MTL - Feminist God-Chapter 370 final trial

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  Chapter 370 Final Trial

  People recognized the handsome young man.

His name is Lin Qing, and he is the most popular man in China today, bar none. Although he is not from the entertainment industry, he has more fans than popular stars, and he is the man most normal young women like !

  Because the powerful Huaqing Technology Company is owned by Lin Qing, and he himself is also a legendary male god.

  Lin Qing walked into the court first, followed by Dong Mingming and Liang Qingyu, followed by Huaqing's press team.

  He handed the folder in his hand to Dong Mingming behind him, smiled, and said in an unhurried voice: "I am the plaintiff, I am sorry that I may be a little late."

  Lin Qing and the others stood beside Wang Feng, looked towards the judge, and smiled very politely: "We can start now."

  Very confident. After entering the door, Lin Qing and his party carried a kind of confidence, as if they never thought that this lawsuit would lose.

   This made Li Tiantian and Meng Ge feel uneasy, and turned their attention to their lawyer.

  Their family invited a middle-aged female lawyer, who wore gold-rimmed glasses and was very aggressive. She was a well-known lawyer in Beijing.

  The two lawyers on the other side were smiling, and they were both very kind, and they didn't have the obvious arrogance of lawyer Fang.

  Lawyer Fang, a middle-aged woman, presents evidence and speaks eloquently, defending Li Tiantian's innocence.

  Dong Mingming intended to exercise Liang Qingyu's ability on one side, so he didn't speak.

Liang Qingyu's slender hands rested on the folder, and she only occasionally raised her head to glance at the opposing lawyer. Her expression was very flat, and no obvious changes could be seen, but in fact, she was so nervous that she was dying. After all, Lin Qing was on the side, so there must be no mistakes and he would be caught by him. look down.

   She kept silent, or there was no suspense in this lawsuit. The evidence in her hands was enough to ruin Li Tiantian's reputation and pay a heavy price for her mistakes.

  The middle-aged woman, Lawyer Fang, put out a series of files, each of which was very orderly, and even intentionally or unintentionally slandered Wang Feng at the end.

   She drank a glass of water until her mouth was dry, pressed her throat, then nodded to the presiding judge, and said, "President, my statement is over."

  After the lecture, Li Tiantian and Meng Ge's confidence was greatly boosted, and their uneasy mood disappeared, with relieved smiles on their faces.

   But Wang Feng was overwhelmed by what the other party said, and what she said successfully exonerated Li Tiantian from the crime, and even she herself couldn't refute it.

  She subconsciously put her hope on the beautiful lawyer beside her, and looked at Liang Qingyu tightly with her eyes, but she was a little uncertain in her heart.

  Why doesn't this beautiful lawyer say a word?

   Isn't she the lawyer brought by Lin Qing?

  Do not argue or argue?

   And she's still so young. Could it be that she's just an intern, and she's afraid of such a big battle without seeing it?

  While Wang Feng was thinking, the beautiful lawyer in sight finally sorted out the folders she brought.

   "According to the special authorization of the plaintiff, I will act as its agent ad litem to participate in this court litigation. Before that, I have read the case file materials in detail, and I have three doubts about the factual basis put forward by the other party."

  Liang Qingyu flipped through the previous archives, and smiled. It was supposed to be a charming smile, but in this world, it seemed to be just good-looking, because there are too many women, and men are the most sought-after.

"According to the health certificate issued by Wang De's family, it fully proves that Wang De was brutally persecuted by women during his lifetime, and it is known that Wang De often went to two places before his death, the university and the apartment rented by Li Tiantian, so I personally think that Li Tiantian The crime time is the most."

   "Two, about..."


  Liang Qingyu is a top student of Capital University after all, and within a short period of graduation, she has already gained a firm foothold in the circle of lawyers.

   After finishing speaking, a smile appeared on the corner of Liang Qingyu's mouth, her body relaxed inexplicably, and she just performed perfectly.

  Her arguments are clear, evidence is sufficient, coherence is clear, and language is refined.

   It seems that there is an obvious magic power, which attracts the attention of everyone, even Lin Wan, without any trace, and directly points out that the indirect murderer is Li Tiantian.

   After saying this, the entire court suddenly fell silent.

  Li Tiantian swallowed her saliva, wishing to strangle Liang Qingyu and Lin Qing to death, so she had to make trouble with herself?

Lawyer Fang, a middle-aged woman, was speechless. She couldn't find the point of insertion or even the point of refutation. There were layers of sweat on her forehead, and she no longer had the previous aggressive aura. In the end, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "These evidences are not enough to prove that Li Tiantian is the murderer."

  The presiding judge also nodded. Although logically Li Tiantian is the most suspected, there is no actual evidence. After all, words alone cannot convict a person.

   "Oh?" Liang Qingyu smiled, and said confidently: "The chief judge, I can provide criminal evidence here."

  Li Tiantian's eyes suddenly widened. The moment she saw Liang Qingyu take out her cell phone, her heart suddenly rose in her throat.

  When the sisters took turns persecuting Wang De, it wasn't just me who was recording the video.

  When the presiding judge heard that Liang Qingyu had new evidence, he immediately asked the judicial police to bring up the evidence. In order to be fair and just, he projected it on the wall with a projection device.

   Moments of outrage appear on the walls of the courtroom.

  In just a short dozen seconds, the presiding judge hastily turned off the projection.

   This is respect for the dead.

  For a while, the atmosphere in the courtroom became extremely oppressive, and even the sound of heavy breathing was heard continuously.

  In the video that was just played, Li Tiantian and the other women were clearly beasts. Wang De's screams made the listeners feel melancholy and terrified.

  Wang Feng stood there and cried, crying very aggrieved, but unable to do anything, because it was the torture that Wang De suffered during his lifetime. Every time Wang De screamed in the video, her heart ached.

  She seemed to be much older, she put her right hand on Lin Qing's shoulder, and immediately fell to the ground.

   "Quickly move a chair to the victim's family." The presiding judge immediately stood up from the chair, showing obvious sympathy in his fair and impartial demeanor.

  Others also expressed sympathy for Wang Feng. After all, her son Wang De suffered such nightmare-like pain during his lifetime.

   "Thank you." Wang Feng thanked weakly while sitting on the chair.

  The presiding judge nodded, and said seriously: "Please forgive me."

  People looked at Li Tiantian in the dock with hatred. She and those women were simply animals.

  Li Tiantian was dumbfounded. From the moment the video was released, the crime could almost be settled. It indirectly caused murder. How serious is this crime.

  Lawyer Fang, a middle-aged woman beside her, couldn't help frowning.

   At this point in the lawsuit, there is no need to argue anymore. If the other party did not provide this video evidence, then she could still argue Li Tiantian as innocent, but the facts have now appeared in the public eye.

   It was Li Tiantian and several other women who spoiled Wang De together, causing him to have physical problems, so he didn't get out of the shadows and chose to commit suicide by jumping off a building.

   Is it still necessary to excuse Li Tiantian's crime?

  Lawyer Fang opened his mouth, but like a defeated hen, there was no sound.

   Meng Ge gasped heavily, feeling grief and indignation in his heart, and finally understood why Lin Qing was so confident before, but he never expected that he could get the evidence left by those people at that time.

  If it weren't for his appearance, this lawsuit should be under control, and the result would be that Li Tiantian was innocent without any suspense.

   But it is Lin Qing, why does he have so many things, he insists on getting involved.

   Aren't you afraid that the fish will die and the net will be broken?

   "Lin Qing, you really want to have trouble with our family, right?" Meng Ge finally couldn't help but point at Lin Qing and curse in court.

  Once Li Tiantian is convicted of the crime, it will also affect his future career in the Ministry of War.

  (end of this chapter)