MTL - Feminist God-Chapter 384 Is he a devil?

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  Chapter 384 Is he a devil?

  The three women in the yard opened their eyes wide, and even those who were rolling and crawling were frightened.

  They are exactly the women that the village chief said were idle and thinking about other people's husbands all day long.

  Before they heard that two beautiful men from big cities had come to the village, their minds became active. After hearing that they lived in the brigade, they planned to come over at night to secretly look at the beautiful men's bodies.

  However, they never expected not only to be discovered, but several of them also saw ghosts.

   At the intersection of the line of sight, a handsome man's face was pitch black. The three women had never seen the market before, and they didn't know what facial masks and facial mud were, and they were here to peep, so they were nervous.

  So when the lights in the room came on suddenly, they panicked immediately, and they also regarded Liang Qingshi as the legendary faceless man.

   Suddenly, the three women were like headless flies, walking towards the corner of the wall with horror on their faces, ready to climb over the wall and escape from this place of right and wrong.

  Liang Qingshi realized in the room that the figure on the window was not a person at all, but a local villager came to peep.


  He immediately covered a certain place with his hands, and subconsciously let out a scream.

  The lights in the other rooms of the brigade were also turned on, and it was obvious that Zhao Liner, Chu Fei and others were all awakened.

   "You didn't even take off your pants, is it useful to cover them?" Lin Qing said with contempt.

   Neither of them took off their clothes because they were not used to living in this place.

  As soon as Lin Qing's voice fell, he hurriedly jumped off the kang, put on his clothes, and ran out. Since it was a woman who came to the door, he must of course let them know how powerful a man is!

  Because there is no light in the yard, only a sliver of light can be seen through the moonlight and the window, and only three figures can be seen vaguely.

  They were climbing the wall in a hurry.

  Lin Qing ran over and dragged them down one by one. All of them were pressed to the ground to let the three women know what is scary about men!

   "Ah ah."

  The screams of the women rose and fell, and the barking of dogs in some villages sounded one after another.

   They were already scared out of their wits, so Lin Qing easily beat all three of them from start to finish.

  The three women were all stunned by the beating, their minds were in a daze, and they didn't dare to move.

  Lin Qing knew that if this kind of person didn't beat him, he might become more and more rampant in the future. If he dared to peep today, maybe in the future, several women would push a man to the ground and force him in turn.

  So it is necessary to get them on the right track as early as possible, but Lin Qing believes that violence can solve all problems until the three women under him give in.

  Lin Qing was still fighting three women from the mountain village alone at night as a man.

   After a while, other people in the brigade also ran out in a hurry.

   It was only about two minutes before and after.

   When the flashlight and mobile phone light came on, Lin Qing stopped beating the three women below him.

  Zhao Liner, Chu Fei, and the other two interns from Beijing University more or less knew about Lin Qing's beating of women. Although they were terrified, they were used to it and could accept the reality.

   But the others were not like this. Seeing the three moaning women on the ground, they swallowed subconsciously.

  No one realizes that Lin Qingming has the appearance of the ultimate male god, but he can actually hit people, and the beating of women is also violent, right?

   Look at how they beat up the three women on the ground.

  Disheveled hair and bruised nose

  Suddenly, everyone realized that there was a serious problem. Their relationship had been deceived by his extreme appearance all along.

  Some people who knew Lin Qing not long ago, such as Director Huo, Guo Yi, and even the reporter group looked up at Lin Qing with different eyes.

  Lin Qing stood up, hammered his sore waist with his right hand, then exhaled and said, "These three women came here at night to spy."

   "Peeping?" Everyone was surprised, and things might be more complicated than imagined.

   Just Lin Qing and Liang Qingshi, there is no doubt that women in this mountain village have never seen a man with such outstanding looks.

  If there were only two unarmed men here, maybe the three women would get worse, from peeping to coercion.

   "But just now I vaguely heard someone screaming?" Chu Fei was puzzled.

   "I'm making dough, maybe they haven't seen a man making dough at night." Only then did Liang Qingshi come over slowly.

  The sudden voice sounded, and many people subconsciously turned their heads, but they were also froze in shock.

   Now, people can probably understand how the previous ghost scream came from.

  Lin Qing looked at the time, it was almost early morning, and the villagers were already asleep at this time, but this matter had to be told to the village chief.

   "Tie up these three people first." Lin Qing turned around and said to Guo Yi: "Sister Guo, please go and call the village chief over."

  Since you are from this village, you must solve it in the village.

The three women on the ground were full of bitterness. If they saw this beautiful man's body, it would not be a loss if they were beaten, but if they didn't see anything, it would be fine. After being beaten, I felt that this was a bit too bad.

   Now when they heard that the other party planned to call the village chief over, the three women panicked


   "Don't dare again, just spare us this time."


  The three women kept begging for mercy.

  Once the village head is called, it is necessary to call all the people in the village.

   And his reputation has always been notorious in the village, and many people can be said to hate it, especially those women who have husbands.

  Maybe I will take this opportunity to make things worse, and the fate may not be light at that time.

   "Be honest with me." Lin Qing threatened.

  After the final tying, Lin Qing had no choice but to kick each of them again, and the three women on the ground dared not say a word.

  The barking of dogs in the village almost never stops.

   After a while, the village chief was wearing a coat and holding an oil lamp in his hand, and his face was dark. She lost all sleep, because the most worrying thing still happened.

  When I came here, I listened to Guo Yi explain the whole story clearly.

  The three idle women in the village actually ran into the brigade in the middle of the night to spy on people sleeping. Fortunately, nothing happened. If those three women ruined the two beautiful men from the capital

   Isn't this ruining someone's life? !

  Seeing the village chief, the three women on the ground suddenly became excited, struggling and crying: "Village chief, you are here, please save us."

  Lin Qing kicked everyone immediately, and the three women settled down.

  "Village head." Lin Qing looked at the village head with a very unsightly face.

  The village chief waved his hand, interrupted Lin Qing's words, bowed and said, "I've heard about it, and I'm here to apologize to everyone. Three scumbags appeared in the village and everyone was surprised."

  Bending over to apologize to a junior, the village chief's old face was flushed, and he wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

   "It's easy to say, but how to deal with these three scumbags." Lin Qing said.

"They have done bad deeds before, and now they have done such unconscionable things. I'd better ask the villagers." The village chief hesitated for a while, looked at the three women on the ground, and didn't take a breath where to come.

  If you like men, go find a place where no one is around to solve it.

  Aside from other things in the mountain village, there are sticks everywhere, thick and thin!

   Went to the brigade to spy on people sleeping, and was caught by them, which really embarrassed the village.

   "Alright, listen to the big guy's opinion." Lin Qing nodded and said.

  It is not difficult to wake up the villagers here in the middle of the night. The population of the small mountain village itself is small, and there are probably less than a hundred households.

  So when the village head returned home, he returned to the brigade with a gong.

   "." Everyone.

   "The horn is not as effective as the gong." The village chief smiled awkwardly.

   "Boom, boom."

   A gong sounded, and the piercing sound echoed throughout the mountain village. The lights of every house were turned on for a while, and the barking of dogs in every house also rose and fell with each other.

  Hearing the call, the villagers came to the gate of the brigade with deep sleepiness.

  Seeing the three women **** on the ground, the villagers murmured for a while, wondering if it was...

  After all, the handsome man from this city is so good-looking, maybe it was the three women who couldn't hold back, so he was caught when he came at night, and the injuries on his body are the best proof.

  The village chief didn't hide anything anymore, and said loudly, "It's like this."

  The scene suddenly became silent, and it turned out that the three scum in the village were plotting against the handsome man.

  For a while, people looked at the three whores who were **** on the ground with contempt, and they actually peeped at people sleeping, and they lost the face of the village and women.

   "After all, he is a member of our village, so what to do is up to the big guy." The village chief said loudly again: "The big guy said it should be punished."

  People have long hated the scum in the three villages, even if they are idle, and they always think about other people's husbands, the big guys have long been resentful.

  Now there is a chance to clear the scum, and many people started to shout for a while.

   "Let's soak the pig cage!"

   "Yes, these three **** drowned in a pig cage. They miss my husband every day, and they don't feel at ease at night."

   "That's nothing, my son doesn't dare to go to the hut at night, for fear of being ruined by them."


  The villagers condemned loudly, and finally decided that the punishment was to dip the three scumbags into a pig cage.

   "Okay, since the big guys say soaking the pig cage, let's soak the pig cage."

   At this time, the village head did not dare to intercede. Although the punishment was a bit excessive, the villagers agreed.

  The three women on the ground swallowed their saliva, their faces were bloodless, and they were almost scared to death

   It’s just peeping. The most important thing is that I didn’t see anything, and I was beaten, and I was soaked in a pig cage in the end. Isn’t this too bad? !

  Lin Qing and the others glanced at each other, wondering if it was too much of a fuss.

   Soaking in pig cages was a special method for those notorious people a long time ago. It was to put people in pig cages, and then sink into the water and slowly drown.

   Now it is a society ruled by law, where does this ancient criminal law exist.

  Even if it is coercion, it will only be sentenced to a few decades at most, let alone voyeurism, which is a moral issue, and at most it will be detained for some time.

   "The village chief, I think it's okay, it's too serious." Lin Qing hurriedly pleaded for mercy, it was just peeping, a little punishment would be fine, and no one would be killed.

   "But if they are not punished, the villagers' resentment will be hard to dissipate, and you can see it." The village chief said while scanning the expressions of the villagers with his eyes, and almost most of them were faintly angry.

   "Well, since they are spying on me, then I will punish them." Lin Qing said solemnly, with an imperceptible smile flashing across the corner of his mouth.

  Beating and torturing women are Lin Qing's favorite.

   "Yes, yes, whoever we spy on will be punished." The three women on the ground said hastily.

   Being punished by a beautiful boy is nothing more than a beating, but if the villagers are changed, the punishment will be different.

   Now as long as you can survive, when this matter is over, all the men in the village will definitely be ruined.

  The three women on the ground were thinking so viciously in their hearts, they had already made a note of who they were just now, and who had a younger husband.

  The village head told the villagers exactly what Lin Qing said.

  Although the villagers were unwilling to soak the scum in the village in a pig cage, they were victims, so how to punish them would depend on the victims.

  The three scumbags on the ground breathed a sigh of relief, and they will just be beaten again later, which is nothing compared to soaking a pig cage.

  Thinking about it this way, the faces of the three women no longer showed fear.

  Only Zhao Lin'er present knew that things might not be as simple as imagined, and with Lin Qing's character of never losing money, maybe he had some idea.

  Looking at the three women on the ground, Lin Qing smiled, then turned to ask the village chief in a low voice, "Village chief, do you have long fish here?"

   "Long fish?" The village chief had never heard of this term.

   "It's Huang Shan." Lin Qing said in a low voice.

   "Oh, long fish is yellow food, why do you want that." The village chief paused, frowned and said, "No."

   "Of course the three of them will be punished." Lin Qing said in a deep voice.

  Many people can't react, use yellow meal to punish?

   What does this mean? It seems that that thing can't be used for anything other than eating, right?

  Lin Qing was full of regret, and thought about other alternative creatures, so a disgusting creature appeared in his mind.

  He whispered: "What about leeches, they are disgusting creatures that specialize in sucking human blood in the water."

   "There is this one, but I have to get it tomorrow, and I can't get it tonight." The village chief understood what Lin Qing meant this time, and planned to use leeches to **** blood. This punishment is fine.

  Neither heavy nor light, but the victory is impressive.

  Lin Qing sighed regretfully.

   "You mean that you plan to use leeches to inject the dirty blood from their bodies?" the village chief said again.

  Lin Qing was taken aback, and explained: "I didn't say to use leeches to **** blood, I meant to use long fish to drill them. Since there are no long fish, I used leeches instead."

  The people who entered the mountain with Lin Qing suddenly looked at him differently.

   It is rumored that the more good-looking a man is, the more malicious he is, and Lin Qing's appearance is indeed impeccable from a woman's perspective. It seems that a man is a femme fatale.

  The three women on the ground heard Lin Qing's words verbatim. They immediately clamped their legs subconsciously, and their faces turned pale, showing obvious horror.

   At this moment, there is only one thought in my mind: Is he a devil? Can you think of such a vicious method?

  (end of this chapter)

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