MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 97 Escape?

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For a moment, the drug slaves and Wei Wei honey, as well as the eleven and four people solved all the enemies, and they were all in front of Ye Hao. They clearly felt the sigh of Feng Tengshan and realized that this is the real enemy.

"Little brother."

After Feng Tengshan rushed over, he did not attack Ye Hao and others for the first time. Instead, he rushed to the wall of the street house and took the wind up from the ground. The vitality of the wind was constantly input from the heart of his brother. His body.


Feng Tengda coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and the blurred eyes recovered a bit of clarity. Looking at the big brother’s face that was almost distorted by anger, his arm trembled and lifted, his **** right hand, and gently touched the big brother’s cheek.

Feng Tengda smiled, but he knew that his current smile must not look good.

Feng Tengshan was reluctant to shed tears many years ago. He once thought that he had become a heart of stone. However, watching the younger brother who died, the tears of the size of the beans were still uncontrollable.

"Big brother, don't... don't cry."

Feng Tengda's body trembled slightly, his voice became a little trembling, and he felt the strength of his brother's body. He was a little more comfortable. Then he said, "I thought that a woman can achieve me, whoever thought, most... In the end, I died because of a woman. The practice is... it is evil!"

Feng Tengshan shook his head and said: "It is not evil. My brother is ruining some women, not evil people. It is their blessing to die in your hands."

"Oh..." Feng Tengda made a trembling laugh.

Around, hundreds of practitioners have been gathered, and even many people have seen it from the beginning. They know that Feng Tengda has fallen to this end and wants to occupy the young woman.

People will die and their words are good. They used to hate Feng Tengda. Many people want to take him out quickly, but they heard the final words of Feng Tengda and they were silent.

However, Feng Tengshan’s words are extremely angry with everyone.

It is not terrible to practice evil law, and it can enhance strength. They are also willing to do this, but the inner evil is not enough.

Some practitioners who are very strong and have enough courage are whispering one by one.

"The Feng brothers have done a lot of evil, and finally they have come to retribution. They have been too arrogant these years. I know that it will end up in the morning and evening."

"The heart is hot, the murder is as good as numb. The wrong thing is **** Feng Tengda, a woman who has harmed too many hands without the power of the chicken. These evil people are completely different from those who are enchanted. ""

"Who is that boy? Is there so many innate master protection around?"

"The wind brother was killed last night, was killed by the boy's men, what is his origin? Why haven't you seen it before?"

"This boy must have a lot of experience, and he is just looking for death with him."

"Bold and daring!"


Ye Hao listened to the surrounding voices in his ears, and he was unlucky in his heart. He did not expect to kill some unscrupulous people and even recruited a stronger enemy.

"A drug slave, can you judge his cultivation as a realm?"

The drug slave whispered: "Can, congenital eight realms."

Ye Hao brows up, if the other party is congenitally rebuilt, the six slaves can kill one with the other, but the other's repair has reached the innate eight, and I am afraid it will be troublesome.

The higher the realm of cultivation, the greater the gap between strengths.

The gap between a single realm, or the gap between the two realms, can be compensated by the number of people, but the two sides have a full three-dimensional gap, which is not enough to make up for.

How to do? Ye Xie’s thoughts turned sharply and felt the change of the wind. A jade bottle was taken out by him, and he shook the medicine slave. He said with a voice that only two people could hear: “The drug slave, affecting the nearby wind direction.”

"Well!" The drug slave picked up his eyes, and the sleeves shook a little while the leaves were unplugged.

Feng Tengda died and died in the arms of Feng Tengshan.

Feng Tengshan, whose eyes became blood red, slowly put down his brother's body and got up and murdered to look at Ye Hao and others, and shouted: "You, **** it."

"Whoever died is not necessarily!"

Ye Hao snorted, and his thoughts were already around the book of life and death. Once the two sides started, he would seize the opportunity to murder Feng Tengshan.

Suddenly, Feng Tengshan changed his face and his body stepped back. One of the elixir was instantly thrown into his mouth.


A mouthful of blood with a stench, he was squirted from his mouth, and his breath climbed up, staring at Ye Hao: "I am so despicable, dare to poison me? Unfortunately, your wishful thinking To be defeated, my Feng Tengshan congenital eight realms, plus I have high quality detoxification, poison has little effect on me."

Ye Hao calmly said: "Your brother is very lonely."

"What?" Feng Tengshan glimpsed.

Ye Hao said: "Your brother is dead. Do you want him to be a lonely ghost on Huangquan Road? Look at your brother's feelings. It is better to be in front of me, and you should be a companion to your brother on Huangquan Road. ”

"I am sending you to accompany my brother." Feng Tengshan was so angry that his figure disappeared in front of Ye Hao.

The face of Ye Hao changed, and the speed of the other party was beyond his imagination. When he saw the figure of Feng Tengshan again, it was the 11th and 12th people who joined forces to block Feng Tengshan’s sharp moment.

"Thousands of mountains!" The exquisite combat skills, exhibited by Feng Tengshan, instantly left a deep visible bone wound on the eleven or four people, and the eleven and four people were even more violent.

At this time, the black innocence had already arrived with a dozen of his men. When he saw Feng Tengshan, who was a big man, the old face showed some taboos. However, when he saw Feng Tengshan’s opponent, he immediately turned and asked: Killing the wind brothers, but they?"

The young man nodded without hesitation and said: "The guests who live in Tongfu Inn described that they are right."

Black unintentionally looked at the old man holding the faucet crutches was blown, and the veiled woman was also forced to retreat by Feng Tengshan, the body's breath instantly soared, with a chain of chains pulled out, the other side of the chain was instantly turned Prepared to sweep the Feng Tengshan who killed the leaves under the pain of Ye Hao.


Feng Tengshan noticed the breath behind him, and it was too late to kill Ye, and his body shape sneaked toward one side, avoiding the sneak attack behind him.

Black heartlessly swayed the chain, and the shadow of the knife followed the shape, constantly flicking against Feng Tengshan.

"Black old ghost, are you looking for death?"

Feng Tengshan recognized the person, suddenly angered, and the long knife in his hand also launched a fierce counterattack.

Ye Haoben is ready to be killed. Even before he decides to die, he will inject all the spiritual power into the book of life and death, and take away the vitality of Feng Tengshan as much as possible.

However, this sudden savior made him instantly lost.

He recognized the old man who saved himself. It was yesterday that he was outside the Tongfu Inn and wanted to kill the black and old ghosts of the Feng Brothers. For a moment, he realized that the black and old ghosts should know that they are waiting for others to kill. The Fengjia brothers thought that he and others had reported him a murderous murder. He was paying back.

Ye Hao thought about this, and my heart suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

In the crowd, an old lady with a thin body and a black carbon stick, silently took the short sword in her hand into the long sleeve, and then quietly withdrew from the crowd.

The attack of the black and old ghosts is more fierce. He has already broken through to the innate eight-fold. He has no fear for Feng Tengshan. When he was congenitally in the seven realm of realm, he dared to kill with the powerful enemy of the innate eight realm. Now his strength is greatly increased, he is confident that he can Kill Feng Tengshan.

"Whoever died doesn't know yet!" Black old ghost sneered.

Feng Tengshan did not expect that black innocent would actually intervene in his own affairs. With the fierce attack, he shouted: "Black old ghosts, they killed my brother, you know what it means, it is bloodlessness that never dies. Do you really want to tear my face with me and do nothing?"

Black unintentionally said coldly: "Before you started, I didn't intend to leave you a face. They helped me to report the murderous vengeance. I was black and heartless, although my heart was hot and murderous, but I also knew the Entu newspaper, so, I have decided to intervene in your affairs."

The killing of the two has had a great impact.

The people around the crowd, who quit one hundred meters backward, were barely affected, and Ye Hao retreated to dozens of meters under the protection of Yao Nuo and Wei Wei honey.

As for the 14 people, although they are too weak, they still join the battle group, and the two teams have joined forces to form a joint attack, which brings Feng Tengshan not a small pressure.

There are complex looks in the eyes of the drug slaves, and they muttered: "The eleventh of them have a strong combination of four people. Even if I play against two people at the same time, I am afraid that I will eventually be killed."

Ye Hao seems to have heard the words of the drug slaves. His mental power is very depleted, but he still pays attention to the current situation. His mental strength is around the life and death book, and he is ready to make a fuss about Feng Tengshan.

It is a pity that Feng Tengshan and the black heartless people are killing each other. The speed is too fast. Even if he is wide-eyed, he can still only see their remnants.

"No matter, use it now." Ye Hao injected a lot of mental power into the name of Feng Tengshan on the black page, and suddenly felt the tingling of the sea, and the black eyes almost fainted.


The iron chain instantly wraps around the arm of Feng Tengshan, and the sickle on the other end, in the moment, the left arm of Feng Tengshan is degraded, and only around the Feng Tengshan can affect his eleven and twelve, the sword in his hand is draped in Feng Tengshan. On the right shoulder and back, tear open two **** wounds.


Feng Tengshan issued an angry roar. He had just paid a huge price for a moment, but he couldn’t figure out how the power of the crazy movements in his body was inexplicably lost.

escape! Feng Tengshan, who has experienced countless times of life and death, has no time to think about other problems. The figure is thrown toward the thirteenth and fourteenths. The horrible breath forced the two to retreat and fled to the distance without hesitation.