MTL - Dressed As a Farm Boy, He Cheated on His Way Out of the Desert.-Chapter 1120 This matter is not simple!

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 Chapter 1120 This matter is not simple!

 Toxic? !

  Wei Erniu and Li Laosi were both shocked. No wonder the Marquis fainted.

You must know that the Marquis was injured more seriously than this before. In order to stabilize the morale of the army, the Marquis always insisted on returning to the camp to bandage, so that everyone would find out.

 “What should I do?” Doctor Sun tied his hands and was at a loss for ideas.

"The dagger can be pulled out, but it will bleed a lot. However, the poison seems to activate blood. Maybe the blood will bleed when the dagger is pulled out. The Marquis may not survive! It is better to detoxify first and then pull out the dagger. !”

“Isn’t there antidotal pills in the medicine sent from home?” Wei Erniu was anxious and wished he could fly home and carry Divine Doctor Zhang on his back.

“No, the detoxification pills sent from home can only detoxify ordinary poisons. The kind of poison that Hou Ye has is so rare. To be honest, if I hadn’t worked in the Imperial Hospital for several years, I wouldn’t have recognized it..."

Dr. Sun suddenly woke up mid-sentence and shut up immediately.

Wei Erniu didn't understand why and urged, "Doctor Sun, why don't you say anything? Has anyone in the palace been poisoned by this poison? How can it be cured? Tell me quickly!"

Doctor Sun looked at Li Laosi as if asking for help. Li Laosi's face was ashen, but he guessed most of it.

He tried his best to suppress his anger and whispered, "You must forget these few words just now. You must remember them and don't say them out. No one can say them!"

With that said, he turned around and went out. After a while, he took off his vest and walked in.

This vest was specially made for him by his daughter when he was going on an expedition. Unless he was recovering from an injury, he would wear it every day.

 I was so anxious just now that I forgot about this life-saving treasure.

He flipped open his vest and pulled open the most hidden spot in the lower left corner, revealing two thumb-sized white balls.

 The round ball is neither jade nor porcelain, but very hard. When you pinch it open, a small brown pill is revealed.

“Hurry up and eat it, Lord Marquis!”

Doctor Sun took it in his hand, lowered his head and sniffed it, and felt a breath of clear spirit rushing straight to his forehead.

nice one!

He endured his excitement and quickly turned the pills into water, then turned the pill over to the Marquis and fed it.

 No one dared to move, staring at the Marquis's left shoulder.

 At this time, there was already a noise outside the tent.

Several generals may have heard the news and clamored for their guards outside the door to come in, but were stopped.

Li Laosi narrowed his eyes slightly and couldn't help but sneer.

The Marquis of Cai had clearly issued a hush-hush order just now, but now the news was still revealed.

 Obviously, it is not easy for Mr. Hou to be injured!

“Er Niu, go out and take a look. Shut up everyone. Anyone who dares to shout or break in will be taken down! We’ll wait until the Marquis gets better!”

"Yes!" Wei Erniu felt like he was being burned. If the Marquis had not fought against Emulek to help him, he would not have been so seriously injured.

If the Marquis had any shortcomings, he would not be able to live anymore.

He rushed to the door in a few steps and opened the curtain.

 Outside the tent, several lieutenants and generals looked anxiously with their legs raised.

 “How is the Marquis doing? Where is he injured?”

“Yes, let us go in and have a look, it will feel at ease!”

 “It’s really annoying!”

Jiang Cheng pulled everyone behind and persuaded in a low voice, "You all keep your voices down, the Marquis has given a hush order. I was nearby just now, the Marquis' injury is not serious, don't worry!"

Just then, Wei Erniu came out of the tent. Jiang Cheng breathed a sigh of relief and asked quickly, "General Wei, is the injury of the Marquis not serious? Everyone is worried about it!" Wei Erniu is straightforward by nature, but Jun After many years of middle school, I have gained the trust of the Marquis, and I have naturally grown a lot.

He nodded directly and said to everyone, "The Marquis has injured his shoulder. It's not serious. The wound has been treated and he is resting. Doctor Sun was afraid that the Marquis would be in too much pain, so he gave the Marquis some medicine. He will probably have to sleep for two hours."

"Just do whatever you need to do. Don't make a quarrel over a trivial matter like the sky is falling. If the morale of the army is shaken, and the Marquis wakes up to deal with you, I won't help you to intercede!"

Everyone did not expect Wei Erniu to lie so naturally, so they thought that the Marquis was not seriously injured.

So they all felt relieved, gave a few instructions and went about their business.

The soldiers have listened to a few words just now, but they still have to go and comfort them quickly.

Jiang Cheng wiped the sweat from his forehead, stood with Wei Erniu, and whispered, "It's a good thing you came out, otherwise I wouldn't be able to stop you. The Marquis is the backbone of the army. If there is someone, Anyway, the sky is really falling."

 After saying that, he turned around to lift the tent curtain, but was stopped by Wei Erniu.

"The Marquis is asleep, Brother Jiang, please don't go in. Doctor Sun said that there are many people and their bad breath will easily affect the Marquis's recovery. I have been kicked out!"

Wei Erniu put his arm around Jiang Cheng's shoulders and walked back to the camp, "You and I will go take a look and make some porridge and soup for the Marquis. When the Marquis wakes up, we can also cushion his stomach."

"Yes, I was just worried and forgot about this!" Jiang Cheng responded quickly, "During the day, the scout camp caught a pheasant, which was just in time to make soup. When the Marquis wakes up, I will cook a bowl of chicken noodle soup. , delicious and very hungry.”

The two of them left after saying this and stayed in the tent. Doctor Sun and Li Laosi finally felt relieved, because most of the black and blue around the Marquis' wound slowly faded away.

Dr. Sun prepared the surgical knife and catgut, and disinfected it with alcohol. Then he said to Li Laosi, "General Four, when you hear my order soon, you will pull out the dagger as quickly as possible. Don't hesitate." ”

Li Laosi nodded heavily and put his hands on the handle of the knife.

Doctor Sun opened a bottle of the best styptic powder, poured it on the handkerchief, placed it on the tip of the knife in front of his shoulder, then took a deep breath and shouted.

 Li Laosi immediately exerted force and pulled out the dagger instantly.

 Green-black blood spurted out, and soon turned into bright red.

Dr. Sun immediately sprinkled styptic powder on the incision, then covered it with a clean cotton strip and applied hard pressure.

Soon, the blood soaked the cotton strip, and after another piece of blood was pressed against it, it finally stopped.

“Okay, okay! More than half of my life is saved!” Dr. Sun was extremely happy. This was really the biggest test in his career as a doctor.

In case he cannot be rescued, he will be the sinner of the entire Northern Expedition Army, no, the entire Tianwu!

 He quickly threaded the needle and thread, the incision was sutured, and the bleeding became even less.

After applying wound medicine and wrapping a cotton strip, the wound is treated.

Li Laosi's legs went weak and he almost knelt down in front of the bed.

“Doctor Sun, after the Marquis recovers from his injuries, will there be any trouble left?”

Doctor Sun hesitated for a moment and then replied, "Except when the weather changes, the incision will be itchy and painful, and I'm afraid it will become sore even if I lift the knife again, so it won't take much effort.

“But this is the best situation. If the knife goes down or in the middle, it will damage the internal organs. Even if he is revived, the Marquis will be bedridden all year round..."

Li Laosi looked very unhappy. Seeing that the Northern Expedition was about to succeed, why did such an accident happen?

“Doctor Sun, can you wake up the Marquis? The whole army is waiting for the Marquis to make arrangements. Let the Marquis say a few words and then sleep!”

Doctor Sun nodded, this is simple, just **** two silver needles and the Marquis will open his eyes...

 Two updates today~~

 (End of this chapter)