MTL - Dream Evolution-Chapter 20 Scene Summoning Card Kung Fu

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Wang Ling stretched out his right hand and slowly rotated the strange card with the Chinese characters "Kung Fu" written in front of him, and held it in his hand.

"You got a precious and rare item: Scene Card: Kung Fu!"

"Scenario cards, including: task cards, summon cards, training cards, reward cards, and game cards."

"The kung fu you get is a summoning card, which can summon the plot characters in this scene to fight for you. Before summoning, you need to open the scene card to enter it and defeat the corresponding characters."

"Every time you open the scene and enter the challenge, you need to pay 1000 currency points."

"In the kung fu scene, there are five plot characters, namely: the stickman Wang Long, the yoga fire Taoxian, the meteor lock Chen Heng, the dart girl Lan Yue, and the great commander Wu Tian."

"When you challenge in the scene, you will not die. Every time you defeat a plot character, you can pay a certain currency point in the mission world to summon the plot character. If the summoned character dies, it will be in the scene card. Reset, the current main quest cannot be summoned again."

"This card is sustainable."

After receiving the instructions from the Dream Badge, Wang Ling couldn't help but be taken aback, this is actually "Kung Fu" on the FC game console!

Of course, this kung fu is not a movie of Stephen Chow, but a fighting game launched by Konami in 1985. What is the origin of fighting games? It's not Street Fighter, nor the King of Fighters, but this game has simple graphics and simple characters, but the settings are rigorous, including the "kung fu" of the prototype of fighting games!

Even in the movie Kung Fu, you can see the shadow of this originator game. It is very obvious that the evil **** of fire cloud, the "Toad Kung Fu" that hits his body as a missile, is the kung fu skill possessed by the great commander Wu Tian in the game. !

Of course, Wang Ling has also played this game. After all, it was one of the games that led the FC era. It became popular all over the world and allowed countless foreign gamers to learn about the originator game of Chinese Kung Fu. But it's been too long, so after seeing the word "Kung Fu" on the card, I didn't react for a while.

After thinking about it now, a piece of simple and clear music immediately appeared in his mind - the theme music of the kung fu game. I am afraid that anyone who has played this game will not forget that music.

"Summoning cards... Then, if I defeat all of them, I will have five more summoned beasts who are not afraid of death every time I carry out the main quest!"

Wang Ling immediately became excited. As a fan of games and novels, he saw the preciousness of this summoning card at a glance!

Although there is a desire in his heart to immediately open the scene card and enter the battle, but he has not added the attribute points obtained from customs clearance, nor has he strengthened his skills, so Wang Ling had to put down the summoning card and prepare to add points. Unexpectedly, when he checked the dream badge, he found that every personal attribute actually increased.

He clearly remembered that when he entered the Mario world, his personal attributes were: "Strength: 8, Dexterity: 9, Stamina: 9, Intelligence: 11." But now, it became: "Strength: 9, Dexterity : 12, Stamina: 10, Intelligence: 11."

In addition to no change in intelligence, strength increased by 1 point, physical strength increased by 1 point, and agility increased by 3 points!

Wang Ling thought about it for a while, and felt that it should be because, in the novice world, he constantly used his head to push bricks and run and jump to develop his physical potential.

In any case, it is a good thing to increase the attribute points. He now has 19 spare attribute points, which can also be added. However, when adding points, he was hesitant. Different attributes represent different development directions. If you add some mistakes in the game, you can use RMB to buy some items for washing. But in reality, if you add mistakes, you will cry without tears in the future. .

"Every item is very important... How should we increase it? Physical strength must be increased, and strength and agility cannot be given up. Do we need to give up intelligence? But intelligence is related to the damage of spells and energy attacks, and it can also increase magic defense. , Iron Head and Iron Legs can only reduce physical damage, which seems to be very important to me too..."

After thinking about it, Wang Ling simply made the decision of "adding each item on average". After adding all 19 attribute points, his body value became:

Strength: 15, Agility: 15, Stamina: 16, Intelligence: 15. Health value: 80; Spirit value: 75.

Such personal attributes have exceeded the standard value of 10 points for each item. On Earth, it should be regarded as the physical quality of a special forces soldier.

After adding attributes, Wang Ling prepared to add points to his skills. His three existing skills are: Speed ​​Run, Iron Head, and Iron Legs, all of which are LV1. At present, all three skills are in an unusable state, because the necessary basic skills have not been learned.

Basic skills can be purchased at the main brain extension in the exclusive room. Wang Ling counted the existing currency points and found that there are currently 14,800 points. (2200 points for pulling the flag four times, 9600 points for clearing customs, and 3000 points for the Black Iron Flash Chest.)

The necessary basic footwork, basic parry, basic endurance, and three skill books can be purchased at the mastermind extension, and a total of 6000 currency points are required.

Wang Ling suddenly thought that maybe other dreamers would sell such skills, which might be cheaper than the ones at the machine, so he prepared to leave the exclusive room and go outside to have a look - anyway, the next mission will come in seven days, and there is still plenty of time. , don't worry.

At the main brain extension, there is a space bag for the dream badge, and the ability to expand the space capacity. One space has to pay 1000 currency points. Wang Ling does not have enough space now, and the space is undoubtedly very important when performing tasks, so paying 2000 points adds two spaces, just to put the unbound Biqizhi. Hearts, and kung fu cards, are also loaded into it.

He saw that the main brain extension also sold clothes and shoes—of course, they were ordinary ones in the real world, not equipment—and looked at his clothes, because he took Princess Peach to swim out of the water, which was equivalent to taking a bath, so he didn’t have anything on his body. Dust, but the school uniform on his body was tattered and terrible, so he spent 1 currency point to buy a whole outfit: underwear, wear-resistant jeans, a simple white T-shirt, cotton socks, and sneakers.

It is very easy to leave the exclusive room, as long as you give an order to the dream badge, and after issuing the request to leave, the next second, Wang Ling appeared in a large square.

"After you leave the exclusive room, you will enter the public area of ​​the dream space. The public area is divided into low-level area, intermediate area, and high-level area. What you enter is the low-level area. When you successfully complete the main task of the C-level difficulty scene, you will Be teleported to the intermediate section; when you successfully complete the main mission of the A-level difficulty scenario, you will be teleported to the advanced section."

"Dreamers are not allowed to enter other areas in principle, but if you pay a certain amount of currency points, high-level dreamers can enter the intermediate area, and intermediate-level dreamers can enter the low-level area.

"The public area consists of the following parts: the access plaza, the free market, the entertainment area, the training hall, and the arena."

After getting a brief introduction, Wang Ling began to look at the surrounding environment. He is in a square, which should be the so-called entry and exit square. The ground is pure white marble, and there are sculptures and fountains in the middle of the square. Some people, appearing or disappearing in the white light, should come from the exclusive room. here, or return.

In this short period of time, there were about fifty or sixty people who appeared or left in the square. There are black people, white people, and yellow people like Wang Ling, most of whom are young adults between the ages of 20 and 40. Like him, only 17 years old, with some juvenile and childish people, there are almost no people.

Seeing the indifference on these people's faces, Wang Ling gave up the idea of ​​holding someone to ask for information. Although he was also curious about the entertainment area, training hall and arena, his primary purpose was to buy basic skill books, so he went in the direction of the free market.

The free market is also a big square, but after stepping into this place, everyone's body is immediately wrapped in a hazy breath, and they can only barely see the skin color and race, and they can't distinguish their facial features at all. Wang Ling understands that this should be the protection of the space for dreamers, to prevent them from being remembered by some people with ulterior motives when selling items.

In the market, there are hundreds of people setting up stalls, and hundreds of people choosing - Wang Ling was a little surprised to see so many people suddenly. He understands that since these people are all in the low-level public area, they should all be low-level dreamers like him. UU reading www. There are so many people here on, and it seems that there are quite a few dreamers in the dream space.

In addition to the stalls, there is also a consignment in the free market. When dreamers return to their exclusive rooms or enter the mission world, they can put the things they want to sell into the consignment. Found that it is possible to sell for a good price. The downside is that Dream Space will deduct 20% of the handling fee, and also pay 100 currency points to purchase consignment vacancies.

Wang Ling went to check the consignment place first, and saw that there were very few consignments, and the prices listed were extremely expensive. After leaving the consignment, he started wandering around the stalls and found that most of the items sold were E- and D-rank equipment.

Most of these are white common equipment, and there are also blue attribute equipment and gray perforated equipment, but not many. Green suits, red elite equipment is even less! The price was unbearable even for Wang Ling, who made a fortune in the novice task! As for purple, dark gold, and seven colors, no one sells them at all.

There are also some skill books, which are also E- and D-level. There are more than 300 stalls, and there is not even a C-level skill book!

Use items to learn skills, and the currency points and skill points consumed when leveling up are doubled. If he hadn't encountered a particularly exciting skill book, Wang Ling would not have bought it. Moreover, the price of the skill book is not cheap, for example, an E-level, from the FC game, the Eagle Claw Technique in the Biography of the Torch, all sell for 5500 currency points! You have to pay an additional 3000 points to use the skill book to get the LV1 "Eagle Claw" skill!

(I don't know if you have played the game "Kung Fu". On Youku, there is "FC Kung Fu Funny Rap", which is very interesting. You can go and see what the five plot characters are like. .)