MTL - Female Official In the East Palace-Chapter 220

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In the front yard, the prince personally entertained Liang Jiugong in the study. When Rong Xin arrived, he saw Liang Jiugong sitting on a chair and drinking tea, while the prince was standing behind the desk and bending over to do something.

"Auntie is back." The prince greeted and lowered his head again after getting her reply.

Rong Xin looked at Liang Jiugong.

Rong Xin invited him to take a seat, Shi Shiran said: "I still have some things to talk about here, I will personally send Tang Fang Master to see the emperor, Director Liang can rest assured, it must be all tails. of."

Liang Jiugong smiled bitterly, "Don't embarrass our family, the old life of our family can't stand too much fear."

"Mr. Liang was worried and sat down for a while, at most two quarters of an hour."

Liang Jiugong looked at the prince and saw that His Royal Highness was doing his business with all his heart, regardless of what they had to say, so he had no choice but to say: "Our family can't leave the emperor's side for too long. You must send people back later."

Rong Xin laughed, "When did Director Liang see me go back on my word?"

Liang Jiugong shook his head helplessly, got up to say goodbye to the prince and Rong Xin, and then went back first to return to life.

Rong Xin had to wait for the painter to paint the portrait, so he didn't rush to leave, but walked to the prince's side to see what he was doing, he was so serious.

is flipping through a book.

Rong Xin didn't have time to pay attention to the contents of the book, so she walked to the edge of the portrait in distress, and asked, "Why is this good portrait broken?"

The prince stood up straight, took the book and explained, "It's just an accident."

Rong Xin looked at the book in the prince's hand, "This is the one you took before, right? Are you trying to fix it yourself?"

The prince nodded, picked up the book and flipped through it, frowning slightly, "This is a temporary finding, it's more difficult than I thought."

"There is a specialization in art, why don't you wait until you return to the palace and teach the craftsmen to repair it?"

The prince put down the book, picked up the painting in the middle again, tore it open, and said lightly: "I don't want others to see the portrait of E-niang, and it will lead to inexplicable incidents."

Rong Xin lightly stroked the face of the person in the painting with her fingers, thinking in her eyes, "No one can replace her..."

"Auntie." The prince looked at the person who only existed in the portrait and asked, "Does that woman really look like Niang?"

Rong Xin nodded calmly, and then said: "The temperament is very different. Those who have seen the mother may be ashamed, or they are close, and those who have not seen it cannot be imitated."

"The emperor Ama should not admit mistakes." The prince raised the corner of his mouth, but there was no smile in his eyes, "It's a pity, I didn't get to see E Niang..."

Rong Xin's eyes were sour, she closed her eyes, and said to him, "I can tell you what Your Highness wants to know about the Empress. No one in this world knows her better than me, not even the emperor."

The smile on the corner of the prince's mouth was much more sincere, "I know that my aunt cares about E-niang and has always put her first."

Rong Xin raised her head to look at the tall prince, and said with certainty, "Your Highness, even if everyone in the world says you are not good, the Empress and I will definitely be proud of you, please bow your head. time, don't bend over."

The prince's eyes were wet, he lowered his head as if to cover up, and replied softly, "Yinren will do it."

Rong Xin accompanies the Crown Prince to test the restoration of his painting. Within a quarter of an hour, someone came to report that the painter had already painted the portrait, and she left the study for the time being.

The portrait, Rong Xin just glanced at it casually, then rolled up the portrait and asked Tang Wan to follow her.

The two came to Kangxi's palace in the palace. The guards at the gate went in to report, and then Liang Jiugong came out in a hurry, and said with joy: "Miss Rong, you have brought people back."

"Wait for a lady."

Rong Xin stopped and asked him, "Is there anything else?"

"Yes." Liang Jiugong asked her to wait for a while, then turned to the guard and explained seriously, "Take care of people strictly, and there must be no mistakes."

Rong Xin heard this, her eyes flashed, and she asked with a smile: "Mr. Liang, the owner of the boat is well, why are you locked up?"

Tang Wan stared at Liang Jiugong eagerly, as if hoping that what he just said was false.

And Liang Jiugong didn't care about her thoughts at all, and only said to Rong Xin: "This is the emperor's order, we don't know what it means, Rong female officer went in and saw the emperor, maybe she will know."

After he finished speaking, he handed the portrait back to Rong Xin, raised his hand and said, "Rong female officer can enter by herself, the emperor is waiting for you."

Rong Xin's expression was indifferent, without anxiety or expectation, he stepped into the hall with the portrait, and respectfully greeted him.

Kangxi put down the memorial that he was reviewing with a blank face, and asked, "What's the question?"

Rong Xin answered in a businesslike tone: "According to this Tangfang Master, the person who taught her to guide her like this is a 'Zheng Wuye' who is a businessman." Rong Xin He raised the portrait with both hands, "Please take a look at the emperor."

"Bring it up."

There were no palace attendants in the hall, so Rong Xin stood up, held the portrait to Kangxi's side, and presented the portrait to Kangxi.

However, Kangxi didn't look at it, just took the portrait and threw it on the desk, and asked sternly: "Cousin Rong, did you ever think that your move today will startle the snake?"

Rong Xin still said humbly: "The snake has already appeared, just catch it."

"But I want a bigger snake to come out of the hole." Kangxi's face was faintly angry, "The prince also has no vision, and I have high hopes for him in vain."

Rong Xin lowered her head, her hands gradually tightened, and she tried her best to calm her mind: "Your Majesty knows everything, I heard that the owner of Tangfang in the garden did something when he saw the prince, wouldn't it be like a stinger in his throat? ?"

Tang Wan put on such a face and seduced the prince when facing the prince. If Kangxi could bear it, then Rong Xin had never understood Kangxi.

And Kangxi was very angry because of the prince's contradicting. After knowing what happened before the prince came to see him, his anger was indeed reduced, but it was difficult to eliminate.

He is really like what Rong Xin said, but he still has more goals in his heart.

In the turmoil, how can the prince be worthy of the ancestors?"


Rong Xin is not surprised that there will be organizations that oppose the Qing Dynasty and restore the Ming Dynasty. After all, over the years, in the vast territory of the Qing Dynasty, civil unrest has always occurred, and it has never been truly calm.

She was even more surprised that the prince was still waiting for news, but Kangxi had already found such a deep place.

Kangxi's control of the Qing Dynasty has really reached a terrifying level. Did he keep watching what everyone was doing when they didn't know it?

Rong Xin remembered that she wanted to tell the prince that Kangxi might also be waiting for news from him, but he was distracted by the prince...

Perhaps not by accident…

Rong Xin put her hands in front of her abdomen, and subconsciously used her fingers to dig her beads.

Even if she doesn't know what the prince thinks, she must be very sad, right?

Kangxi can clearly distinguish many things, but he still allows his beloved son to struggle in the whirlpool of power and the alienation of father and son.

Rong Xin was so distressed that she asked softly, "Your Majesty, do you still remember what you expected from His Highness the Crown Prince when the Empress was dying?"

As long as you stay healthy and grow up…

How long has it been since Kangxi called "Baocheng"? He now only calls him "Prince" detachedly.

"The prince is the future king of the Qing Dynasty. He is more wise and calm than me and others, so I can rest assured to hand over the country to him." Kangxi was determined, "If Miner is here, he will definitely I understand my pain."

Let it go…

The swear words were halfway through her mind, so she quickly replaced them with another word because of her habit over the years, Rong Xin sneered, and cursed "fart" in her heart.

Keen and thoughtful, if she sees the current scene, it will only be more painful. She will stay in her twenties forever, but it saves people who are completely different from face to face.

Rong Xin said without emotion: "The emperor cut his abdomen to hide the beads, and the slaves admire him."

Kangxi rested his left hand on the armrest, his slightly trembling right hand behind him, slowly walked around the desk, and said as he walked: "You don't have to mock me, why didn't the prince already distrust me?"

Because of distrust, I will never open my heart to him again;

Because of distrust, I will use means first when doing things, instead of asking him, the emperor;

Because of distrust, he will think that he will favor a person who looks like Miner like a faint king...

"In all fairness." Kangxi stood under the window with his hands behind his back, "Rong Xin, isn't it because you naturally consider everything from the perspective of the prince, so what I do is wrong?"

"Filtering out all the immaturity and impulsiveness of the prince, it's just connivance."

Rong Xin admitted that Kangxi's words had some truth, but she still wanted to ask: "Is this the reason for destroying the portrait of the empress?"

Kangxi fell silent, obviously he had no way of defending this matter.

Therefore, the position is that distance and distance are inevitable, and no one can really treat others fairly. Since neither of them thinks they are wrong in their own positions, then they will act according to their own standards. , without explanation.

When Rong Xin retracted his hand, he felt the needle on his sleeve, pulled it off, bent it from the middle with force, then bowed and said: "What the emperor said, the servants cannot agree, please forgive me The slave has to retire."

When she bowed, while Kangxi still turned her back to her, she quickly lifted the cushion on the seat, inserted the needle into the cushion from the bottom up, and stood up as if nothing had happened, waiting for Kangxi's approval .

Kangxi did not turn around, but stood quietly at the window for a long time, and said, "Keep the mouth of the people around the prince."

"The slave obeys the oracle."

The evening sun shone down, and Kangxi's shadow stretched into the hall. When Rong Xin retreated, he deliberately retreated to the shadow's head, as if he stepped on both feet unintentionally, and then left.

After Rong Xin left, Kangxi still stood at the window for a long time, but his shoulders were slightly slumped, looking a little dejected.

It wasn't until the sky was getting dark, Liang Jiugong asked outside the hall whether to set the meal, Kangxi just recovered, and said: "Light the lamp, I still have to review the memorial."

Liang Jiugong and two eunuchs entered, quietly lighting up all the candles in the hall.

After Kangxi walked back to the desk, he sat down unprepared, and the moment the dragon hip and the dragon chair were in close contact, he made a "his-" and immediately bounced up.

Liang Jiugong and others asked in panic, "Your Majesty?"

Kangxi resisted the urge to touch, gritted his teeth, "Rong Xin!"

Liang Jiugong got close, just when he heard the name of the emperor, a bad premonition flashed in his heart, but he still cared: "Is the emperor unwell? …”

"No need." Kangxi's face was ashen, and he ordered, "Liang Jiugong stay, the rest go out."

The two eunuchs didn't know what was going on, so they didn't even bother to investigate, so they just exited the hall.

And Liang Jiugong also walked to the dragon chair under the emperor's order, and saw a little red on the bright yellow cushion at a glance, immediately lifted the cushion and saw the needle tail on the back...

My life is over!

Rong Xin hurt me!

We know too much!