MTL - Dream Evolution-Chapter 830 Wang Ling dies

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There are three sets of hotel suites for the hot-blooded team, one set for Kung Fu masters, and one set for Guliza's strength. шШщm{no *pop*window*small*said*net}.. Wang Ling entered his suite and found Tomoyo sitting on the ground, meditating cross-legged and practicing Qi, Ice Girl Hua Huo was watching cartoons, and Su was watching the King of Fighters through a video recorder In the first few games of the competition, increase the combat experience.

Feeling Wang Ling entering the room, Tomoyo opened his eyes and said, "How many people have you found?"

"Yes, the three members of the butcher team should have been persuaded by me." Wang Ling smiled slightly, "This trouble is solved, and in the future, I can help you complete the job transfer task with peace of mind, kill the three artifacts, and kill the Eight Heroes. , if there is still a strong Dreamer team disrupting the game, that will not work."

He took out the amethyst coffin from the space bag and placed it on the ground. Wang Ling said to Su on the other side, "Please transfer my soul to Zhu Li's body again."

Fifteen minutes later, Wang Ling, who transformed into Spider Li, sighed and said, "Alas... When will your mental power be so strong that you can help me transfer my soul within one minute. 15 minutes. , In a fierce battle, if you want to transfer, it's still too long!"

"One minute... I'm afraid that my spiritual power and the control accuracy of spiritual power lightning can only be achieved ten times." Su Tan spread his hands, "The body of the main body, it seems that you are ready to use it until the last step? "

"Yes, the gods of the kingdom of heaven, the three artifacts, the **** Lukar, and even the serpent that may appear. With the ability to summon divine beasts, this powerful fighting force cannot appear in advance. Only the final battle is the time when he should take action."

"" Wang Ling moved his hands and feet. He smiled and said, "Fortunately, Zhu Li's strength is not bad. You can also wear the battle suit of God."

Tomoyo asked: "What if the three of the butcher team use the escape card to leave this world? This is our first high-level world. Others may be first, second, third, no matter which world, in hand It's very possible to keep the escape card that you got during the promotion."

"Leaving the King of Fighters world, there is no threat to our next plan. But this team is always a scourge. From the use of the escape card to the activation, although it is said to be immediate, there is actually a 30-second buffer time."

Wang Ling said coldly, "Just let them use it. It's too late to return!"

Both sides have decided to kill each other in this operation. Wang Ling knows that every day that the four injured fighters are strong will recover a part of their strength, so the attack that the butcher team is going to launch will definitely be very soon. start.

Sure enough, at exactly 12:00 the next night, Wang Ling received this message: "Within half an hour. Go to St. Juliana Hospital."

Andy and others originally lived in the Tokyo Municipal Hospital. The last time Wang Ling went to launch an attack, the hospital suffered serious damage in the battle of the crowd, so. These people were transferred to another hospital: St. Juliana Hospital for convalescence.

"Hehe, I really got hooked, then Tomoyo and Su. We will act according to the plan."

A quarter of an hour later, Wang Ling brought Guli to check the strength and the two. Arrived outside St. Juliana Hospital, and then picked up..." "New news. According to the prompt to a private house.

The three of the butcher team are in this room. Although the three of them are going to hunt and kill four strong cosmic powers, their expressions are very calm, showing the psychological qualities that strong men should have. Seeing Wang Ling coming, Paul asked coldly, "Ready?"

"Not bad." Wang Ling replied, "You have also found out which fighters are in the hospital now?"

"An hour ago, the black hand went to investigate. Except for the four people, the only fighters in the hospital were Dongzhang and Lianna. Now Liana can't control the blood of madness, so it's nothing to be afraid of. What I worry about is that there may be a those who came to help."

"St. Julianna's Hospital, whether it is from the Kagura family or the Kagura City, is only a 10-minute drive away. The fighters came at full speed, and it didn't even take five minutes." Paul sneered: "I think this is God. Le and others deliberately arranged so that when Andy and others were attacked again, they could immediately go to help."

"It's not easy to solve the battle within five minutes, it will definitely exceed this time..."

Wang Ling frowned slightly and said: "Gulicha's strength and attack together, the three of you are not at ease, afraid of taking action against you, so let them guard the front door and the back door of the hospital respectively to resist the entry of the aid fighters. The four of us entered the hunt. Andy, Terry, Clark, Ralph, as for Dongzhang and Lianna, kill if you can, and give up if you can't."

Finding that Wang Ling was willing to enter alone with the three of them, the black hand showed a slight smile and said, "Okay, then let's do it like this. At 2 o'clock at night, most people will be asleep and lose their alertness." Dream Evolution Chapter 830 Wang Ling blew himself up And die" when we are wary, we sneak in and kill one or two first."

There is still more than an hour left, Wang Ling is sitting cross-legged on one side, and a faint white aura flashes from his body, obviously cultivating spiritual power. With Gulicha's strength and standing behind him, the three members of the butcher team didn't change anything.

The three sat calmly. At 2 o'clock, Paul suddenly stood up, and a scepter with a gemstone on the top appeared in his hand.

When holding this scepter, a whirlwind of airflow that was visible to the naked eye surged up from him, and returned to silence. Paul's aura was obviously different from before, as if a super storm was brewing in his body!

The evil butcher took out the Dong Bailey kitchen knife, and the faint colorful light on the kitchen knife gave the blood-stained black blade a layer of psychedelic colors. The black hand folded his hands together, suddenly opened, and a black flowing shadow appeared on his body.

Shadow Stream, this is his skill. It wraps the body with flowing shadows, which can be transformed into shadows at any time. In the dark night, because of the wrapping of shadows, the visibility is very low. It is a perverted skill that is conducive to sneaking at night.

The three of them were ready, Wang Ling let out a long breath and said, "Then, for the sake of the power of the universe, let's all work hard!"

Leaving here, Guli checked the strength and went straight to the front and rear doors of the hospital. Wang Ling and the three members of the butcher team, using the cover of the night, quietly entered the hospital and went to the eleventh floor where Andy and others were.

At the speed of everyone, they quickly reached the eleventh floor. Black Hand's body was shadowed, and a shadow flowed along the ground. After entering several houses, he retreated out of "Dream Evolution".

The shadow changed into a chéngrén shape again, and the black hand whispered: "It's different from the previous investigation, Andy, Terry, Clark, and Ralph have all been transferred to a ward. But Lianna is not there, and there is only East in that room. Husband."

"Is it transferred to a ward? Wasn't the investigation separated earlier?" Paul frowned slightly, but he also understood that now is not the time to dawdle, and he made the final call: "Let's go in together, the force field rotation is the most difficult to deal with, we Set fire to kill Clark first, then kill Ralph who has nuclear damage!"

Setting the target, Paul pointed the scepter, and a whirlwind swept silently towards the door without making any sound. The door was like a rotten tree that had undergone thousands of years of baptism, turning into a cloud of smoke.

The four broke into it and went straight to Clark who was lying on the bed. Everyone knew that the first wave of sudden attacks was the most effective when the other party did not respond. .

Paul raised his left hand and grabbed it far away, and a disc-shaped electric ball suddenly erupted on Clark's sleeping bed. In this flash of lightning, there is an aura of destruction full of malice. It is exactly the skill of Sharmi in the Divine Race of Heaven: Thundercloud without Moon!

From this move, it can be seen that Paul has mastered the ability of wild lightning in addition to the original breath of the storm.

The Evil Butcher's strongest move, of course, is to extradite the kingdom of death. Originally, he could only be used by the King of Demon Winter Bailey, but now he can use it himself. However, this kind of S-rank big move that needs to be promoted by dream points and used as a trump card skill, it is obviously not suitable to throw it out at the beginning of the battle.

He used another skill, from Diablo, the very famous "Damage Amplification" curse. The skill obtained from the precious scroll drawn from the clearance treasure chest was upgraded to lv10 by him, which can make the opponent in 10 Within seconds, damage received is increased by 100%!

The Butchers are confident that they will drop Clark in seconds through a surprise attack at the beginning. The first is that Clark's serious injury has not recovered, and the second is the curse of deepening damage.

On the body of Black Hand, a large number of shadows gathered, forming a shadow knife more than one meter long, lasing in the direction of Clark. At this time, Wang Ling also burst out with all his strength, folded his hands together, and in the flash of aura, he launched an aura the size of a human head:

Wave Fist!

A Two skills with extremely high damage, and a wave fist, bombard Clark on the bed together. Clark, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly opened his eyes, and an invisible force field condensed around his body, turning it into the most solid force field shield, blocking all attacks.

"Huh? Clark's reaction was so quick?"

Paul was shocked, and when he attacked Wang Ling at the same time, he only sent a wave punch, showing great anger. He was about to scold when he suddenly heard Wang Ling screaming loudly: "What's going on? strength is out of order...No, ah ah ah ah..."

A burst of incomparable shrillness almost alarmed the entire hospital, and even a scream spread far in the night sky, emanating from Wang Ling's mouth. Along with the screams, a dazzling white aura flashed on his body, and then with a "boom", it exploded into pieces of limbs and flesh and blood.

"What, actually died?"

Looking at the fragments of Wang Ling's corpse, which had turned into minced meat and was sprayed with blood everywhere, Paul, the evil butcher, and the black hand could hardly believe what he saw. (To be continued.)

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