MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 751

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"By the way, let's go to Xingchen to borrow money! That guy is really rich." Natsu seemed to have thought of something.

She clapped her hands and spoke excitedly.

"But...we already owe Xingchen a lot of money. If converted, it is even enough for us to eat fish for ten years." Happy said helplessly.

After a pause, he continued: "Besides, we heard from Miraj that Xingchen left the guild in the early morning, and I don't know where he went."

Naz froze for a moment, then shook his head, with a smile on his face again: "Then don't worry about it, there will be a solution in the end."

"Love!" Hobby echoed with his paw raised.

"It's actually... this is a bit difficult to handle. I originally planned to let Xingchen help and explain it to everyone." Naz looked at the letter in his hand.

Some embarrassing opening.

"Then, why didn't you tell everyone directly?" Hubby asked suspiciously.

"Because it's practice, practice, so if you don't start early, then it's not called practice, right?"

Natsu said something illogical with a serious face.

The face of Happy next to him was full of question marks.

Shaking his head, he sighed helplessly: "Then do whatever you want."

"Haha, let's go!" Natsu packed his bags.

Greet or harpy and leave the house together.

Soon one person and one cat arrived outside Luo Xingchen's villa, and Hobby delivered the letter to the edge of the window sill.

One person and one cat set foot on the journey again.

As if thinking of something, Natsu stopped in his tracks.

Turning his head, he looked at the temporarily empty villa.

In his mind, he seemed to recall the figure facing the black dragon alone a week ago.

She pursed her lips: "Wait, Xingchen!"

"I will definitely become stronger!"

Those words were like an oath made to the person who admired him.

Although he is not here.

"One year later, I will definitely catch up with you. At that time... I will be able to truly fight side by side with you!"

Listening to the declaration, Happy beside him couldn't help but smile.

"Love!! Then you need to work harder!"

"Xingchen is a monster among monsters!" The blue cat said with a smile.

"Of course, let's go, Happy!"

Natsu started to run, and disappeared into the town together with Happy.


In the extreme north of the continent, in a world covered in ice and snow.

The ruthless snowflakes fall down from the sky tirelessly, as if there is no end to it.

Gray was sitting alone on the ruins buried by the wind and snow.

Listening to the cold wind blowing incessantly.

Staring at the simple cross in front of him.

The inscription on the cross should have been covered by the wind and snow, perhaps because of the continuous blowing of the cold wind, it was revealed at this moment.


Silver and Mika.

That is Gray's parents.

He just kept staring at these two names, and the time passed under his gaze.

"Do you want a drink?" A familiar voice suddenly came from behind.


Immediately afterwards, the space behind Gray distorted out of thin air.

Luo Xingchen stepped out of it carrying a bottle of high-strength wine.

Then he came to Gray's side and sat down casually.

"Why are you here?" Gray's voice was a little low, which seemed to confirm his mood.

From the corner of the eye, he noticed the wine bottle in Luo Xingchen's hand.

He raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Luo Xingchen.

"Didn't you... never like to drink?"

"Because I need to settle some...grievances!"

Luo Xingchen took out two cups to protect them from the ice and snow in front of them.

He said without raising his head.


Chapter 664 Let's fly, little ghosts!

"Grudges?!" Hearing Luo Xingchen's words, Gray was slightly taken aback.

He looked around in astonishment.

After confirming that there was only him and Luo Xingchen here, he became even more confused.

Can't help asking: "Xing Chen, you mean... you and me?"

Nothing more than Gray would ask.

After all, in his memory, he has never had any grievances with Luo Xingchen.

Regarding this, Luo Xingchen did not answer this question immediately.

After filling the empty wine glasses placed in front of himself and Gray with wine.

Putting the wine bottle aside, he looked at the wooden cross not far away.

"That silver guy... is a straight father."

He said these words softly.

"Speaking of which, he and I can be regarded as...friends."

"Ah, during the battle that day, I heard my father say that he had met you." Gray responded.

Luo Xingchen smiled lightly, and lowered his head: "However, the final result is a pity."

"This friend's life was actually ended by myself."

The moment Luo Xingchen's words fell.

The surroundings seem to have stepped into silence.

Even the snowflakes falling in mid-air restrained their voices at this moment.

"At that time, I was the one who killed Keith with my own hands."

Raising his head, Luo Xingchen, who was staring at the cross, said these words expressionlessly.

"It''s you..."

Gray froze, his whole body began to tremble.

Luo Xingchen, who was sitting by the side, could even hear Gray's heavy breathing.

Those widened eyes seemed to be talking about disbelief.

"In other words, Yin was able to act through Keith's spell. I, who killed Keith with my own hands, can also be said to be your father-killing enemy."

Luo Xingchen turned his head and stared straight at Gray.

His expression was full of seriousness.

Pursing his lips, Gray lowered his head.

He avoided Luo Xingchen's sight, but his trembling body was exposed to Luo Xingchen's eyes.

He didn't speak, just clenched his hanging palm tightly.

"It's you..." Those short words contained indescribable emotions.

Luo Xingchen took a deep breath, and picked up the wine glass in front of him.

Then down the drain.

Although Luo Xingchen didn't like drinking, he didn't like the taste of wine either.

However, it is undeniable that sometimes alcohol can really help him relieve his inner anxiety and so on...

Put down the empty wine glass.

Luo Xingchen spoke again: "I don't want to make excuses, it's just... if you want to seek revenge from me."

"I'll accompany you anytime!"

The oncoming wind lifted the black hair of the two men.

Gray, with his head down, clenched his teeth tightly.

"Damn it!!" Gray gritted his teeth and spit out these two words.

Then he raised his head and stretched out his arms.

grabbed it...

He drank the wine glass in front of him in one gulp.

"Damn! I'm really useless!"

He scolded himself loudly.

It also seems to be venting something.

Tears seemed to have soaked his eyes, holding the wine glass in one hand and resting his head in the other, he seemed to be crying unbearably any longer.

Although the crying didn't seem to make any sound.

Only the flow of tears.

"How can I be so useless! I have clearly made up my mind not to show my weak side! Damn it!"

Luo Xingchen quietly watched Gray in front of him.

Now he doesn't look angry, more like...

A weak appearance after suffering countless hardships.

Sighing lightly, Luo Xingchen moved the wine bottle placed at his feet to Gray.

And Gray was not polite, and picked up the bottle directly.

Swallowed up the bottle.

tons tons tons...

The liquid in the wine bottle is decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon after dropping half of the drinks.

Gray put down the bottle.

"Ahem..." The intense drinking caused Gray, who was also not very good at drinking, to cough violently.

It took a long time to recover, and wiped away the tears from the corners of his mouth, whether it was the wine or the corners of his eyes.