MTL - Female President’s Bodyguard-Chapter 3926 Are you worthy?

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Listening to the words of Xiao Chen and the old fortune-teller, the faces of Sun Venerable and Gao Nian went dark.

Close the door and hit the dog?

Are they dogs?

"He's an old fortune teller?"

The senior man looked at the old fortune teller, his expression changed.

The name of the ‘old fortune teller’ was like a thunderbolt, but he had never seen it before.


Venerable Sun nodded. He had seen the old fortune teller twice, but he was not familiar with it.

In the next second, he held Gao Nian and rose into the air.

Must be killed.

It was dangerous just now, and now there is another old fortune teller... even more dangerous.


Venerable Ri said to Gao Nian, raised his right fist, and gained momentum.


The senior man responded, and he also knew very well that there was a life-and-death crisis before him.

Break this transparent cover, they may still have a glimmer of life.


At least he is dead!

Senior Nian took a deep breath, and as Venerable Sun attacked, he also delivered the strongest blow he can now.

With this blow, the old man became frustrated.


The attacks of Venerable Sun and Senior Nian fell on the transparent cover almost at the same time.

Xiao Chen and the others were surprised, wouldn't they really break it?

The transparent cover shook a few times, and it didn't break, and then... there was no movement.

Seeing this scene, the expressions of Lord Ri and Gao Nian changed. Can't they break it?

"Don't bother, I said that I closed the door and hit the dog, how could I let you run away."

The old fortune teller sitting on the branch said lightly.

Listening to the words of the old fortune-teller, both Sun Venerable and Gao Nian were no longer angry, and their hearts sank.

Venerable Sun didn't worry too much before. In his opinion, no matter how many people, no matter how bad the situation is, no one can keep him if he wants to leave.

But now... he is not so sure.

This transparent cover can't be opened, he can't go!

"Haha, close the door and hit the dog."

Xiao Chen also let go and laughed out loud.

He has always worried that the Sun Venerable and the senior will break the siege... Now it's alright, close the door and hit the dog.

"carry on!"

Sun Venerable's fighting spirit rose, and his right fist regained momentum.

"I can not make it."

Gao Nian shook his head. It was his last blow just now.

Hearing the words of the senior man, Sun Venerable frowned, cursing waste in his heart.

If it wasn't for seniority to be useful, he would definitely leave this guy behind!


Not far away, the bullhead monster roared and was still attacking.

Hearing the roar of the bullhead monster, Sun Venerable lifted his spirits. The old age is no longer good, and the bullhead monster may be able to.

He issued a whistle, and at the same time, holding Gao Nian, he walked towards the bull head monster.

Xiao Chen didn't stop it either, there was no rush now, they couldn't run anyway.

It's like a cat catches a mouse and doesn't eat it in a hurry, but plays with it first.

"I really wandered, I dare to play Seventh Heaven..."

Xiao Chen muttered in his heart, raised his head and glanced at the old fortune teller on the branch, but he was back.

If he doesn't come back, he is going to go out and look for it.

He was also worried about the old fortune teller, what Xiao Yi could think of, he couldn't think of it.

But he didn't dare to show it, and also to make himself firm in his conviction, the old fortune-teller must be fine and will come back.

Venerable Sun, holding Gao Nian, came to the side of the bull head monster, whistling in his mouth.

The bullhead monster roared, vacated at the same time as the sun veteran, and launched an attack.

Its thick and long tail slammed into the transparent cover fiercely.

That's not a big deal, it lowered its head and slammed into it with its black horns.

The transparent cover shook more severely, but it still didn't break.

Xiao Chen was determined in his heart, and immediately thought of the transparent barrier under the pit.

Could it be that this transparent cover is similar to a transparent barrier?

Can old fortune tellers open the transparent barrier?

Thinking about it this way, Xiao Chen couldn't wait. He wanted to kill Sun Venerable and Senior Nian, and take the old fortune teller to take a look.

Venerable Sun saw that the transparent cover had not been opened yet, and he was desperate. Can he and the bull's head monster's attack be unable to break it?

"What are you waiting for? This transparent cover won't always exist."

The old fortune teller said something.

Hearing the words of the old fortune-teller, Xiao Chen raised the Xuanyuan knife and walked towards Venerable Sun step by step.

And Sun Venerable also raised a little more hope, won't it always exist?

As long as he delays for a while, can he leave?


Xiao Chen drank lightly, and took the lead to kill the Sun Venerable.

The Xuanyuan knife bloomed with its blades, covering the Sun Venerable and Senior Nian, and severely cut it down.

Venerable Sun did not dare to be careless, he had fought with Xiao Chen and knew that this kid was very strong.

"You protect yourself."

Venerable Sun hesitated, but let go of the senior year.

At the same time, he summoned his avatar and reunited.

What made him frown was that the power of the clone had lost about one-third.

If it hadn't been for the old fortune teller taking advantage of Xiao Chen's sight, the ghost clone broke free, maybe... the loss would be even greater.


Gao Nian reluctantly stabilized his body, and was also desperate in his heart.

He has run out of cards, and now he is struggling to stand, how can he protect himself?

However, he also knew that it would be difficult to protect him when the Sun Venerable himself was unable to protect him.

His eyes fell on one spot, since he couldn't walk from the sky, there a ray of life under the cliff?

Thinking of this, he ran the exercises to restore himself a little bit.

It really didn't work, he was about to jump off the cliff... to get a chance.


Xuanyuan Dao cut down, Sun Venerable blasted out with a punch, and Xuanyuan Dao collapsed.

And Xiao Yi and the others also came forward.

Either besieged the bullhead monster, or went to the senior year.

Seeing this in the senior years, he no longer hesitated, his feet pressed hard, like a sharp arrow, and went straight to the edge.

"Stop him!"

When Xiao Chen noticed Senior Nian's movements, he was startled and then reacted.


Xue Chunqiu slashed it down and hit Gao Nian's body.


Gao Nian screamed, but he still endured the pain, stepped non-stop, and jumped out.

"go with!"

When Xiao Chen saw this, Xuanyuan Dao took off his hand and flew out, turned into golden light, and went straight to the senior year.

Xuanyuan Dao arrived in an instant and pierced into the heart of the old man.


The immense strength caused Xuanyuan Dao to penetrate through Gao Nian's body, revealing from his chest.


Gao Nian made a louder scream and spouted a mouthful of blood.

He looked down and saw the blood-stained tip of the knife.


The senior opened his mouth, he didn't expect Xiao Chen's knife to be so fast.

He wanted to fight for a chance... he failed.

He thought of Wei Zichen's death on Cangxia Cliff.

Now, he could feel Wei Zichen's despair.

Thoughts flashed by, Gao Nian fell down.

"come back!"

Xiao Chen drank softly, and Xuanyuan Dao flew out of the senior's body.


Gao Nian screamed again, a blood hole appeared in his chest, blood spurting.


Gao Nian passed through the phantom array set by Zhuge Qingtian, and slammed heavily on the rocks under the cliff.


The old man spewed out a big mouth of blood again, his old face was extremely pale.

He looked up and saw a pit not far away.


Gao Nian looked at the pit, coughing blood, and everything in front of him gradually became blurred.

In this blur, he seemed to see light in the pit...

Immediately afterwards, his body trembled and his eyes widened.


What the senior year wanted to say, after all, was out of strength.

He wanted to raise his head, but he couldn't raise his head.

"Xiao Chen...I...hate..."

After the senior man said these four words intermittently, his head fell on the chaotic stone, and there was no movement.

At the last moment of his life, he suddenly reacted, the teleportation array fake!

Although he didn't see what was in the pit, he felt...the real secret was here.

In hatred, in unwillingness... Gao Nian took the most breath.


Zhuge Qingtian and Xue Chunqiu flew down and landed on the rocks.

They all breathed a sigh of relief looking at the senior man's body.


Xue Chunqiu stepped forward to take a look and said.


Zhuge Qingtian nodded.

"Before he died, he had been staring at the pit. Did he find something?"

"It's useless to find anything. If you die, you are dead."

Xue Chunqiu said, grabbing the senior year, and he was going to take the corpse.


Zhuge Qingtian stopped thinking about it, and flew up again with Xue Chunqiu.

Above Dufeng, the battle continued.

Xiao Chen was a little worried, Gao Nian should be dead, right?

That knife hit the point, and it stands to reason that it must be dead.

But the senior year came from outside the sky, who knows what other means of life-saving.

Venerable Ri also felt that the senior man was dead, and even if it was him, he couldn't live.

Since Gao Nian is dead, he must find a way to escape.

Otherwise, if he goes on, the fate of the senior year is his fate.


The old man's body was thrown up by Xue Chunqiu, fell to the ground, and rolled over.

What the dead is the greatest, in the eyes of Xue Chunqiu, there is no such thing.

The enemy is the enemy.

Xiao Chen felt relieved when he saw Senior Nian's body, as he died.

The purpose of this game is to kill Gao Nian. UU reading

Unexpectedly...I also caught a big fish like the Sun Venerable.

If you kill Sun Venerable again, this trip will be very complete, and there will be unexpected gains.


Venerable Sun's eyes flashed, but he was still dead.

"Xiao Chen, you have already killed the senior, how about you just stop?"

"You're not dead, how do you stop?"

Xiao Chen shook his head. Are you afraid now?


"The old man is the Sun Venerable of the Sun Moon God Sect, you..."

What else does Venerable Sun want to say.

"I even killed the ancestor Qingming, and I still sent you this sun sage?"

Xiao Chen looked playful.

"Furthermore, since it is closed to beat the dogs, the two dogs have to be killed."


Venerable Sun almost broke his teeth, this kid was very angry.

"Old fortune tellers, you and I are also old acquaintances, walk the rivers and lakes, stay a line of life, and see each other in the future!"

"Hehe, walk the rivers and lakes, stay on the sidelines, and see each other in the future?"

The old fortune teller's chuckle.

"Yang Yan, you also said, be a human and stay a line, and you... are you still a human now? Close the door and hit the dog."


Venerable Sun is even more angry.

"Also, you said that you and I are old acquaintance... This is not right, we have only met twice."

The old fortune-teller looked at Sun Venerable with a bit of mockery.

"Old knowledge...Are you worthy?"

Hearing the words of the old fortune-teller, the killing intent of the Sun Venerable was overwhelming and it was too insulting!

But Xiao Yi looked weird, and he suddenly understood that Xiao Chen's mouth was so damaged, it was up to him.


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