MTL - Empress True Colors-Chapter 8v4 One or two thousand dollars, I will buy you exposed meat

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Jing Hengbo raised his eyes, and glanced at the hand holding his cuff. The palm was white, the knuckles were distinct, and the skin was delicate, but there were not thin calluses on the knuckles and the side of the palm.

The son of a family who practiced martial arts.

She came to such a judgment in her heart, and before she pulled her hand, Nan Jin suddenly raised her hand and slapped the man's arm away - the man grabbed Jing Hengbo's cuff, and his arm slightly rubbed against Nan Jin's elbow.

She shot fast and heavy, without leaving any room. The man was caught off guard, and his arm slammed heavily on the counter. With a click, half of the counter was cracked. and uneasy.

Accompanied by the sound of crashes and screams, a large number of people rushed in, and the first person shouted angrily: "Who dares to do anything to my son!"

Jing Hengbo looked back, good guy, there were more than a dozen companions rushing in, and the original customers in the store had already left the store at some point.

It seems that he is not a child of an ordinary family.

There was someone behind him, with a thin and angry voice: "Where is this arrogant woman, who always hurts people?"

Nan Jin naturally ignored it, and was busy putting the pair of pearl earrings into her pocket, regardless of whether she paid for it or not. Smash the counter.

Jing Hengbo threw out a piece of silver first, and said: "Earring money and counter repair fee." Then he turned to the man and said, "Where is the frivolous lunatic who always flirts with good women?"

Only now did she see clearly the young man in front of her, of medium height, dark complexion, rather handsome, or already very handsome, but to Jing Hengbo who had seen all the beautiful men, he was naturally only average.

It's just that the clothes are worth no less than a hundred gold, which is quite unusual.

The man raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at Jing Hengbo, and turned his eyes to the extraordinarily bright and plump red lips under her bamboo hat. The anger suddenly disappeared in his eyes, and there was a third of interest in his eyes. He said with a smile, "Molesting? I'm just stopping you." The girl just pays."

"Oh?" Jing Hengbo raised his eyebrows, "I'm ready to pay for what I like. Why do you stop it?"

"Because I am the owner of these earrings." The man smiled more and more complacently, "This pair of earrings was ordered by my sister, and my sister asked me to come and pick up the goods. If you want to buy it, don't you force it?"

Jing Hengbo turned his gaze to the shopkeeper, "Why didn't you hear from the shopkeeper before?"

The man stretched his body, lay comfortably on the counter, tapped on the wooden board, and said with a smile, "Maybe I forgot? The second lady of the Fang family ordered sea pearl earrings at your Longxiangji. Isn't it just three days ago?"

The shopkeeper met his smiling eyes, his face wrinkled into a bitter gourd, and he dodged his eyes and said: "... this... that... it was indeed ordered by Miss Fang's family... just..."

"It's just too small to repent, and now I'm out to interfere." Jing Hengbo said, "I said this Mr. Fang..."

"My surname is not Fang. Miss Fang is just my cousin. My surname is Yu." The man interrupted her with a smile and raised his eyebrows at her.

"Okay, Mr. Yu." Jing Hengbo turned his eyes slightly, and suddenly found that the shopkeeper's face turned pale, and he seemed to take a breath of air. Somehow I was a little irritable, and said lightly, "You obviously don't want these earrings, why do you insist on stopping here? Have you ever heard that a good dog doesn't block the way?"

"Presumptuous!" The dozen or so burly companions immediately rushed forward with their knives, "Ignorant daughter, how dare you insult my son..."

"One dog has been replaced by a group of dogs." Jing Hengbo said with a smile.

That Mr. Yu raised his hand, stopped the entourage from clamoring, turned his head and said with a smile: "You are very courageous and smart, I am more and more curious about you. If you say I don't want earrings, then guess I do." What is it?"

"You want to see my face." Jing Hengbo blinked, "Have you been thinking about it for a long time, comrade? Just now you pretended to be talking to the shopkeeper, but what are you doing with your bamboo hat with all your fingers?"

Mr. Yu was stunned, raised his head and laughed, "Okay! Okay! That's true! Girls from the Yu Kingdom, oh, I don't think the girls of the Great Wilderness have seen too many of them. They haven't seen this special product before!"

While laughing, he waved his hand and said to the shopkeeper, "I want all the accessories that are sold in your shop today. Bring them up first."

Surprised and delighted, the shopkeeper hurriedly asked the clerk to pack the goods. Jing Hengbo rolled his sleeves and looked at it with a smile. When his fingers touched the pearls in his sleeves, he suddenly felt a little hot.

There was a twitch in her heart, and she was surprised and delighted at the same time—has there been a change in Bianzhu?

After searching for half a year before, and coming out for half a month, Bianzhu never made any movement, always like a cold-blooded pupil, facing her ardor indifferently.

At this moment, is it changing?

She wasn't sure whether Bianzhu's fever was due to being heated by body temperature or something else, and she couldn't be sure what Bianzhu's fever meant. Yuchun didn't tell her that when Bianzhu was abnormal, she would have a fever.

She clenched her fingers tightly, smiling as usual, and did not take out the identification beads in a hurry, but looked inside and outside the store first.

There was no one else in the store, except for the owner and a few clerks, it was she, Nan Jin, Mr. Yu and his dozen or so followers. It was crowded with people, but nothing special could be seen.

There are more people outside the shop, all passers-by who are attracted by the situation here to watch the excitement. Through the gaps in the crowd, you can also see several stalls and restaurants across the street. It looks like spicy fried sliced ​​cakes and Chaoshou, a lot of people gather there to eat and drink, and the flow of people coming and going is like crucian carp crossing the river, but no matter how you look at it, no one looks like Gong Yin.

When she turned her eyes from inside and outside the store, there were already large and small boxes piled up in front of her. The lids of the boxes were all opened, and the precious light was hemming in and out.

Some of the women watching outside the store gasped softly—the house is full of jewels, and the ground is full of beautiful things, which is the biggest temptation that women can't resist.

Mr. Yu flashed the most perfect smile, gently pushed the box forward with his fingertips, and said with the same perfect posture and expression: "Hundreds of pearls, thousands of emerald jades, please meet the beauty."

The spring breeze was blowing, the pearls and jades were shining, and he smiled gracefully.

The whispers of envy became louder, more people rushed over, and the traffic in all directions seemed to be a bit blocked.

"A good story! A good story!" A sour scholar outside the door exclaimed loudly, "The daughter only seeks a beautiful face, and this move is enough to be passed down as a romantic story!"

There were also people who laughed loudly, "It's just a prodigal act! Be careful to open the bamboo hat and see the girl!"

There were laughter from all around. Momunu is a famous "half-faced ugly girl" in the history of the Great Wilderness. It is said that half of her face is charming and charming, while the other half is as ugly as a ghost.

Jing Hengbo smiled and stared at Mr. Yu opposite, with a focused expression and bright eyes, anyone who looked at him thought that she had already been moved by such a big deal without exception.

No one knew, she kept holding the bead tightly, and felt that the bead was getting hotter and hotter.

This bead seems to have changed since Mr. Yu pursued and teased her.

Could it be that this bead has something special that Yuchun doesn't even understand—it is connected with the host's mind?

Is Gong Yin's big vinegar jar really there?

At this moment, the Bianzhu must not be taken out for inspection, she must not let Gong Yin discover the existence of Bianzhu.

At this moment, he intends to use Mr. Yu to play a chasing scene, and he can't be too artificial. The person who knows her best in this world is Gong Yin, and he knows very well that she will not be moved by the jewelry in this room. Not to mention being attracted to this self-proclaimed romantic Mr. Yu.

She must hold her breath.

She could only try her best to misunderstand Mr. Yu and do something.

Her fingers trembled uncontrollably in her sleeves, but she had a bright smile on her face. She lowered her head and looked at the jewelry carefully. Others couldn't see the excitement in her eyes, they only thought she was moved by the jewels.

Mr. Yu's expression was also slightly smug, and he seemed to be slightly disappointed in his smugness. Seeing Jing Hengbo, he smiled and said nothing, only admiring the jewelry, but finally couldn't bear it anymore, and leaned forward to pick out her bamboo hat, "How is it?"

Jing Hengbo raised his head at this moment and said with a smile, "It's beautiful."

This raising of the head happened to pass Mr. Yu's finger. Mr. Yu was slightly stunned, and then his eyes touched the lower half of her slightly raised face. Her skin was as bright as new snow, and her red lips were like peonies on snow. This angle is slightly pouted, like a new flower about to bloom, and the lake in his heart is slightly rippling, as if the calm lake surface has been scratched by weeping willows.

I couldn't help but moved forward again, and pushed the box full of tables towards her with my body, and said softly, "Which one do you like best? I'll put it on for you? Or would you like me to help you choose? In fact, in my opinion, the best jewels in this room can barely match you." He picked out the most luxurious one, full of emeralds and topaz, and said with a smile , "The green box opens the cold mirror, the pearl hairpin hangs and shakes, the makeup is only afraid of the dawn, and the spring night is missed... And the pearls are held by flying phoenixes to decorate the beauty's temples."

As he spoke, he went to lift her bamboo hat again.

Jiukong Street is the busiest street market in Linzhou, Yu State.

At this moment, what happened in Longxiangji attracted half of the people in the market, and the crowds gathered here. The people on the outside couldn't see what was going on inside, but they were reluctant to go away. They were bored waiting, so they all stopped by nearby. have a bite.

The mutton stewed noodles restaurant opened the shed, and there were seven or eight employees inside and outside, shuttling around endlessly, sweating profusely. This mutton stewed noodle restaurant has always been famous for its cleanliness. The clothes of the guys are actually white. It is said to be white and snowy, and it is inevitable to be stained with oil, but it is washed clean, which makes people feel refreshed, which is rare in this shop, so the business is very good.

It is another style to sell pork knuckle with rice noodle soup. The braised pork knuckles were crimson and shiny, and they were piled up on the chopping board like a mountain. The unique fragrance was deadly. The shopkeeper who cuts the elbow is more like a martial arts master. The knife he uses is more than three times thicker than ordinary kitchen knives. He raises and falls the knife as fast as lightning. He can instantly and fiercely divide an elbow into countless sections. , The palm like a giant spirit cuts out thin slices of willow leaves like thin paper, and the elbow slices fly in the air like willow leaves, and fall accurately into the rice noodle soup of the guests who ordered the elbow slices.

The spicy fried sliced ​​cake and Chao Shou stall directly opposite Long Xiang Kee is the smallest of them. There were three people at the stall, a girl frying sliced ​​cakes, a mother-in-law making chao shou, a man poured chao shou into the soup pot, chao hands flew up from the chopping board and fell into the fence in the hands of the man, and the man only had to tilt the strainer lightly If you want to pick up the fence, just put your hands under the boiling water, then pick up the fence, and scoop it into a slightly shorter bowl.

There was an endless stream of people ordering Chaoshou, and the guy couldn't leave the pot. In the steaming heat, only the slanted fence in his hand could be seen, almost motionless.

The pearls in the sleeves became hotter.

Jing Hengbo's hand was finally pulled out from his sleeve, and he took the Bu Yao quickly, ignoring Mr. Yu's slightly dazed expression, turned around and said, "It's so beautiful." on Nan Jin's temples.

Nan Jin had been stretching her hands into her sleeves, busy touching her pearls, when suddenly Jing Hengbo inserted a step, and hurriedly reached out to pull it off, and quickly threw the step on the table like a rag, with a look of disgust. , "vulgar!"

There were sounds of surprise and sighs outside, Jing Hengbo didn't need to look up, he knew that Mr. Yu's face at the moment must be "the sky is blue waiting for the misty rain".

She stretched her hand into her sleeve, and the heat of the pearl seemed to have dropped a bit?

At this moment, her heart was full of enthusiasm, and even her eyes seemed to be shining. She stared at Mr. Yu with a pale face, and smiled sweetly. Stretching out his hand to feel it from his bosom, he casually took out a small bank note, threw it on the high pile of boxes, and pushed the pile of boxes in front of Mr. Yu.

Mr. Yu, who was about to get angry, looked at her in astonishment.

"Coincidentally, you are interested in my face, and I am also very interested in your figure. You want to see my face, and I want to see you naked." Jing Hengbo said with a smile like a flower, "You paid me to show my face, I'll add one or two thousand dollars to buy your exposed meat. How about it?"

In the street in front of Longxiangji, more and more people gathered.

There was a sudden commotion inside, as if something very surprising had happened, which made the people outside who couldn't see or hear it feel more itchy and anxious, and hurried to this side, and the business of several stalls became more prosperous because of this .

There was a lot of people's voices, and the vegetable market was ordinary, so some low-key conversations hidden in the voices of people were not noticed.

"...The smoke and fire in the world, is this the smoke and fire in the world?"

"What smoke and fire, I just feel foul!"

"It doesn't matter whether it's smoke or turbidity. Anyway, the elders ask us to smell it, so we have to bear it."

"How long do we have to go this way? Will we keep going? Just like before, wouldn't it be better to find a seclusion in a paradise?"

"I don't think so. We have been living in seclusion for long enough, and we have been detained for long enough. It is easy to come out. Shouldn't we see more of this wonderful river and mountain?"

"So what, do you want it?"

"It's not impossible."

"Let's settle the matter in front of us first. How about traveling all over the world? Is there any place in this world that we can't go to?"

"Oh, what a greasy life! It's disgusting."

"Business is good."

"What to do with the money earned, it's so dirty, so much, who will keep it today?"

"I do not want."

"Me neither."

"Go away."

The flow of people was so intense that people in the nearby teahouses and restaurants also turned their heads to look at it.

Fifty steps diagonally across the street, in the most famous and luxurious "Tianxiangju" restaurant, the windows of the private seats on the second floor were suddenly pushed open, and several heads poked out. One of them shouted to the attendants waiting downstairs, "Over there The sauced elbow looks delicious. Ade, get someone to send one, and show it to us as a noodle."

The people below promised to do it loudly, but those heads didn't go back, one of them looked at the flow of people over there, and said: "Hey, the fourth son said to go to Sansan, why haven't you come back yet?"

Another person said: "There are so many people over there, are they making trouble?"

Another person said: "It's okay to make trouble, no one will dare to make trouble with Mr. Yu."

Someone answered: "That's true. Who dares to mess with the Yu family's surname? Besides, there is Mr. Yelu here. In Linzhou, some people may not know the Yu family, but no one dares not to give Yelu family face?"

A slightly cold voice said: "That's right. But it's better not to say this in front of Mr. Yu."

Everyone agreed, and Mr. Yelu who spoke last said indifferently: "Go look for Mr. Yu, if something really happened, it's not easy to explain to the royal family, and my Yelu family has important matters recently, so we can't Out of season."

Everyone fell silent, and someone whispered: "Could it be because of the eldest son's business..."

Mr. Yelu snorted, and the speaker stopped immediately. After a moment of silence, Mr. Yelu said calmly: "The **** team has reached the border of Linzhou. There are 2,328 people, including 2,327 people. If you want to live, it's only two days."

As soon as Jing Hengbo spoke, there was a commotion outside the store, but the inside of the store was suddenly as silent as death.

The expression on Mr. Yu's face could no longer be called "the sky is blue waiting for the mist and rain", but it has become "black clouds overwhelm the city and want to destroy it".

He stared at Jing Hengbo, the red lips under the bamboo hat still had smile lines, as plump as peony petals, and he didn't seem to feel how shocking what he said at all.

He slowly stood up straight, his sleeves were windless, and he was obviously ready to make a move.

Jing Hengbo, however, was leisurely. He put on his bamboo hat and waved to Nan Jin. The two women turned around and left as if no one was there.


Jing Hengbo didn't seem to hear it, she kept pinching the pearl in her sleeve with her fingers, the pearl was no longer hot, and there was a sea of ​​people in front of her.

She suddenly raised her head, turned to the back of the crowd, and shouted in surprise: "Ah, little Shushu! My dear little Shushu, why are you here!"

Everyone looked at her inexplicably, and she concentrated on feeling her fingers.

Pearl identification seems to be hot.

She suddenly turned her head and looked at the few food stalls over there.

"Little Shushu!" She pointed to the front and shouted.

Everyone turned their heads in unison, even Mr. Yu and others who rushed behind were startled.

Taking advantage of this moment, Jing Hengbo quickly opened his sleeves and took a look with his head.

On the upper end of the bead, the red line folded and did not move.

People are basically static?

At this moment, the crowd is crowded, everyone is squeezing to and fro, no one moves from the spot, only...

"Stop!" Master Yu shouted coldly behind him, and the cold wind hit her shoulders.

She dodged, dodged the attack, and said with a smile: "May I make a bet? I will give you three chances. If you catch me within three times, I will apologize to you and agree to all your demands. If you can't catch me, you Make amends and agree to all my demands. How about it?"

"Just once!" Mr. Yu's voice came to everyone.

"Oh, help!" Jing Hengbo rushed out with all his teeth and claws, and rushed towards the food stall over there.