MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 734

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Finally, he looked at Erza: "There is another guy who is not complete."

"Even if the three of them get together, what can they do?"

Erza withdrew the shield, swung her arms, and said aloud:

"The living body connection with the magic crystal doesn't just improve your strength and accelerate the activation of Fez?"

Slightly squinting her eyes, she looked at the huge magic crystal in the sky.

"When Fez is actually activated, it also means that the magic crystal has completed its task, so as the key, your life should have reached the end, right?"

···Ask for flowers····

Facing Erza's words.

Kuanghua raised the corner of his mouth: "So what?"

She doesn't seem to take her own life seriously: "In order to fulfill the long-cherished wish of our demons, to resurrect the president END, and to return to Zeref..."

"I die without regret!"

Raised his sharp claws: "As the demons created by Zeref, we are destined to return to Zeref! We were born for this!"

Kuanghua took a stride.

Every step you take can bring a big depression to the ground.

Seeing Kuanghua rushing towards him, Milaj sighed helplessly.

"What a lunatic!"

"Hurry up and kill her, Fez's countdown is still accelerating." Minerva said in a deep voice.

"Then... let's go!" Erza shouted loudly.

The whole person rushed out first.

The armor on his body was transformed in an instant, black armor and black long sword.

The armor that can increase the attack power of a single blow, the black feather armor, appeared on Erza's body.


Erza, holding swords in both hands, slashed down without hesitation.

They collided with Kuanghua's sharp claws.

boom---! !

A terrifying roar erupted instantly.

The powerful impact force constantly oppressed Erza to retreat.

However, the rapid piercing sound resounded in Kuanghua's ears again.

Milaj, flapping his wings and rushing down, grabbed Kuanghua's cheek.

Then dragged her and slammed her towards the ruined wall behind.

boom--! !

The wall instantly burst open.

After finishing this blow, Miraj immediately flapped his wings and flew towards the sky.

But at this moment, Kuanghua, who was deeply trapped in the ruins, angrily pushed away the ruins on his body.

As soon as he got up, his pupils shrank sharply.

What came into view was the sky full of sharp swords shooting straight at him.

"Damn..." Cursed secretly, Kuanghua began to wave his sharp claws continuously.

Knock down all the surrounding blades.

"Tian Lun Pentagram Sword!" Erusa, who had changed into the Tian Lun Armor, charged up again while Kuanghua had just shot down the sharp sword.

The blade in his hand slashed five times firmly before Kuanghua could react.

Connected into a pentagram floating above Kuanghua's abdomen.

The severe pain caused him to open his mouth wide open.

Angrily let out a roar.

Just as she was about to fight back, she found that Erza's figure had disappeared under the magic of Minerva.

Instead, there was Miraj with his claws gathered at his waist and his black magic power constantly fluctuating.

The claws were pushed out violently.

"Soul Destroyer!!"

boom---! !

A thick pillar of pitch-black light rushed out between Miraj's hands.

Go straight to Kuanghua, which is close at hand.

Kuanghua even had time to raise his arms in a defensive posture.

The next moment, a violent explosion enveloped Kuanghua's entire body in it... Dao.

Chapter 650 The me now, I want to move forward!

Gravels continued to fall from midair to the ground, making a crisp sound.

In the smoke and dust raised by the explosion.

Two figures loomed.

"What's going on?" Milaj, who watched this scene, frowned suspiciously.

"Another person?"

Erza came to Milaj's side, her eyes fixed on the front.

Open your mouth in a deep voice.

"Did that guy take over Milaj's attack?" Minerba also looked into the smoke and dust.

"I didn't expect that you are still so weak. Looking at you now, I really feel extremely ashamed, Minerva!"

A thunder-like sound suddenly sounded from the smoke and dust, making Mineba's body tremble violently!

The hellish scene seemed to recall in my mind.

The disgusting memory made her reflexively take two steps back.

"This voice... who the **** is it?!" Erza clenched the sharp sword in her hand and shouted loudly.


In the sky full of smoke and dust, Kuang Hua slowly stood up.

There were also fine "293" wounds on her body, as well as large areas of burnt marks.

It was confirmed that she was indeed affected by the blast, but… not fatally.

At that critical moment just now.

A black shadow forcibly broke into the center of the battlefield, taking most of the attacks head-on.

Kuanghua looked ahead of him.

That, the rough figure with hands folded in front of him.

Sturdy muscles bulged, black sun-like markings clinging to his body.

A huge Buddhist bead is hung on the neck, and the white hair and beard that soar to the sky correspond to each other.

The ear seemed to have been modified by something, and it became extremely sharp.

What is revealed in the deep eyes is indifference and iron blood.

And that arrogant arrogance!

The chairman of the former Sword Biting Tiger, German!

Kuanghua's mouth slightly curled up: "Finally caught up!"

As the smoke and dust dispersed, everyone present who had seen Germaine's appearance clearly froze in place for an instant.

"It's really him..." Minieba's voice began to tremble a little.

"how come…"


Both Rector and Flossie were terrified.

"Hehe, as expected of a person who used to be at the peak of humanity, he really turned into a pretty good demon!"

Kuanghua smiled and said.

"Didn't that guy disappear before? Was it turned into a demon by the gate of Hades?"

Milaj spoke in a low voice.

"Transformed into a demon?" Germain's thunderous voice continued.

"It's almost there!"

"I'm completely voluntary to get this power."

Having said that, he paused, then clenched his fists.

A heavy sense of oppression slowly seeped out from that body.

Let everyone present have to hit the spirit.

"Everything is for the sake of becoming the strongest!"

He stated his purpose without hesitation.

The madness in Germaine's eyes made Erza frown.

The darkness in Germaine's heart is not comparable to that of Minerva.

Years of iron blood and paranoia have made him willing even when facing the temptation of the devil.

simply say…

This guy is completely hopeless!


Erza clenched the sharp sword in her hand: "It seems that you have completely indulged in demons, for this reason, even if you give up being a human being, you will not hesitate."

"In that case, let me free your soul!"

Erza rushed out, the blade in her hand exuded a silver-white light.

"Relief?! People from the Garbage Guild dare to say such words?!"

Germain let out a growl.

That huge body directly displayed a speed that was completely inconsistent with it.

Straight out.

In just a split second, the two of them had already arrived in front of each other.

There is no unnecessary action.

Germaine clenched his fist and blasted out suddenly.

boom--! !

Then an invisible air wave was set off, blowing Erza's long hair in front of her.

The blade in his hand was placed horizontally in front of him.

Read Legend of Swordsman
Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction