MTL - Endless Fall-Chapter 47 Program by 'dating' again

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  Chapter 47 The scheme passes 'dating' again

[Can. ]

   Pei Zhi asked Qu Shao to change the time.

   In the past, he was good at waiting, but when they had more contact, these three days became extraordinarily long.

   "Boss, are you in a hurry?" When Qu Shao was reporting for work, he found that he had checked his phone at least a dozen times.


   "Then you sign first."

   Pei Zhi threw it to him after signing it, and picked up the phone again.

   He took the time and waited until eleven o'clock before sending a WeChat message to Lin Jiao on the grounds that he was concerned about the progress: [Has your plan passed? ]

  [No results yet. ]

  Lin Jiao glanced at the manager's room from time to time.

   She has been memorizing the product information for the past few days, and the final submission plan was also selected from three different contents.

   She was fully prepared and felt quite satisfied with herself, but she didn't know what evaluation Manager Wu would give.

  [Don't worry. ] Pei Zhi's slender fingertips roamed the screen: [There should be a result before the lunch break. ]

  Lin Jiao just wanted to return to him when Wu Xiuwen's voice came from behind him: "Xiao Lin, come here."

"it is good."

   "You did a good job with your plan this time." As soon as she entered the manager's room, she was praised by him.

   Lin Jiao breathed a sigh of relief.

   She listened carefully to the points he pointed out, and discussed with him after expressing her thoughts.

   After chatting almost, Wu Xiuwen arranged a task for her: "This is not in a hurry, just leave it to me after you finish writing it."

  Lin Jiao nodded.

   She returned to the station with the documents, and immediately told Pei Zhi the good news.

   At the end, she took the initiative to mention the meal: [I'll treat you tonight, don't rob me. ]

[Listen to you. ]

   Pei Zhi's eyes finally showed a smile.

   He put down his mobile phone and went to work. He hurried out after get off work, eager to meet her.

   "Uncle." The beautiful voice penetrated into the auricle.

   Lin Jiao, who ran with light steps, smiled at him: "Did you wait for a long time?"

   Pei Zhi looked at her deeply: "Not long."

   His eyes were too straightforward, Lin Jiao stroked his cheek, thinking there was something.

   Just as she was about to take out the mirror to take a look, she heard him chuckle: "Get in the car first."

  Lin Jiao bent over and sat in the co-pilot.

   She put on her seat belt, saw that he hadn't stepped on the accelerator for a long time, looked at the WeChat chat box intently, and asked a question.

   "Uncle, what's the matter?"


   Pei Zhi approached very naturally, and inadvertently, the phone fell by her side.

   He reached out and groped for a while, and inadvertently touched her soft waist: "Sorry."

   "It's fine." Lin Jiao didn't feel strongly, so she didn't care about this move.

   Pei Zhi said as usual: "Qu Shao recommended a movie, do you want to watch it?"

"what type?"

   "Comedy love."

  Lin Jiao hasn't watched a movie for a long time, so she agreed without thinking: "Then I'll buy a ticket."

   Pei Zhi was not polite to her.

   Anyway, he will give all the money to her in the future, and I am afraid that she will pay more often, so he should adapt in advance.

   He drove all the way to the Financial City, and under the guidance of the elevator operator, he found the restaurant.

   As soon as the glass door was opened, a romantic atmosphere flooded the sky. Each round table was placed with a two-tiered flower stand. The flower stand was filled with white roses embellished with green leaves, and the fragrance of flowers could be smelled everywhere.

  The waiter in tuxedo led them into the private room in the back, isolating the chatter and laughter from other diners.

  Lin Jiao took a picture of the flower stand.

  The clear clicking sound attracted Pei Zhi who was ordering food. He caught the joy she showed and laughed.

   He handed the menu to the waiter, and when the other party closed the door, he started the topic with the flower stand, and chatted with her about serving food in the restaurant.

   "Uncle." Lin Jiao swallowed the eel, and suddenly remembered what she didn't have time to say on the day of the party: "Do you have any plans for Saturday?"

"Maybe not."

   "Then you go to see Grandpa with us?"

   Pei Zhi responded: "Saturday morning?" As before, he cut the steak on the plate and gently pushed it in front of her.

   "Well, we'll come back after dinner." Her eyes fell on the shirt: "You should wear sportswear then."

   "Is the road over there bad?"

   "There is a yellow dirt road outside his yard. If it rains, it will be troublesome."

   Pei Zhi nodded clearly.

   It took them two hours in total to eat from the appetizer to the dessert. He endured it all: "What time does your movie ticket start?"

   "Nine o'clock, twenty minutes left."

  Lin Jiao wiped off the ice cream on his lips.

   She called the waiter to pay the bill, picked up the shoulder bag after paying, and left with a scent of flowers.

  The cinema upstairs was overcrowded.

   Pei Zhi accompanied her to collect the tickets, leaned over to her ear and asked, "Want to eat popcorn?"

  Lin Jiao: "I can't eat it anymore." She put the phone back in her bag and looked in the direction of the sales desk: "Can you buy two glasses of Coke?"

   Pei Zhi hugged her and walked over.

   As soon as the line was formed, the girl standing in front grabbed her companion and whispered excitedly.

   seems to say the words 'couple' and 'good match'.

   (end of this chapter)