MTL - Fairy Palace-Chapter 54 Slaughter is a bit jealous

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Ye Hao did not adopt the suggestion of drug slaves. He always felt that selling poetry and poetry for wealth was a very unrealistic thing. He even made up his mind if he earned enough money to buy blood-stained worms before the auction. Silver is paid with silver crystal and gold crystal.

People are alive and will not be killed by urine.

Ye Hao is very confident in his own engraving. He believes that once the zodiac jade carving is completed, it will surely be sought after by countless practitioners.

early morning.

The drizzle of the rain, the dreams of the whole world, the peach blossoms in full bloom are more beautiful and beautiful. On the front road, a light blue figure with an umbrella is far and near, appearing outside the fence. .

"Is there something?"

The medicinal slaves knew that Ye Hao was eager to engrave the jade carvings, so he went to the medicinal herbs room and took back the medicinal herbs in the morning. He happened to see Blue Sky Yu outside the door.

Blue Sky Yu's face covered the veil, but the eyes were as bright as a star. She quietly looked at the drug slave, even with a bit of scrutiny. After a long time, she fainted and said, "I came to visit Ye Hao."

"Wait!" The drug slave squatted in the wooden box and turned to enter the courtyard.

Second floor.

Ye Hao played with a piece of jade carving, and his heart was faintly smug. This is a tool he made from jade waste. He has a talisman inside. He has confidence. The practitioner wears this piece of jade. Once he encounters a crisis, he can add some Life-saving capital.

"Little master, there are visitors."

After the medicine slave put the wooden box in front of the leafhopper, slowly open the lid and take out the medicated diet this morning.

Ye Hao raised his head and asked, "Mu Xiaochen?"

The drug slave shook his head and said, "I don't know, a woman wearing a veil."

In the mind of Ye Xun, the woman who met in the Fragrance Building last night, the saying goes that the woman is too beautiful, he has a kind of rejection, because he does not want to get into trouble, just like he was in peach Yuan Inn, after seeing Mu Qiang, who has the look of the city, choose to avoid it for the first time.

"Let her go back!" Ye Hao waved his hand.

"it is good!"

After withdrawing from Ye Hao’s room, the drug slave appeared outside the hospital and said calmly: “My family is very busy, I can’t see you for a while, please come back!”

"Don't see me?" Blue Sky Yu heard a moment of silence and said: "So, I will not bother, please tell Ye Hao, I like the jade bottle he carved, I will come again tomorrow."

Jade bottle? The drug slave brows and picks up, watching the blue sky Yu leave.

time flies.

When the new day started again, the drug slave had just taken the medicated diet and saw Blue Sky Yu again. She still supported the umbrella and wore a light blue dress with the veil.

"Is it the same as yesterday? Or do you want to see my little master?" asked the drug slave calmly.

Blue Sky Yudian said something, "Yes, visit Ye Hao."

The drug slave turned and entered the courtyard. When he came to the second floor, he found that Ye Hao was in a daze. The eyes did not have any focal length. The drug slave thought and said: "Little master, the girl came again yesterday."

Ye Hao returned to God and frowned and asked: "The other party is the one who met in the fragrance building yesterday?"

The medicine slave shook his head and said, "No."

"No?" Ye Hao was silent for a moment, and he said, "Then let me come in!"

Soon, under the leadership of the drug slave, Blue Sky Yu came to the room where the Ye Hao carved the jade carving on the second floor. When she saw the two statues that had been carved, she suddenly lit up and said: "Blue Sky Yujian I’m too young, I’m looking forward to Haihan.”

Ye Hao was surprised: "You are the blue sky Yu?"

Blue Sky Yu asked: "Ye Xiaozhu knows me?"

"What little master, call me Ye Hao." Ye Hao waved his hand and said: "I have seen your paintings, and I have seen you a sly, blue girl, we never know each other, I don't know if you come to me. Here, what is it?"

Blue Sky Yu did not answer the question of Ye Hao, but pointed to the statue on the table and asked: "Is this just you carved out? Their shape is unique, should it be some kind of beast?"

"Okay!" Ye Hao nodded calmly.

"I still call you Mr. Ye." Blue Sky Yu said: "I heard that Mr. Ye is proficient in painting and calligraphy. Tian Yu came here this time and wanted to ask Mr. Ye for a calligraphy and painting, and hope that Mr. Ye would complete."

There is no money, Ye Hao, there will be any interest, directly refused: "No time."

Blue Sky Yu seems to have guessed this ending, and whispered softly: "Mr. Ye seems to be short of money. It is just that Tianyu is the gold and silver, and you open a price."

Spend money to buy?

Ye Hao reveals a strange look and asks: "How do you know that I am short of money?"

Blue Sky Yu smiled and said: "You are willing to sell even such precious medicinal herbs. Naturally, you want to earn gold and silver. Coupled with the contradiction between you and your family, the solution to the problem is still money. It is inferred from this. As for whether there is anything wrong, Tian Yu is not very confident."


Ye Hao smiled bitterly: "You guessed it right, I really don't have money. If you want a calligraphy and painting, it's not impossible, but the price is open."

Blue Sky Yu smiled: "If I ask for a price, I need to see the paintings and objects."

Ye Wei asked: "You just said what you said? What is the most important thing is gold and silver?"

"Nature is true!" Blue Sky Yu said affirmatively.

Ye Hao nodded with satisfaction and said: "So, I will draw one."

He still remembers the first day of the Taoyuan Inn, the blue sky paintings of the landscape paintings, and immediately let the medicine slaves prepare the ink and paper, adjust the state and start painting.

time flies.

Ye Hao spent a whole hour before painting a landscape painting. After turning to look at the blue sky behind him, he was slightly disappointed because he saw the eyes of the blue sky, like green light, the strong favorite look. Can't hide it.

"how is it?"

Ye Hao asked.

Blue Sky Yu whispered: "The green mountains and green waters show the magnificent beauty of nature; the white cranes, the young children, the vivid and vivid depiction of life. Completely pure nature, towering, tall, magnificent, magnificent Come out, have its shape, hide its gods, this is a masterpiece, once it is widely known, it is bound to spread through the ages."

"Oh..." Ye Hao didn't care about the praise of the other party. He cares about how much the other party can offer.

Blue Sky Yu looked at Ye Hao with his face, and his eyes were full of admiration. He said: "Tian Yu loves paintings. He began to study, study, and then he became a self-contained one. He thought his paintings had reached the peak. I didn’t want to see Ye Xiaozhu’s paintings, such as a good head, which made Tian Yu awakened, only to know that there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside.”

Ye Wei asked: "How much is it worth in your heart?"

Blue Sky Yu said seriously: "Invaluable treasure!"

Ye Hao quickly waved his hand and said: "You come less, I am wasting time painting for gold and silver, you must open a price, and then buy this picture."

Blue Sky Yu silent for a moment, said: "Help me draw a birthday picture, two paintings I will give you 100,000 blue gold, how?"

"100,000 blue gold? Deal!"

Ye Hao did not think that the girl in front of her eyes was so wide-minded that she was talking about gold and silver. She said casually: "The two are not enough. If not enough, I can draw ten and eight pictures in a few days. The price can give you Offer some."

"This..." The blue sky Yu heard the words and suddenly stunned, I don't know how to answer.

Birthday sketch.

Ye Hao painted more smoothly, and only one hour, he successfully completed. After putting down the pen, Ye Hao took a finger and said: "You can take away the two paintings and leave the gold ticket of Blue Gold."

"Mr. Ye is really very human." Blue Sky Yu took a deep look at Ye Hao. She could hardly imagine how a person who loves money so much can draw such a good painting. These two paintings have already exceeded her. The imagination, perfection, made her almost in the middle of the painting.

Ten gold tickets with a face value of 10,000 were taken out from the space kit. Blue Sky Yu gave Ye Hao: "Your painting skills have reached the point where the fire is pure, even those master court painters can't compare with you. I don't know if Tianyu is lucky enough to get your advice one or two?"

"Well? Learning to draw is very troublesome." Ye Hao frowned and said: "Let me personally teach, the tuition is very expensive."

"Tuition?" Blue Sky Yu first stunned, but she was brilliant, and she suddenly became obsessed with it. Some ridiculously said: "I said, the most important thing I have is gold and silver."

Ye Hao brows one pick and says: "On the 10th, two hours a day, one thousand two blue gold per day, do you pay the tuition fee for ten days directly? Or one per day?"

"It's really expensive!" Blue Sky Yu secretly screamed, but still took out ten gold tickets with a face value of 10,000 blue gold and handed it to Ye Hao: "I will come again tomorrow."

Seeing the gold ticket, Ye Hao smiled with satisfaction and waved: "Do not worry! Within ten days, the preservation of your painting skills can advance by leaps and bounds."

For Ye Hao’s words, Blue Sky Yu did not have any doubts and said: “I believe in you.”

After that, Blue Sky Yu carefully rolled up two Hanamaki and walked outside.

Ye Hao looked at her back, and couldn't help but feel the emotion: the taste of being trusted is really good, especially the trust of the locals who are not short of money, and the taste is better.

"Little master, you are amazing."

The drug slave did not know when it appeared behind Ye Hao, and said with a smile.

Ye Hao smiled and suddenly asked: "The drug slave, do you say that I am slaughtering her slaughter?"

The medicine slave nodded and said: "It is a bit."

"Cough..." Ye Hao regretted asking this question.

Outside the courtyard.

Inside the veil on the face of Blue Sky, the emotional lips are outlined, and the big eyes are all crooked into crescent shapes. Everyone has different views on things. The two paintings, together with the ten-day study time, make her extremely satisfied. .

"Oh?" Suddenly, a voice came: "A sister, you don't seem to live here? How come out of this pavilion?"

Blue Sky Yu looked up and looked at Yushu’s younger brother, Blue Excellence, and said with a smile: “Come here to see an interesting boy who bought two calligraphy and paintings from him.”


Blue is incredibly incredible: "A sister, your painting skills have reached the peak of the peak, how to buy calligraphy and painting from others? And, listen to what you mean, still bought from a teenager?"


Blue Sky Yu said with a smile: "Before I saw his paintings, I always thought that my painting skills were already very powerful, but now I understand that there are people outside the heavens. In front of him, I can’t believe that painting skills are achieved. It’s the way to the top, right, how come you?”