MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 805 Taishang Royal Palace

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Yun Chang rarely asked Baoer as soon as he opened his eyes. Most of the time he asked: "Where is your Majesty?"

Therefore, I was surprised when I discussed it carefully, and then I said, "It's a nice day today, and the painting and the grandmother took the little prince to the Royal Garden to play."

"Oh?" Yun Chang blinked, then lifted the quilt and stood up: "Give me some clothes and dress, and I'll also go to the Royal Garden. After the autumn, it's really such a fine weather. This month, the chrysanthemums in Royal Garden must have begun to bloom, right? "

Qian Ji quickly walked to the bead curtain, and the maid who was already waiting outside the door brought in the washing things, and then came forward and helped Yun Chang into the clean room, while twisting the quilt for Yun Chang, One side said softly, "Isn't it? Although Niangniang occasionally passed by the Royal Garden, she seemed to have no mood to look at the scenery in the garden. The chrysanthemums have been in bloom for a few days. They come in all colors, but The slaves still like the most yellow one in the western corner of the Royal Garden. "

After Yun Chang finished washing, he took the papa handed over by Qianshou and wiped his hands. He smiled and said, "This time, Cao Wenxi, Xia Houjing, Chen Miaosi, and Su Mu for a while, teach me busy and busy. But come, where is the spare time to admire the flowers? But now that I'm finally better, the most important thing is finally put down. "

I deliberately misunderstood Yun Chang's thoughts, and smiled: "Then Cao Wenxi is indeed a hidden danger. Now that she is being kept in a private cell, she should be called" Every day should not be, "and" the earth should be insecure. " . And Chen Miaosi, who had looked at her so demurely before, did not think that she was such a bad-minded person. "

Yun Shang didn't justify it, just smiled and took the light words: "Look at Cao Wenxi and Chen Miaosi, and those of the previous queen and Shen Shufei, which one is not a gentle and gentle person? The more The heavier he is, the more he will wear a mask for himself, like me. "

Shallowly, he quickly said, "The damsel is different. The damsel is wise. Those people are scheming."

"Just you can talk." Yun Chang couldn't help but cover his mouth and laughed, then turned out of Jingfang.

The palace man had prepared his clothes according to the instructions of the discretion, and Yun Sang sat down in front of the mirror and smiled with a smile: "My mother is looking good now, and the slave is also happy."

"Yeah, I'm in a good mood." Yun Chang chuckled and laughed.

Qian Ji combed a Lingyun maggot for Yun Chang, took a few mules and handed them to Yun Chang, and Yun Chang followed the fingers with a hibiscus-like step, and he gave that maggot to Yun Chang maggot, Fang whispered: "Su Mu had already dealt with it yesterday. In this temple, the mother could see someone else?"

Yun Chang shook her head and said, "That's it. I don't need too many people to serve, and I'm not very happy. There are too many people. I still feel uncomfortable. By the way, although Su Mu is dead, it's just Cao. Wen Xi is not afraid to give up. Looking at Su Mu's efforts, I'm afraid that Cao's iniquity is stronger than we imagined. You have to strengthen your defenses, and those who have been hard-working will not lose any more. "

Giving a quick ritual, she smiled and said, "Mother-in-law, rest assured, the slave had ordered the Dark Guard to send additional staff to stare, and it could not be lost."

Yun Sang nodded: "Since the Cao family still has the old ministry, there must be some traces to follow. I asked people to find out what happened to Cao's house and what kind of forces they had in their hands. Don't let go of any clues."

"Yes." Asagiagi answered, Yun Sangfang stood up, sorted his clothes, and went out of the hall.

The sunshine outside is just gorgeous, but the autumn mood is strong. Although the sun looks bright, it doesn't shine at all, and it shines warmly on people.

Yun Chang arrived at the Royal Garden without any trouble, and when he looked away, he saw them.

Baoer was holding Baoer, and Baoer was reaching out to pick a pink chrysanthemum. When Yun Chang saw it, she couldn't help laughing, and walked up to her, whispering softly: "All the people in this garden are searching for it. It ’s not easy to bring up the rare varieties you are. You are so hot, but you should n’t. "

But Bao'er just clapped his hands and laughed. He stretched out his hands quickly and grabbed one. Then he caught the flower in pieces, and his hands were full of petals. A place.

Yun Chang was surprised to see Baoer look like a dementia. If she didn't have a deep memory of yesterday's events, I'm afraid she should suspect that everything she experienced yesterday was an illusion. Yun Chang thought As he turned around, he looked at the painting and said, "Your Majesty went to see Baoer in the house in the morning?"

Hua Er nodded his head quickly, and said, "Yes, since I got up early today, Your Majesty has not yet gone to the prince, so I went to the little prince's house to visit for a while, then left Weiyang Palace and went to the Taiji Temple."

When Yun Chang heard the words, she understood a bit in her heart and smiled softly, "So it is."

Yun Chang reached out and asked Baoer to hold it. He kissed Baoer's forehead and took Baoer to the pavilion beside the lake. He took the fish food and fed the fish.

In the next few days, everything was very calm. Yun Chang's time spent with Bao'er all day increased a lot. The rest of the time, she mostly dealt with internal affairs and read books. Taking some time to spare, Tong Ning and Xiao Shujin pretended to go around and ate something characteristic of the Xia Kingdom.

Yun Chang never walked the streets with her father and mother-in-law like this before, but she felt very novel and took them around with nothing to do.

"The roast duck in this tea house is a must. I have eaten once before, and my father and mother can taste it." Yun Chang smiled with a smile.

He called the shop's second to order food, and Tong Ningdi and Xiao Shujin talked for a while, then went to the window and pushed it open. The autumn wind was slightly cool, but it was very refreshing.

"Sister, just the bamboo dragonfly, I don't care, I want it." Chen Xi pursed her lips, and was immersed in the gadgets that Fang had just seen.

Yun Chang couldn't help laughing, "Okay, buy."

The sound of horseshoes came from the street outside the window, and Yun Chang turned her head to take a look, and her eyes settled.

Ning Di said something with Yun Chang. Yun Shang didn't hear or respond. Ning Di frowned, but stood up and walked to the bed to look in the direction of Yun Chang, Fang frowned. "Isn't that Xia Huanyu?"

Yun Chang nodded gently, "Yes."

Counting the days, it is indeed time to get to Jincheng. Yesterday, a dark guard said that he would only arrive tomorrow, but he didn't want to enter the city so fast, presumably he was on the road last night and day and night. Yun Sang looked behind Xia Huanyu, and Hua Yan followed him on a horse. There is Liu Yinfeng behind him. After Liu Yinfeng, is Xia Houjing?

Some days I did not see Xia Houjing.

Yun Chang thought secretly in his heart that Xia Houjing became a little unrecognizable. His beard was much longer and his complexion was darker. There was no pathological white like that in Jincheng before. Just looking at Xia Houjing's body without any restraint, Yun Chang narrowed his eyes, how could Xia Houjing follow Xia Huanyu so nicely back to Jincheng?

Ning Emperor looked a little bad, and snorted coldly: "It is this old man who bullied you, and his son, I heard, what is the seven kings of Laozi, didn't he start to rebel? Thieves, why not shoot at your arrows? "

Yun Chang raised her corner of her mouth and smiled, but her eyes were a little cold: "The matter was long and easy after talking about it. I took a few days and slowly spoke to my father."

Emperor Ning poked his lips, and had a bit of dissatisfaction, before he said: "That old husband is also the emperor of your Xia Kingdom. He returned to the palace. As a queen, can you return to meet the palace?"

Yun Chang laughed and shook her head: "The father just said, he bullied his daughter, and the daughter naturally didn't want to treat him so well, otherwise he thought his daughter was afraid of him, and he would go back to the palace. No need to bother. "

This remark made Ning Di happy, and nodded his head and said, "Yes, it should be like this, just ignore him. Your daughter can be bullied by everyone."

Chen Xi listened to Yun Chang and Ningdi's conversation, and ran over with short legs. "Who, who, who bullies her sister?"

After hearing the words, Ning Di turned around and hugged Chen Xi, pointing at Xia Huanyu and his team: "See those people?"

Chen Xi nodded, "See, see."

Ning Di laughed: "Remember, the old man at the front, and the fourth one, they bullied your sister and brother-in-law."

Chen Xi heard the words and yelled angrily: "They are all bad people. If I see them next time, I will kill them with a slingshot."

Both Yun Chang and Ning Di laughed, but Xiao Shujin shook his head, "What do they teach?"

Ning Di turned his head, walked back to the stool with Chen Xi, and poked his lips: "Teach what, teach him to protect his elder sister. I'll have to follow when Changer returns to the palace, but I can't let Changer suffer."

Chen Xi quickly turned back: "I'm going too, but I can't let my sister suffer."

Yun Chang chuckled his mouth and laughed, "How can I be so vulnerable?"

After using rice, Ning Emperor did n’t have the thought of going around anymore, so they took Yun Sang back to the palace, Yun Sang returned to Weiyang Palace, and they saw that Qian Ji and Asagiu were waiting at the door: "Mother, Tai Shanghuang Going home. "

"Well, I already know, where is it now?" Yun Chang said lightly.

"The emperor, the wise king, and the seven kings are in the hall of discussion, and the queen mother-in-law returned to Taihe Palace." Qian Liu answered softly.

Yun Chang nodded. "I'm not in a hurry when they are still in the hall of discussion. I'll change clothes first."

Yun Chang entered the palace, changed her palace dress, and just walked out of the inner palace, she saw Liu Wen'an coming in from the outside, and saluted Yun Chang: "The queen mother, the queen mother, returned to the palace, Please go to Tai He Gong Xiao Su. "

Yun Chang frowned. Liu Wenan was Xia Huanyu's person. How did Hua Huan move it? I was afraid that Xia Huanyu had returned to Taihe Palace from the Palace of Justice. However, he called her with Hua Huan's name, and Why?