MTL - Female Protagonist is a Blackened Villainess-Chapter 39 City master

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The dense jungle was cut out of an open space, and people were temporarily arranging wooden houses in the house. The number of the villages was almost as large as that of large villages. The people were big and small, people came and went, but almost all wore uniforms.

After some preparations, the team traveled at a rapid speed, and it was the setting sun. They finally came to the temporary base of the college in the World of Warcraft.

The so-called temporary base is actually to track the students who came to the World of Warcraft to prevent major accidents, but even so, there are still many accidents and deaths, which are common.

It can be said that the college is not a place to play, and it is always full of danger.

When Long Shiyi and others came, they were greeted by a group of guards. After the medical team removed the two wounded, the team was divided into two groups. The first team was led by the teacher to Dalina to find the team leader. Long Shizhen and Zi Linglong took the head of the badge and went to find the head of the Holy Spirit.

When I heard the whereabouts of Moss, the head of the Holy Spirit, I found a so-called golden earthen house. This golden earthen house is located in the middle of many earthen houses. It is relatively luxurious, but it is easy to find.

In front of the Tsuchiya, there were two guards. When I saw the two men coming up, they stopped the way. One of the faint words: "The college is heavy, and no one can enter. If there are important things, you can look for responsibility in all aspects. people."

Zi Lingling took out two tokens and said, "We are the students of the Holy Spirit. Come here to find the head of the Holy Spirit.

"Students' Holy Spirit?" The two guards looked at them suspiciously, then looked at each other, and then moved away from the position and stood quietly in the corner.

"Let's go!" Long Shi妍 took the hand of Zi Lingling and got into the golden earth house. As soon as they stepped into the door, they heard the voices of two men, and the subconscious stopped their steps.

The low-pitched male voice said: "Old guy, how, the temporary stronghold I built is not bad, if you feel good, you can accompany me to see the dark forest."

"Not bad?" Only after listening to the old male voice paused for a while, said, "Cough, Moss, just a temporary base, why do you be so luxurious."

"Old guy, you don't understand this. This is called taste. You old people will never understand the thoughts of our group of young people. In our words, it is old stubbornness." The low-sounding man said .

"Oh, young people? If you spread this word, your chief face of the Holy Spirit group does not know where to put it, it must be extremely interesting." The old voice disdain.

"Cut! Um?" The young man suddenly paused for a while and screamed, "Who is sneaking outside, why not come in?"

When the dragon poetry returned to the gods and looked at Zi Lingling, she took her and stepped into the earthen house.

Different from the outside scenery, they are in a luxurious hall, the shining crystal lamp on the head, and the precious World of Warcraft leather seat. The seat allows the tea table to have various tea sets and snacks. All symbolize the taste of the high school.

In this luxurious hall, there are only two people. One is the white-haired bearded old man sitting in the main position. The old man is ruddy, and he is very healthy. He is opening a book.

Another short-haired middle-aged man has a handsome face with a knife-like determination. However, he always feels a bit stiff. There is a crystal next to him. The crystal is constantly flashing an unclear picture. If you look closely, The students are fighting Warcraft.

"Cough." The middle-aged man had a low cough, and seemed to be casual: "You two, what are you doing secretly outside the door?"

"Ah! Master Moss, you can rest assured that we have not heard anything." Zi Ling smiled and asked Long Shi, "Do you say that you are a sister?"

Dragon poetry nodded.

"Look." Zi Ling shrugged.

The middle-aged man coughed a few words and shifted the subject. "You two, is there anything going on here?"

Long Shiyi said: "With regard to the leader's assessment test, we have already retrieved the head of the badge." She said, put the badge up.

The middle-aged man took the badge and looked up at her and said, "Is there any danger in the assessment mission?"

"No." Long Shiyi replied faintly.

"Where isn't there!" Long Shiying's voice just fell, Zi Lingling rushed up, hands clasped the table in front of the middle-aged man, said with imposing manner: "This road we do not know how many dangers encountered, ants, assassins There are eight levels of Warcraft, and there are also students who claim to be the assessment team. In short, we are almost a bit dead."

The middle-aged man picked up his eyebrows and looked at the white-haired old man who was reading the book on the main side. He only looked away from the dragon poetry for a moment and asked: "Is it true?"

"Yes, but it has been solved, it is not a big deal." Long Shi said that it was not fair.

"Where is not a big event, we are almost swallowed up by the horrible ant wave, and my sister is almost killed by the assassin. It is a life of nine deaths." Zi Lingling is dissatisfied with the look of Long Shiyi, she trots forward. Going to the old man with white hair, I won a book of the old man and said: "The old man, you have to give us the master. I don’t know that the head of the assessment mission will encounter such a terrible World of Warcraft. You are not taking it. The life of the trainees is back, this is already the scope of assessment for the eight-level fighters."

"Oh, little girl, there are a lot of accidents in Warcraft Forest. Where can we expect it? This is the long-standing experience of our college. I haven’t said it before." The old man is not angry, one hand Stroking the beard, hehe smiled.

"That... even if this doesn't matter, suddenly there are college students coming to stop, you don't care? They almost killed our lives. If it wasn't for the older sister, it would have been the result of the dimension." "Zhen Ling sighed."

"Every term of the student's Holy Spirit Group is selected, there are always many students dissatisfied, there are countless destructions, and the college does not strictly prohibit the students in the field to fight each other, but if you have evidence, then we will severely punish this person." Eyes, smiled and said.

"Hey! The evidence we came from, only knows..."

"Exquisite, can not be rude adult rude." Ziling Ling did not finish talking, was interrupted by Zi Ling, and then stepped forward, pulled her back to her side, and returned the book.

"But my sister..."

"Okay, okay," the old man waved his hand. "You sit down and talk to us about what happened on this road. I will give you a score."

"Hey! The old man, the score is what I do, you are only responsible for the award." The middle-aged man was shocked. "Hey, there are accidents in everything. I will change the score for you this time. You can give the prize." The middle-aged man's eyes widened, and an old blood almost spurted out.

Long Shizhen pulled Zi Linglong back to the side of the seat, and said the experience of his own, and Zi Linglong added it next to it. They did not lie because they all understood that these lies were unable to escape the observations of the two old foxes.

"First wait." Halfway through, the middle-aged man interrupted their conversation and asked: "Which position is the ant tide you encountered? Which direction is it moving?"

Long Shiyi looked back at Zi Lingling and saw her face stunned. She replied: "The situation was urgent. We didn't clear the exact location, but the ant tide moved northwest. I remember it. She paused and asked, "Mr. Moss, what is the benefit of the migration of the ant wave?"

"Ah, there is nothing. Knowing the location of the ants migration, you can better protect the safety of your classmates." The middle-aged man smiled lightly.

"It turned out to be the case." Long Shiyi slightly decapitated, and continued: "The team was forced to disperse, and I asked myself to go looking for their confluence. I myself acted alone, and I was killed by the assassin. It’s also a thrilling experience.”

"Wait." The white-haired old man stopped and whispered: "Speak the strength and quantity of the enemy, including the detailed scene of your battle with them."

"Old man, what are you doing?" The middle-aged man frowned.

"Cough, in order to better score, better understand the true strength of the students, it is necessary to have a detailed comparison, young people, trouble trouble your old crystal ball." The old man stroking the beard, as always laughing .

"Hey, my sister will tell them about their heroic fighting posture and scare them."

Long Shiyi looked at her with a funny smile. This girl’s careful thoughts about how she didn’t know, the original meaning could be understood as “Sister’s way of telling me how miserable she is, let these two old men give us a little more. The group fee and the like.

With the detailed explanation of Long Shizhen, the water spirit in front of the middle-aged man suddenly flowed, and the little shadow of the dragon poetry appeared in the crystal ball, and there were three assassins. The scene was similar to what she described. That is The faces of the three assassins were blindfolded by black crepe.

The three assassins surrounded the little dragon poems in the crystal, and the battle was launched.

"Moss adults, this is..." Long Shiyi looked at this situation and couldn't help but be a bit shocked. There seems to be no such props in the original book. Is it difficult to describe it?

The middle-aged man replied: "This is a good treasure. This treasure is called the water mirror. It is a treasure made by the alchemist Ovi. If the spirit of the person is strong enough, you can use it to simulate anything. It is also possible to explore trends within a certain range."

"It turned out to be."


"Haha, little girl looks at what is different now than what you encountered at the time, I changed it!"

"Well, the first battle is that I first shot the sneak attack. They returned to passive. This is a mistake." Long Shiyi knows, and points out the misunderstandings in Shui Ling.

Only after the meeting, Xiaolong’s battle video was perfectly released. Under the dragon’s catching bug, it was a perfect presentation of the situation at that time.

And Zi Ling Ling, looking at the battle situation, unconsciously tightening the body, the eyes are not daring.