MTL - Emperor’s Conquest-Chapter 34 Nanzheng

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The empty court is empty, the plum blossoms fly, and the subtle fragrance lingers. At the moment when the four eyes intersect, time turns, and the years go by. The boy who is warm and jade in his memory is superimposed with the lonely and lonely man in front of him, like a shadow, if he is away. He stared at me silently, his distant gaze crossed the clutches of joy and sorrow, like a stream of water, fixed at this moment.

A piece of Luomei stained with shattered snow, blowing his horns with the wind, and there was a hint of gray in the black hair. The five years of confinement have allowed Huafa to be born early.

He half-opened his lips, faintly calling for "Ama", but his voice condensed on his lips, eventually turning into a faint sigh.

"Prince." He whispered to me, the voice has called my name countless times, and those whispers and sighs, the memories of young love, whispered like this, just like the tide-just, He called me "Princess", but the faint word was like the ice edge wrapped in the tide, stabbing into the flesh, and the pain couldn't open his mouth. I slowly lowered my eyes, saluted him calmly, and smiled, "I don't know if Uncle Huang returned to the palace today, Wang Ye was rude."

Looking down, I could no longer see his expression, and finally I could calmly speak.

"Zi Xun was called back to the dynasty, but he could not inform the princess early." He also calmly responded, his voice was rather calm.

The quiet courtyard only heard the wind moving plum branches, and the snow fell, but he and I were relatively speechless. They are only a few steps apart, but they have been separated for a lifetime, one lifetime, one day.

The chaotic footsteps and the sound of heavy objects touching the ground made me instantly return to my senses, but I saw the guard carrying a few simple boxes and had entered the palace door. The two housekeepers led the way, urging loudly in front of Ziyi, very arrogant.

The leading housekeeper suddenly saw me here, his face suddenly changed, he hurried forward, smirked, "See the uncle! Princess Wangan!"

I frowned slightly. "Uncle Huang is returning to the DPRK today. Why is Jinglin Palace still like this?"

The housekeeper hurriedly said, "I don't know if the uncle Huang arrived today. I didn't have time to clean up in a hurry. I will do it!"

"Is that?" I glanced at him, faintly, "I thought it was waiting for me to do it."

"The villain dare not, the villain deserves to die!" The housekeeper knelt hurriedly, not only scratching his head. The minions in this palace are the most snobbish. Whoever favors, who loses, which one to hold, and which one to step on, has always been unambiguous. The three princes who were glorious in the past are now stunned, and their lives are still in the hands of others. There is still a half of the prince's magnificence, and returning to this flaming court, I am afraid it will be mermaid. My heart was tough, and I still smiled. "The emperor is tired, please move to the Shangyuan Hall to rest, wait for Jinglin Palace to sort things out, move in order, and move over, okay?" Zi Xi smiled slightly, lip Actually, a trace of fine lines was drawn, which even made the smile desolate. "So there will be a princess." I silently stayed away. The two people who were so close now are alienated like strangers.

Suddenly he saw a young woman in a palace costume behind him, hugging Xiaoxiao, and walked to me, bowed his head and neck, kneeling heavily.

"Look at Su, see the princess." This soft whisper fell into my ear. Looking at her, she saw that her figure was shabby and her hair was like clouds. Although the pink-gold satin palace dress was good, it looked a little old, and there were very few beads on her head ... I want to come to these years. It was a bitter cold. My heart was tingling, and I was busy saying, "Mrs. Su don't have to be polite."

The woman slowly raised her head, her egg face, her crescent eyebrows, her frightened eyes, and her red lips frivolous. This beautiful face was shockingly familiar.

Jin'er, Su Jin'er, and servant of the Su family.

I never expected that the servant girl who gave birth to her daughter was actually my personal daughter Su Jin'er who was lost and robbed in Huizhou.

Jin'er only glanced at me, and immediately lowered his head, his eyes met me for a moment, and there was a clear flash of tears, "Prince ..."

I looked at her and looked at Zizi, but I couldn't speak, and couldn't say a word.

Zixi took a deep look at me, looked away, and just smiled, "Jin'er really remembers you."

A Yue stepped forward and wanted to help Jiner, but she refused to get up. I leaned over and leaned on her thin shoulders, spreading her face and smiling, but there was a mist of water in front of me, "Is it really you, Jiner?"

"Country master, I'm sorry for you." She finally raised her face. The rich and jade face of the past had become thin and thin, her eyes turned to melancholy, and she was judged to be the same as before.

Since Huizhou was robbed and separated from her, there has been no news of her since. One year and two years later, she is now returning with her daughter-in-law with her children. When I looked at her, I was pleasantly surprised and sad, but faintly sad, only half a moment before sighing softly, "It's good to be back."

Suddenly there was a cry in her arms, and she awakened me—everything had changed in front of me, but I was so indulged in the past that I couldn't tell the difference between today and evening, and forgot the situation at hand!

It turned out that this was the surprise Xiao Xiao gave me, and this is the person he was waiting for. He was waiting to see how I responded to the old people's old feelings, to see if I was shocked or happy ... Cold chill invaded, condensed in my heart, There was only endless chill.

"What's the matter, but the child is frozen?" I smiled busyly, "First go to the warm room to rest, and then slowly tell the story."

Zi Xi smiled for the first time, and a sorrow that was not easily noticed in his eyes immediately disappeared.

I hurriedly turned around, bowed my head and led the way, afraid to look at him again, lest I be pierced with a disguised smile by his eyes.

The child was crying more and more, probably hungry.

"There is a mother-in-law in the palace, let's pass on the mother-in-law." I looked at Jin Er's arms, and turned around and instructed A Yue. I don't know why, but I didn't want to look at the child more. Jiner busyly said, "I don't care for the grandmother, this child has always been my own, and I'm not used to being born." They don't even have a grandmother. I really don't know how these days come. Jiner hugged the baby to feed her in the middle, but only me and Ziyi were left outside, and she was speechless. After a moment of silence, I smiled. "The Empress Dowager has already drafted a name for the small county master. It is a single name with a single name. If the uncle is satisfied, he will be given his life."

Zixi held the tea cup, and her long pale fingers tapped the celadon saucer, and it was quiet for a while, and said lightly, "Her name is Abao."

My heart was tight, my hands trembled, and the tea in my cup almost spilled. Abao, his daughter is called Abao ...

"Abao, you're called Abao!"

"I don't want to call such a terrible name. Brother Zilong hates it!"

"Since you act as a little girl, can you still call the Lord of Yangyang County?"

"Actually ... Abao is also very nice."

"Do n’t help me! I always play as a girl and stop playing!"

"Abao, Abao, stingy ..."

For so many years, I still remember, he also remembers. The thick sourness hit the upper nose, and I raised my eyes, and said lightly, "This name doesn't sound good."

In the past, we had fun together, and Jin Er often followed, so could she not understand the meaning of the name. Which woman is willing to name her daughter after another woman's nickname, even if she can't resist, her heart must be unwilling. "Jin Er is very good ..." I looked at Zi Zi, tears in my eyes, "You must not fail her."

Ziyi fixedly looked at me, a desolate smile gradually appeared on his lips, "He, how are you?"

After all, he asked what he shouldn't. I looked at him helplessly, why he still cannot learn to protect himself until now. He knows that this palace is in danger and that his life is already in the hands of others. I stood up indifferently, as if I had never heard his words before, and said to myself, "The uncle of the emperor is exhausted, and Wang Xi is inconvenienced. I will come again later."

"Prince, the slaves have sent a set of clothes and accessories to Jinglin Palace. Would you like to call some more people to wait for them?" A Yue smartly helped me dress and dress, while whispering.

I closed my eyes, "No need, just do it as usual."

"Yes, that evening the palace banquet, the seat of the uncle is still arranged as usual?"

I nodded slightly.

"Mrs. Su still call some grandmothers around?"

I hummed.

"It seems that the little county master ..."

"Enough!" I opened my eyes suddenly, brushing my sleeves and sweeping away everything on the dressing table in front of me.

A Yue and all the people in the palace kneeled hurriedly, and my ears were buzzing, all the uncle, Mrs. Su, the small county master ... The words lingered, which disturbed me and made me uneasy. The more I tried hard to wave this cloud, the more I heard it in my ears. Everyone seemed to be waiting to watch the show and see how I responded to this cold scene.

"No need to toss, Uncle Huang will not stay long this time." I sighed suddenly and waved them all back.

Those who came to lead the south expedition, such as Xiao Zheng, were Zizi.

I closed my eyes and smiled aright, yes-crusade, who else is more suitable than Uncle Huang. Let him hang on to the commander's vanity and lead the army in the name of the royal family. In this way, even if the Jiangnan clan was completely slaughtered, it would be nothing more than a royal imperialism. Since the killing, it has nothing to do with the regent Xiao Xiao. The slaughter house is a notoriety that is difficult to be washed away forever. This is the trick Xiao Xiao uses to slay people to kill.

I supported the dresser and shivered involuntarily.

I thought it would be better to let Ziyu stay in the emperor's tomb than to be in a place of dispute, even if it was cold and lonely. At least he has Jiner and his young girl, who can at least grow old safely.

However, a copy of the book eventually brought him back to the right and wrong Miyagi, I'm afraid he didn't know yet, waiting for him in front of him would be a tragedy.

Ziyu, what should I do, knowing that waiting for you will be a disaster that can never be restored, but I can't stop it.

"See you, Lord." The voices of the maids came from the gate of the palace.

I turned around arrogantly, raised my hand and swept my hair, straightened my back, and stared at the door quietly. Xiao Yue stepped into the inner room, his erect figure was illuminated by the light of a bright candle, and a faint halo over the cage. He has already worn the dress of Jin Zhanghua, the crown of Emei, the golden dragon who soared on the sky with wide sleeves, the long claws and the claws of the dragon, and the eyes are dyed with cinnabar. He held his hand in front of me, the shadow cast on the ground of Han Yulong, and the long shadow seemed to cover everything.

The man in front of me is my husband and the master of the world. No one can disobey his will.

He approached me with a calm smile as usual, his eyes narrowed, and he felt deeper and deeper. I straightened my back, held my breath, and watched him approaching quietly, as close as I could touch each other's breath.

His gaze can make the former generals sweat in public, even a seven-foot man who kills people, such as mowing, can't stop him from seeing everything.

I met his eyes calmly and did not evade, letting his eyes penetrate me deeply-the old man in Han Meilin met, even I myself did not expect, so sober and calm. I have been afraid to think what kind of waves will be caused on the day Zi Zi returns. Until he really stands in front of me and is caught off guard, I don't see my heart clearly. In the past, everything has died like yesterday, and new flesh and blood has grown on the wounds, covering all traces. The human heart is the softest and hardest place, and I finally understand that the heart that belongs to Zi Zi has been completely locked.

Xiao Zheng looked at my eyebrows, and I also thought about his moods and angers. With four eyes staring at each other, we confronted each other silently, and time seemed to be stagnant.

His eyes softened, and he stretched his fingers through my long hair covering my shoulders, held a bunch of hair in my palm, and sighed with a smile, "I married the most beautiful woman in the world."

In addition, he also has the supreme power in the world, the most loyal warrior, the most powerful war horse, the sharpest sword ... all the things men in the world desire, he has almost everything.

The other is just the opposite. He has nothing and has lost everything he once owned.

I took a deep breath, shook Xiao's hand, put his palm against my cheek, and smiled, "Everything in the world is in your hands, nothing else."

He turned me around gently, surrounded me from the back, and looked at the huge and bright bronze mirror with me. The shadow in the mirror contends for the glory, and suppresses the light of the bright candle lamp shadow.

"In this life, you can only stand by my side." His voice was low, and he slowly kissed my bare neck and kissed it little by little. The woman's eyes in the mirror were blurred, blue silk dazzled, and a rose color was quickly dyed from the chest to the cheek ... I no longer had the strength to support it, and fell in his arms softly, biting my lip to endure the sourness in my heart.

At this moment, no matter how much grievances can be spoken, he cannot be angered. I have lost too many loved ones and can't lose another child.

However, I don't know when will we be able to let go of everything and no longer have to suspect each other.

A long and clear bell came from far away, and it was the evening bell that ordered the palaces to light at the night. It is time to hold the lantern, and the hour of Miyazaki is coming. The palace lights were high, and Qiansha was lowered, and the maids retreated far away.

"Don't dress up yet, do you want me to help?" Xiao Yan looked at me with a smile and finally let me go. I looked down and smiled, holding up the ivory inlaid gold comb with my own hands, slowly combing my long hair, and making it like a cloud palace. Xiao Yan stood with his hands behind him, smiling softly at me and combing his hair. The last phoenix was inserted obliquely, and I stared at Xiao Xiao from the mirror, silent for a moment, and said lightly, "I'm glad to see Zi Xi today."

My words came from my heart, and I felt sincerely, "My relatives are not many enough to be able to see Ziyu return home safely. In the past, the dust fell to the ground, but it was also an obstacle."

Xiao Xun smiled, his fingers clinging to a few strands of scattered hair next to my hair, and said leisurely, "You still owe me a question, and never answered." I turned my eyes and thought, without realizing a smile, he actually said " Anyway, it's different. " I narrowed my smile and looked at him deeply. "Ome and Zhuma are companions who can laugh with each other and have no evil, just like brothers and confidantes; lovers are blessings who live and die, and are loyal to each other. What I call is different. "

Xiao Yuan's eyes were deep, and he kept silent for a long time, and took me into his arms silently. I don't know if this remark can eliminate the stubbornness in his heart, and only secretly confessed that I am in front of my lover and not the enemy. Suddenly his jaw tightened, Xiao Yan raised my face, and his smile showed a murderous look. "But I'm jealous."

I paused, wondering if I heard it wrong. Is he talking about jealousy? A man so daring and bold was actually jealous. ...

"I'm jealous that he met you early, and he dared to be more than ten years earlier than me." There was no smile on his face, and his eyes were suffocated suddenly.

The boyish words were spoken out of his mouth in a serious manner, which made me pause for a moment, then suddenly burst out laughing, out of breath.

"Who told you to come late." I lay on his chest, interspersed with sadness and joy. "After being more than ten years late, I will use your life to pay it back."

Xiao Yan had not answered yet, but Ayue's urging voice came from the screen, "Prince and concubine, the hour is near, are you going to drive into the palace?"

We calmed down, and neither of them spoke. I lay in his arms, hiding my face deeply, and then half of my mouth said lowly, "Zi, do you really want to march south?"

Xiao Min asked me, "You don't want to?"

I didn't dare to look up at his eyes, closed his eyes tightly, his heart was like a knife cut, "I thought he wouldn't want to."

Xiao Yan smiled slowly and said slowly, "If he obeys the will, I can guarantee that he will not be out of the battle; if he resists, then he won't have to return."

The Yaoguang Temple stands by the water, the palace is exquisite, the golden eaves reflect the streamers, the night lights and the little stars reflected in the water blend, blurry and swaying, like Qiongyuan Yaotai. Qiansha Palace's lanterns meander and hang along the corridor of the palace hall. The Jiao Palace, surrounded by beads, holds thousands of huge bright candles. Every five steps, it stands on the left and right. The lingering aroma of the long saliva and lingering balm is lingering through the corridor of Jiuqu, and it smells like socks.

Glass cups, amber cups, golden jade plates, full of kings and grandchildren, brocade costumes, blue musk fragrance spread far and near, and the sound of ring admiration entered the ears. Zhongle was melodious in the palace, and the bamboo clouds resounded. The dragon chair in front of the hall was vacant, the crystal curtain was rolled, and the queen queen queen on the curtain behind the curtain was already lethargic. Jinger was carried by me to the hall to accept the worship of all the ministers, and later the mother-in-law was carried back.

Xiao Yan was sitting at the chief, and a crowd of toasts were greeted in front of the table. I smiled, as he raised his glass again and again, drank for the moment, glanced over the edge of the glass, and fell diagonally to the opposite side.

The opposite face raised his white jade cup sullenly, leaning against the case alone, and his pale face was stained with a slight touch of red. He was also the chief with the respect of the uncle of the emperor, but he was deserted in front of the table. I clenched the crystal cup in my hand, and there was a slight pain in the bottom of my heart. Xiao Xun's words circled my heart over and over again, and the sweet wine turned into bitterness.

Inadvertently, Zi Zi looked back to meet my gaze, with a faint look, and there was a lingering glance over his eyes.

My hand trembled, and the agar spattered from the cup, splashing my sleeves. The maid stood on the side and hurried forward to help me wipe off the stains on my clothes. At this moment I don't know how many eyes are looking at me, looking at him, looking at Xiao Yan ... We can't have our branches wrong. I looked at him quietly, hoping that he could understand the worry and regret in my eyes. He looked away, holding a lingering smile on his lips, pouring a glass of wine straight and sipping his head.

I looked down sadly, and at the moment I was stunned, someone suddenly moved forward to toast, "Weichen wished the Lord a good birthday."

Blessed with life, these words are so bold and bold. I frowned slightly, but I saw that the man in front of me was clear-eyed, elegant, and dressed in a doctor's clothing. It turned out to be him—the niece of Yunde Hou Gu Yong, the only man in the family of the Gu family. Gu Mingwen, a celebrity celebrity with whom he is very close. I smiled slightly and turned to look at the young girl behind him.

"Master Gu, please." Xiao Xun's expression was arrogant, and he raised his glass for the first time, apparently he did not appreciate the abrupt flattery. Gu Minwen was a little embarrassed, and she smiled and turned sideways, leading the girl behind her, "She Mei Gu Caiwei, Princess Su Yang Fenghua, entered the palace for the first time today, and came to see the princess." The girl in purple clothes bowed down, slimming, I see pity. I ’ve heard that the daughter of the principal of Yi'an County, the granddaughter of Gu Yong, is a beauty of Jinghua who is famous for her art and poems. I looked at it and laughed softly. “It was Cai Wei, and I have heard of you for a long time. The name. "

Gu Caiwei slowly raised her head, her eyes were like water, her green eyes were like clouds, and she was a dusty beauty. Seeing me looking at her, she also looked at me intently, passing the color of admiration, and gazing softly, "The princess Longzhang Fengzhuang, the quality of heaven and human nature, Cai Wei longs for it." Her attitude was humorous, but her words were Not being humble or overbearing makes me feel a little better. I nodded with a smile, but saw Gu Minwen showing his face, quietly glanced at Xiao Yan, and smiled, "She Mei also admired Wang Yeying's famous name for a long time." Gu Caiwei raised her eyebrows and lowered her head. Red cheeks. When Xiao Yan heard this, he was still arrogant and stunned, and glanced at the beauty in front of him without any intention of staying.

It is astounding that the Gu family has fallen to such an extent that since the death of Gu Yong, the famous sons of the past have not only become more inflamed, but also shameless to please the ministers with beauty. It was snowing in my heart, and I couldn't help but smile coldly, and then looked at Gu Caiweidun pity. She seemed relieved, looking up at me, her eyes sparkling.

"Gu's gate is Zhongyu, and she is full of talents." I couldn't bear to see her embarrassed, so I smiled softly. "I heard that you are good at painting, but I don't know who to learn from?" Gu Caiwei's neck was drooping, and her cheeks were even more red, softly, "Cai Wei was once instructed by the King of Jiangxia County." King Jiangxia County, as soon as I sighed, sighed and sighed, "It turned out to be a good disciple received by my brother, which is rare and rare."

"The posture of the girl, Pu Liu, was utterly terrified by the princess." Gu Minwen looked embarrassed and seemed unwilling to give up, but raised her head to touch my cold gaze, so she had to take Cai Wei back.

I looked back at Xiao Yan, seeing that he looked at me with a smile, with a cunning glory.

The wine was almost half-baked, and when the feast came to the end, everyone was in awe, Xiao Xiao stood up and raised his hand to stop dancing and dancing.

Xiao Ye's negative hand stood before the jade steps, and looked around, looking cold, "Meng Tianyi's blessing, my emperor's grace, I have to celebrate with the public today and enjoy the prosperity of the world. The chaos is not flat, so I ca n’t sleep until the evening. Fortunately, the emperor returned to the dynasty today, and my emperor was assisted by the brachial shares, which is indeed a blessing to the world. "

The ministers bowed, and long live Qi Song my emperor.

"My striker has reached Jiangzuo, everything is ready, and the three armed forces are ready to go. This time, there is a long way to go, and those who are not high in the royal family are not enough to serve as coaches." The crow is silent, Zi Zi sits with her eyes down, her face cannot distinguish between joy and sorrow. Xiao Yan's gaze finally fell on him. "Now looking at the civil and military of the dynasty, Uncle Huang is looking forward to everything."

Ziyu didn't say a word, his pale face had no waves, and he seemed to have foreseen this moment. He is a person who never knows how to resist. Even at such a moment, he resists only with silence. However, in this silence, he is already determined to die. The night breeze outside the hall blows the crystal curtain, and the sound of chill is cold. , Percussion in my heart.

The palace was very quiet, deadly silent. Xiao Yan lost his hand coldly, saying nothing, waiting for Zi Xi's answer.

I looked at Zi Xie, biting my lip silently and reluctantly anxious, but I could not wait to run forward to shake him-Zi Xie, useless! Even if you resist with silence, you can't undo this foregone conclusion. The decree has long been drawn up, and the scarlet jade seal has been stamped. At this moment, Xiao Yan is still patient and willing to give you a chance to live. As long as you can obey, he promises that I will not take your life ... Ziyu, please speak and accept this will!

Xiao Yan's eyes went cold for a moment, and the killings came to light.

I couldn't delay anymore, I couldn't think much, and stood up arrogantly. The whole house was shocked for a while, everyone's eyes turned to me. Zi Zi finally lifted his eyes, and there was a wave of motion in the bottom of the eyes that was still like standing water, and his bloodless lips slightly opened, but there was no sound. I took the wine glass, Xu walked in front of Ziyi, and I saw an anxious and concerned look in the corner of my eyes. It was Song Huai'en.

At this moment, the people in the temple are waiting to see how I plead for my former lover.

I raised my glass with both hands and looked straight at Zi Zi, smiling slightly, "The help of the uncle is the blessing of our society, the blessing of the people, and Wang Zong wishes the uncle Huang the victory and return to peace!"

Zi Yan looked at me, his face faded in a flash. I turned a blind eye to him with grief, and only held his glass in front of him, leaving no room for concession.

A short moment of stalemate caused him to live and die, but to me it was a gap between love and hate. Zi Zhan finally reached out and took the wine glass. His fingertips touched me slightly, and he paused, then suddenly raised his head, and poured out the glass.

The crowd chanted in unison, "Congratulations to Uncle Huang for winning the victory and returning to peace!"

I stood quietly, without looking at Zi Zhe, Xiao Xiao, and regardless of anyone's gaze.

Let everyone in the world be cold and ruthless, and let Ziyu ever hate me ... Ziyu, as long as you know, it is better to live strong than to die stupidly. In the past, you told me that only life is the most precious thing in the world, and you also told me that people should cherish their blessings and even their lives-what you taught me, please do it.

The next day, under the Decree. Uncle Huang was worshipped as Marshal Pingnan, Song Huaien was deputy commander, and led 200,000 to conquer Jiangnan's inverse party.

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