MTL - Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.-Chapter 62 Prepare for a rainy day and stock up on food

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Chapter 62 Prepare for a rainy day and collect food

Guo was scolding her so hard that she still couldn't get rid of it.

Chunhong was afraid of mentioning her man's lack of work again, so she said.

“Mom, I really can’t think of it. If the Li family doesn’t want to help, then they won’t help. The land has no legs, it’s just there. In the autumn, let’s help harvest a few acres. It’s not like everything is covered!”

 Mr. Guo and Su Niang’s eyes lit up when they heard this. This is a good idea!

The Li family's thirty acres of land are scattered in several places. It would be too easy to secretly collect some of it.

 But even if the plan is good, the land at home still needs to be planted.

 The next day, the family was in a panic, and Mr. Guo also threw his son and daughter-in-law into the fields.

After three days of dillydallying, he had planted two acres of land, and with three acres left, Liu Tiezhu could no longer move.

 Must leave it to Liu Laifu!

Liu Laifu is hanging out in the city. Ever since the Wu siblings moved to the city, he has found a place to stay and has not been back for ten days and a half.

 Why did he come back to farm?

As a result, the Liu family's three acres of land were now empty.

 But Qingshui Village has few people and plenty of land.

 In the past few years, too many people died, the village fell into decline, and everyone despised the bad luck.

Even if someone buys land, they will not come here.

 So, it is not too surprising that a few acres of empty land are left uncultivated.

 The young and old of the Li family ate dumplings, and Jiaren went to school.

 Seeing that nothing happened at home, Li Laosi also went to **** with Jiayi.

Li Laosan had nothing to do. He went to the city to find some odd jobs doing brickwork. Occasionally he could come back with thirty or fifty cash a day.

Tao Hongying also got busy, taking Zhao Yuru and Jia Huan to the banquet.

 She is cheerful, hardworking, and the food she cooks is delicious.

 As soon as you take over a business, all the relatives and friends of the family will be interested in it.

Whenever something happens at home, I always come to Qingshui Village.

 After the spring planting, it is a rare month of leisure, and it is also the peak season for weddings in various families.

So much so that, at the end of the month, Tao Hongying actually earned eighteen taels of wages.

Mrs. Li was so happy that she wished she could support her daughter-in-law.

Jiayin took the opportunity to stop breastfeeding herself, so that her mother would not have to worry about coming back to breastfeed her while she was busy outside.

She is now a grown-up child, and can go on all fours inside and outside the house.

 Sometimes, she can still walk upright for a few steps when her hands are being held.

Even though these are just a few steps, it means that she has broken away from the ranks of reptiles.

  It is simply gratifying!

  Mrs. Li is at home, and her main tasks are cooking and taking care of her granddaughter.

 Big pot rice is easy to make, it is nothing more than sorghum rice, millet porridge, pancakes and stews. Occasionally Tao Hongying would bring back meat dishes and add a meal to everyone.

 The rest of the time, she concentrated on thinking about food for her granddaughter.

Soak the red dates until soft and peel them, then add them to the millet porridge and boil them into a whole body. They are fragrant and sweet.

 Egg custard, two bowls a day, is absolutely indispensable.

 Thin noodles are added with eggs and chopped green onions, and baked into soft pancakes.

  Stir-fry the minced cabbage and meat and add it to the white rice porridge.

 Occasionally there is no one at home, so I clean and chop the fish and shrimp that my granddaughter brings out.

 In short, the grandfather and grandson cooperate with each other tacitly.

 Everything is for the sake of growing up quickly and for good news and good health!

 At first Tao Hongying was reluctant to let go. The eight-month-old child was weaned a little early.

  She felt relieved when she saw that her daughter did not cling to her, that her porridge and custard tasted delicious, that she was white and fat, and that her face was rosy.

It’s May in a blink of an eye, and tender seedlings are growing in every field.

 The mountains and forests are also completely dressed in green robes.

 The women and children in the village would go up the mountain when they had nothing to do. Dig some wild vegetables back, wash them and eat them with dipping sauce.

 Be more particular about it and add some sweet, sour and salt to make it cold.

These are good things to put on the table and serve as food.

 It seems that everything is developing for the better.

The world is full of vitality, just waiting for the harvest in autumn, but the old people feel a little uneasy.

 Including the village chief, they have to go to the fields every day.

 Because, from the New Year to now, not a single drop of rain has fallen.

 The moisture in the fields now depends entirely on melted winter snow.

 But the weather is getting hotter and hotter, and if it doesn’t rain, the fields will be dry. Not only that, the river outside the village has gradually become shallower.

 The generous villagers persuaded everyone with a smile.

"The big river flows from the south, and rice is grown in the south. It needs a lot of water, and maybe it will be diverted."

This statement appeased many people. But the old people still felt something was wrong, but they couldn't say much.

Mrs. Li carries her granddaughter on her back and goes for a walk by the river every day.

As a pretense, Jiayin took two duck eggs from the courtyard and asked grandma to carry them back in her lapel pockets.

 After all, no one at home picks up duck eggs, but they eat salted duck eggs every now and then. It’s a bit weird no matter how you think about it…

Jiayin also frowned, feeling a little worried.

She has seen the crop seedlings in her own field. They are the same as those in the village, neither good nor bad.

 But compared with the five acres of land in the space, it is not enough.

 This year may not be a good year after all!

As the days go by, more and more people feel that something is wrong.

 Because the heat is so scary!

 At this time in previous years, you would still have to wear outer clothes, but this year the naughty boys have gone barebacked.

 The solar terms seem to have advanced by more than a month, and yet not a drop of rain has fallen...

 That night, Mrs. Li lay next to her granddaughter, sighing while shaking her cattail leaf fan.

 “Fu Niu’er, do you think this year is not good?”


Jiayin pulled her bellyband hot and felt irritable.

 If you grow too fat, you can see your shortcomings at this time.

 Her legs and groin were covered with beads of sweat. I already have eczema and it is itchy and uncomfortable.

Old Mrs. Li rarely noticed that her granddaughter was feeling uncomfortable and continued to worry.

"What should we do? We have so much land at home. If there is a drought, it will be a bad thing if we can't harvest food."

 “Ah, ah!” Jiayin wanted to say that he should hurry up and stock up on food at home.

 But she couldn’t speak and could only take out a handful of sorghum from the space.

This is the same seed that was stolen originally, only a little bit is left.

The old lady was afraid of pricking her granddaughter, so she quickly got up and cleaned up.

 Finally, after holding the handful of sorghum and thinking about it, she took out the money box again.

 There are more people in the family, more food to eat, and more money to make.

 Twenty taels are set aside for emergency use, and the rest that can be used are just over fifty taels.

 Start stocking up on grain at this time, at least enough to feed the family for a year, and be prepared for no harvest in the autumn.

 Hold on until next spring, when the wild vegetables come out, and then you can breathe a sigh of relief.

The Li family consists of more than a dozen people, old and young, plus six old men next door. Even if you have two meals a day, you will be 70% full, and you will need more than 2,000 kilograms of grain...

These fifty taels are barely enough to buy the cheapest sorghum.

Jiayin couldn't bear to let grandma worry, so she quickly squeezed into her arms, hoping that grandma wouldn't have to worry because she still had her as a strong backing.

Sure enough, the old lady held her granddaughter in her arms, barely feeling at ease.

 With a precious granddaughter here, we can’t let the family starve to death at a critical moment, right?

  But you still have to make the plans that need to be made, and you can’t just rely on your children.

 Early on the next morning, after dinner, Mrs. Li called out to Lao Er and Lao San, as well as Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru.

“I think the weather is bad, and I’m afraid there will be a severe drought this year. Everyone in the village has food rations left over from last year, but our family doesn’t have any. I think I’d better go to the city to buy more food and prepare it back.”

 Li Lao Er and Li Lao San both nodded.

“It doesn’t look good to us. If there is a drought, at least the family won’t be hungry.”

 Old Mrs. Li took out the silver.

"This is the majority of our family's money. Let's buy food. I'll buy twenty catties of white rice for Fu Niu'er. The rest will be whatever is cheap and whatever is most hungry."

Li Lao Er took the silver and went out with Li Lao San to harness the chariot.

Tao Hongying and Zhao Yuru were also flustered and said quickly.

“Mom, let’s dig wild vegetables in the mountains, dry them and put them in the sun. Then we can put them into porridge to satisfy our hunger.”

 “Okay, let’s go, don’t go too deep into the forest.”

While the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were talking, Li Lao Er and Li Lao San in the courtyard were already shouting in surprise, "Mom, the fourth child is back!"

 (End of this chapter)