MTL - Dressed As a Villain’s Little Trick-Chapter 70

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Chiyu admits that although his words do not reflect any sincerity, there is no problem with his position. The entry point is very good, and he can continue to dig deeper.

However, when she said that, a series of pop-up windows in the system interrupted her plan.

System: Value +998.

System: Value +998.

System: Value +998.

Chiyu's body was cold.

No, why?

To kill me?"

Chiyu: "..." cannot be refuted.

Although it makes a lot of sense, Chi Yu, who has read the original script, knows that Lin Yin has no intention of killing Lin Guyuan at all, and Lin Guyuan is very fond of him. brother. There is no such thing as a brother-in-law turning against each other. What is the purpose of his inquiry now?

As he spoke, his nerves jumped, afraid that he would answer something along the way, so he hurriedly stopped the question. Having nothing to say, he lowered his hands for a while.

The crescent moon climbed up to the middle of the sky, looming in the clouds.

Lin Yin gave her a look,

In the end, she is a person from the old age,

There is no second option for her.

Lin Yin's patience was exhausted, and he wanted to stand up.

System: Value +998.

Chi Yu was frightened by his slight movement, and jumped up violently. I'm afraid that this will end the topic, the trial is over, and the death penalty will be sentenced, and there will be nowhere to argue in the future.

Lin Yin raised his eyes and looked at the sky.

System: Value +999.

I just heard a bang, and a blast of thunder suddenly fell from the sky and slammed into Chiyu.

Suddenly zoomed pond fish: ? ? ?

The splash of thunder light flashed in Lin Yin's ink pupils, he leaned back slightly, squinted to avoid the dazzling thunderbolts, his expression was full of: "Oh, woman".

The system has no schadenfreude: "The host should be careful when speaking, the oath of the world of immortality can be asked by the heart and heard by the heavens, especially a female number 11 like you. Naturally keep an eye on it, and the retribution will come quickly.”

Chiyu: "..." Such an important setting, say it will die sooner?

The pond fish got up from the floor, puffing out a smoke ring,

The sub-cooked meat is fragrant, and it doesn't feel tight.

Shen Zhizhi firmly raised two charred fingers again, showing white teeth, and explained to Lin Yin with a smile: "I'm sorry, I didn't use the words accurately, I received a small punishment , should be, should be..."

After saying that, I picked up a dress made of lightning protection material that I specially prepared since I suffered a loss last time. Standing up straight, I swore again: "I can swear to Heaven that I will never [again] do anything harmful to Lin Yin in this life, otherwise, the sky will be struck by thunder!"

After taking the oath, Chiyu cautiously raised his head and looked at the sky for a while,

I made sure that no lightning strikes her again, so I smiled again: "Brother, are you relieved now?"

Lin Yin looked at the clear white eyes and bright teeth on that dark little face, and had nothing to say.

This new word [re] is very spiritual.

Lin Yin calmly held his healed hand.

He killed Chiyu twice.

She once hated him, and it was only natural that she wanted to harm him.


Lin Yin glanced up and down and quickly turned into a white and tender, lively pond fish.

"Don't worry,"

Lin Yin said slowly, "You can conclude a death contract with me."

Chiyu: "..." Shameless old thief, can you say this? !

The death deed is an oath of life, requiring one party to swear allegiance to the other party, and the effect is to prevent her from having two hearts.

The biggest difference between it and the oath is that the punishment of the oath is descended from the heaven, and the punishment of the death contract is dominated by Lin Yin.

She broke her oath and at most was struck by lightning, and gave [healing] another hero.

Chiyu shivered and felt that this transaction could not be done.

The problem is that the balance is now unbalanced. She is completely fish on the chopping board and can only be slaughtered by Lin Yin.

It was even more difficult for Lin Yin to do without the conditions. Now that he was relieved, he actually gave her a little leeway.

But she just felt unhappy.

Why not be a pet fish, or be a dead man?

Is my [Bodhi] not strong enough to make you all look down on my Chi·Aotian·Fish? Or have I been hanging around for so long that you don't even know I'm a character?

Chiyu angrily clicked on the background to see, the Bodhisattva rose to the seventh level is only a few thousand worth,

Success is just around the corner. At that time, her instant force value will be the highest in the team. She can do whatever she wants to Lin Yin...

System: Value +999

A flash of electricity.

A blast of thunder exploded above her head.

Chiyu: Yes, it should be enough after a few more thunders.

The distance was too close, the sound was so deafening, it shook her head, and she lost consciousness almost instantly.

It also hides the emotions in the pair of gloomy ink pupils, and it becomes incomprehensible: "Don't want to?"

Chi Yu swallowed and thought very strangely, he actually blocked a thunder for her.

She broke her oath and attacked him.

What kind of way is this big guy?

But nothing was said.

This thunder bluntly exposed her rebelliousness hidden under the skin of the well-behaved bun,

Chiyu kicked his legs, stepped back a little, and made up for it in a fake way: "I can explain, I didn't want to hurt you, I just scolded you in my heart. not allowed..."

Indifferently: "Do you care that I am a half devil?"

Chi Yu just told a lie once, so I want to say something honest to fill the gap in my heart: "I'm a little concerned, after all, I heard that mixed-race people are good-looking."

Lin Yin laughed out loud.

The chest is shaking, the shoulders are shaking, the smiling eyes are like a cloud of ink smudged in the water, strange and unique.

His joke, Chiyu feels that he can harvest a 999 at any time,

After a lapse of more than a month, I once again experienced a cold heart.


The system gave her another slightly insufficient 998.

Lin Yin finally had enough of laughing, her slender fingertips drooped down, touched her raised cheek, and gently stroked the corner of her eye.

Real and dynamic, at your fingertips.

It's tough, it won't break no matter how you beat it, and it won't escape no matter how intimidated it is.

He had too many killing intents between conversations,

She has too.

But for now, they can still sit opposite each other unharmed.

Lin Yin suddenly felt that there was someone who could walk by his side for a long time.

Smile: "You and me, I protect you, how?"

Pool fish: "???"

The routine is not coercion, but inducement?

She really doesn't quite understand what's going on in the mind of the uncertain neurotic.

Chi Yu thought about it for a while, probably because the other party made a big deal and then let the general negotiation skills give the illusion. Now she vaguely feels that being a dead man is not so difficult to accept.

In troubled times, there is a thigh to hold, which can save a lot of effort and torture.

Ten thousand steps back, even if this mission finally fails,

She is in the villain camp, can she continue?

He stammered: "Why, how do you follow the law?" I felt that the way he touched her face at this time was a little weird, and I couldn't help but feel nervous, put his hands on his chest, and slammed sideways, "That... I'm not doubting your character, brother, I'm just curious. Am I like Nan Yu or Yan Danqing?"

Lin Yin narrowed his eyes: "What do you want to say?"

Chi Yu coughed twice, put his hands behind his back, and said: "I want to say that I am an innocent little white flower. My lord, just do whatever you want with me, I have dignity and a bottom line."

Lin Yin said concisely: "I won't."

Chiyu: "..." Bah, you deserve to be single for the rest of your life.

She was silent for a while, and she really felt that her worries were a bit unnecessary.

After thinking about it, there is nothing to add, so I plan to conclude a contract.

The system saw that she started to curse, and it was about to swear: "No! Other hosts are not afraid of being smashed to pieces, and they are dedicated to saving the world. You are better, just think about living alone! Why did I choose You are such a scumbag, one slip will turn into eternal hatred! Woohoo, how can I explain to this billion-dollar creature in the future!"

Chiyu: "Don't play too much, and I didn't say I should give up saving the world."

The system has been holding back for so many days, and finally broke out at one time: "You have sworn that you will never harm Linyin again, and you plan to sign a contract with Linyin to die, you are suppressed by the contract , what else do you need to do with the task of suppressing the Demon King? Do you really think of yourself as a peerless fascination, and when someone gives you a little sweetness, you feel that you have a place in his heart, and you can make him give up destruction for you This world? Without knowledge or short hair, you are too naive!"

Chi Yu was scolded by him at a loss.

When did she have such an unrealistic idea?

Chiyu: "If you scold me again, I'll retaliate. Besides, I haven't floated to that level, okay?"

System: "Then what exactly do you mean?"

Perhaps after the blood pact was reached, he got a vague impression, and Chi Yu always felt that looking at him now, his heart was inexplicably more stable and reliant.

The alliance is thus completed.

Chiyu lost a promise, and at the same time got a promise from Lin Yin, which is generally not a loss, because in the overall situation, she envisioned it like this.

She was unable to take action against Lin Yin, nor did she intend to take action against him.

Suppressing the Great Demon King, it would be better for the male protagonist to do it.

The biggest problem between the two is that they have more than ten years of brotherhood, and there is no direct hatred in the middle. On the contrary, the decent Qiu Yan, because of her prejudice against Lu Baizhi, obstructed her many times, and even shot to hurt her, and later separated from Lin Guyuan.

On the other side of Lin Yin, because of the latent relationship, Qiu Yan was not killed directly. He mediated behind his back and pushed the Demon Venerable to the cusp of the storm. He was the one who splashed and killed Qiu Yan, and took the anger from Linguyuan on his behalf.

Chiyu's plan is very simple, as long as Qiu Yan can't know Lu Baizhi's identity, don't start with her, break up her and Lin Guyuan, and Lin Guyuan, then you will not have a heart for Qiu Yan mustard.

His real cousin had already died under the knife of the horse thief.

In this way, Lin Yin was happy to avenge his revenge, but he also attracted the hatred of Lai Guyuan, and he would definitely be restrained by him.

At the same time, Lu Baizhi hides her identity and can be with Linguyuan forever. Linguyuan will not be trapped by love, nor will she be discouraged and live in seclusion in the mountains. There is a contention.