MTL - Dragon Inside-v5 Chapter 935 Smell the wind

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The old voice echoed from the jade, and when he fell into Luo Yang’s ear, his eyes flashed and his brow wrinkled slightly.

"Hundreds of towers..."

Regarding the Bairun Tower, Luoyang is no stranger to nature. At the beginning of the day, it was because of the appearance of this tower that many eruptions were erupted, which led to many melee, and those of the Western Expedition were also swallowed into the sand during this melee.

At the beginning, Luo Yang had doubts that this hundred barren tower was the bait of the people behind him, so that it was to let the Western monks be fooled. Although it was within the illusion at the moment, but suddenly reopened the tower, it is too coincidental between the two.

"Yes, no, it is now the tens of thousands of pre-sacred palaces. The one hundred towers should not look like that seen on the same day. I am afraid that things are not so simple."

Luo Yang’s mind was moved, and there was a memory of this hundred towers in his mind, which immediately emerged.

According to the memory of mysterious and fearless, this hundred wilderness tower is the most dangerous place in the fairy palace, which is called a Jedi!

Because in this hundred wild towers, there are countless four wild monsters, these monsters are repaired as horror, suppressed in the tower for thousands of years, and even tens of thousands of years, its Human resentment is naturally imaginable.

Therefore, once a monk enters the Bain Pagoda, he is faced with a dangerous situation, and there is always the possibility of corruption!

For this reason, this hunter-gathered tower has always been opened only for those who have made mistakes and are punished. For those disciples who violated the rules of the palace, the most direct way to cleanse their guilt is to step into this tower!

As long as you can get through the top ten floors of this tower, no matter what kind of guilty you commit, you will be written off.

Of course, this is not to say that every time you step into the disciples in the Bains Tower, only those who make mistakes. Even many Tianjiao disciples will choose to step into it, because there are so many amazing achievements in this hundred towers!

As long as you can get through this tower, not only the magic weapon, but even the magical law, it will not be rewarded. There are even rumors that the deepest part of the tower is the one that has left an important magic weapon, and the power is comparable to Xianbao!

Therefore, every time the opening of the Bain Tower is a grand event within the Palace of Immortals, whether it is for disciples who have made mistakes, or for those who are eager to take advantage of it, it is a time that cannot be ignored. opportunity.

"I have almost the same for the sacred rituals. If it is greedy, it will only be counterproductive. As for the magic medicinal herbs in the hunger tower, it is even more nothing. Even if it is obtained, it will not be able to. Bring out the illusion."

After a quick flash of news about the Bain Tower in his mind, Luo Yang shook his head with some disappointment and was not too interested.

If other monks are to know the thoughts in his heart, I am afraid that I will be vomiting blood. In fact, for most monks, even in this illusion, it is just an ordinary discipleship. It is very difficult to get a Taoist method, not to mention those fairy tales, but they are expected. It does not exist.

After all, even if you look at the entire fairy palace, there are several people who can be compared with Luo Yang. It must be said that people are really mad at people.

After thinking about it, Luo Yang was not prepared to pay attention to the news, but suddenly he looked at the movement and thought of the many other monks who stepped into the magical territory.

"If this news is heard, even those monks who are at the peak of the heavens, I am afraid I can't sit still..." Luo Yang's eyes flashed, and his heart slowly thought.

Not exceeding the expectations of Luo Yang, two days later, when the news that the Baiyue Tower was about to open, the whole fairy palace was completely boiled, whether it was the disciples in the fantasy territory or the hundreds of monks from the outside world. All the colors are very excited.

"The Taoist immortality in the Baiyue Tower is more than that of the Enlightenment. If it can be successfully passed, there may not be an opportunity to control the fate!" In the Xuanmai family, Li Lingshan, who is meditating on the knees, suddenly opened the double. The eyes of the United States have passed the fiery color.

Although she gave her own soul to Luo Yang, it was only forced by the situation. It was not that she really surrendered. Once there is an opportunity, she naturally wants to get rid of Luo Yang’s control. Appeared, it just gave her such a chance!

"I thought that the old man's creation was only in the Huangmai family, but he never thought that even the Baiyue Tower would be opened at this moment. This is God's will. As long as you can walk through the ten layers in this hundred towers, you will get the reward of the Taoist Taoism. With the cultivation of the old man, he will be afraid of a small little boy!"

In the courtyard of the Huangmai family, in the courtyard of a disciple in a certain place, an old man wearing a black robe looked up and sneered, revealing a cold face, which is the ancestral ancestor of the spirit.

His cultivation is tough, and among the hundred monks who stepped into the fairy palace, they were considered to be those who woke up earlier. I thought that relying on his strength, in this magical territory can not be small, but did not expect Luoyang to become a mysterious young master, the status is far from ordinary.

For this reason, he had to be careful and give up the original plans, and he had been hiding here, for fear of being perceived by Luo Yang.

At the moment, the opening of this hundred wild towers has allowed him to see a chance to reverse the situation. In his mind, naturally, he will not let go.

At the same time, in the family of the local veins, in a simple Dongfu, a red-haired woman was frowning and her face was unwilling. She was naturally Ni Hong.

"You'd better say it. If you want to get back to the end of the matter, you will blame me for turning ruthlessly, and we will not be able to break the net!" Ni Hong's voice was cold, and some decidedly opened.

Almost at the same time that Ni Hong’s voice fell, there was a squeaky voice, which sounded like a fairy, very moving.

"Little sister, you can rest assured, my sister, I lied to you. You just do as your sister told me to do, my sister will not treat you badly, wait until the end of the matter, let alone the heavens, even if you want to achieve It is not impossible to fake the realm of immortality."

That Jiao laughter fell, Ni Hong is a flash of eyes, his face passed a fiery look...

For a time, within the entire fairy palace, a storm about the Baunda Tower is rapidly brewing, and there are signs of sweeping everyone.

Even Luo Yang, who was not originally planning to participate, was brows slightly brows, his eyes staring at the younger child standing not far away, and his face was somewhat complicated.