MTL - Fantasy Farm-Chapter 29 Yunshan Wuhai

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After falling into the abbot, the weather became hotter day by day.

Lu Qingjiu's grape racks in their house were covered with bunches of purple and black grape bunches. The appearance of hanging on the branches was very gratifying. Lu Qingjiu was worried that some birds would come over when the grapes were ripe, but now he found that he was too worried. There were neither mosquitoes nor annoying birds to steal and eat each grape. The complete grows to maturity.

Lu Qingjiu picked a part of the ripe grapes to make wine, and then frozen some in the refrigerator. Frozen grapes are a great heat-relief product. The grape juice solidified into a state of ice scum. You can chew it in your mouth than eat it and buy it outside. The popsicles are much stronger.

Yin Xun didn't like the big sun in summer. Fortunately, their yard was mostly covered by grape vines, and the sunlight could only pass through the grape leaves and leave unobvious spots on the ground.

The little fox has hair on his body and he is also smart. When it is hot, he will stick it on Xiaohua’s belly. When Lu Qingjiu noticed it for the first time, he saw Xiao Hei lying on the ground, exposing his pink belly. Then the little fox put his chin on Xiaohua's belly.

Unexpectedly, when I came here, the little fox got along well with the animals in the family. Lu Qingjiu looked at it and laughed, and said, "Aren't you hot?"

Xiao Hei said, "My belly is cold." He seems to like furry foxes, at least since the little fox has been here, he has been very friendly.

After Lu Qingjiu heard the words, he walked over and touched Xiao Hei's belly. It was really cool and refreshing. With the soft touch, it was like a bag filled with ice water. No wonder the little fox liked it so much.

Lu Qingjiu is not very afraid of heat, he has a cooler constitution, and it is harder in winter than in summer. Yin Xun was the exact opposite of him. If he could, he could hardly wait to shrink in the air-conditioned room 24 hours a day. But too many people in the air-conditioned room would feel uncomfortable, so he sat cheeky in the yard, holding Xiao Hei's sister Xiao Hua in his arms, and let Xiao Hei's belly relieve the heat.

Xiao Hua is very dissatisfied with Yin Xun's actions. According to him, his sister is still unmarried Xiao Dangkang. Isn't Yin Xun responsible for his sister if he touches the belly of an unmarried Xiao Dangkang every day. .

Of course, because Yin Xun didn't know their identities, he didn't dared to complain to his face, but just sat beside Yin Xun angrily with a black face.

Yin Xun completely ignored Xiao Hua's unwillingness, holding Xiao Hei to death and not letting go. In the end, her brother Xiao Hua really had no choice but to use his cold belly to replace his sister Xiao Hei's belly in humiliation.

Yin Xun did not understand Xiao Hua's meaning at all. Seeing him arching into his arms, he suddenly said, "Oh, why are you upset? It turns out that it's because you want me to hold you, so you should be early. Say, why be jealous."

Xiaohua: "???"

Lu Qingjiu snickered aside.

In short, the feud between Xiao Hua and Yin Xun was forged. The worst thing was that Yin Xun was still unaware of it, and even shamelessly thought that Xiao Hua was so cruel to herself because she was jealous of Xiao Hei's treatment.

"Hey, it's so embarrassing to be popular." Yin Xun said to Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu thought that you would bully him when he was young, and when he became a big pig, you would be gone as soon as you arch your fangs.

The July sun is very venomous, and it hangs shiningly in the sky, making people uninterested in working.

Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu were not affected by their food. On the contrary, Lu Qingjiu had a bad appetite these days, and they ate very little of everything.

"Drink, why don't you eat it?" Yin Xun asked.

The dinner was pork ribs and winter melon soup, cold salad with three silks and chicken feet stewed with taro, and a water spinach was fried. These dishes taste very good, especially the chicken feet, which are well stewed, and the glutinous ones do not need to be chewed. It fell off, and the taro was soft and sweet. They were all very good dishes. However, Lu Qingjiu didn't touch the vegetables much. He just drank a bowl of porridge, ate some pickles and put down his chopsticks.

"Well, I'm not very hungry." Lu Qingjiu said, "You eat by yourself, don't worry about me."

"You can eat more." Yin Xun said, "You didn't eat much at noon."

"I can't eat it anymore." Lu Qingjiu said, "I'll have some more soup." When he said that he wanted to drink the soup, he just showed it to them and put down the bowl after taking a few mouthfuls.

Baiyuehu's action of holding vegetables stopped for a moment, and he glanced at Lu Qingjiu, but said nothing. Lu Qingjiu was relieved when he saw this. He really didn't want to eat it, but he was afraid that Yin Xun and Bai Yuehu would persuade him.

Yin Xun was still a little worried about Lu Qingjiu. After eating, he went out. When he came back, he held a glass jar in his hand and said happily: "Wine, I'll go to my neighbor and ask for her pickled hawthorn, you Bring it to soak in water."

"Okay." Hawthorn is appetizing and strengthening the spleen. Lu Qingjiu really likes it. If you have a chance, you can grow it yourself.

"You still have to eat good food." Yin Xun said, "If you can't eat, eat something else. You can't be hungry."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and nodded, listening to Yin Xun's broken thoughts, it felt good to be cared for, especially since he has always lived alone in recent years.

After Yin Xun left, Bai Yuehu asked Lu Qingjiu to send the fox cub to the house, saying that he would take him to a place.

"Where are you going?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"Go find something to eat." Bai Yuehu said, "You can't eat anything."

"What did you eat?" Baiyuehu's status is unusual. Hearing what he said, Lu Qingjiu was rather curious, "Where to find?"

"Do you like the fish you ate last time?" Bai Yuehu asked.

"That kind of fish?" Lu Qingjiu said, "You mean ray?"

Bai Yuehu said.

"I like it." Lu Qingjiu nodded. The ray is indeed the most delicious fish he has ever eaten. After all, it is a legendary creature in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. Naturally, it is much better than the fish that can be touched in daily life.

"Then let's go catch the fish." Bai Yuehu said suddenly.

"Catch fish?" Lu Qingjiu said, "Where to catch it, there is no river nearby, right?" There is a small stream beside the village. Although the water quality is good, the stream is too shallow and only has small fish fry. Not enough to stuff your teeth.

"Follow me." Baiyuehu stood up.

At this moment, the scorching sun has set, leaving only a red sunset on the horizon. The sunset glow smudged the sky into a brilliant red, and the sky seemed to be ignited with a brilliant flame.

Baiyue Fox led Lu Sake up the mountain.

Although the sun is setting, the sky is still bright, and the outline of a moon is faintly visible in the sky. The mountain road is a bit narrow. Lu Qingjiu is afraid that he will step on the air, so he can only look down at the road carefully. Bai Yuehu, who was walking in front of him, suddenly turned around and stretched out his hand to him.

Lu Qingjiu was taken aback when he saw his hand.

Bai Yuehu made a beckoning gesture to Lu Qingjiu and motioned for him to hold his hand.

Lu Qingjiu thought for a while, didn't say much, and passed his hand over, and the two of them shook hands together.

The Baiyue Fox's hand was very cold, and it was very comfortable to hold. It was probably because the two of them had too calm eyes, and they didn't think anything was wrong.

Bai Yuehu walked in front, Lu Qingjiu followed behind.

The surrounding trees became denser and denser, and the scenery became more and more unfamiliar. Something that shouldn't be in the forest began to appear. Lu Qingjiu even saw a stone monument on the side of the road. The stone monument was very tall, with the words Shuifu Village written in red font. This was supposed to be the road sign of Shuifu Village, but the breath from the stele made Lu Qingjiu feel like he had entered a completely unfamiliar place.

The sky did not change much, the color was still as bright as a raging flame, but when Lu Qingjiu raised his head to observe carefully, he found that there seemed to be a little more in the clouds above his head swimming through it. He wanted to stop and watch, Bai Yuehu took his hand and continued forward.

"The view from the top of the mountain is better." Baiyuehu said, "Come on."

Lu Qingjiu couldn't help but curl his eyes.

The road is rugged, but it is not tiring to walk, but the horrible scene that should have been unfamiliar is relieved by the white moon fox holding his hand. Lu Qingjiu went all the way, and soon the scenery in front of him opened up. The trees gradually sparsed, and a broad platform appeared in front of Lu Sake. This seems to be a platform opened up halfway up the mountain. The ground is a kind of cyan stone, emitting a light color. Lu Qingjiu said: "This is..."

"This is Shuifu Village." Baiyuehu replied.

He walked to the side, grabbed two roadside grasses from the bushes, and handed them to Lu Qingjiu: "Go, let's go fishing."

Lu Qingjiu said: "Fishing, do you use this?" He took the grass from Baiyue Fox's hand. The grass grows a bit strange, with a cluster of fiery red stamens on its head. The pole is originally hard, but after a hard stroke, it will become very soft, like a rope.

"Yeah." Baiyuehu said, "Come here." He walked forward as he said, walked to the edge of the platform, then made a stop gesture, turned his head and asked Lu Qingjiu, "Are you afraid of heights? ?"

"I...? I'm not afraid of heights." Lu Qingjiu replied.

"Come here, then." Bai Yuehu beckoned.

Lu Qingjiu walked to Bai Yuehu's side. He glanced down and understood what Bai Yuehu meant by asking him if he was afraid of heights. Under the platform, he saw a bottomless sea of ​​clouds. The sun that is about to fall will dye the sea of ​​clouds crimson, and in the sea of ​​clouds, from time to time, creatures with wings can be seen leaping through it. Lu Qingjiu had good eyesight, and at a glance he could see clearly what was swimming in the sea of ​​clouds, it was the ray fish that the white moon fox brought back.

Manrays have two wings that are as white as birds and birds. They are probably afraid to scare Lu Qingjiu. When the white moon fox took it back, he cut off the wings. No wonder Lu Qingjiu found them on them when he saw the fish. Two huge wounds.

"Come on." Baiyuehu sat down on the edge of the platform and threw the grass in his hand into the sea of ​​clouds.

Lu Qingjiu also followed his example and threw the grass in his hand into the sea of ​​clouds.

The scenery here is really beautiful. Looking up, it is an endless sky, the clouds are rolling and surging, like the ocean blown by the breeze, the ray in the clouds, walking through it, Lu Qingjiu even saw some The other animals, but the appearance of these animals was so peculiar that he could not recognize them for a while. The white moon fox sitting next to him is even more beautiful like a painting, with gentle light on his cheeks, long eyelashes half-dangling, casting a faint shadow under his eyelids, and his black eyes are staring at this moment. In the abyss covered by the sea of ​​clouds in front, Lu Qingjiu stared at him in a daze, until he noticed that the grass in his hand began to tremble, and he said, "Take the bait!"

"Take up the line." Bai Yuehu reminded softly beside him.

Lu Qingjiu said: "How to collect it?!"

"Just lift it up directly." Bai Yuehu replied.

Hearing the words, Lu Qingjiu hurriedly took up the thread. When he pulled the grass to the end, he saw a ray fish hanging on it. Its wings were still flapping. Lu Qingjiu grabbed it, feeling a little at a loss. : "What to wear?"

Bai Yuehu didn't know where he took out a pocket and said, "Put it inside."

Lu Qingjiu reached out and stuffed the fish in.

"Can this fish make sashimi?" The chef who caught the fish began to think about the way of food. "It has lived in the cloud since childhood?"

"Yeah." Bai Yuehu nodded.

"Then there are parasites in your fairy world?" Lu Qingjiu asked.

"It doesn't exist." Baiyue Fox said, "We all eat raw meat. We have never heard of it."

Lu Qingjiu thought this was really great. In that case, take the fresh ray fish and get a sashimi, and can you eat that pair of wings? If you can, you can make a New Orleans-flavored chicken wings. Relieve the greed for the little boys at home.

Manray is so good, not only is the fish delicious, but it has no thorns. Lu Qingjiu smiled contentedly.

The fish caught the bait one after another, and soon the bag was full. Lu Qingjiu asked a little curiously, "What is under the cloud bottom?"

"Want to go see?" Bai Yuehu asked.

"Can you go?" Lu Qingjiu laughed when he saw him asking so seriously, "Aren't you a fox, can you fly?"

Bai Yuehu said: "Yes, it's just that the moon has been full recently and the sea of ​​clouds is unstable. When the moon is missing, I can take you down and have a look." He was serious, obviously not joking.

"Okay." Lu Qingjiu said, "If you have a chance, go and see."

Bai Yuehu nodded and said: "Let's go back, it's going to rain."

Lu Qingjiu looked at the sky and thought it was quite clear, but he didn't understand why the white moon fox suddenly said it was going to rain. But since Baiyuehu said to play, it would not be nonsense.

Baiyue Fox held the fish in one hand and Lu Sake in the other hand, and then continued to walk back along the mountain road when he came. When he walked to the stone stele in Shuifu Village, a shadow drifted over Lu Qingjiu's head. At first he thought it was a dark cloud, but when he raised his head, he found that it was a black behemoth that appeared above his head.

At first glance, the giant beast looked like a cow with no horns. Its skin was black. What's more special was that it had only one hoof under its feet, and it was soaring in the sky. It seemed to have noticed Lu Qingjiu and Baiyuehu who were walking along the mountain road at their feet, and there was a thunderous roar from their mouths, and Lu Qingjiu's ears were numb.

Bai Yuehu raised his head a little displeased upon hearing this voice, and said to the monster: "Shut up."

That strange cow: "..."

Lu Qingjiu clearly saw that as soon as Bai Yuehu said this, the strange cow's mouth closed instantly.

"It's so annoying." Bai Yuehu said, "Just his voice is loud."

Lu Qingjiu laughed lowly.

The strange cow headed towards the top of the mountain, while Lu Qingjiu and Baiyuehu returned home. They almost entered the door with their front feet, and a pouring rain fell outside their back feet, moistening the dry land outside.

Under the rain curtain, Lu Qingjiu suddenly heard another explosion of thunder, but when he listened carefully, he realized that it was just his own illusion.

When he got home, Baiyue Fox took the fish to the kitchen, took ice cubes from the refrigerator, and sliced ​​a plate of sashimi for Lu Qingjiu.

His knife skills are always beautiful, and the slices of sashimi are as thin as cicada wings, almost invisible on top of ice. Lu Qingjiu sat in the room and watched the heavy rain falling outside the room. The rain washed away the unpleasant heat in the past few days, and the air began to fill with a fresh smell of earth.

Bai Yuehu came out of the kitchen and passed the sashimi to Lu Qingjiu.

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "It's a hard work."

Bai Yuehu shook his head: "Let's eat."

Lu Qingjiu picked up a piece of chopsticks and put it in his mouth. The fish is so delicious. It has no fishy smell. It is tender and springy. It also has a touch of sweet and sour, without the fatty feeling of salmon. . Lu Qingjiu was originally not interested in sashimi, but the fish was so delicious that he couldn't help eating more.

"Aren't you going to eat it?" Lu Qingjiu had almost eaten, only to notice that Bai Yuehu didn't move his chopsticks.

"Don't eat." Baiyuehu said, "I'm tired of eating."

Lu Qingjiu smiled and said, "Tired of eating? How many years have you been eating?"

Baiyue Fox propped his chin, his eyes fell into the rain curtain, he said: "Many, many years."

The delicacies that others have never tasted in their lives have become objects of dislike in the mouth of the white moon fox, and also, no matter how delicious things are, they will always be tired of eating them.

Eating fish meat relieved the squeeze in his stomach. After Lu Qingjiu ate half a fish, he felt full. This was the most comfortable meal he had eaten since the summer.

"Yuehu, thank you." Lu Qingjiu smiled.

Bai Yuehu stared at Lu Qingjiu for a moment, and said slowly, "No, it should be me thank you." This was a bit inexplicable, but he didn't mean to explain, and after speaking, he got up and left. Lu Qingjiu looked at his back, but fell into a brief contemplation.

Summer rain always makes people feel comfortable, violent, and fast, washing away the hot breath in the air.

After Lu Qingjiu had eaten enough, he returned to his bedroom. Before going to bed, he read the book of the mountain and ocean that he had subscribed online before, and quickly found the giant beast he had just seen in the night sky. The name of the giant beast is Kui (four sounds of kui), and its appearance is somewhat similar to that of a cow. Legend has it that every time it enters the sea, there is strong light and heavy rain. The Yellow Emperor once used its skin to make a drum. It is said that such a drum The sound is very loud, the drums can even reach 500 meters away.

It’s a very interesting legend. Lu Qingjiu turned it over, and his sleep came to his heart. He fell on the pillow and soon fell asleep. This time he slept very heavily, and he slept until dawn without disturbing his dreams. .

The next day, Lu Qingjiu made the leftover manrays into sauerkraut fish, and made a pot of grilled chicken wings with their wings. Yin Xun had no idea where the wings came from, and after eating, he praised the tender and delicious meat of the wings.

Lu Qingjiu didn't explain, he just smiled and watched him finish most of his wings.

After eating, Lu Qingjiu briefly explained what he would do at home after he left, especially what to eat at noon every day. Because he had to go for several days, Lu Qingjiu simply fried a large pot of crispy meat. This crispy meat was fried with lean meat wrapped in flour and egg whites. It tasted particularly fragrant and suitable for making soup, he told Yin Ask him to cook a bowl of crispy broth tonight, and heat up the braised beef in the refrigerator tomorrow. The day after tomorrow...

"And the day after tomorrow." Yin Xun looked at Lu Sake with a pitiful look in his eyes.

Lu Qingjiu said helplessly: "I plan to come back in two days, but the plan can't keep up with the changes. If I delay one day, will you both starve to death?"

Yin Xun: "...I can't die, I can cook."

Lu Qingjiu wanted to do it, and Yin Xun was cooking, even if he was hungry, he would suffer from food poisoning.

After he explained these things, he put the little fox cub in Yin Xun's hands and let him take good care of him. Yin Xun patted his chest to make sure that he would not let the fox cub lose a single hair.

The fox cub was sitting next to him, staring and listening. He suddenly sneezed when he heard Yin Xun's words. Then the fur in the house flew around-no way, all the furry pets had their fur flying when summer came.

Yin Xun was choking and sneezing, grabbed a hair from his mouth, and said in pain, "Come on, just treat me as if I didn't say it."

Lu Qingjiu slapped him dumbfounded.

When I went back this time, Lu Qingjiu still drove a small truck after hearing Bai Yuehu’s words, but the small truck changed its appearance last night. It was originally a very fashionable supercar, but Lu Qingjiu didn’t want to be too conspicuous, so he let the small truck. The truck changed its model.

"Is the license plate of this car okay?" Lu Qingjiu was a little worried about this.

"No problem." Bai Yuehu said lazily, "It's all fixed."

"That's good." Don't hit the road and find that it is an unlicensed car. It was stopped before passing the city. The worst thing is that Lu Qingjiu still doesn't know how to explain it...

"Then I'm leaving." Putting the suitcase into the trunk of the car, Lu Qingjiu sat in the cab and said hello to Bai Yuehu and Yin Xun.

"Go early and return early!" Yin Xunchong landed sake and waved exaggeratedly.

Bai Yuehu stood there and did not speak, neither said goodbye nor waved, as if Lu Qingjiu was just going to the town and would be back in two hours.

Lu Qingjiu drove his car and disappeared at the end of the mountain road.

The location of Shuifu Village is very partial. It takes about ten hours by train, but if you drive on the high speed by yourself, you will be faster, because there are few cars here and you will need to detour other cities during the period. But even if it will be a little faster, it takes more than ten hours to drive the highway, which is more difficult, especially if a person like him drives a car and even chats.

But if you have a minivan, you don't have to worry about these things. After all, he can drive the minivan by himself if he gets tired. As long as he doesn't leave the steering wheel, he won't be fined.

Lu Qingjiu called Zhu Miaomiao and told her that she was here today and she was on her way.

After a few months, returning to the city he was familiar with again, Lu Qingjiu could not help feeling a little bit emotional, but since he made the choice to leave, he does not regret it.