MTL - Fairy: What Do You Call Borrowing Power? is This Unknown?-Chapter 730

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He couldn't help but said, "Look quickly!"

Her finger pointed to the center of the breath, even though the light was too dazzling.

However, it was still possible to vaguely see the huge monster writhing its body constantly in the light.

Wendy, who was most familiar with dragons in the room, seemed to be able to understand.

Akunologia seemed to be struggling, twisting, and even howling...

"Akunologia seems to be in pain?" Xia Lulu asked in confusion.

"Is this the power of Lord Xingchen's full firepower?"

Staring at the sky, Yukino spoke with difficulty.

Hohohohohoo! !

Accompanied by Akunologia's unwilling roar.

Under the effect of that terrifying breath, the huge body began to fall towards the ground uncontrollably.

boom---! !

That was the sound of Akunologia's body hitting the ground.

Immediately afterwards, there was a terrifying explosion like a nuclear explosion, which exploded loudly.

The huge mushroom cloud that rose up after that seemed to completely cover the sky.

The roar produced by the explosion even shook the ground beneath everyone's feet.

Numerous cracks emerged on the ground.

It testifies to the brutality of the battle.

"It's amazing, that's a power I've never seen before..." Happy stared blankly at the explosion in the distance.

"Hasn't Hubby seen it?" Rector asked with some doubts.

"Maybe it's the hole card, and it's also the ultimate strength." Lili embraced her hands.

He opened his mouth with a serious expression.

"So far, except for Akunologia, I have never seen anyone who can make Xingchen really serious."

Listening to the conversation of several cats, Mineba, who was kneeling on the ground, wiped the sweat from her forehead secretly.

Once upon a time.

Have you ever fought against such a monster?

Looking back now, I can still stand here alive, it seems...

Already very lucky, right?



Luo Xingchen exhaled lightly.

The violent magic power permeating the surroundings is gradually subsiding.

Flapping its wings, Luo Xingchen landed on the ground.

Eyes fixed on the front.

The explosion has gradually returned to calm over time.

Except for the billowing smoke that keeps rising.

It was the huge crater with a diameter of over a kilometer that was created by the explosion that appeared in front of Luo Xingchen's eyes.

The cracked ground also turned into scorched earth in the violent explosion.

However, Luo Xingchen did not relax his vigilance because of this.

He knew that it would be too whimsical to kill Akunologia with this level of damage.

Four hundred years ago, Akunologia was able to destroy the entire dragon race with one man.

It depends not only on the strength at the apex of the Dragon King.

It's not just the dragon scales that are immune to everything except dragon slaying magic.

It also has an unusually strong and hard body.

To put it simply, this guy's blood bar is ridiculously thick!

Although dragon slayer magic can cause damage to it, it is also very limited.

Tap... Tap... Tap...

The sound of footsteps slowly coming out of the billowing smoke seemed to confirm Luo Xingchen's thoughts.

Akunologia didn't have much of a problem.


What surprised Luo Xingchen was the figure slowly walking out of the thick smoke!

That's right, it's no longer in the form of a huge dragon.

It looks like a human being!

It was a man with black skin, long light blue hair loosely scattered behind him.

The upper body was naked, covered with a cape with down.

The fang necklace around the neck accompanies every step taken, and the bell rings.

The king of dragons, Akunologia, in human form.

Although without that huge body.

But the sense of oppression it brought has not weakened in any way.

It even made Luo Xingchen keenly feel that Akunologia in front of him seemed to be more dangerous.

This does not mean that Akunologia will be more powerful in human form.

It's because of... agility!

That's right, it's agility, when Akunologia showed his huge body before.

Luo Xingchen could also easily dodge his attacks by relying on her petite human body.

Moreover, a huge body also means a bigger goal.

293 Luo Xingchen could hit him even with his eyes closed, as long as the attack wasn't too crooked.

But now it's different...

However, it is not completely without benefits, Akunologia in human form.

Naturally, it does not have the abnormal physical destructive power in the form of a dragon.

But it won't be too weak, and the strength of the magic has not changed at all.

At this moment, Akunologia frowned tightly.

Came to the opposite of Luo Xingchen and stood still.

The outstretched palm touched his belly.

There, tiny wounds are constantly seeping blood.

That's right.

In the terrifying attack just now, Akunologia was injured.

After that time on Sirius Island seven years ago...

Injured for the second time.

Blood stained the fingers touching the wound, and Akunologia lifted it up and squeezed it lightly.

Feel the taste of blood in the mouth.

That seems to have completely aroused the wildness of this dragon king!

The indescribable anger almost went to his head.

The most primitive wildness hidden in his heart was completely exposed at this moment.

Scarlet eyes stared straight ahead at Luo Xingchen.

Crazy thoughts not only filled his mind.

Kill the person in front of you completely!

Destroy everything about him!

Kill him... completely! !

Luo Xingchen met Akunologia's eyes without hesitation.

The hands that had already turned into dragon claws clenched tightly.

The golden pupils in his eyes are also shining like never before.

"bring it on!"

The short words proved Luo Xingchen's attitude at the moment.

The battle... kicked off again! .

Chapter 647: Demon Killing Ice

Mardo Gil raised his arm.

Hundreds of thorns burst from the ground.

The extremely fast thorns intertwined with each other, forming a cage that prevented Naz and others from advancing.

bang bang bang bang...

While the thorns hindered the progress of the three, they also attacked simultaneously.

The poisonous thorns above are trying to cut through the bodies of the three people in front of them.

The dense bombardment continuously shattered the surrounding ground.

The explosive debris drifted into the air.

As Mardo Gil kept waving his arms.

The number of thorns is also increasing, but the three figures are like dexterous rabbits.

Continuously shuttle between the attack gaps of the thorns.

Immediately after, Mardo Gil was approached!

Natsu stomped on the ground, violent flames erupted under his feet.

In an instant, Naz was rushed to a height of tens of meters.

The clenched fists also simultaneously burned with flames.

Aim at the demon below who still maintains an elegant figure.

waved down.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!!"


Accompanied by a violent roar, Natsu's attack was stopped by Mardo Gil's raised arm.

But the terrifying impact still pushed him back tens of meters.

Both feet drew two deep ravines on the ground.

Naz, who had just landed, did not hesitate, and his figure exploded again.