MTL - Everyone Pampers the Small Blessing Who Has a Spatial Pocket!-Chapter 724 persuade

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  Chapter 724 Persuasion

  Shi Porridge didn't urge Ayu, and didn't even make another sound, the two sat quietly together.

   "Did you check me behind my back?" It took a long time for Ayu to ask such a question.

  "Yes." Shi Zhou didn't hide anything, "I've checked not only you, but also your family, friends, and everyone you have come in contact with. This is my duty."

  Ayu twitched the corners of her mouth: "Thank you for your candor. But since you have checked, you should know that what I want to do most now is not to find out my own background, nor to make trouble for myself."

  What she wants to do is beyond herself.

   Actually, it’s not that complicated. As Ayou brother said, she just wants to start a business.

  Maybe before, I was thinking about doing a business that won’t make a profit, but now I have changed my mind, and I want to do a business that makes a profit and loses it.

  Girls' college is no longer the only career she cares about.

   "I know, and I can help you—whatever your final choice."

  If she really doesn't need to know the truth about her life experience, then there is no point in staying here, but before leaving, he is willing to do what he can for her.

  Ayu was really curious: "Can you help me?"


   "How to help?" Even the queen mother can only show her the way, but she can only solve many specific things to be done by herself.

   It **** if she depends on others for everything and waits for others to teach her.

  Shi Porridge did not hesitate: "Kill all those who oppose."

  Ayu: "..." Thank you, I don't really need it anymore.

  【... What kind of classic villain quotes is this! 】

  【Bao, stay away from this person, be careful not to learn badly. 】

   Mrs. Liu did not go to rest, but kept paying attention to the foreign envoy of the West Wind Kingdom. When he saw him looking for Ayu, he wanted to stop him.

   "Fourth daughter-in-law, Ayu knows what to do." Mrs. Wang stopped her, "You have to trust the child you raised."

  Mr. Liu: "Mother, that person's origin is unknown, but he clearly came after Ayu. Does he want to take Ayu away?"

  She will never allow such a thing to happen!

  Ayu is her daughter, always will be, no one can take it away.

  Over the years, Liu has been unable to let go, often waking up from nightmares, worried that Ayu would be snatched away.

  Because this daughter is so outstanding that she can shine by herself, and no one can ignore her existence.

   Because of this, Mrs. Liu became more and more uneasy.

  The more outstanding the daughter is, the more ordinary she looks. When you see their mother and daughter, do you think in your heart: They are so different, they must not be the real mother and daughter, right?

   Even so, Mrs. Liu never thought of cutting off Ayu's wings, it's just that a day's worry is stronger than a day's.

   Without Ayu, Liu couldn't imagine how she would live in the future.

  She is the daughter bestowed on her by God, she is a redemptive existence, and she is her lifeline!

  In her heart, Ayu's weight is higher than anyone else's, not even Zhu'er, who was pregnant in October.

  Sometimes, even Liu herself can't explain clearly where such obsession comes from.

Seeing Mrs. Liu's excited appearance, Mrs. Wang said angrily, "Do you think us old guys are all dead? As long as my old life is still alive, no one can take Ayu away. The most important thing you should do now is The only thing I want to do is to be a decent mother, so don't let Ah Yu worry about you."

  When a child is so good that no one can ignore it, the people behind him must hide to avoid becoming the child's weakness, and don't be noticed by those who care.

   One word awakened the dreamer, and Liu Shi suddenly realized.

   "Mom, I see."

  At the same time, Ayu called Tangyuan and said to her: "Go to Wangyue Tower and reserve a room, and tell Grandma and the others that I will invite Shi to eat for dinner tonight."


  (end of this chapter)