MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 85

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Anyuan packed up the baggage, and it was under the Kunlun Mountains.

When he had just stepped down the mountain, he suddenly stopped the horse - under the tree in front, parked a horse, not far away, there was a man who fell there.

An Yuan smashed, and before jumping off, I saw that the man was cold and cold, but it was a handsome man, but it seemed that it was not easy to get close. He called: "Xietai? Xiongtai, are you okay?"

The man seemed to faint, and Anyuan called him twice and he did not respond. Anyuan bent down and tried to lift him up. Suddenly he remembered something, and the hand ghost made him feel badly behind his ear...


The unconscious guy suddenly woke up, just before Anyuan’s hand touched his ear. He nervously held his sword and looked at Anyuan wearing a straw hat: "Where is this? Who are you? Why don't you show it to the truth?"

Anyuan took his hand back: "This is at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, and Xiongtai is fainted here."

The man suddenly stunned for a while, his eyes gradually clear: "Ah... Yes, I remembered, Yue Peng, the dog thief has been shackled, I wanted to go to the shadow of the moon to kill those killers to avenge friends, on the road to fight people I am too tired to sleep here for a while."

When Anyuan heard him mentioning Yue Peng’s name, he yelled: "Are you with Yue Peng?"

The humanity said: "I and Yue Peng are enemies. My good friend was killed by Yue Peng's hiring of the Shadowmoon Gate killer. The secrets of his lifelong suffering were also taken away by Yue Peng."

Anyuan arched his hand: "Don't ask the name of Xiongtai?"

That person said: "My name is Luo Weiwu!"

Anyuan: "..."

Luo Weiwu’s hand shook in front of his eyes: “What happened to you? How did you get lost?”

Anyuan returned to his heart and said: "Nothing, just remember that there seems to be a popular method of nameing recently."

This Luoweiwu is not someone else, naturally Han Changsheng. He knows that the Anyuan will go down the mountain from this road, and will come to this place in advance to pretend to be in a coma and create an encounter with Anyuan. I didn’t think of it. The guy in Anyuan actually learned fine. The first thing to get started was to check if there was any tolerance on his face, and he was so scared that he woke up.

Han Changsheng said: "The Shadow Moon Gate is the largest killer organization on the rivers and lakes. Yue Peng's old thief has a close relationship with the Shadow Moon Gate. In recent years, he has killed many people. Many times he can't personally come out and buy a photo. The killer of the Moon Gate kills him." Liu Xiaoqi's show knife door is the killer of the Shadow Gate.

An Yuan sighed and muttered: "It turns out that..." No wonder, he has been in Yuehua for so many years, although Yue Peng has left Yuehuashan, but every time he leaves, it will not be too long. To kill is Some difficulty. He listened to Han Changsheng at the Wulin Conference and said that Yue Peng had harmed many people in the past fifteen years. The farthest distance of those martial arts was thousands of miles away from Yuehua Mountain. When he went back and forth for a month, he felt a little strange in his heart. Yue Peng When did you go to kill? After listening to these words, he realized that Yuan Peng was a murderer.

Han Changsheng pretends to pretend: "What is it? Do you know Yue Peng?"

Anyuan has not yet answered, Han Changsheng suddenly surprised: "You wear a straw hat veil, this dress, shouldn't you be his apprentice who felled Yue Peng at the Wulin Congress?" An Yuan has not returned. Han Changsheng unveiled the straw hat on the head of Anyuan with lightning speed. "Sure enough, you!"

Anyuan did not get angry and said: "Are you going to the moon to revenge?" Han Changsheng said: "Yes. Although I have many friends, my friends have nothing to do with this matter. I don't want to impede them. Unless someone has the same hatred as me, it can be Going together to revenge."

Anyuan showed a sly look. Although his father was not killed by the killer of Shadowmoon Gate, but in recent years, Yue Peng colluded with the shadow of the moon to kill a lot of people. His feelings for Yue Peng are very complicated. On the one hand, he naturally wants to kill him to kill his father. On the other hand, Yue Peng raised him for many years. He has been treating himself as a disciple of Yuehua School for so many years. The head of Yuehua School made a mistake. He also hopes that he can do something to make up for it. If we can get rid of Shadow Moon Gate, this is a good thing for the martial arts. It is undoubtedly a good thing for Yuehua to send ethics to eliminate karma. Just as he is confused, he has left the "flowers" and is not sure where to go. But who is this Luo Weiwu, he still does not know whether this person is trustworthy or not, so he walked with him, and Anyuan also had concerns.

Han Changsheng saw that Anyuan was not making a sound, but he also knew that he was confused. He was afraid that the invitation would be too enthusiasm would cause Anyuan to doubt, so he said: "I plan to find out the nearest town to rest for a day, buy enough supplies and then go. What about you?"

Anyuan got up and said: "Let's go, find a place to rest."

The two men rode the horse all the way to the direction of the town, Anyuan quietly looked at Han Changsheng's side face. In his heart, he has already become suspicious of "Loewe". Just before Luo Weiwu said, it seems that he is inviting him to peer, but they don’t know it at all. There are too many strange things that have been experienced recently. First, the Du Fengliu, then Luoweiwu, and the flowers are evaporated after the night. ... This Luo Weiwu, is it possible that that is the love of the jerk?

Han Changsheng was like a man on his back, silently licking a cold sweat. What happened to this Anyuan? Did he just show anything? Why is Anyuan always staring at him?

At this time, the hooves came suddenly from a distance, and someone ran over from behind. This is exactly the time when the Wulin Conference just ended. Many martial arts people have left Kunlun Mountain in succession. There are many people on the road. Han Changsheng and Anyuan did not care. The man seemed to be in a hurry, and in a moment he overtook the car of An Yuan and Han Changsheng. He looked back and looked at Han Changsheng's eyes. Both of them were shocked. The man slammed the horse, and the horse was too fast. He almost fell.

"Luo Brother?! How come you are here?" The man jumped from the moment and looked at Han Changsheng incredulously.

Han Changsheng was surprised at first, then desperate - he Tianning taught the four lobby owners, which one is not good, but the people who came here are flowers! small! double!

The flower he pretended to be pretending was to be easy to bear according to the face of Hua Xiaoshuang. He taught Anyuan Wugong to sleep with Anyuan for a few months. It was wearing a face of Xiaoxiao, and that night was a fire. Dry wiping and running is also the face of the flower double!

Anyuan took a sigh of cold air when he saw the small doubles of Qinghua. When he found out that Xiaoshuang did not care about him or even looked at Han Changsheng, his face was complicated and inexplicable.

Han Xiaosheng stared at Han Changsheng for a while, and saw his face stunned, and immediately revealed a clear look. Tianning teaches the whole school that the loss has not been eaten by the leader. In particular, he and Han Changsheng are very happy. From childhood to big, Han Changsheng’s fascinating and easy-to-handle pits are countless. I immediately guessed that the person below this face is They have gone out for half a year to teach the adults. Hua Xiaoshuang sneered and said: "Oh, it’s really a break from the iron shoes. It’s not a waste of time. You can make me find it."

The flower doubles this trip is to find the owner of the runaway. Han Changsheng did not return to Lushan for half a year, nor did he contact the people in the church. The dragons did not see the end of the dragon. It was hard to find someone who was most interested in tracking Han Changsheng and Lu Baiqi. Moreover, let the two unintentional things go, see Han Changsheng is also a group that he deceived, Hua Xiaoxiao decided to personally go out and see what Han Changsheng did in this time. He came to this martial arts conference, that is, he tried his luck. After all, it was a martial arts event. Han Changsheng’s temperament, the ten ** is to join in the fun, and then Han Changsheng is not there. He took the opportunity to inquire about the martial arts. I plan to do it. The time he came was late, it was only after the martial arts conference had begun. I heard that the two disciples of the Yuehua faction had done a good job in the first day of the conference. When Hua Xiao’s heart is in total, he knows that Han Changsheng must be at the conference. He did not expect that Han Changsheng and Anyuan would have never appeared in the next few days. Until the end of the conference, he was depressed and left. It’s a coincidence that I hit it in the middle of the road.

Han Changsheng looked terrible and secretly used the light to observe the reaction of Anyuan. An Yuan stared at the flower double and his lips were white.

"You..." Anyuan said a word and bit his lip. I don't know how to open it.

Hua Xiaoshuang turned his eyes to Anyuan. He had previously heard Lu Qingqian and Lu Baijun said that Han Changsheng has always been with a disciple of Yuehua School. The disciple is very good. According to the consistent nature of Han Changsheng, it may be a fancy. He was quite surprised when he saw Anyuan. This person really looked so good. Then he immediately swept to Han Changsheng with a skeptical eye--the **** leader was delayed, and the reason must have been in Anyuan.

Han Changsheng’s brain turned quickly and smiled. “Flower, what are you looking for? I’ve seen you a few days ago, and I’m with this little brother around me, and I’m having a big fight at the Wulin Conference. ""

The flowers were stunned and slightly frowned. Han Changsheng has already hinted so clearly. He is not Lu Baiqi and Lu Qingqian, and he will not understand. He had previously heard that Han Changsheng's make-up had become his appearance with Anyuan. It took half a year, and Han Changsheng still used his face? What is this idea?

But soon, the small double-mouthed mouth showed a playful smile.

Han Changsheng’s heart beats the bell! In his four guardians, his most embarrassing person is Hua Xiaoshuang. Although this martial arts is not high, Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiyu’s missing eyes grow on him. on. Han Changsheng knows too much about Hua Xiaoshuang. He smiles like this, absolutely not good!

Flower Xiaoshuang this time, is it going to be a pig teammate or a **** opponent? Han Changsheng has a headache. All in all, he is in big trouble.

The author has something to say: Thanks to wood summer x2, o, xiaoxiao, rose cat and lwxs520-->