MTL - Everything Is Too Easy After Maxing My Talents-Chapter 240 Those who betray will end up betraying!

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  Chapter 240 Those who betray will end up betraying!

  At this moment, Li Yueming's expression was very serious and cold, completely different from when he was in the tribe before.

   This really scared a lot of people.

   After all, the Su family has lived in seclusion in the mountains all year round, dealing with ice, snow and wild beasts. Where has he seen the cold and cruel side of the civilized world outside?

Suxuan stood in the crowd blankly, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar figure in the sky, and said after a long while: "I... I can take you to the place where the gods are buried, please... please help my father !"

   With a light wave of Li Yueming's palm, Suxuan flew up out of thin air. Without wasting time, he said shortly, "Lead the way!"

  Suxuan has completely recovered at this moment.

  Looked down at the valley where the blood flowed into a river, then glanced at the clansman who was no longer the size of an ant, and resisted the fear and said: "Over there!"


  Although with a Suxuan.

   But Li Yueming's speed is still quite fast.

   Following the road pointed out by Su Xuan, the two of them passed through the vast mountains all the way, and came to a tall and majestic mountain range.

  This mountain is very different from the surrounding environment.

  There is still snow in many places around the mountains, and the temperature is close to the extremely cold winter.

  Only this mountain range has no snow at all, and all the snowflakes that try to fall here are all liquefied by high temperature and turned into raindrops before landing.

  Looking at the mountains soaring into the clouds, you can't see the top.

  Li Yueming had a rare look of hesitation on his face.

  The first time Li Yueming saw this mountain range, he thought of the extremely cold snow mountain in the northern border of Da Zhou.

  The extremely cold snow mountain is also a mountain so high that the top cannot be seen. Its spread covers almost half of the Shiwan Dashan, if you trace the river it extends out of.

   Then at least half of the rivers in Dazhou and Daqi are tributaries of extremely cold snow mountains.

  Now, the mountain in front of him and even the intense temperature that hit his face gave Li Yueming a sense of déjà vu.

   It's just that the extremely cold snow mountain is extremely cold, but the mountain in front of it is extremely hot.

   It seemed that Li Yueming felt bewildered.

  Suxuan, who has been following Li Yueming, quickly explained: "This is the Endless Volcano, which is the highest mountain range in the entire Shiwanda Mountain. In terms of the width and height of the mountain range, it is much higher than the extremely cold snow mountain in the northeast!"

  After hearing her introduction, Li Yueming realized that the endless mountain in front of him turned out to be an endless volcano.

   Immediately, a lot of information about Endless Volcano came to mind.

  Endless volcanoes are the most critical reason for the formation of numerous deserts in the southwest of Qindi and the northwest of Dazhou.

   It is because of the volcanoes here, like the cold waves in the extremely cold snow mountains, that erupt every once in a while.

  Every eruption will form billowing smoke, causing devastating damage to the surrounding life, and the hot magma will devour all the places it can touch.

  The endless volcanoes erupting from time to time lead to drought and no rain throughout the northwest of Dazhou and southwest of Daqin. Over time, the extreme environments of these two regions have been formed.

   Of course, these are not the most important.

   Most importantly, there has never been any book that explicitly stated that the height of the Endless Volcano is higher than the Extremely Cold Snow Mountain.

  Why is Suxuan so determined now?

  Although he didn't ask, the look he gave Suxuan said everything.

  Su Xuan did not hide it, after all, the entire Su clan is now in a life-and-death crisis. Some secrets are better to be told than to hide them and bring them into the underworld.

  Therefore, she said: "Because this is the real burial place of gods, and the one in the extremely cold snow mountain is not a god."

  This statement directly confused Li Yueming, and he said suspiciously: "So you won't tell me...the place where the gods are buried is at the top of this high endless volcano?"

  From ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many people are curious about the secrets in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

  Maybe ninety-nine percent of them are just ordinary people.

   But even if the number of geniuses among them is only one percent.

  That is also a very scary amount.

   But so many people rushed into the Hundred Thousand Mountains one after another, trying to find the buried secret.

   In the end, few were able to leave completely.

   Countless outstanding people stood at the top overlooking the entire era, and they couldn't even climb the extremely cold snow mountain.

  And now, if Suxuan didn't lie to him, the endless volcano in front of him is higher than the extremely cold snow mountain, and it would be impossible for him to climb it for a guy who is capable of refining the Void—lighting a lamp in the toilet to find Shi.

  If the so-called burial place of the gods is really deep in the endless volcano, Li Yueming will definitely not rush forward.

   After all, he is a rookie at level 60, but he hasn't swelled enough to enter an ultimate dungeon that is clearly above LV99 without hesitation.

  If Su Xuan didn't know, it is unlikely to be against him.

  And there is no core conflict of interest between the two parties. It is estimated that Li Yueming will have to wonder if he has been deceived at this moment.

Seeing the bad expression on his face, Suxuan hurriedly explained: "The burial place of the gods is not on the Endless Volcano, but in the leyline at the bottom of the Endless Volcano, but this place cannot be entered by ordinary people, it must be us The members of the Su Clan can only enter one-third of the area with blood sacrifices!"

  Hearing this, the expression on Li Yueming's face changed for the better.

  Under her guidance.

  Li Yueming entered the outer area of ​​the Endless Volcano.

  —Similar to the extremely cold snow mountain, the outer area of ​​the Endless Volcano is not too hot, only wisps of hot breath wafting in the air.

  For some reason, Li Yueming found this aura somewhat familiar.

  He didn't think much about it, he just thought he was hallucinating.

  After walking along the mountains for about half an hour, Li Yueming saw a huge crack between the two mountains. At the same time, in the middle of the crack, he saw Su Fengtian who was preparing for the blood sacrifice ceremony, and Su Haotian who was being sacrificed.

  The moment he saw Su Haotian, Su Xuan said with tears in his eyes, "Father..."

Hearing the sound, Su Haotian, who had already been placed on the altar, turned his head in disbelief, looked at Su Xuan and said, "Xuan'er, why are you here? According to the agreement, you shouldn't be with the clansmen right now." Have you returned to the tribe?"

  Hearing this, Su Xuan couldn't control his emotions anymore, and gritted his teeth with red eyes: "Father, don't trust Su Fengtian, this guy is like a lone wolf who has given up on the pack of wolves, insidious and cunning..."

   "He promised in front of you that he would let the clansman go, but after you left for less than two hours, the remaining branch clansmen united with the snow ape and planned to kill all our clansmen!"

   Heard this.

  Su Haotian's eyes widened.

  He knew that Su Fengtian was not a good person, but he didn't expect him to be so shameless.

  After regaining his senses, he immediately burst into flames and said: "Su Fengtian, you despicable villain who has forgotten his ancestors, there is no beast like you among the Su clan!"

  Su Fengtian naturally felt the approach of the two of them.

Hearing this, he was not ashamed, but proud, and said with a smile: "Uncle, Da Zongzheng, in terms of blood, we are a real family... You call me a beast, don't you also scold yourself in it? "

  Su Fengtian spit out a mouthful of old blood when he said this directly.

"you you you!!"

  He trembled and said three words for you.

  But the rest of the words are superfluous and there is no way to say them again.

  As the saying goes, a tree without its bark will undoubtedly die, and a person without shame is invincible in the world.

  Su Haotian couldn't imagine that Su Fengtian, who came from the same family, got what information he didn't know, so that he could abandon blood and family ties and make such an operation of denying all relatives.

  But no matter what Su Haotian thinks, Su Fengtian definitely doesn't care anyway.

  After he satirized Su Haotian, he looked at Su Xuan again.

But for Suxuan, he didn't have any extra expressions. Even if he did, it was at most just a look at Suxuan's face. appeared.

   From Su Fengtian's point of view.

The so-called once-in-a-millennium beauty in the    clan is just a village girl in this narrow land.

  Even if he gains a little power of the gods in the place of the gods' burial, he can use it to lead the Su clan, or simply go to the civilized world by himself, and re-establish an ancient and glorious civilization like the ancient Daqian.

  At that time, he, who ruled the civilized world, would only need to hook his hands to any beautiful woman. Now, how could he be able to see such a village girl in Gadari with such horns?

Therefore, his gaze only glanced at Suxuan, then quickly skipped it, and finally fell on Li Yueming, who was not far away, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and said: "Outsider, I knew you had ulterior motives, you wouldn't Let it go!"

Li Yueming smiled: "I just stumbled into this place where the birds don't shit. I didn't expect to see such a wonderful scene. Now it's gone and come back. Apart from being curious, it's just Su Xuan's one-sided It's just a request!"

   "How about this, we can cooperate..."

  Hearing this, Su Xuan's entire face turned pale.

   The eyes that looked at Li Yueming were full of disbelief.

   But Li Yueming, like Su Fengtian, ignored her the whole time.

  Su Fengtian became interested, narrowed his eyes and said, "Cooperation? What kind of cooperation method? Why should I cooperate with you?"

   Li Yueming smiled even brighter when he heard this.

  He looked at the Snow Ape King standing on the valley not far away and said, "That Snow Ape King, you are not your opponent?"

   Heard this.

   Suddenly, Su Fengtian's face changed suddenly.

  The Snow Ape King is at the peak of Concentration, and he is a wild beast with extremely strong physical fitness. Although Su Fengtian is also at the peak of Concentration, he is weaker than Snow Ape King in terms of group strength and personal strength.

  Originally, he was going to find a way to deal with the Snow Ape King after opening the God Burial Ground.

After all, he is the descendant of the Su family. Although he is weak in this transaction, he has more information than the beast Snow Ape King. As long as he enters the place of divine burial, he can use his identity and information to kill him. Snow Ape King.

  The reason why I have been apprehensive is just because I don't have absolute certainty.

   Now Li Yueming's proposal is to poke a hole in Su Fengtian's weakest heart.

   Su Fengtian was a little moved.

  Looked at Snow Ape King, then at Li Yueming.

  Su Fengtian's expression changed several times, and finally he whispered: "What do you want?"

  Li Yueming clasped his hands together, and said confidently: "We are now working together to kill that snow ape. After the matter is completed, we can each rely on our own abilities, or we can continue to cooperate sincerely, how about it?"

  Su Fengtian thought for a while, nodded and said: "If that's the case, then it's a deal!"

As if feeling that saying this was not safe enough, Su Fengtian then added: "Don't worry, you are an envoy from a civilized land, and I will not treat you like a barbarian... The promise between us is absolutely valid, if it is possible , we can even create a glorious and huge dynasty together in the future!"

  Hearing this, Li Yueming was almost thrown to the waist.

  But still nodded seriously: "Okay, I hope you don't break your promise!"

  The verbal agreement between the two came into force.

  At this moment, the Snow Ape King, who realized something was wrong, walked down from the canyon.

   Before he could find out what happened, Li Yueming and Su Fengtian were seriously injured on the spot.

   Right now, the Snow Ape King still doesn't understand what happened.

  Although it is not particularly smart and cannot speak, since it can become a king, it still has intelligence.

  After being besieged, the Snow Ape King immediately started roaring.

   Soon, a large group of snow apes appeared around the canyon, throwing stones at Li Yueming and Su Fengtian.

  Although the strength of this group of snow apes is not particularly strong, they are not particularly weak either. The flying boulders contain spiritual power, which can have a certain impact on the attacks of Su Fengtian and Li Yueming.

  The Snow Ape King, who was able to breathe, turned around and ran away without even thinking about it.

  This time, it knows the ferocity of human beings. Not only is it merciless when it kills its own family members, but it also kills it when the two original enemies cooperate to kill it!

  Seeing Snow Ape King escape, Su Fengtian breathed a sigh of relief.

  He didn't expect that with the IQ of the Snow Ape King, he could hide a Snow Ape near the canyon.

  If Li Yueming hadn't agreed to the cooperation and had clashed with the Snow Ape King alone in the canyon, if he wanted to escape, he would probably be ambushed by the snow apes on both sides, and one of them might die in hell.

  He opened his mouth, just about to speak.

  Seeing that Li Yueming, who had joined forces with him to kill the Snow Ape King just now, was smiling, and inserted an extremely sharp long knife into his chest.


  The sound of blood bursting out.

   This familiar and unfamiliar feeling made Su Fengtian feel dead. Looking at the long knife stuck in his chest, he stepped back a few steps and said in disbelief, " are you?"

  He wasn't defenseless against Li Yueming.

  After all, people who are full of dirty minds themselves will also be full of dirty minds when looking at others.

  But he never thought that the two of them were still fighting on the front foot, and Li Yueming stabbed him in the chest with the back foot.

  Of course, the most important thing is that Su Fengtian always thought that people in the civilized world would not engage in such unscrupulous activities as treachery, which was also one of the fundamental prerequisites for him to choose to cooperate with Li Yueming.

   However, reality smashed all his fantasies to pieces.

  Li Yueming still smiled all over his face: "Do you think that only you can betray others, and others cannot betray you? The civilized world is not a paradise. Compared with this, it is more like a purgatory on earth!"

   "And the people there are like me, not only can you stick a knife into your chest with a smile, but you can also not even frown!"

  The voice finished.

  Li Yueming didn't give Su Fengtian a chance to continue talking.

   A sharp knife ended his life.


  (end of this chapter)