MTL - Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show-Chapter 61

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If it is the presence of any of the four major law-protection methods, Han Changsheng will not be so nervous, but Lu Qingqian and Lu Baizhen. These two guys are the most unobtrusive, Anyuan is not a simple one, and Anyuan has obviously begun to doubt, if he swindles something from Xiaoqing's little white mouth, then it is terrible.

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi had no opinion on the advice of Anyuan’s peers. Lu Bai said: “Let’s go quickly.”

Han Changsheng quickly dragged him: "Wait, Anyuan, let's not go to investigate the mysterious old man and the elder Lanfang, let's go to Yuehuashan."

Anyuan coldly said: "You are not saying that you can't go to Yuehuashan. Why, you are not willing to be with these two little brothers?"

Lu Baiwei smiled slightly, Lu Qingqin bulged his bun face, and their eyes swept to Han Changsheng. There is a kind of grief in Lu Baijun’s smile: "You don't want to be with us? Separate for a few months, you..."

Han Changsheng helped the amount, and after poked the little man of the dog Xianjun in his heart, he reluctantly picked up a smile: "Then we will go to the Mingyue School together."

An Yuan silently observed the expression of Han Changsheng. At this time, he provoked a meaningful smile and waved his hand. "No, no, you don't want to go to the Mingyue School. Let's go to Yuehua School." Han Changsheng’s ear, and a small volume, told him a whisper. “Sorry, it’s my abruptness. You don’t have to be stubborn. I didn’t think there might be a holiday between you and the white and fierce, we are still Take your own path."

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiyu both heard Anyuan’s words, and they took a breath of cold air and succumbed: “Teach...”

Han Changsheng immediately shouted: "I want to go to the moonlight! I want to think crazy! I was afraid that you would like to go to the Yuehua faction! Now let's go to the Mingyue pie now! Now! Immediately!"

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi, look at me, I look at you, this will restore the expressionless state.

Anyuan smiled: "Let's go quickly."

Han Changsheng swallowed an old blood. Dog Xianjun is absolutely deliberate, absolutely! Such a poor way to provoke dissension, only Lu Baizhen and Lu Qing money will be fooled! I knew that when he chose to protect the law, he did not look good as a first condition. He should be more interested in IQ!

The two became a four-person line, and it was no more lively than before. Instead, the atmosphere was more depressed.

Lu Baiqi and Lu Qingqian seem to have a sense of what they have just done. They have looked at Han Changsheng and Anyuan silently. Han Changsheng did not dare to explain anything in front of Anyuan. The only old **** is Anyuan.

"Qing brother, white brother." An Yuan said very well, "How long have you known with your brother?"

Han Changsheng immediately took the message: "A few years."

Anyuan glanced at him: "I asked the brothers and brothers, you are anxious to answer what you are doing, are you not saying that I want to be friends with the brothers and brothers? I am getting close to them. Or, You don't want to let the younger brother and the white brother talk?" And put on a worried look, "Is there any misunderstanding between you?"

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi’s two eyes once again shot to Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng swallowed an old blood for the general acting of the dog Xianjun green tea.

Fortunately, such a low-end provocative means that Xiaoqing Xiaobai is not fooled. Lu Qingqian’s gangs are all one-and-one, and they are angry: "You guys are less provocative, we grew up together, There are a few cockroaches on his butt, we all know, and will you be provoked by you?"

Han Changsheng: "..."

Anyuan’s face was stiff, but he quickly recovered: “Oh? Growing up together, it’s really a good relationship. This ‘year’ can be long enough.”

Han Changsheng sighed green tea Xianjun a hundred times in his heart.

An Yuan said again: "What about a few cockroaches on his butt?"

Han Changsheng: "..............."

Lu Qing Qian shouted: "Why tell you? Even Lung Luo does not know, who are you?"

Anyuan raised his eyebrows: "Is Lougo?"

Han Changsheng clenched his fists. If you go on like this, the bottom of his Tianning teaching will be touched by Green Tea Xianjun!

"Xiaoqing, Xiaobai." Han Changsheng enthusiastically walked up and inserted them into the middle of them, one arm holding one, "How much do you know about the Mingyue faction?"

Lu Bai said: "It’s what Gu Gu told us. He said that the last time you went to check the corpse, the old thing that died may have been attacked from behind with a knife." An Yuanhehe smiled: "Old Gu? Post-mortem?"

Han Changsheng desperately lowered his head. He is wrong. He is really wrong. He knew that he should not go down. He would not go downhill. Li Jiulong would not die. Li Jiulong would not die. He would not fall to this sad place...

Lu Qing was dissatisfied with the money: "Who is this ugly guy who was very handsome but was beaten into a pig's head? Why is he always asking Dong to ask West? Why are you always with him?"

Han Changsheng laughed and sighed twice, and quickly made a "big conspiracy" on Lu Baizhen and Lu Qingqian, and then said: "He is a promising young man and a good friend of mine. You must Let's get along well." Turning his head to Anyuan, "I have been walking on the rivers and lakes for so many years. There are always friends you don't know. I will definitely introduce you for you. I will say you now." I don't know."

Anyuan blinked, but he has been smeared by Han Chang Biochemical as a mung bean, and his eyes are not visible.

The Mingyue faction is not far from Yueyang Town. The four people rushed for a few hours, and arrived in the vicinity of the Mingyue School that afternoon. The roads of these few hours, for Han Changsheng, are as long as a few years, green tea Xianjun has been quietly swaying, Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiqi are two rectum, and he almost took him several times. I sold it, but fortunately, he was smart enough. Although the flaws were more or less exposed, it was a shocking return. The weather is already in the autumn, very cool, and after the road, the other people are still clear and refreshing. Only Han Changsheng is exposed to the sun in the midsummer for a few hours. The sweat has wet the clothes several times.

The Mingyue faction was in the town of Qingfeng. Before dusk, they were able to see the signs of the Mingyue School.

The Mingyue faction has released news on the rivers and lakes, saying that the elders of the moon were assassinated by the people of the demon, and they took away the knife of the moon, asked the martial arts to help each other, annihilated the demon and regained the knife. In fact, they are not 100% sure of the whereabouts of the knife. The reason why the news is released is to ensure that even if the knife falls into the hands of others, because they are afraid of being mistaken as a person of magic, they dare not take the knife. Come out, so that if the moon's knife is spread on the rivers and lakes, the foundation of their moon will be destroyed. Moreover, the martial arts righteousness seems to have love. In fact, it is not in the minority. The elders of the Mingyue School are assassinated. The other sects will not seriously help each other. But if the devil is taught, the martial arts will not want to annihilate. If the devil teaches meritorious deeds, it will naturally help the wholeheartedly.

Standing not far from the Mingyue faction, An Yuan asked Lu Baiyu and Lu Qingqian: "Now from the joint investigation?"

Lu Baiqi Lu Qingqian also turned his attention to Han Changsheng. It is not their strength to investigate cases. They originally intended to be as they said before, because the Mingyue faction dared to defile them, they simply killed everyone. But now Han Changsheng wants to investigate the case, naturally he can't do it.

Han Changsheng touched his chin and thought about it. He said: "The first thing to do is to figure out what happened on the day of the death of the elder. The situation of the day may be clear only to the people in the Mingyue faction. Let us first find a disciple of the Mingyue School. Ask a question."

Anyuan nodded: "Since you will be easy, it is worse than us..."

The voice has not yet fallen, Lu Baiqi and Lu Qingqian have already rushed out, but in the blink of an eye, a Mingyue disciple who walked outside was returned. Lu Baiqi put the man on the ground, the top of the knife in the throat of the poor disciple, the smile is gentle enough to squeeze out the water: "I ask you what you answer, don't be honest, I will take you. The piece of meat on the body is dug down~o(n_n)o~~”

Lu Qingqian pulled out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and a small spider with a pile of fluff climbed to the bottle. Lu Qingqian shook in front of the unlucky disciple: "This is a poisonous spider, crawling in from below." You can get rid of your internal organs a little bit, and finally die when you reach the heart, you can live for a few hours \\~\\(≧▽≦)/~"

Anyuan: "..." is not a friend of Han Changsheng, but this guy is more reliable than Han Changsheng, at least not taking a bunch of tonic to pretend to be poison.

Han Changsheng took a look at the skin.

An Yuandao: "You are just asking this question? This is where the question is, it is a confession, and he is not a murderer. It is too much."

Han Changsheng did not move, smiled and said: "Xiaoqing Xiaobai, you still love to make jokes. Let the little brother let go, and he scared his pants."

Lu Baiqi and Lu Qingqian glanced at each other and obediently let go of this unfortunate Mingyue disciple. Han Changsheng, one by one, pinched their tender little faces, and gave them a look: "Don't be joking again, haha, haha, hahaha."

Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiyu looked blank.

The disciple shivered: "Who are you, what do you want to do?"

An Yuan 蹲 ,, patted the unlucky shoulder: "Don't be afraid, we just want to ask you something, it won't hurt you."

The disciple looked at his face and his body shook. The other three people are very pleasing, although Lu Qingqian and Lu Baiyu threatened him, but looking at their looks, just now Han Changsheng said they were joking, he believed. The dog fairy, who is the face of this pig's head, is fierce and fierce. Although he has been singing red face, he knows that he is the most terrible person.

An Yuandao: "Are you a few months before the elders of your sect?"

The disciple shook Huo Hu and nodded.

An Yuan said again: "How did he die? What happened on the day of his death?"

The disciple trembled: "Yes, it was the people of the demon who killed him, and he also snatched the moon."

Snapped! A dart was shot and inserted into the land less than an inch before the disciple's life. Lu Qing money clap his hands: "Don't dare to smear us, the next time this dart can not fall to the ground."

The disciple’s eyes were round and the pants were slowly wet. Contamination...we? ! So these guys are the devils? !

Han Changsheng punched his head. Should he now stun Xiaoqing white or stun Anyuan? ! Or can you stun yourself directly? ! what? ! Play with me! !

The author has something to say: thank you, 14246219, no love, the land of mine and telwxs520-->