MTL - Fake Dating the Amnesiac School Prince-Chapter 65

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Shi Fanfan since sitting with Zhen Yuanbai, it seems that he is not ready to move the nest, and get a second back.

He is really talented, even if he sleeps a lot every day, as long as he works hard, it seems that he can easily surpass others, and Zhen Yuanbai is afraid to slack off, lest a careless one be taken away by the extraordinary throne.

Zhen excellent middle school entrance examination achieved excellent results, next semester with Zhen Yuanbai will go to high school.

In the summer vacation, Shifan extraordinary relied on Zhen Yuanbai's house. Every day, he came to play with him. If he accidentally played late, he slept in Zhen Yuanbai's house by the way.

Zhen Qiao didn't know whether it was the extraordinary face when he got used to it, but he didn't think he was particularly annoying.

Of course, it is also possible that Shifan is good enough when playing games with him, after all, Shifan is also very researched about the game.

Zhen Yuanbai doubts that if the game also has a degree, they can definitely get a PhD.

Shi Fanfan not only brushed up on the game, which is extremely difficult to serve, Zhen Chao ’s goodwill, but also every time he used the time to eat rice to brush up the favorability of Zhen Pingjin and Qin Ying, and sometimes he did n’t come for a day or two. Zhen Pingjin and Qin Ying actually asked him specifically.

National Day is Zhen Yuanbai's birthday. He happened to be so coincident. Every birthday was closed. Early in the morning, Zhen Yuanbai's mind was not completely awake, and he heard a voice from outside. In this case, Zhen Yuanbai would basically not get up, because Qin Ying who was up early would definitely open the door, but soon, she came to slap Zhen Yuanbai's door: "Hurry up, Fanfan will give you a birthday Now. "

Fanfan ... is it extraordinary?

Zhen Yuanbai got up sharply, ran open the door, and ran out, and saw a red flag cake on the table. Zhen Yuanbai couldn't help laughing; "Why are you here so early?"

"I got up at five." Shifan said: "Hand-born, afraid of not doing well, it's not too late now, OK?"

"It's nine-thirty." Qin Ying smiled. "I haven't got up yet because I'm good. It's a rare holiday. You have the heart and you do it yourself."

Zhen Yuanbai was so excited that Shifan made cakes for him! He usually only sees such performances in idol dramas. The reality is still the first time.

He looked at Shifan extraordinary, Shifan extraordinary also looked at him, when facing each other, Qin Ying suddenly looked subtle.

Shifan not only made cakes for Zhen Yuanbai himself, but also gave him a very beautiful watch. Zhen Pingjin took a look and asked, "What brand is it expensive?"

"Cm, it's not expensive." Shifan smiled. "No money."

Zhen Yuanbai was very rare to wear it with one hand. When Qin Ying saw this, she just wanted to reach out, and when she saw it, she uttered an extraordinary sound: "Why so stupid."

He pulled Zhen Yuanbai over, carefully adjusted the strap, and said, "Just right, do you like it?"


Zhen Yuanbai blushed. He just saw the letter "cm" on the back of the dial, and there was a tiny string of English confession next to it, but he didn't dare to say it, even to his parents. Fear of what they find.

Don't talk about Qin Ying now, and Zhen Pingjin is a bit strange, he said, "What brand is cm?"

"Not a brand." Zhen Youhua said, "It should be the abbreviation of my brother's name."

Zhen Yuanbai glared at him, Zhen Pingjin and Qin Ying looked at each other, both of them felt weird, but they couldn't tell where they were.

Every now and then comes with a cake, of course Qin Ying can not neglect, made more than a dozen good dishes, and let the children eat well and have a good time, "This is the third year high school come, you can get this year Come on. "

Zhen Yuanbai nodded, and Shifan presented a series of learning plans. He looked straight at his eyes. He didn't believe that Shifan had such a freewheeling plan. He totally fooled his parents. .

But I have to say that young people who have plans for their lives are very much liked by their elders. Zhen Pingjin nodded straight and said, "You and smart want to help each other and work hard."

In the third year of high school, the learning atmosphere of the class suddenly became serious. Zhen Yuanbai was easily affected by the learning environment. He laughed at him for a long time. Zhen Yuanbai is also a wonderful girl. He used to look forward to staying with him when he was in the third year of high school, but he just couldn't sleep in the dormitory nervously. Before the college entrance examination, he started to feel nervous.

Qin Ying heard that some high school seniors could n’t stand the pressure of jumping off the building, and found that Zhen Yuanbai looked like this, so he often called Shifan, and asked him to take care of Zhen Yuanbai ’s emotions. It is incumbent.

Zhen Yuanbai made an appointment with Shifan to enter the same university. While worrying about her own results, she was also worried about her extraordinary results. The pressure was great. He occasionally poked at his soft face and laughed at him: "Little old man, can't you think all day?"

"What do you say if we are not together?"

"The two of us have similar results. Why can't we be together?"

"In case my college entrance examination is not working ..."

"You have been steadily in the first place for so many years. How can you behave abnormally?"

"I don't know." Zhen Yuanbai buried his face in his sleeve, and suddenly wanted to cry. After playing the year and getting closer to the date of the college entrance examination, he became more and more scared and couldn't do it easily. status. Shifan reached out and touched his head, also lying on the table, squeezed a little, and said, "Nothing will happen, Yuanyuan? Otherwise, shall we go out tonight?"

Zhen Yuanbai drew his nose, his eyes were wet, and said, "Everyone has to study at night."

"Then let's walk around the campus, put on your headphones, and memorize the words while walking together? Is it considered self-study at night?"

Zhen Yuanbai had never thought of this kind of late self-study, but what he said was feasible, he nodded.

Because of her senior year, Ji Yanping also began to come to the hall every night during her self-study. After getting permission from the two, they went out together. Zhen Yuanbai was wearing headphones in her ears and listening to the familiar English, she was slightly relieved. Some more.

Shifan took his hand and heard him say softly: "I don't know why now, as long as I'm not doing things related to study, I feel very guilty ... I think eating and sleeping are all crimes. . "

Shifan clenched his fingers, looked at his white face sideways, suddenly came over and kissed him, and said, "Don't you fall in love with me?"

Zhen Yuanbai nodded: "Criminal."

Unexpectedly, he smiled suddenly: "Then you think so, we study so hard to live our favorite life with our favorite people, don't we?"


"Is it still a crime to fall in love?"

Zhen Yuanbai looked at him for a while and pouted, "I ..."

Said with patience, "Huh?"

"I ... want to hand in my homework." Before he finished speaking, Zhen Yuanbai raised his face and kissed his lips. He squeezed his hands and kissed him gently, his lips pecking at each other gently. Zhen Yuanbai slightly flushed away and asked him, "Do you feel better now?"

"Hug me again."

Shifan opened his hands and held him in his arms. Zhen Yuanbai sniffed his nose. He listened to his heartbeat seriously for a while, and his heart was strangely quiet. Let go: "Hug hard, hold tighter."

He smiled a lot, tightening his arms to hold him tighter.

Perhaps because of the empty campus at night and Zhen Yuan's bold and excessive, he relied on Shifan and held it for a while before finally letting go. Shifan pinched his cheek: "Can you?"

Zhen Yuan nodded his head and said, "A little bit is fine."

"When you can't wait, you can always call me to hug you."

Zhen Yuanbai bent his eyes and smiled embarrassedly.

They returned to the teaching building, and Zhen Yuanbai's tone was much lighter. He rubbed his face. Although he felt a little sullen in his heart, he finally didn't feel the kind of embarrassment to cry.

Shifan took his hand and said, "Would you like to do it again?"

Zhen Yuanbai smiled and hugged him with his arms open. He kissed him on the cheek when he was unusual. Footsteps suddenly came from the top of his head. Actually empty.

Immediately, he poked, "We, have we been seen?"

"You see, you see, anyway, we are going to graduate soon, and no one can manage us to fall in love."

"But my parents don't know about it."

"I think you need to be ready to be discovered by your parents at any time."

Zhen Yuanbai snorted and went back to the classroom with Shifan again. Recently, because of his fear of being overwhelmed, Zhen Pingjin picked up the car every day. Zhen Yuanbai said goodbye to Shi Pingjin and sat in Zhen Pingjin's car. The latter said, "No class tomorrow?"

"Yeah." Zhen Yuan said in white: "Let's take a break for a long time tomorrow and come to study in the evening."

"Let your mother make something delicious for you." Perhaps he was scared to scare him. During this time, Zhen Pingjin's temper was also much milder. Zhen Yuanbai nodded obediently and played 2048 mini-game in the back.

When he was home, Zhen Pingjin's mobile phone suddenly received a WeChat message. Zhen Yuan Bai'an walked into the elevator quietly, and suddenly found that Zhen Pingjin's eyes looked a little weird. He looked at him in confusion, the latter retracted his gaze, and said for a moment: "The pressure in the senior year is really high. Right? "

Recently, someone always mentioned the word pressure to him, Zhen Yuanbai nodded and said, "OK."

Zhen Pingjin pursed his lips and said nothing for a long while. When he arrived at the designated floor, Zhen Yuanbai went out first. Qin Ying had already given him a supper when he got home. Zhen Yuanbai ate and said, "I have eaten so much every night recently that I want to gain weight."

Zhen Huan was very happy: "You can leave without eating, all for you."

"You're fat too."

"I have a body."

Two brothers, you ’re coming to me, but the two parents exchanged their mobile phones under the table. Qin Ying glanced at Zhen Pingjin uncertainly, and then looked at Zhen Yuanbai, who was fighting with Zhen excellent, suddenly said "Smart, would you like to go out and play?"

"I do not have holiday."

"It's okay." Qin Ying said, "Would you like to take a few days off? I'll show you around?"

"Don't," Zhen Yuanbai said strangely, "I'm going to the college entrance exam soon, I can't believe you actually made such a suggestion."

Qin Ying was speechless for a while.

Zhen Yuanbai went to bed full of food, and held the book for a while, then suddenly heard someone knocking on the door, Zhen Pingjin's voice came: "Smart, you come out."

Zhen Yuanbai got up and went out. He obediently entered the parents' room. He sat in a chair and looked at the same posture of the three courts. He was a little nervous: "Why, what's wrong?"

Zhen Pingjin touched his chin and said, "Are you in a relationship?"

Zhen Yuanbai consciously wanted to deny it, but suddenly there was some emotion in his chest. He suddenly burst into tears: "I ... I ..."

"Are you in love with the time?" Qin Ying said: "Your head teacher saw ... you are with the time, when?"

"Go, last year ..." Zhen Yuanbai began to snore. Although his parents were very gentle, he still saw that both of them were angry, otherwise he would not call him out in the middle of the night, and he began to sob. Zhen Pingjin lit a cigarette and stood up to the window. There was a moment of silence in the room, and Qin Ying came over and wiped tears to Zhen Yuanbai, saying, "You have so much pressure during this time, is it related to this matter?"

"I don't know ..." Zhen Yuanbai couldn't stop crying. He gave a tearful glance at Zhen Pingjin's back, always feeling that the other party would turn around and give him a slap at any time.

Qin Ying sighed and said, "We're just worried about you, okay? I won't blame you, don't cry, just go back and rest."

"You guys, don't you hit me?"

Zhen Pingjin turned his face. Honestly, if it was n’t for the college entrance examination right away, Zhen Yuanbai would have been beaten, but in the end, he was his own child. Oil: "Go back to bed and sleep."

Zhen Yuanbai stood up timidly, just walked to the door, suddenly turned back again, Tong Tong knelt down, eyes wide and said: "I like it extraordinary, I want him to take the same university, I will follow He gets married. "

Zhen Pingjin's hand shook, and Qin Ying drew his lips and said, "Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I know, I have a clear mind." Zhen Yuanbai suddenly stammered. He wiped his face and said, "If you don't hit me today, don't hit me because of this thing, okay?"

Zhen Pingjin: "..."

Zhen Yuanbai is actually hitting the iron while it is hot. Anyway, I already know that it ’s a big hit. He also knows how important the college entrance examination is to life. I believe that his parents value this matter more than him. If he does n’t make it clear at this time, The next time I say it, I will definitely be beaten.

Zhen Pingjin was really angry, and suddenly two steps over, he slaps before falling on Zhen Yuanbai's face, he heard a whine, Zhen Yuanbai could not take care of himself with his eyes closed, as if he had stripped him alive. .

This is the reason why he has not been beaten since childhood. Most of them are frightened if they do not hit. If they did hit, they would not be scared to death.

Qin Ying promptly Zhen Pingjin pulled aside and said, "He is eighteen, don't hit ... Yuan Yuan, don't cry, go back to sleep."

The cry stopped abruptly, Zhen Yuanbai slowly opened his closed eyes, and saw Zhen Pingjin sitting on the bed with his back to him, taking a hard breath, his body shaking slightly.

He suddenly seemed to realize something, wiped his tears, opened the door and went in.

His wet eyes matched Zhen Youyi who had his head out, and the latter raised a puzzled eyebrow: "Dad hit you?"

Zhen Yuanbai felt ashamed. He ran into his room and wiped his face hard.

In fact, he was ready to be beaten when he knelt down, but as soon as Zhen Pingjin's slap came out, it seemed that the switch in his mood had collapsed ... It was too shameful and not handsome at all.

He angrily hammered the pillow.

Zhen Yuanbai thought he would be insomnia tonight, but unexpectedly, he slept quite dead. Zhen Pingjin was also worried about what would happen to his irritated character at night. When he quietly pushed the door in the middle of the night to see it, he almost passed away.

He slaps on Zhen Yuanbai's quilt, and while sleeping, Zhen Yuanbai unconsciously slightly opens his lips to breathe. People have gone from sleeping upright to sleeping vertically, and the pillows have fallen to the floor.

Zhen Pingjin wanted to cure him. After placing the pillow on the bedside, he grabbed him straight and straightened him. Zhen Yuanbai's face was sulking in the bed, and he still slept soundly.

Zhen Pingjin: "..."

It's really heartless.

They do n’t know if it ’s the time to blame or not to blame Zhen Yuanbai. After discussing with him, Qin Ying decided not to talk with Shi ’s parents first, The college entrance examination is inappropriate. "

Zhen Pingjin nodded and promised: "Then wait for the college entrance examination before telling his parents ... this is nothing!"

Although Shi's family was far away, when he came to look for Zhen Yuanbai, he was never far away. A smiley face: "Uncle Zhen is good! Is Yuan Yuan up?"

Zhen Pingjin said darkly, "I'm not up."

"I'm looking for him to do his homework." Shi Wufan smiled and went straight into the room. Zhen Pingjin followed the door and followed him. "He slept late yesterday. Don't bother him, just sit for a while."

Qin Ying brought breakfast to the table and said enthusiastically, "Did you have breakfast?"

"Not yet." Shifan smiled. "I know auntie, you're not going to work today, and you're here to cook dinner."

As he always did, he picked up the small fried dough sticks, and suddenly found that Zhen Pingjin had been staring at him, suddenly wondering: "What happened to the uncle?"

Why suddenly use such a different look, with an unscrupulous look ... looking at him?