MTL - Endless Fall-Chapter 126 Four years of unchanging birthday wishes

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  Chapter 126 Four years of unchanging birthday wishes

   Pei Zhi raised his thin lips: "Kiss twice."

  The warm breath then sprayed out, covering Lin Jiao at the corner of his lips, touching it twice.

   The wispy smiles in their eyes did not intend to fill the atmosphere, and even the air seemed to be sweetened.

   Chu Yuzhou, who silently swallowed the dog food, asked Qu Shao on his right to take the wine bottle and continue to spin.

  The wine bottle rolled on the lawn, slowly shaking the bottle mouth, aiming at the depth of Zhouyan.

   "I choose the truth."

"What is your favorite type of woman?"

   "Elegant and generous." His peripheral vision fell on Qian Yue: "It is best to have a pair of beautiful eyes."

   Qian Yue's expression was always calm.

   She stared at the constantly turning bottle, looking forward to the big adventure after the truth.

   One round of the game was over, and Chu Yuzhou, who finally received the wine bottle, also started the second round again.

   Seeing that the mouth of the bottle was aimed at Qian Yue, he smirked and said solemnly: "Pick one person and let him do ten push-ups with you."

   "How to take me?"

   "You sit on his back."

   Qianyue was very tangled.

   She first turned her eyes to Chu Yuzhou, saw him shaking his head one after another, and refused on the grounds of discomfort, only asking Zhou Yanshen.

   "Mr. Zhou, is it okay?"


   Zhou Yanshen was called out by the phrase 'Mr. Zhou', and he leaned over the lawn without hesitation.

   He rested his palm on the ground: "You count."

   "Okay." Qian Yue sat down.

   She put her right hand on his shoulder to stabilize her center of gravity, her charming voice lingering in his ears over and over again.

   Zhou Yanshen's ears were all crispy.

   He stared at the green lawn, trying to ignore the softness of his back, and when she counted to ten, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

   "Brother Yan, are you tired?" Chu Yuzhou handed them a cigarette and raised his eyebrows teasingly.

"Not tired."

   "Then let's continue?"

   "Change one." Shen Yi, who was full, decided to join the game: "Let's play Sanyuan."

   "How much do you drink if you can't get it?"

   "Half a cup."

  At the beginning, they could still visit the botanical garden and zoo normally, but after a few glasses of wine, the style of the painting changed completely.

   From the Ultraman Garden to the Skin Care Garden, everyone present has a time when they can’t get in touch.

   Chu Yuzhou, who had hiccups after drinking, turned off the alarm clock on his mobile phone, and moved to Pei Yilan's side.

   He whispered: "There's still half an hour."

   "Where's the stuff?"

   "It's all in the trunk."

   Pei Yilan walked around and came back clutching several car keys: "Who will get it for us?"

   "There's someone downstairs."

  Chu Yuzhou dragged her to the parking lot.

   He opened several trunks one after another and asked the waiter to move the boxes to the cart: "Why is my salute missing?"

   "Are you blind?" Pei Yilan raised her chin towards the truck: "They took it down."

   "Four less."

   "You look in the back row."

  Chu Yuzhou was still not found.

   "Forget it." He was afraid that the time would be too late, so he dragged her to the arch: "Put things here first."

   "It's too far away to take it." Pei Yilan asked the waiter to go around and hid the gift box under the long table.

   She panted: "Tell them."

   "OK." Chu Yuzhou notified them one by one.

   When it was five minutes before zero, he asked the waiter to bring the cake: "Brother, let's sit over there."

  Fresh and plump rose petals scattered on the spotless tablecloth, and several candlesticks were also arranged in different heights.

  The goblet filled with red wine was swayed in arcs by the flickering candlelight, and decorated the table with petals.

   Pei Zhi's eyes reflected a soft light.

   He stopped in front of a dark grey minimalist cake and watched them light candles.

"Happy Birthday…"

When the    prelude sounded, Lin Jiao hummed along.

  She looked at his face with a smile like a flower, and there was no room for anything else in her eyes except him.

   "Make a wish!" When the music repeated, Pei Yilan rubbed her painful palms.

   Pei Zhi closed his eyes.

   He made a wish that he repeated for four years.

  —May she be safe and prosperous, may all her desires be fulfilled, and may she gain her love and occupy her heart.

   "Surprise!" When Chu Yuzhou opened his eyes, he tacitly fired a salute with Shen Yi.

  The flying sequins and colored paper are spread on the gift box, reflecting the bright light.

   They sent gifts one after another.

   Lin Jiao, who was at the end, also took out a square box tied with a bow in the sight of everyone.

   She handed him both hands: "You dismantle first."

   Pei Zhi opened the package on the outside.

The logo of   Cartier was gradually revealed, and he subconsciously thought that it contained a watch.

   But when the box was opened and a pair of rings came into his eyes unexpectedly, the blood all over his body seemed to flow backwards.

  Lin Jiao was a little nervous: "Do you like it?"

   "Like." I like it very much.

   "Then I'll put it on for you." She carefully picked up the male ring and asked him to stretch out a hand.

   "Where are you wearing it?"

   "The **** of the left."

   Pei Zhi's fingertips were shaking.

   He rolled his Adam's apple, feeling the coldness passing through his phalanx, gradually getting a touch of warmth.

   He was completely trapped by the ring, and he heard his heart beating wildly, as if being tightly wrapped by the turbulent sea.

   The unspeakable joy made him unable to stop smiling.

   He picked up the female ring with a fine diamond embedded in it, and put it on her **** as religiously as a believer.

  The two rings drew closer to each other's hearts again.

  Lin Jiao stood on tiptoe: "Happy birthday." She climbed onto his neck and covered her thin lips when the gun salute sounded.

   Their undisguised affection envy everyone.

   Chu Yuzhou, who recorded this frame, looked at the beautiful couple in the photo and sighed, "It looks like a marriage proposal scene."

   "If the boss proposes marriage, it will definitely be more grand than it is now." After all, he prepared ninety-nine bouquets of roses for his confession.

   Although the rose is void.

   But considering the status quo, it is a good thing.

   "Mr. Pei, please." After their love, Shen Yi picked up the cake knife on the table and handed it over.

   Pei Zhi took out the extinguished candle.

   He cut eight cakes and took Lin Jiao's hand back to the bonfire to prevent her from getting cold.

   "Want to eat barbecue?" He wiped off the cream stain on her lips and asked warmly.

   "I think." Lin Jiao took a bite of the cake and deliberately leaned over to kiss him: "I want to bake it for you."

   "Then I'll ask them to bring the ingredients." Pei Zhi asked Qu Shao to inform the hotel staff.

   He tilted his head slightly: "Are you still kissing?"

   "Don't you feel sticky?"

"do not think so."

  Lin Jiao satisfied him.

   She kissed him twice and wiped his cheek: "Brother Yan, they came to you for a drink."

   Pei Zhi met a few smiling faces as soon as he raised his eyes.

   He took the glass of wine that was about to overflow the rim, and was stopped just as he was about to drink with them.

   "Come one by one." Shen Yi clinks glasses with him first: "I wish you two eternal love and grow old together."

   Pei Zhi drank it without hesitation.

   He looked at Chu Yuzhou, who was still thinking, and stared at him: "Have you thought about it yet?"

   "Think about it!" Chu Yuzhou cleared his throat.

   (end of this chapter)