MTL - Feminist God-Chapter 60 cousin hurry up

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  Chapter 60 Cousin get in the car

Lin Qing, the cousin-in-law, has met him a few times before. He is a very sissy man. He is a sissy man. He speaks very sweetly. The sayings of this world are a model of a good husband and a good father!

   It's just that he never thought that his cousin's husband would be disobedient and flirt with Zhao Lin'er.

   While speaking, he left the Entrepreneurship Center.

  Lin Qing's eyes subconsciously looked around to find his cousin's car. She had said before that she would take her back by car, so that he would not have to take the bus again.

   It's just that he looked for a long time and couldn't find a car with four wheels, but the two-wheeled cars were parked neatly in rows.

   "My cousin has so many parking spaces, why do you have to park the car elsewhere?" Lin Qing asked.

   "Didn't stop anywhere else."

  Lin Xue walked down the bluestone steps, Lin Qing suddenly had a bad idea in his heart, the car the cousin mentioned must not be one of the little sheep in the row

   And this idea is getting stronger and stronger. If my cousin really has the money to buy a car, she won't owe a whole lot of broadband fees.

  Following Lin Qing, Lin Xue and Zhao Liner skillfully took out the car keys from their pockets, inserted them into the two red battery cars, and pushed them out.

  The two battery cars seemed to be saying hello to Lin Qing, making a soft "didi" sound, as if telling him to get in the car quickly.

   "Oh, my God, what a little sheep!" Lin Qing covered her face.

   "Cousin, get in the car!" Lin Xue greeted Lin Qing and did not forget to pat the narrow back seat of the car behind her.

  On one side, Zhao Liner put her left hand in the air and smiled awkwardly.

  Lin Qing sat behind Lin Xue, her body almost touching her body. As soon as she entered the courtyard of the Entrepreneurship Center, Lin Qing discovered a very strange situation.

  Lin Xue has her hair in a coil.

  He found beads of sweat appearing on the pink neck that was close at hand, and the sides of the two gemstone earrings of his cousin were dyed red.

   "Cousin, do you have a fever?"

  This situation was extremely strange, and Lin Qing didn't think too deeply about it because of his relatives, so he couldn't help asking behind.

   "You'd better take Zhao Liner's car, cousin's car, the battery is low!" Lin Xue lied and stopped the little sheep, her face was burning.

   Behind her is her own cousin, she can't and doesn't want to!

Zhao Liner was instantly elated, probably because she understood why Lin Xue said that. After all, this handsome male **** is related to the other party. That posture is really tormenting, especially when the word morality is always firmly on the top of her head. hanging.

Although she felt unspeakably excited at the thought that she would be able to have intimate contact with the handsome male **** later, Zhao Liner's expression remained the same as usual, and she said, "Since sister-in-law's car battery is low, then take my car. The car has enough power!"

"sister in law?"

  Lin Qing got out of the car, stretched her slender left leg, Zhao Liner's beautiful eyes widened immediately, swallowed involuntarily, and said to herself, "It's so long! It's so straight!"

   "Your cousin's husband is Zhao Liner's elder brother." Lin Xue explained from the side.

  Lin Qing blinked, slightly surprised, no wonder her cousin was so relieved of Zhao Liner, she kept saying that she was from her own family, and she was really from her own family in terms of this relationship.


  Lin Qing blushed slightly, and his previous thoughts seemed a little dirty.

   Let’s just say, how could someone have a bigger heart than Lin Aotian, even if this person is a cousin!

   "Talk on the road." Lin Xue started the little sheep first.

Zhao Liner also followed closely behind, but the little sheep is a little sheep after all, and the area for riding people is very small, with their bodies almost touching each other. In addition, Zhao Liner deliberately sat back, and the heat waves from Lin Qing's breath almost penetrated Zhao Liner's cool gauze reached her pink and white back.

  As soon as the little sheep walked away, Lin Qing leaned forward again due to inertia, and put his face directly on it.

   "Hiss~" Zhao Liner couldn't help but gasped.

  Little Sheep suddenly began to stray seriously, she endured and endured before regaining her balance, and only then did she show a kind of enjoyment that she had never had before, and secretly said: What a deadly little fairy!

  Just now she was stuck to the body of the male **** behind her, which almost made her lose control of herself...

Lin Qing didn't know that Zhao Lin'er had fallen into a kind of sudden beauty. He turned his head and covered his left face with his hand to avoid blowing the hair in front of his face. Resuming the previous topic, he said to Lin Xue: "Cousin We don’t proxy emails for people, we do reading websites first.”

  Lin Xue looked surprised, as if she didn't hear clearly, and repeated: "Read the website?"

  She knew about that thing, it was a swamp, but any company rarely entered that field, not because companies were not optimistic about literature websites, but because they hadn’t found a real business model.

Take Longsheng as an example, their company also has Longsheng Reading, but everyone in the industry knows that Longsheng is supported by the rich and powerful. Nearly half of their advertising space is spent on it, and most of the other websites are Le Tighten your belt and live a life where there is no tomorrow.

   Now Lin Qing suddenly said that the purpose of setting up the company is to make a reading website. If she didn't know Lin Qing better, she might have turned around and left.

   "That's right, this is the first step of one-click life service." Lin Qing answered truthfully, without shying away from Zhao Lin'er in front of her at all.

  Lin Xue frowned, and said: "It's easy for my cousin to build a reading website, but it will be troublesome after that. The water here is too deep, and there is no publishing house and bookstore."

  She does not support Lin Qing's doing this very much. If it is a reading website, it is better to use the money to open a supermarket.

   "There is no need for publishing houses and bookstores." Lin Qing gave her a reassuring look.

  Lin Xue couldn't understand it at all. Although she used to act as an agent for email companies, she also understood that if a reading website wants to make money, it must cooperate with publishing houses and bookstores.

Even if everything goes well, there may be more input than output, because any literary work must be approved by an editor before it is printed by a publishing house, and finally distributed to various literary works. Large bookstores lend and sell.

  The large amount of manpower and material resources is an astronomical figure in itself, and there are still pirated books holding back. In summary, this is the problem that major literary websites have been facing, and it is also a problem faced by authors.

  Finally, Lin Xue looked at Zhao Liner with an inquiring gaze, and found that the other party was only frowning, intending to continue listening, so she asked, "What do you mean?"

   "Vip reading!" Lin Qing said in a deep voice.

  The voice was not loud, but it reached Lin Xue and Zhao Liner's ears clearly.

   "Member reading?" Lin Xue couldn't understand at all, what kind of membership method should a member read, and if you become a member, you can read any book at will?

   This is a good idea. Some websites have proposed such an idea before, but it was left behind because the author’s income cannot be calculated?

  The comfort on Zhao Liner's face has long since disappeared, replaced by contemplation. She always feels that the intention of the handsome man behind her is not limited to this.

   "No, no, I sell characters." Lin Qing said.

   "Selling characters?" Lin Xue shook her head in confusion, completely unable to understand the concept of selling characters.

   In front of her, Zhao Liner showed a look of sudden realization after a little contemplation. She understood Lin Qing's intention and said excitedly: "You mean to sell to readers according to the number of words in each book, and then the website will share the money with readers?"

   After she finished speaking, she subconsciously shivered. The cousin of the sister-in-law behind her is too good at calculating. He can open his mouth to come up with such an idea. If he is married in the future, it will be really difficult to control!

  Lin Qing glanced at Zhao Liner's slender back in surprise. Without a detailed explanation, she is the only person who can analyze the concepts of the previous life most thoroughly, and she hasn't thought it through carefully!

   Sure enough, my cousin is not deceiving me, Zhao Liner is very reliable, has skills and brains, what kind of boss killer is she, she is clearly the spine!

When he was thinking like this, after Zhao Liner's description, Lin Xue had to take a high look at her cousin who was a high-achieving student, and a kind of proud excitement suddenly arose in her heart. After all, it was the Lin family. Catch up with yourself!

  She couldn't help admiring her sister-in-law Zhao Lin'er, the two of them had a good understanding!

  Just when seeing Zhao Liner's exquisite face showed obvious excitement and a triumphant smile

  Lin Xue's heart trembled suddenly. After many years of contact, she knew Zhao Liner very well, knowing that this guy was about to start cheating again!

  (end of this chapter)