, why he is self-evident.

What news did he know, that's why he came in to find out about her at the risk of his own life?

King Wei suddenly stood up and went out.

Feng Sheng thought that he would come back later, but he didn't come back, and he didn't know where he went.

She paced back and forth in the room to digest food, but the more she walked, the more irritable she became. Went to the bed, fell on it, and covered his eyes.