MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 760

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boom---! !

Accompanied by a violent roar, countless debris flew out and fell on the ground.

The hall, which was so noisy just now, fell silent in an instant.

All the people who were enjoying their drinks turned their eyes to the gate.

"What's going on?!" Miraj and Luo Xingchen also turned around.

The guy at the bar who had a smiling face just now became furious.

He stared intently at the door.

The veins on his forehead popped up, and he let out a roar: "Who is dying?!"

slap... slap... slap...

Amidst the smoke and dust, the sound of clear footsteps mixed with the sound of clapping hands resounded.

"Qualified, qualified, that expression is really good, qualified and qualified!"

The sound of laughter is getting closer.

Amidst the smoke and dust, a man in a blue suit walked in slowly.

Immediately, the expression of the guy at the bar who was still glaring just now changed suddenly.

He quickly covered his mouth, took two steps back, and lowered his head.

Even the body... began to tremble slightly.

Not just the bar guy.

At this moment, all the people in the hall stood up one after another.

Stepping back to the side, his body bent slightly, as if he was afraid of this man.

In a few seconds, the middle area was cleared from the noisy and crowded hall just now.

In the entire hall, except for Luo Xingchen and Miraj, no one was standing upright.

Although most of these people are desperadoes of the Dark Guild.

Although there is a set of rules unique to them in this place.

However, what is above this is the royal power! It is the iron law of the empire!

In the entire Alvarez Empire, no one can resist the kingship.

Even the place known as the capital of sin, where there are many dark guilds, is the same.

This is the Alvarez Empire!

A super-military magical empire that governs all affairs in the entire empire!

The man's eyes turned quickly, and he fixed on Luo Xingchen and Miraj who were very conspicuous in front of the bar.

A smile bloomed on his face: "I finally found you, foreign invaders!"

Luo Xingchen clasped his hands together, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Although I don't know who this guy is, but judging from the reactions around him.

He is definitely above the social rules here.

In other words, this guy is definitely an official member of the Alvarez Empire.

And his goal is himself and Milaj!

"Who are you?"

The man put one hand on his chest, stepped back slightly with the other foot, and saluted like a gentleman.

Slowly said: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Marin Hollow."

"Affiliated to the Alvarez Imperial Army, one of the Twelve Shields of the Guardians, and the captain of the Brandish team!"

"Captain? It looks like you should be a high-level figure in this empire, right?" Luo Xingchen said slowly.

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, you must have found the wrong person. We are just tourists, and intruders are not very suitable, right?"

Marin grinned sneeringly.

"Is it really?"

Raising his arm, there was a sudden fluctuation in the space, and then the images of Luo Xingchen and Miraj appeared on the magic crystal.

Above, it was when Luo Xingchen and Miraj had just stepped into this continent.

And, the two walked into the seaside town, and then rented a magical four-wheeled vehicle at a car rental company.

"Luo Xingchen, Ishgar Continent, was appraised as one of the holy ten mages by the magic council over there, a guild that has been disbanded, Fairy Tail guild S-rank mages."

"Miraj, Ishgar Continent, Fairy Tail Guild S-rank mage."

"Two well-known mages in the continent of Ishgar have come to the Alvarez Empire, which has broken off ties... What is their intention?"

"I've said it all, I'm just here for a trip." Luo Xingchen responded without changing his face.

Whether the guy in front of him believed it or not, Luo Xingchen didn't really care.

Instead, what he really cares about is how this guy found himself and others.

However, after passing Marin's answer just now, Luo Xingchen has locked himself and the reason why Miraj was exposed.

Didn't expect it to be surveillance?

After all, in this world full of magic, Luo Xingchen had almost forgotten about the 307 monitoring from the technology side.

This point has never existed in the Kingdom of Fiore.

However, now that the reason for the exposure is known, it is easy to hide it next.

However, the current and final guy must be dealt with first.

"Do you think I will believe what you say?" Marin sneered.

"Or, if you want to make an excuse, go to the interrogation room of the empire and talk about it!"

As soon as the voice fell, Marin spread his hands.


Strange fluctuations spread.

Suddenly, in the eyes of outsiders, the figures of Marin, Luo Xingchen, and Miraj who were in the center of the hall were slowly disappearing.

Until the trace is completely lost.

Only then did the scene breathe a sigh of relief, and the discussions resounded afterward.

"Who are those two thickenings just now?"

"It will attract the high-level figures of the empire to arrest them in person?"

"Didn't you hear it just now? It was an intruder."

"Invaders, I never thought that someone would actually dare to invade the Alvarez Empire."

"Are they impatient?"

"Who knows... it's better to stay away. If this kind of thing is contaminated, it will be troublesome."

"Yes, yes, stay away."

The boy at the bar let out a long sigh of relief, and looked around after looking around.

After calming down, he walked to the side of the bar and picked up the magic crystal that was visiting above.

With a light swipe of the palm, the appearance of a blue-haired woman soon appeared on it.

"What's the matter, contact me at this point? Did something happen in the hotel?"

"Yes, Mrs. President." The boy at the bar nodded.

Then he hurriedly reported the situation on the scene.

And the blue-haired woman on the opposite side keenly captured the word 'intruder' described by the boy at the bar.

Frowning slightly, he asked, "Do you know their names?"

The guy at the bar quickly opened the check-in shop.

Looking at the names above, he replied, "One of the men is named Lu Chenxi, and the woman is named Rolls-Royce."


"Ah... By the way, this seems to be a fake name. Lord Marin of the Empire seems to have spoken their real names just now."

"It's called... Mira or something, and... Luo Xingchen!"

"Luo Xingchen?!" The blue-haired woman seemed a little taken aback.

The frown that was already furrowed deepened a little.

After a pause, she said again: "In this case, let me tell you what to do next...".

Chapter 672 The real master of space!

at the same time.

When Luo Xingchen and Milajie realized it, they realized that they were no longer in the tavern.

Here is a dark room with stone walls on all sides.

Hanging on the wall are all kinds of instruments of torture.

Obviously, this should be somewhere in the interrogation room.

Looking out through the window on the stone wall.

Nothing can be found, but a twisted nothingness.

"This...what the **** is this place?"

Looking at the completely unfamiliar scene around him, Miraj couldn't help frowning and said.

"Welcome to my leisure space! My...independent world!"

In front of the two of them, a sudden distortion appeared in the calm space.

Immediately afterwards, Marin in a blue suit slowly emerged from it.

There was still a confident smile on his face.

"It has hosted a lot of people I think are qualified, and it has been well received."

"And you two are also qualified people in my opinion, so these things will also let you experience it."

With that said, Marin pointed to the various instruments of torture hanging on the wall.

"It's really bad fun." Luo Xingchen shook his head lightly.

"No!" Marin vetoed Luo Xingchen's words.

"Sometimes, in order to obtain the necessary information, it is very reasonable to use some means." After a pause, he continued.

"Also, listening to other people's screams can also make people feel happy."

"I don't know about the others, but if I can hear your mournful cry, I will also be very happy." Miraj stepped forward.

The magic power in his body is constantly surging upwards.

Her expression also became serious: "Imprisoning the devil will be the most regrettable decision you have ever made in your life!"


The pixel blocks formed by the magic power wrapped Miraj's whole body.

In that dazzling light.

Milaj's appearance also changed accordingly.

"Accept the whole body Satan's soul!"