MTL - Fantasy Family Simulator-Chapter 17 The magic of snow elves

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  Chapter 17 The Magic of Snow Elves

Rilai was stunned for a moment, suddenly realized, and explained to her father: "Nina's mind is very simple, she is like a child now, she just doesn't like flames and things that are too hot, so she extinguished the fire in the fireplace on her own. "

  Although the brightness of the house dropped by a notch, Leiter waved his hand with a wry smile, expressing his concern, and even asked a question: "If you encounter flames or something too hot, will it cause damage to the Snow Elf?"

  Ruilai breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "That's not true. In fact, since the snow elf recognized its master, I can feel that it is a very magical creature.

   It brings a feeling like never before.

  Although it doesn't have a strong fighting ability, its function must be beyond your imagination. "Ruilai looked mysterious.

   "Oh? For example." Rhett became interested.

Riley couldn't wait to explain: "First of all, it can affect the surrounding weather, but it can only make it snow. Besides, there are more powerful ones. Nina can speed up the growth of water-type magic plants and monsters. How about it? Is it amazing?" After Ruilai said, even his own eyes were full of disbelief.

   As for how he knew the role of the snow elves.

  After recognizing the Lord, you will know it naturally.

   "Is it really possible to do this?" Leiter couldn't sit still, he stepped forward and stretched out his hands to press Rilai's shoulders, his eyes brightened.

  Rilei nodded, and let the snow elf come to Leiter's shoulder.

  Under close feeling, Leiter still admired such a magical creature, a part of the law condensed.

   Squeeze gently, the touch is cold and very springy.

   "Of course, tomorrow I'm going to go to the back of the manor to try it out."

   "Since this is the case, it's time to re-plan the development of the territory." Leiter looked at the snow elf and said thoughtfully.

  He thought for a while, and asked again: "What is the speedup for water-type magic plants and monsters? Can you be sure now?"

Riley paused, frowned, and said after a while: "It seems that I can't perceive it. It may take some experimentation to figure it out, and I guess this ability should have a certain limit. After all, although the elf in the rumor is very Miraculous, but not outrageous."

  Leite nodded, agreeing with this statement. Standing up again, he said "wait a moment." and walked towards his room.

   After going back and forth, Rhett took out a small cloth bag.

  Rilei watched curiously, and heard Leiter say:

   "These seeds can be planted tomorrow."

   "Where did my father get it? I seem to feel a strong magical element. It seems that the number of seeds is quite large, and the grade is not low." Ruilai said in surprise with a flash of his eyes.

   "Before I came down from the front line, I exchanged the extra meritorious service for something, and there is no interest in keeping it anyway." Leiter shrugged.

  Before he retired, he exchanged the following items: a few bottles of potions that were helpful for fighting qi cultivation, and the rest were seeds of various magic plants.

   Considering the development of the family and territory, the magic plant seeds exchanged are mainly soil and water, and there are also some other types.

  Boiling potion, used to help cultivate the family's knights, will be effective in a short time. The magic planting seeds are considered for the long-term development of the family.

  In the army, it is easy to exchange for some more precious things, such as the medium magic plant seeds exchanged.

For Young Eagle Town, the outside world may or may not receive dozens of them a year, and he also considered the possibility of being squeezed out by other people in case he retreated, which may have led him to collect magic plants for his family. Seeds are difficult, and they encounter the dilemma of having money and nowhere to spend it.

  And he brought more than 500 pieces at one time this time, which solved this worry and saved a lot of time.

  At present, although some magic plants are planted in the family, they are the most common high-end goods among the low-grade magic plants, and the effect is average.

  Opening his father's cloth bag, Ruilai found many rare seeds in it.

  He first paid attention to the water system, because the snow elves can accelerate the growth of water-type magic plants, and will definitely become the main source of family income in the future.

"Ice crystal lily, water moon grass, mist lotus, snow vine, and frost pine. There are five kinds of magic plants of the water system. Not bad. Except for some common water moon grass, other magic plants are found in the territories of various nobles, even in Twilight City. It is also difficult to buy in the chamber of commerce." Ruilai said pleasantly.

   Then he looked through the seeds of other departments. Although he was mentally prepared, it still exceeded Riley's expectations.

  The magic plant is different from ordinary plants. After maturity, it condenses its essence, and the seeds separated are very few, usually in single digits.

  The use of magic plants is mainly used to make alchemy potions. Or supply it to alchemy equipment, but there are relatively few magic plants that meet the requirements in this regard.

   Of the water magic plants brought by Leiter, only the ancient frost pine and snow vines meet the requirements of alchemy equipment. If the age is long enough, they will be excellent materials for water magic wands.

   After calming down, Ruilai thought about it and said, "Father, I have an idea."

   "Let's listen to it." Rhett replied.

   "Although the magic plant seeds you brought this time are precious, the seeds of water-type magic plants are only in the early 100s.

  With Nina here, since the magic plants of other departments grow slowly, can we replace the magic plants seeds with other nobles and replace them with water system magic plants seeds of equal value? In this way, Nina's role can be maximized.

   When our water-type magic plants expand in scale and become famous, we will naturally have a steady stream of large income. At that time, whether it is to replace other types of magic-plant seeds or even more precious items, wouldn't it be much easier? "

  Rui Lai narrated the plan in his heart in an orderly manner, with clear articulate and logical logic. After finishing speaking, he looked straight at his father, waiting for a reply.

  Rett smiled naturally, Rilai's thoughts were very to his taste, and he actually had the same plan.

  The growth cycle of magic plants is not too fast, at least half a year, or up to a year, and some even take three, five or even longer.

   Except for some special magical plants, such as Frost Ancient Pine, there is no upper growth limit. The longer the time, the higher the value.

   Therefore, in a short period of time, it is king to concentrate on the development of water system magic plants.

Ruilai's plan did not disappoint Leiter. He nodded slightly: "This plan is very feasible, so I will leave it to you to do it. It is enough to keep the seeds of other departments for one year, and the rest, Just replace them all with water-type magic plant seeds."

   "The matter of the caravan has been handled by you, you are familiar with it, and I am very relieved.

   "Thank you for your father's trust." Riley was very happy as he carried the small cloth bag. He seemed to see a not-too-distant future where Young Eagle Town, where he was located, became the richest territory under the jurisdiction of Earl Brain.

  The jurisdiction here is not the rule of ownership, but the provisions of the kingdom's laws and regulations. In case of emergencies, such as orc invasion, harassment by foreign forces, etc., the earl has the right to dispatch viscounts, barons and other nobles to resist the invasion.

  Father and son chatted about some details, and not long after, Rylai took the snow elf down.

   Leite was left alone in the hall to meditate. He looked at the candlelight in front of him and thought carefully.

   After a moment, he decides that a simulation is necessary.

   Thank you for your recommendation tickets, thank you for another monthly ticket from a handsome guy, and 4 monthly tickets for Hua Su.

   Guess what other features Snow Elf has?



  (end of this chapter)