MTL - Eighteen Years Old-Chapter 146

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Zhen Aihua is a coward, now that Yu Jiangshan can't support her, she naturally can't get up. Zhao Shuqin was so angry that she could hardly breathe, but she was too scared to say a word, so she just let Zhao Shuqin go out.

The door was pulled open forcefully with a creak, and the person left, the door was still shaking slightly.

Zhen Aihua stared blankly at the door for a moment, then turned around and walked to Yu Jiangshan's bedside, without saying a word, just wiped away tears again and again.

"M...Mom...Mom!" Yu Jiangshan's eyes were full of resentment, he even raised his hand with such strength, and grabbed Zhen Aihua's wrist, "No...don't be dazed...don't be dazed! !"

No matter how hard you try, you can't make a word or a sentence.

Zhen Aihua naturally didn't understand, she choked up and said, "Xiaoshan, what are you talking about? What do you want to say?"

"Burning! Go... go and burn!" Yu Jiangshan was anxious and angry, sweating quickly in the winter.

Zhen Aihua finally understood, "You let me make trouble, right?" After Yu Jiangshan nodded her head hard, she said with a wry smile: "It's such a time, even if I don't think about myself, I have to do it for myself." You think about it! If you want to make trouble, Zhao Shan is already in the hands of that **** Zhao Shuqin. If I really want to make trouble, what should we do if she really doesn't give us money and let us fend for ourselves? It's all about that **** Pan Jiaying. It's not that she is a woman who came to seduce you without knowing the rules. Azhi, how could my eldest grandson be like this, I can't even see him. And Zhao Shuqin, how good she was to you before, if it wasn't for Pan Jiaying, how could she have divorced you What about it? It's a pity that this bitch's reputation has been ruined now, or else I'll go to her to make a fuss, she's a big star, let's see if she dares to fight against me!"

Yu Jiangshan's face became darker and darker, and the hatred in his eyes became heavier and heavier.

That **** Pan Jiaying killed his Azhi and gave him a cuckold! Although he is now a waste lying here, he can guess that people outside probably think of him as a green-haired turtle, right? This bitch, why didn't he kill her that time? !

But Pan Jiaying is not good, and so is Zhao Shuqin! After getting all his money, he dared to threaten him!

What's more, he dared to marry his son with him! I don't even look at how old I am, what kind of virtue I look like, she wants to remarry before he dies, everyone is promiscuous, he shouldn't give her a penny for such a woman!

He was so angry that the top of his head was almost smoking, he couldn't speak coherently, and he barely had the strength to push Zhen Aihua: "...Burning! Go...Go and burn!"

He is not dead yet, Zhaoshan is his!

Don't talk about laws and support, he doesn't need it!

Go make trouble, must go make trouble!

Seeing her son convulsing with excitement, Zhen Aihua also got anxious, got up and stomped her feet on the spot, and then said: "Okay, okay, I'm going to make trouble, I'm going to make trouble right now, don't worry, don't be angry!"

As she spoke, she looked back as she walked out, and sure enough, she saw Yu Jiangshan calm down slowly.

But when she went out, she leaned against the wall and sat slumped on the ground, cursing Zhao Shuqin and Pan Jiaying in a low voice while wiping her tears, without any intention of making trouble.


At this moment, Zhao Shuqin had strode to the gate of the nursing home in a hurry, followed by Zhou Yan and Yu Yao, who had just been kicked out, so they didn't know what Zhao Shuqin and Yu Jiangshan said. But it can be seen that Zhao Shuqin's mood is much better. Although there is no smile on her face, her steps are much lighter.

Seeing this, Yu Yao breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhou Yan's focus was not on Zhao Shuqin, he looked at Zhao Shuqin and asked Yu Yao in a low voice: "Are you okay?"

Yu Yao didn't understand, she turned to look at him: "Huh?"

Zhou Yan still looked ahead.

"I mean, are you okay? Does it... hurt?"

Yu Yao's face burned instantly, and she didn't answer, she raised her foot and quickened her pace.

Zhou Yan's steps also became bigger, and at the same time he reached out to pull her: "Slow down, didn't you say last night..."

"Shut up!" Yu Yao almost became angry from embarrassment.

When she yelled, Zhao Shuqin happened to turn her head and saw that Zhou Yan had already held Yu Yao's hand, and coughed suddenly. As soon as Zhou Yan heard the cough, he let go immediately, while Yu Yao blushed and walked a few steps faster.

Zhao Shuqin waited until she got closer, took her hand, and deliberately patted her hand in front of Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan: "..."

What can he do?

I can only obediently roll over and drive.

On New Year's Eve, there weren't many cars on the road, and they were going out of the city, so they went back and forth without hindrance. It wasn't too late when I arrived home, at half past twelve, Yu Zhaoxing brought his mother and daughter, and the family, who didn't know the truth, happened to have a sumptuous lunch. So this year is still the same as in previous years, and the New Year's dinner is still eaten at noon on the New Year's Eve.

In front of Yu Zhaoxing and Qin Feng, Qingqing couldn't call her aunt: "Mom, you're back."

Zhao Shuqin nodded, reached out to touch her face, and smiled at Qin Feng and Yu Zhaoxing: "You are guests, but I didn't expect to make you tired."

Qin Feng also saw that she was not in the right mood, so he only said gently: "What's the matter, our family Yaoyao has been disturbing you for so long, and I just cook a meal, if there is no one at home to help me Yes, today is thanks to you girl, you are really capable!"

Although capable, this cannot be regarded as her daughter, but her daughter is indeed capable.

Now, just treat her as having two daughters!

Zhao Shuqin smiled and said, "Since the meal is ready, let's sit down and eat. By the way, can you drink?"

It's normal to drink some wine on a festive day like the Chinese New Year. Yu Yao Qingqing and Yu Zhi drank the fruit wine made by Zhao Shuqin herself, and the adults, including Zhou Yan, drank white wine, and they didn't drink much. That's all.

When eating, you can’t just eat the food without talking. After drinking some wine, Qin Feng looked at Yu Yao who was sitting next to Zhou Yan. Don't make trouble with the outside world just because you're divorced, your daughter is growing up, if there is a suitable opportunity, it's not impossible to remarry, there is no shortage of food and drink, but there is always a lack of someone who knows what's cold and what's hot."

"Mom." Yu Zhaoxing called Qin Feng.

Qin Feng looked at him, and immediately frowned: "Why are you shouting? I haven't said you yet. This year is coming to an end. Are you still married or not? You really have to wait for me to kick my legs, and I don't feel at ease." You?" He called Yu Yao again: "You persuade your dad too! Pick and choose, and don't look at who you are, is he not worthy of him?"

Yu Zhaoxing was helpless: "Mom, I'm really not! You didn't look at those people, they all looked at Yaoyao's ability to make money, and wanted to marry me because they wanted Yaoyao to live a good life. How can such a person do it? "

Qin Feng frowned: "There is always something wrong, just see it twice more, but you don't want to see it!"

Yu Zhaoxing was about to answer the conversation, but Zhao Shuqin said: "What's the matter, even if you have that thought, it's okay, your family Yaoyao can make money, and you can buy cars and houses, don't worry."

She herself owns 7% of Zhaoshan's shares, and she is not short of money. If she can make Qingqing stay with her for a long time, she is willing to pay some money to settle Yu Zhaoxing and Qin Feng.

Yu Yao also nodded: "Yes, I can..."

"No!" Qingqing interrupted Yu Yao, and hurriedly said: "This can't be done, I have to find someone who is sincere, if I find someone who is not sincere, and marry for money, but after a few years, I feel that the money given is not enough. What should I do if I have other thoughts?"

She didn't want Yu Yao to give her family too much money, but she couldn't help but reveal Xue Chunfang's situation unconsciously.

Both Qin Feng's and Yu Zhaoxing's expressions changed slightly, and then the former sighed, while the latter lowered his head and silently ate the rice.

Zhao Shuqin was puzzled: "What's the matter?"

"It's Chinese New Year, don't talk about these things." Qin Feng shook his head, and after Qingqing reminded him, he told Zhao Shuqin instead, "If you want to look for it, keep your eyes open, that man who is only staring at your money can't want!"

Yu Yao knew that Zhao Shuqin had multiple feelings for Yu Jiangshan before, and now the feelings are gone, but the hatred is still there. In fact, from the other side, that is, she hasn't put Yu Jiangshan down yet, so she feels that Zhao Shuqin probably won't look for him again.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Shuqin nodded seriously.

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Yu Yao felt a little bit magical, would mom really want to remarry?

This is really good news!


On the evening of New Year's Eve, Yu Yao was not able to watch the Spring Festival Gala at home. The next day was the premiere of "Qing Huan", and there was a twelve o'clock premiere in the capital that she needed to attend. So Abel came right after lunch. He finished all the other tasks on hand, and then he only concentrated on taking care of Yu Yao. So he brought his own team here, everything from dresses to jewelry.

Yu Yao was doing makeup in Zhou Yan's room on the second floor, and Zhao Shuqin and Qin Feng were cleaning up in the kitchen downstairs. Qingqing was supposed to help, but Qin Feng didn't know her real identity, so how dare her granddaughter do nothing in front of her? His mother asked his daughter to do it, so Qingqing was chased away by her as soon as she opened her mouth, which made Qingqing feel embarrassed.

Qin Feng didn't feel it at all, she listened to the noise on the second floor, and said to Zhao Shuqin a little uneasy: "This girl is really real, I will call her when I turn around, you see she is making a lot of noise, it's really not good. sensible!"

Zhao Shuqin was angry about Yu Yao and Zhou Yan, and sighed heavily upon hearing this.

Qin Feng was shocked when he saw this, didn't he, this really made Miss Zhou Yan unhappy?

Zhao Shuqin didn't say anything about Yu Yao's fault, it was her own daughter after all, she could say whatever she wanted in private, but she couldn't reveal it in front of outsiders. In the end, she was so depressed that she walked to the kitchen door and glanced at Zhou Yan who was talking with Yu Zhaoxing in the living room, then turned around and asked Qin Feng: "Aunt Qin, what do you think of Zhou Yan?"

Is this a cliché?

No matter how dissatisfied I am in my heart, I can't say it!

Qin Feng smiled and said: "Okay!"

Zhao Shuqin raised her eyebrows: "OK?"

Qin Feng: "That's right! Tall and handsome, capable and good-natured, whoever has such a son-in-law will be so happy!"


Zhao Shuqin whispered to herself.