MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 274 Clear the fog (ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

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  Chapter 274 Clearing the Fog (ask for a monthly ticket, recommended ticket)

Leiter frowned, and the situation suddenly became confusing. It stands to reason that such confidential information should be known by very few people. Except for the commander-in-chief, the deputy commander, and the first person he told, it is impossible for others to have right to know.

And he can also exclude the commander-in-chief and deputy commander, because the selection process for such a position is unimaginably strict, not to mention that the commander-in-chief is a strong man in the sanctuary, and it is simply impossible to join the enemy, and there is no need to wait until then .

  Even if the deputy commander is a traitor, if he wants to do something that is not good for his own side, there are already other ways, and there is no need to wait until now.

   "Could it be another sanctuary?!"

   Leiter's eyes suddenly frightened. Once this conjecture surfaced, he felt a chill. If that's the case, it would be a terrible thing for traitors to appear in other kingdoms...

  He didn't want to believe this seemingly impossible situation, but right now... it seems that there is no other clue.

  The only experimental subjects he can simulate and verify are other sanctuaries...

   "Then...try?" Leiter was uneasy, but turned on the system again.

  【Do you want to enable text simulation? Every simulated year consumes 5 points of destiny. 】

   "Yes, simulate a year."

[Jinlun calendar 481, October 10th, when you returned to the camp, you hurriedly contacted the third prince Hogus, saying that you had received a letter from a mysterious person again, saying that the sanctuary of the orcs was plotting to transfer the sanctuary powerhouses from other battlefields , preparing for a surprise attack against the Cold Current line of defense, and said that the orcs have placed spies among the human sanctuary powerhouses, and they must be cautious when requesting support from other sanctuaries. This news caused Prince Hogus to turn pale with fright, and he was convinced that he would report the matter immediately! 】

  【On December 9th, you received information that the orcs sent nearly a thousand Shadow Tiger troops to the Hanlu defense line, and you felt heavy pressure. 】

  【Jin Lun Calendar 482, January 7th, you led your team to confront a Shadow Tiger army, both of you lost, and retreated strategically. When resting at a certain stronghold, you received information from scouts that the orcs had assembled five sanctuaries, and our side had assembled ten sanctuary experts, including three kings and many important members, to carry out a campaign against the orcs. launched an anti-encirclement and suppression campaign. Of the five sanctuary members on the orc side, four of them died on the spot, and only one fled in embarrassment. 】

  【On January 8th, the King of Milan came to you directly, saying that you have made outstanding contributions, and you can be called the first person in the history of the Jinlun Kingdom. After the war, you will be awarded the Grand Duke! With a few words of humility, you seriously asked the names of all the sanctuaries in the three kingdoms, saying that some of them might be traitors. King Milan turned pale with fright, but hurriedly told you more than ten names. They are: Mansour, Betula, Mike, Bradley..., Sherman, Juliu. 】

  【On January 19th, you were performing a patrol mission, and suddenly felt that the world was sinking, and the next moment you lost consciousness and died tragically on the spot. 】

  【The text simulation is over, do you want to continue the simulation? 】


   "I was assassinated?"

  Rett stared wide-eyed. Seeing the end of the simulation, his final result was very similar to being attacked by someone, and the method was quite clever, with no room for reaction at all. He couldn't help but fall into deep thought:

   "This kind of result can only be caused by the strong in the sanctuary, right? Otherwise, although he can't be invincible under the sanctuary, no one has been able to put him to death silently, and there is no chance of fighting back."

This result is heartening. After all, it can be explained from the side that his reminder still has an effect. At least when requesting support, those sanctuaries were much more cautious in passing on information, and only selected the most reliable people, because the orcs were not allowed to Fang learned that he was ambushed and bloody.

  As for the final result of being assassinated, Lei Te didn't care, but sneered: "It's not surprising, the other party found out the information I provided through a certain way, and came to seek revenge from me?"

The sanctuary is rich in means, and it is not difficult to investigate the source of information, but Leiter is not in a hurry. Now that he has confirmed that there are indeed traitors in the sanctuary, it is easy to say. Now that he knows the name, he can test them one by one. Find that heinous person!

   Seeing that he still had more than 100 destiny points, the corners of Leiter's mouth curled up. He was confident enough to catch that traitor out!

   So he turned on the simulation again.

  【Do you want to enable text simulation? Every simulated year consumes 5 points of destiny. 】

   "Yes, simulate a year."

[Jinlun calendar 481, October 10th, when you returned to the camp, you hurriedly contacted the third prince Hogus, saying that you had received a letter from a mysterious person again, saying that the sanctuary of the orcs was plotting to transfer the sanctuary powerhouses from other battlefields , prepared a surprise attack against the cold current defense line, and Mansur, the strong man in the sanctuary, is a spy planted by the orcs. When requesting support, he must be concealed to prevent the orcs from changing their plans. This news caused Prince Hogus to turn pale with fright, and he was convinced that he would report the matter immediately! 】

  【On December 9th, you received information that the orcs sent nearly a thousand Shadow Tiger troops to the Hanlu defense line, and you felt heavy pressure. 】

  【Jin Lun Calendar 482, January 7th, you led your team to confront a Shadow Tiger army, both of you lost, and retreated strategically. While resting at a certain stronghold, you received information from the scouts that the orcs had gathered five sanctuaries to launch a sneak attack on our sanctuary, and our nine sanctuaries were preparing to carry out a counter-siege. When they appeared, Unexpectedly, they met sixteen strong men from the sanctuary on the side of the orcs. Three people were killed in our sanctuary, and six people were seriously injured and fled. An emergency order was announced, and all troops on the front line must immediately retreat to the base camp. 】

  【On January 9th, ten sanctuaries came to attack the camp with an army of orcs, and six sanctuaries from your side went into battle with wounds, and started a desperate struggle. 】

  【On January 11, the world was dyed colorfully by elements and fighting spirit, and blood flowed into rivers on the ground. The Great War lasted for two days, the orcs killed two sanctuaries, and all of your sanctuaries died. Your army has been massacred. 】

  【The text simulation is over, do you want to continue the simulation? 】


  The result of this simulation was restored to its original state. The orcs learned the information and sent additional help to make the information provided by Leiter obsolete.

   After all, he just randomly picked someone to test. If the person who tested is not a traitor, then others can still get the information and change their plans.

But Leiter hesitated for a while after reading this simulation. His original idea was very simple. Through the method of elimination, each sanctuary was excluded from the support list one by one. In which simulation, the orcs did not change because of the information. plan. Then the person who is excluded is very likely to be the real culprit.

   It stands to reason that this method is very effective and logically reasonable, but he suddenly thought that the results in the simulation clearly showed that the final result of each sanctuary was death, so how could the spy who was acting as a spy get involved?

  Now the villains and spies are so great, are they willing to sacrifice?

   This discovery made Leiter confused again, but after a few minutes of dry thinking, he still sighed helplessly.

   Having no clue, he decided to continue the simulation—clues are obtained by investigation, not by waiting.

   What the result will be, will not be known until he has verified each sanctuary.

  So, Leiter started the simulation again and again.

  Eleventh simulation.

[Jinlun calendar 481, October 10th, when you returned to the camp, you hurriedly contacted the third prince Hogus, saying that you had received a letter from a mysterious person again, saying that the sanctuary of the orcs was plotting to transfer the sanctuary powerhouses from other battlefields , there is a surprise attack against the cold current line of defense, and Sherman, the strong man in the sanctuary, is a spy planted by the orcs. When requesting support, he must be concealed to prevent the orcs from changing their plans. This news caused Prince Hogus to turn pale with fright, and he was convinced that he would report the matter immediately! 】

  【On December 9th, you received information that the orcs sent nearly a thousand Shadow Tiger troops to the Hanlu defense line, and you felt heavy pressure. 】

  【Jin Lun Calendar 482, January 7th, you led your team to confront a Shadow Tiger army, both of you lost, and retreated strategically. When resting at a certain stronghold, you received information from scouts that the orcs had assembled five sanctuaries, and our side had assembled ten sanctuary experts, including three kings and many important members, to carry out a campaign against the orcs. launched an anti-encirclement and suppression campaign. Of the five sanctuary members on the orc side, four of them died on the spot, and only one fled in embarrassment. 】

  【On January 8th, the King of Milan came to you directly, saying that you have made outstanding contributions, and you can be called the first person in the history of the Jinlun Kingdom. After the war, you will be awarded the Grand Duke! 】

[On January 19th, you were performing a patrol mission, and suddenly felt that the world was sinking. The next moment, violent elemental fluctuations came from around you, and the violent roar was endless. King Milan and five other sanctuaries appeared, blocking In front of you, and through the wind element, you saw the hazy light and shadow in the sky, and a figure twisted and changed, and you couldn't see the true face clearly. Under siege, this sanctuary powerhouse who wanted to sneak attack you fled in embarrassment. 】

  【The text simulation is over, do you want to continue the simulation? 】


  The light curtain in front of his eyes dissipated, and Leiter showed a look of sudden realization.

  He finally got the result he wanted to know, the information was not leaked, and the revenge after the event fully showed that the person who verified this time was a traitor!

   "The real culprit turned out to be him..." Leiter muttered to himself, his eyes filled with incredulity. He had heard about that Sherman, and he was a sanctuary expert of the light system in the Huilu Kingdom.

This simulation, after trying again and again, finally found it out, and after seeing the content in the simulation, combined with the identity of the other party's light-system sanctuary powerhouse, Leiter also suddenly realized why the other party could hide Well, it can still show the illusion of dying with other sanctuary powerhouses in the simulation...

  Everything stems from the mystery of the light system—illusion!

  Leite learned from the mysterious explanation notes left by the water-type holy magician Mozhaxi that there are five kinds of light-type mysteries, 'light', 'penetration', 'illusion', 'purification', and 'vitality'.

   Among them, the phantom mystery is very special and extremely diverse. It is a rare mystery that cannot produce direct destructive power, but it can change the form of attack, defense, etc. in battle to confuse the opponent, but the essence remains unchanged.

   Even when not in battle, you can distort the light to change the environment, or use illusions to pretend to be any person, making it difficult for outsiders to tell the truth from the fake. Compared with other mysterious, it can be said that most of the combat power is sacrificed in exchange for richer functionality.

   "No wonder, if you understand this mystery, everything will make sense..." Leiter murmured softly.

   The major crisis of the cold current defense line was resolved, and Leiter also forgot one thing on his mind. He went through the changes in the first simulation just now in his mind, and there is one thing that is also very important. During the process of inviting the white hat painter, he unexpectedly learned that the Huilu Kingdom was suspected to be infiltrated by the Blood God Cult, which made Leiter vigilant.

  He did not forget the first time he teamed up with Black Star to wipe out that group of evil alchemists in Qingquan Town, he knew that the leader of the other party was once a member of the Blood God Sect, and fled here after traveling thousands of miles.

The Huilu Kingdom is in the northeast of the Jinlun Kingdom, and the location is roughly the same, but Leiter is not sure about the exact location. He cannot be sure that the headquarters of the blood **** leader must be in the Huilu Kingdom, and it is not too far away there. .

   Judging from the information obtained at the beginning, the Blood God Sect is a secretive but terrifying organization. If it was really hidden in the Huilu Kingdom, it would have been discovered long ago, unless the entire Huilu Kingdom was completely infiltrated.

   But this is obviously impossible. Leiter is very clear that the Huilu Kingdom is not so serious. How can a kingdom with many sanctuaries be so easily infiltrated. Combining the information given by the white hat, Leiter estimated that the base camp of the Blood God Sect would go further north, and the Huilu Kingdom was only a relatively nearby place with a high degree of penetration.

  Leite narrowed his eyes slightly. Since then, he was a little worried, whether the blood **** leader would focus on the cold current line of defense in the future and make some moves.

   After thinking about it, he resisted the urge to simulate for two consecutive years. After all, the next trajectory will be adjusted, and there will be no delay in re-simulating in a few months.

   Three days later, Green Manor.

Ruilai invited the white hat from Dark Eagle City early on, and even Ola came with his mentor. She was wearing a pale gold dress, with shawl hair, and her long, slender, straight legs were exposed, giving her a youthful atmosphere. overflowing.

  Three golden carriages were driving on the gray stone road, raising a thin layer of dust.

  Ola was sitting in the last carriage, her body ups and downs slightly with the bumps of the carriage. Through the rolled up curtains, she looked at the rapidly moving scene outside, but there was a touch of melancholy in her bright eyes—she missed Lawrence.

  Xi law

  Xi law

  Accompanied by a horse neighing, the carriage stopped and waited aside.

  Ola turned her head and looked at the window on the other side. Surrounded by bright flower beds, the city walls were clean and immaculate, and the buildings were magnificent—Green Manor had arrived.

Riley was the first to get out of the first carriage. Surrounded by knights, he looked quite dignified. He simply adjusted his collar and cuffs, first took the white hat out of the second carriage, and then walked slowly to the In the third carriage, the voice came in through the window:

   "Miss Ola, we have arrived at Green Manor, we can get off now."

   Thank you book friends for your monthly ticket support, thank you very much

   Thanks to the book friends for their support, thank you very much

   Thanks to Mr. Wang Sangun for the reward of 300 starting coins, thank you very much

   Thank you Sib for the 100 starting coins, thank you very much



  (end of this chapter)