MTL - Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.-Chapter 74 An **** that cannot be pushed away!

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Chapter 74 A dart that cannot be pushed away!

The room was silent for a while, and everyone suddenly cheered.

 “Oh, Fu Niu’er can talk!”

 “Say one more thing, Fu Niuer, say one more thing!”

 Old Mrs. Li hugged her granddaughter and kissed her hard.

She was originally worried because other people's children started talking at seven or eight months old.

 But the granddaughter is almost one year old and there is no movement yet. Now that I finally spoke, it was great.

Tao Hongying was also happy, holding her daughter's little hand and saying, "My daughter, call me mother, mother!"

Jiayin was so angry that she really wanted to roll her eyes. Is this the time when she was happy to speak?

 How come no one thought about what she was talking about!

"no no!"

 She tried hard to speak clearly, but instead she just spitted out her words.

Li Laosi was so amused that he laughed and joined in teasing his daughter.

 “Daughter, call me daddy, daddy!”

Jiayin was almost furious. After brewing for a long time, he held back two words, "I won't go!"

These two words are extremely clear, and everyone understands them.

Mrs. Li subconsciously hugged her granddaughter tightly and asked in a low voice.

“Fu Niu, don’t you want your father to go out?”

Jiayin nodded heavily, "I won't go!"

Like this, Tao Hongying and Li Laosi also stopped smiling.

Tao Hongying, in particular, asked, "Daughter, do you know what? It's not good for your father to go out, isn't it?"

Jiayin could only continue to nod.

 Orange Mrs. Li blindly believed in her granddaughter without considering the reasons at all.

She immediately said, "Don't go, Fourth. Go and talk to Liu, the head escort. Our family is not short of the salary now. Nothing is as important as safety."

 Li Laosi was a little hesitant. Men always have a bit of adventure in their hearts.

 What's more, he is born with supernatural powers and is good at bow and arrow.

Walking around outside not only enriches your experience, but also makes you enjoy drinking and eating meat with the same group of men.

“Then I’ll ask Commander Liu and see what he says.”

Tao Hongying felt irritated and opened her mouth to stop him.

“Second brother is going to the city tomorrow, just ask him to send a message.”

Li Laosi insisted, "No, that would be rude. Even if I don't go, I have to make it clear to Mr. Liu."

 Original Mrs. Li and Tao Hongying couldn't say anything.

Jiayin breathed a sigh of relief and lay on her grandma’s shoulder thinking about something.

 It’s not that she is superstitious, she really believes in the sixth sense.

 In her previous life, she escaped a car accident because of this.

In this life, I was reborn into this fictional dynasty, and it also brought space.

 No matter how you say it, it feels a bit like the protagonist of a heroine novel.

 She, a heroine, is panicking and fearful for no reason, so something must have happened.

As grandma said, the family is not short of a few taels of silver now.

 Don’t worry about whether her sixth sense is working or not, daddy’s safety is more important than anything else...

 Early on the next morning, Li Laosi picked some vegetables, carried them in a basket, and then entered the city.

He did not go to the **** agency, but went directly to the home of Mr. Liu...

 At noon, Li Laosan was doing carpentry work in the Li family courtyard.

Uncle Zhao's house next door is short of a few small horses.

 Originally, Uncle Zhao lived alone and had enough things. But now that there are five more old brothers, everything is six cents. Naturally a little nervous...

This winter I have been eating on the kang, but I don’t feel it at all.

 At this time, when the weather was hot and I was eating in the yard, I saw that there was a shortage of horses.

Jia'an Jiaxi and the two of them didn't mind the heat, so they gathered around and helped. In fact, he is just making trouble, but Li Laosan has a good temper and is not angry.

Old Mrs. Li was holding good news under the eaves of the verandah, chatting with Zhao Yuru who was picking wild vegetables.

Tao Hongying came out of the kitchen and asked. "Mom, why hasn't the fourth child come back? Are you going to cook his food for lunch?"

Before the words could be heard, Li Laosi came in from the outside.

Seeing that the whole family seemed to be waiting for him, he felt a little guilty.

How many years has Tao Hongying spent with him? Is there anything I still don’t understand?

She turned cold and went into the kitchen.

Jiayin was also anxious, so he reached out to his father.

Li Laosi hurriedly stepped forward to pick up his daughter, but he didn't expect his daughter's little slap to fall.

He grabbed his daughter's hand out of embarrassment and apologized to his mother with a silly smile.

"Mom, I'm afraid I really have to go with **** Liu. This **** is very important. If I don't go and only **** Liu is alone, I'm afraid it will be in danger."

 Old Mrs. Li was also angry.

"You are afraid of danger to him, so you are not afraid of danger to yourself? There are seniors and juniors. If something happens to you, what will happen at home?"

Li Laosi really couldn't resist, and when he spoke in a hurry, he lost his sense of control.

“Mom, you have to have a conscience. I will rush to do simple errands that are not profitable. If there is really danger, I will stay at home.

 He is not my father, so I don’t owe him anything he doesn’t owe me! I can't be ungrateful! "

 Old Mrs. Li's face turned pale, her mouth moved, but finally she sighed.

 She hugged her granddaughter and turned back to the house.

Zhao Yuru and Li Laosan looked at each other and said nothing. Their men continued to work, but they obviously lost their energy.

Liu Laosi regretted it greatly and knew that what he had just said was harsh. But it’s hard to recover from overflowing water, and there’s no use regretting it.

 In the room, Mrs. Li hugged her granddaughter and patted her every now and then.

"Fu Niu, grandma knows that your father has been ambitious since he was a child. If your grandfather hadn't died early, he would have gone out to make a living.

 He is thinking about his family and is afraid of being bullied at home. So he stayed at home, farmed and hunted. "

 The old lady sighed, with a bit of sourness in her eyes.

“After marrying your mother and giving birth to your brother, your father seemed to have no intention of making a career. But ever since he met Liu Biaotou, something had grown in his heart again.

As a mother, I feel bad for having wronged my son. But if he spreads it out, he is afraid that something bad will happen to him. "

He listened quietly to the good news, feeling regretful in his heart. Just because she had a bad premonition, she stopped her. The family was in disarray, grandma was sad, and dad was wronged.

 Is it a bit too much?

There are no parents in the world who can control their children. It’s hard to explain. In the end, dad will still have to go out. Neither grandma nor mother can stop me...

 She sighed inwardly and closed her eyes resignedly.

 In fact, I was in the small space courtyard again, digging three feet into the ground to rummage.

 When she returned to her hometown to live in seclusion, she also considered safety issues. Prepare electric batons, anti-wolf spray, etc.

 But these cannot be used at all. Fortunately, there is a secret weapon at home.

 In her previous life, her grandfather was an old Red Army soldier who had seriously killed Japanese soldiers.

And what the old man talked about most during his lifetime was that he killed a Japanese officer and captured a sword.

 with friends and relatives at home, I have all seen him, and often hear the old man showing off.

Although grandma secretly said that the Japanese soldier was on the battlefield for the first time and had no experience, so he died and was taken advantage of by the old man.

 But no matter what the truth is, this sword is left.

  Wrapped in old sheets over the years, it has been hanging on the wall of the cabin.

 I can’t say, I’m going to take it outside for use this time.

 The sheets were opened layer by layer, revealing the bronze scabbard inside.

 The handle of the knife is wrapped with a snake leather strap, which is beautiful and non-slip.

When you pull it out, the blade is sharp and the cold light penetrates...

After reading the good news, I started to tidy it up.

 Fortunately, this is an imaginary dynasty, and no one knows about the historical grudges in the previous life. Otherwise, if this knife is exposed, I'm afraid someone will still say right and wrong...

 The old son, the eldest grandson, the lifeblood of the old lady.

 Old Mrs. Li was nagging, and the more she talked, the more she thought about it.

Just when I couldn't help but wipe my tears, there was a sudden bang next to me.

 (End of this chapter)