MTL - Eight-year-old Princess: Phoenix Reborn-Chapter 801 Juggling group

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Shallowly nodded and said, "Slavery never thought about it. We have been paying attention to him before, but we haven't found anything wrong. This time, I'm afraid the dog jumped off the wall and my mother felt it. What should I do about this? "

Yun Shang held Bao'er up, reached out and held Bao'er's hand, his expression was faint: "Catch to catch double, catch a thief to catch loot. Now that he has started to take action, it is our opportunity to come, but We have to move fast, too. Tonight, let's catch a thief. "

Yun Chang carefully instructed the shallow consideration, and the shallow consideration was one by one.

After the matter was arranged, the discretionary side said again, "Yes, my mother, there is one more thing. The slaver heard an urgent letter from the dark guard and said that for some reason, the emperor suddenly set off and seemed to be rushing back to Jincheng."

"Come back?" Yun Sang thought thoughtfully, presumably because they found Cao Taizheng's head, and panicked: "Can I bring Xia Houjing? Will Liu Yinfeng follow?"

"It's all together." A quiet whispered.

"Oh." Yun Chang drew a corner of his mouth and smiled coldly. "It seems that this time it really stepped on Xia Huanyu's sore foot."

Cao Wenxi is a person who can't be underestimated. Yi Rongcheng Cao Shanxiu stayed in this palace more than 20 years ago, and even Xia Huanyu could not find out that she even gave birth to 15 princesses with Xia Huanyu.

Cao Wenxi was originally Xia Huanyu's uncle, and Xia Huanyu's uncle killed his brother. It can be said that the man's battle for power has become the king and defeated the king. But the crime of embezzling relatives was a real scandal.

I have to say that Cao Wenxi is really well-intentioned.

"I see." Yun Chang stood up. "Go get the painting, take Baoer to eat, and dress me."

After careful consideration, one by one, he first called the painting to come in, the painting was saluted, and he held Baoer back. Taking a careful look, he took a rouge-colored robe embroidered with hibiscus flowers and wore it to Yun Chang, and combed his hair carefully. Dressed properly, Yun Chang left the dormitory and went to the table and sat down.

As soon as I picked up my chopsticks, I heard Su Mu's voice from the outside: "Mother-in-law, Grandpa Liu is here."

"Oh?" Yun Chang raised an eyebrow and looked at the sky. "At this hour, Your Majesty should have just been in the dynasty soon? But what's the matter? Please come in. Liu Wen'an."

Liu Wen'an lowered his head and walked in from outside, saluted with Yun Chang, and said with a smile: "Madam, a juggling team has recently arrived in the city, and what I heard about the performance is rather novel. Her Majesty said that Princess Ning Guo was here , Would n’t I invite the juggling team into the palace to perform in the evening and invite the Ningguo concubine into the palace to watch together?

Yun Chang heard the words, raised her eyebrows slightly, her smile became more and more gorgeous, and quickly nodded and said, "Natural is excellent, I haven't seen fresh juggling for some years."

"Yes, the minion went back to his Majesty, and began to arrange the matter, and the minion resigned first." Liu Wenan smiled with pleats on his face.

"Okay, trouble Mr. Liu." Yun Chang responded quickly. "Su Mu, send Mr. Liu to this palace."

Su Mu quickly responded, and led the main hall out with Liu. Yun Sang watched their figures drift away. It took a while before picking up the chopsticks again, and his expression faded a little: "Although it was a little sudden, it helped me a lot. Tonight, let's go Looking at the juggling, I will leave that person and make him think he has a chance. "

She smiled and nodded, "Yes, this is the right time for this juggling group."

Yun Chang bit his chopsticks for a while and then said, "Speaking of this juggling group, it stands to reason that the people arranged by His Majesty will not have any problems, but they can't help but prevent others from doing things and letting people go. Check it out, what is this juggling team for? "

Shallow response quickly, bowed out of the main hall.

The dark guard responded in the afternoon, "The juggling team is not new. The people in the juggling team are all street performers. Only a few months ago, I didn't know why they got together. They made some new gadgets together, but they became very popular, only to gain popularity. "

Yun Chang raised his corner of the mouth and laughed: "It's been scattered for so many years. It's interesting to suddenly come together to form a juggling group."

Listening to Yun Chang's comments, she knew that she must have doubts in her heart, and then quickly said, "Is the mother suspicious of this juggling group?"

"The problem is definitely there, but since Your Majesty will decide to let him in, he won't even see such an obvious question. He has his intention, and I'll ask it again later." Yun Chang answered softly.

The sky gradually darkened, and Yun Sang asked the paintings and the grandmother to take Baoer with them, and took the light and shallow willows to Taiji Hall. It was still too early, and Yun Chang did not go directly to the main hall, first went to the side hall.

Liu Wen'an ordered people to have a refreshment, and Yun Changfang showed a smile: "A juggling troupe performing in the palace today is a folk artist, so it's a good job for inspection."

Liu Wen'an quickly responded: "Mother-in-law, rest assured, all the entertainers enter the palace in the morning, bathe in the palace, and then put on the clothes prepared in the palace. All the props and objects are in the house. Prepared, there will definitely be no trouble. "

"That would be all right." Yun Chang nodded with a smile: "Mr. Liu is extremely responsible, and the palace is trustworthy. The juggling troupe has already entered the palace? Where is it now? Why didn't I see it?"

"The people of the juggling troupe said that when they changed their new props and objects, they had to practice their hands and become familiar. The minions let the palace people lead them to Zhong Cui Palace, where there is a training ground for palace people. Liu Wen'an responded with a smile, "but at this time, I think we should be here soon."

As he was saying this, he heard the palace people come and say, "The queen mother and concubine Ning have arrived. Her Majesty invited the queen mother to the main hall."

Yun Chang answered and stood up. Originally there was a small door in the side hall that could directly lead to the main hall, but today's banquet can be regarded as a formal occasion, which is a bit inappropriate. Yun Chang went out of the side hall, circled a small circle around the Tai Chi Hall, and reached the entrance of the main hall.

After entering the main hall, everyone hurriedly saluted. At a glance of Yun Chang's eyes, he saw that not only Ning Emperor and Jin Guifei came, but also ministers of third grade and above who were accompanied by him. Yun Sang walked to Luo Qingyan, Fang turned around and smiled, "Let's be flat." He sat down beside Luo Qingyan.

While the courtiers were up and down, Luo Qingyan slightly leaned towards Yunshang and smiled. "Juggling group today is very popular these days. Many senior officials in North Korea have recommended it to me. Now. "

Yun Chang raised her eyes and smiled at Ning Emperor and Concubine Jin slightly, Fang said softly, "Nan Chen's son is alive now."

Waiting for everyone to sit down, Luo Qingyan expressed welcome to the arrival of Emperor Ning Emperor and Concubine Jin, and the rear ordered a juggling group to enter the hall.

The first to enter the hall were a few young women, all of whom looked good. Although they were not great, they also looked like beautiful ladies. After entering the temple, a few people escaped a pink Kampa from their sleeves, and several people unfolded the Kampa, showing the front and back of the Kampa to everyone, and then pulled slightly. Then they pulled out a Jinpa, and a few women were surprised, their mouths widened, and their eyes were full of curiosity. Holding the Jinpa in hand constantly, the more the Jinpa was pulled, the more it became several meters long. Then put a long Jinpa in your hand, and then unrolled again, there is only one.

The woman put her hand under the Jinpa, and poked upwards. A golden bumblebee grew on the Jinpa, which was originally a flower bud, gradually bloomed, and then slowly withered, and the petals were little by little. It fell, but it seemed like it would never finish, and a layer of petals was laid on the ground. The woman threw the Jinpa into the air, and it rained petals, but the Jinpa disappeared into the eyes of everyone. After the rain of petals fell, the woman opened her hand slightly, grabbed it in the air, and held it tightly. When she opened it again, Jinpa returned to her hand.

Everyone in the hall couldn't see their eyes, applauded, and even Xiao Shujin couldn't help showing surprise, whispering with Emperor Ning.

"It's really good. It's very beautiful, but it's wonderful. It's really different from the juggling that I've seen before." Yun Chang turned her head and smiled softly.

Luo gently nodded and said, "I know your women like this tenderness."

A few women saluted and retreated, and then three men pushed in with a big drum, Yun Chang narrowed his eyes slightly, and saw the three men drumming the big drum with a drumstick, and the drumming was loud, with A little bit agitated. Then, the three of them lay on the ground with their drumsticks and waving their drumsticks slowly, but the drum surface suddenly broke from the inside, and with a bang, a man came out.

Yun Chang held the wine glass's hand and tightened a bit, even the Asagiri and Asahi behind couldn't help raising their vigilance.

The man climbed out of the drum. The original three stood up and widened their eyes, as if they were sorry for the broken drum, and pointed at the man who had come out, full of anger. The man who got out of the drum smiled slightly, leaned over the drum, and stood up again a moment later, but the drum head that had just been broken suddenly became intact as before.

Yun Chang's hand was slightly loose.

The man who got out of the drum jumped on the drum and jumped on the drum for a while, but suddenly fell down again, but after the fall, the drum surface was not damaged at all.

When the original three saw this, one of them shouted, "He broke our big drums and brought a sword."

Previously, the women came up again, holding swords in their hands. Yun Chang's eyes fell on those swords, Luo Qingyan turned his head and smiled at Yun Chang comfortably, Yun Chang nodded slightly with a smile, then turned his eyes back to the temple.

The three men, each holding a sword, slammed into the drum, and an exclaiming sound and an inhalation sounded in the temple. Then the three took the sword again from the woman's arms and pierced the drum head again, tying it several times in a row.

"Isn't this fatal?" Xiao Shujin covered his mouth and said softly.

Luo gently said: "Mother-in-law looks down and knows."

For the first time, Yun Shang heard Luo Qingshui concubine concubine, and she was surprised, but she felt a little weird, and couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

Xiao Shujin was also a little surprised, then raised his eyes and looked at the palace.

The men in the temple had begun to pull out the swords inserted into the drum, and then tore the drum face apart, looked down, but saw the man who had penetrated into the drum suddenly stood again. Up. The other jugglers in the surrounding area panicked and fell to the ground.

The crowd didn't understand the mystery, they were shocked and applauded.

Then, the juggling troupe performed many unheard juggles that were unheard of by everyone, attracting cheers and exclamations in the temple, and even the palace people looked at it with concentration.

All night was calm and calm. After the juggling, Luo Qingyan called the head of the juggling troupe to come and be rewarded, but what Yun Chang never thought was that the head of the juggling troupe was among the young women. One person.

"This girl can do such a good job at a young age. It is indeed a deserved heroine." Yun Chang said with a smile.

The woman repeatedly thanked Xiao Shujin and turned around and said with Yun Chang: "Although the stabbing trick in the drum is extremely good-looking, it is a bit thrilling. I am a little curious about how the petal rain did it. I don't know, can this girl tell me something about it? "

The woman's face was a little embarrassed, and Yun Chang couldn't help laughing: "Mother-in-law, you're embarrassing others, this is the ability of others to make money, and the minister present is their important customer. Talking about the mystery in the middle, when it comes out, there is no surprise. "

The woman heard the words, and then saluted with a smile: "If the noble wants to know, it is not impossible to say, but it is really inconvenient to say it in front of everyone."

"This is easy to do, just go to the side hall." Luo Qingyan said with a smile, and said with Xiao Shujin and Ningdi: "Father and mother and concubine, we might as well go to the side hall."

After that, the group went out of the main hall together and into the side hall.

"When the previous girls performed, they said lightly that these girls performed tricks that girls would like." Yun Chang smiled softly with Xiao Shujin.

Xiao Shujin laughed: "Yes, look great."

The mother and daughter laughed and sat down together in the side hall. The women were brought over, and the head of the juggling troupe walked in front of them. They entered the hall and saluted quickly, and said with a smile, "Mrs. Kai Qi, the petals she had previously picked up have almost run out. The folk girls asked them to pick some more. There is still a little bit left here. If the maiden is waiting to be bored, the folk girls will dye her nails first. "

"Do you still have such a craft? That's good." Yun Chang responded with a smile, turned and looked at Xiao Shujin: "Mother-in-law should dye one?"

Xiao Shujin smiled and said, "I have always disliked these, and you don't know."

Yun Chang laughed when he heard the words, and ordered someone to take a small bowl and hand it to the woman. The woman put the petals of the golden impatiens in the Jinpa into the bowl and smashed it with a wooden stick. Ready, the woman took some alum and put it in.

Yun Shang held out her hand, and the woman clung to Yun Shang's hand, and took some smashed petals and juice with a small piece of wood, and wanted to put Yun Shang's hand on it. Yun Chang smiled and reached out and took the small piece of wood. He straightly raised the bowl full of petals and juice, stretched out his hand and pinched the woman's mouth, and poured the contents of the bowl. Into her mouth.