MTL - Essential Accomplishments of A Perfect White Moonlight-Chapter 44 Making greengage around the bed 5

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Yan Yiming, who has always been sarcastic to everyone, actually took the initiative to talk to Jiang Yi. Everyone in the room was extremely surprised, and the old lady Jiang, who was sitting at the top, hated Jiang Yi and disliked Yan Yiming. The two became more and more intrusive.

Now that Yan Yiming is here, Mrs. Jiang is not good, and then say she is not good in front of Yan Yiming. The farce-like meeting finally came to an end. Mrs. Jiang twisted her neck and said that she was tired and impatient Let all the juniors go quickly.

The crowd dispersed slowly, and Jiang Yi walked out of the airless room, the oncoming cold air woke him up. Walking out of the yard, the eyes are covered with white snow, the sky is full of silver and white, and there is a touch of bright red standing on the snow not far away. When he heard his footsteps, he turned around. His skin color was whiter than the white snow all over the ground. He smiled lightly and said,

"It can be calculated."

Obviously this is only the second meeting, but she looks so familiar, as if the two have known each other for a long time, but Jiang Yi clearly knows that they have never met.

She was three years older than him, so he should have called her "Fifth Sister", but for some reason Jiang Yi always refused to call her that, so he respectfully called her "Fifth Miss."

Boys always develop later than girls, not to mention Jiang Yi is three years younger than her.

Yan Yiming looked at Jiang Yi, who was a head smaller than himself, with a slightly wrinkled face, with a half-smile, and said with a smile, "It's not big or small, I should call you sister."

Jiang Yi was silent for a moment, "I haven't officially joined the clan, so I can't be considered a sister."

"Then you will be able to call after joining the clan?" Yan Yiming stepped on the snowy road under his feet.

Jiang Yi and Yan Yiming walked side by side, pursed their lips, perhaps not wanting to answer this question, and instead asked in a low voice why she came yesterday.

"Because I'm an older sister." Yan Yiming turned the words back and glanced at him with a smile, "If you don't call me older sister, I won't treat you like this."

Jiang Yi panicked inexplicably, but when he looked up, he saw the smile in her eyes, and immediately understood that she was teasing him again, if she really didn't treat him so well, she wouldn't say such a thing.

Jiang Yi suddenly felt a little helpless, "Then let's talk about it after joining the clan."

Standing in the distance and watching the two go away, Mrs. Jiang Er really couldn't understand why Yan Yiming, who was usually cold and silent, was so familiar with this newcomer Xiao Yezhong. The third girl Jiang who squeezed behind Yiming had anger in her slender eyes, which looked very much like Mrs. Jiang's second wife.

Because Mr. Jiang's official position is higher than Mr. Jiang's, the second room is always shorter than the first room. In fact, she is afraid of Yan Yiming not because of Mr. Jiang, but because of Yan Yiming himself.

Those eyes are always without a trace of emotion, looking at them makes people tremble, and because they know they won't live too long, they are a little crazy.

She accidentally overheard her talking about her behind her back, but before she could explain herself, the crazy girl held a thin hairpin she found out from nowhere and pressed her against her to ask her to say it again.

The girl looked at her expressionlessly and said that she wouldn't live until a few years old, and when she was in a hurry, she carefully pulled a person as a backing.

Miss Jiang San came back that day and was so frightened that she dared not go out for three days. The second Mrs. Jiang went to Mrs. Jiang to argue about it, and it happened that Yan Yiming fell ill.

It stands to reason that Mr. Jiang would not take care of the affairs of the inner house of the mansion, but when his precious daughter was involved, Mr. Jiang became angry on the spot, and called Mr. Jiang Er to give him a hard lesson, saying that he did not discipline many wives and daughters well, but he wanted to Ah Ming was so mad.

Mr. Jiang Er was reprimanded by his elder brother, and seeing his little niece's pale face, he also held back his anger. He then called Mrs. Jiang and her daughter together to do some ideological work. After that, Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Er The third girl no longer dared to say that she was not in front of Yan Yiming.

"It's short-lived after all," Jiang's second wife comforted her daughter, "If one day I really lose my breath in a fit of anger, we will have to blame us."

They were short-lived in the first place, and now they are unable to get married. The Second Wife and the Third Miss Jiang finally regained their balance. They did not dare to provoke Yan Yiming again publicly, and secretly told outsiders about the root cause of Yan Yiming's illness. No bed.

Now looking at the back of her and Jiang Yi going away, the second wife of Jiang sneered, a sick child and a little bastard, the former is not as good as her daughter who has already made a good marriage, and the latter is not as good as her by the wives Erkua's son.

She didn't have the time to worry about why they were so close.

They're all worthless stuff.

Jiang Yi and Yan Yiming walked all the way, on the way Xu Shi met a servant Xu Shi met a concubine of the Jiang family's children, Yan Yiming immediately put away his smile, just like the indifferent look when he just saw her today.

Jiang Yi didn't know why she treated him differently, but he liked this feeling very much.

When he returned to the courtyard, the surrounding area was quiet again. Jiang Yi sat by the brazier and coughed lightly twice. He caught a cold yesterday, but he did not recover today.

The little girl serving by her side came in happily, Jiang Yi looked at the steaming little sand pot in her hand and casually asked what it was.

"The fifth girl said that young master, you caught a cold yesterday, so I specially asked someone to cook **** soup and bring it over. Young master, did you catch a cold?"

Jiang Yi gave a "hmm" and a faint smile appeared on his lips.

Slowly drinking the **** soup, took out the book that I brought with me, sat by the brazier and read it seriously.

He knew that these ten years must be difficult, but now, he felt that it was not too difficult.

It is the end of the year in a blink of an eye.

As the new year was approaching, the entire Jiang mansion also had a lot of joy. Red lanterns were hung up in the mansion early on, and the decorations were very lively.

It has been half a month since Jiang Yi entered Jiangfu.

He lives very far away and has a withdrawn personality. In fact, not many people come to trouble him, but they just know that he is not pleasing to the family. thing.

The eyes of the little girls serving Jiang Yi were always red with anger, but Jiang Yi's expression remained calm.

If there is less charcoal, he will wear more clothes, if there are fewer candles, he will sit closer. The daily meals are not very good, but it is enough to eat enough. He is clearly only thirteen years old, but he is not as calm as a thirteen-year-old child.

He is always reading. When he came to Jiangfu, he only had two clothes, but he brought two boxes of books. The little maids looked through them curiously, but found that they could not understand anything at all .

Lan Xiu, the eldest maid who served Yan Yiming, once told Yan Yiming that this young master looked calm, but actually he had some skills.

The servants in this house are used to acting according to the master's eyes. The aunt that the master likes, even the aunt and the young masters and ladies who are born have status, but those who the master doesn't like or the old lady don't like. Small and timid, even the servants sometimes dare to insult a word or two.

But the most unfavored young lady in the family has a much better background than Jiang Yi, but after so many days, Lan Xiu found that the maids who served Jiang Yi did not dare to say harsh words to Jiang Yi, and were even a little scared .

Yan Yiming just smiled faintly when he heard that, some people are born with certain skills, Jiang Yi after seven years can be like a fish in water in the huge officialdom, not to mention a small Jiangfu.

But even if the maids couldn't bully Jiang Yi, the family provided him with too little.

Jiang Yi could accept that Yan Yiming helped him once or twice, but the child was not happy any more, Yan Yiming still remembered that little Jiang Yi looked at her, and hesitated to say after a long time, " you think I am pitiful. "

Poor ghost, Yan Yiming immediately cursed secretly in his heart.

Pity no one will pity you.

After Yan Yiming saw the arrogance in the little boy's bones, he never helped him openly like before.

Yan Yiming was just thinking of a way to prevent him from being so sensitive, but Jiang Yi only thought she was angry because of her sudden departure. A look of anxiety finally appeared on a face that looked a little delicate because it didn't grow. His eyes were finally not as silent as usual.

It was Jiang Yi's first visit to Yan Yiming's place. The plainly dressed young man was sitting opposite Yan Yiming, with a trace of struggle on his face, he raised his eyes to look at her and said slowly, "Fifth Sister, are you angry?" gone."

The boy's voice was clean and cold, but perhaps it was too difficult to speak, and this "fifth sister" sounded a bit shy.

Yan Yiming was stunned for a moment, looked at Jiang Yi whose ears were already red, and laughed without any concealment.

"No." Seeing that Jiang Yi's face became stiff again because of her smile, Yan Yiming hurriedly said, "I'm not angry, I understand what you mean."

The two have talked a lot since they got acquainted. Yan Yiming said that she treated him well because since he came, the youngest one in the house was no longer her and became a sister, so she treated him like this.

But Jiang Yi always felt that this was not the case, he still had the illusion that Yan Yiming had known him a long time ago.

Yan Yiming said that she was not angry, and Jiang Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before he realized it, Yan Yiming's words had already made him care so much.

It was snowing outside again, Lan Xiu and other maids were making red lanterns for the Chinese New Year, and they came over to Yan Yiming in a while and told Yan Yiming that when the young master returned, he would take two lanterns with him so that the Chinese New Year would not look deserted.

Xu Shi remembered the scene when his mother and Jiang Wuye were both still there, and perhaps he had already mentioned it before realizing that even Da is left alone now, something flashed in Jiang Yi's eyes, and he lightly clicked He nodded his thanks.

Lan Xiu had good intentions, but the words were still not pleasant to hear. Yan Yiming saw with sharp eyes that Jiang Yi's hand on the table moved slightly even though there was no clue on his face.

No matter how you pretend you don't care, how can you really not care.

On New Year's Eve, Jiang Mansion was brightly lit and lively, even the maids took the opportunity to go outside to play, only Jiang Yi was sitting in front of the lamp reading a book as usual.

Maybe it was because the firecrackers were too loud outside, Jiang Yi didn't pay much attention to it, he stared blankly at the candle burning out little by little, until the sound of stepping on the snow could be heard in his ears.

Jiang Yi just thought it was the maids who came back and didn't answer, but when the voice got closer and closer, he raised his eyes to meet Shang Yan Yiming's exquisite eyebrows.

Holding the lantern in her hand, she showed a beautiful smile and said,

"Let's watch the year together."