MTL - Exile the Whole Family! The Koi Girl Farms and Flies the Whole Family-Chapter 375 rescue is late

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  Everyone was overjoyed to see him open his eyes.

  The emperor didn't have any expression on his face. He glanced at him and knew that these people were all the prince's people. Even if they weren't in the past, they are now.

  There is also the prince—a sudden anger in his heart, the prince must be proud and content now, right?

  He doesn't like the prince, even now, he still doesn't like him.

  He felt as if he had become the prince's defeated opponent!

   This made him especially angry.

  The emperor's lips moved, but he still couldn't speak clearly.

  After taking the pulse, the judge of the Taiyuan Hospital bowed to the prince and saluted: "Prince, the emperor's pulse has returned to normal, please doctor Yu administer the needle."

  The prince nodded, "Yes."

  Yu Xiaofang should be, and stepped forward to apply the needle.

   After more than a quarter of an hour, there seemed to be a smooth flow of air, and the whole person suddenly relaxed a little. The emperor felt his throat loosen, and cursed: "Nizi!"

   Finally able to speak, although speaking is still a bit difficult.

  Prince said: "Father, don't worry, neither the Yan family nor the second younger brother escaped. Now they are under house arrest in the palace, and let the father do what they want."

  The emperor sneered.

  Leave him alone? With his current state, when will he be able to let go?

The emperor asked the names of several ministers, all of whom were his confidantes, but none of them could come. These people were all related to the second prince's treason. , Either dismissed from office and expelled from the capital, or exiled.

  The emperor was furious and almost vomited blood again.

  Prince, this is simply to make him stand up!

  He stared at the prince firmly, and the prince didn't even move his eyebrows or eyes, just like any time before him, there was no surprise.

  The prince's heart was indeed as calm as water.

  He has long been used to it.

   He used to think that his father didn't like him because he didn't do well enough. However, he saw that the second younger brother did worse than him, but his father treated him differently.

  At that time, he was sad and confused, and he couldn't help asking the Taifu for advice.

  The Taifu told him that he was a prince, and he was different from the second prince, so he didn't need to compare with the second prince, he just had to do what a prince should do.

  It was only later that he realized that maybe he and his father were people who had no relationship with father and son and were forcibly arranged by heaven to be father and son, right?

  So, the father never liked him, and he didn't know how to get along with the father at all, because the father never gave him such a chance.

  If he hadn't been pushed to the limit, he wouldn't have taken this path.

   In the matter of the second emperor's younger brother's rebellion, he did secretly tamper with it, and the relationship with his father is considered clean!

  The emperor stared at the prince, full of unknown karmic anger, and was about to scold the prince severely, his eyelids sank, his mind became a little heavy, and soon he closed his eyes and fell asleep

  The judge of the Supreme Hospital hurriedly stepped forward to check the pulse again, and sighed softly: "The emperor's dragon body has not fully recovered. This time, it was greatly frightened and angered. Now... it needs to be taken care of!"

   Which of the courtiers and dignitaries present is not a human being? Hearing the words, they all nodded.

   "The emperor's dragon body is important, so naturally it should be taken care of!"

   "Yes, the emperor can't worry about it anymore!"



   At this time, four days have passed since the day of the rebellion.

  During the past four days, all the courtiers, dignitaries, and nobles of the clan have opened their eyes.

  They didn't expect that the prince, who usually looks tepid, polite, and well-behaved in everything, would act so vigorously and resolutely!

  In just four days, the entire Yan family and the second prince of the court were taken down, and those small families are also being investigated. Judging from this posture, one counts as one, and no one can escape!

  I thought that such a move by the crown prince would inevitably cause turmoil in the court, instability of people's hearts, and many job vacancies, which would most likely cause official affairs to be paralyzed.

Unexpectedly, the crown prince seems to have made a plan long ago. When a person is pulled down, another person will immediately fill the vacancy, and the less important positions will be promoted from below, one after another, the connection is seamless, and there is no mistake . Nothing will be delayed.

   All the courtiers were stunned, and only then did they realize that the crown prince is a man with a very successful heart, and he was hiding his clumsiness in the past.

  Most of the innocent people feel at ease now. The prince is wise, which is also their blessing. As long as they do what they should do well, they don’t need to worry about others.

  At first, he had some ghostly ideas in his heart, thinking that he would take advantage of this opportunity to speculate and reap benefits, but he was too frightened.

  The crown prince is clearly not a foolish master. Just look at how he behaves, and you can know that this is definitely not just a few words of flattery to get benefits from him.

   What's more, he also has Zhao Xiang, Li Guogong and his son under his command, they are all shrewd people who are difficult to deal with.

  The crown prince nodded after hearing these people's words: "In this case, let the father rest well and step back."


   "The court judges that you, Imperial Physician Zhang, Imperial Physician Lin, and Doctor Yu will stay in the duty room and obey orders at any time. Once the emperor needs anything, you must arrive in time without delay."


   "Back off."

   "My minister resigns!"

   All the ministers behaved well and quickly all retreated.

  The only prince left in the palace.

  The prince looked at the emperor and left.

  He is busy with countless affairs now, and he has no leisure at all. Not only him, but also Zhao Xiang, Li Guogong, and Zhou Hansheng are constantly turning around every day.

  This state may be alleviated in at least another ten and a half months.

  There is no owner in the sixth palace, and a courtier proposed to ask the empress to preside over the overall situation, and the prince naturally followed suit.

Now, the empress sits in the harem, and the palace has been cleaned up and down, all the stewards in important positions have been replaced, and the guards in the palace have also been readjusted, especially the Qianqing Palace and the Kunning Palace where the empress lives now , can be safe and sound.

  The emperor woke up, and the hall was lit with candles. The lights were bright, and the hall was brightly illuminated.

  The emperor coughed and called out weakly.

  Two face-to-face young eunuchs hurried in.

  The emperor glanced at them, knowing it well, and was too lazy to ask where the servants who were serving had gone.

   Heh, after all, he gave birth to two good sons, and the people around him were either killed by that one, or dealt with by this one.

   They are really filial to his father!

  The emperor was depressed, irritable and resentful. He felt that all this was too ironic, like a dream! If someone told him a month ago that one day he would fall to such a point, he would just scoff and never believe a word!

  The new book "The Group Pets Little Fubao, Five Big Brothers Compete for Pets" is open, please bookmark, recommend tickets, check in and comment, okay~